You might have probably heard about the most common animal hybrid between a female horse and a male donkey, called a mule, but did you know there are more of these mixed animals? Though this kind of species and breeds crossing does not usually appear in nature, with the intervention of humans, we now have zonkeys, ligers, and Savannah cats. These animals are typically infertile, with some exceptions, such as the coywolf (not to be confused with a coy wolf), a mix of a coyote and a wolf, and can further reproduce.
Though the internet is full of photoshopped images of strange creatures, this list is full of absolutely real and amazing animals. What does the future hold, with advances in genetic engineering and cloning? Only time will tell! Keep reading to find out more about these weird animals.
(h/t: ohmyimaginaryfriend)
Liger ( Male Lion + Female Tiger)
(Image credits: ohmyimaginaryfriend)
Although there are rumors of wild Ligers, as far as we know, they exist only in captivity where they are deliberately bred. They grow to be very large very quickly, and are the biggest cats in the world. Hercules, the largest non-obese liger, is the largest living cat on Earth, weighing over 410 kg (904 lb). (source:
Tigon (Male Tiger + Female Lion)
(Image credits: ohmyimaginaryfriend)
How far can you go? Did you know that Ligers and Tigons also reproduce? We’ll leave it up to you to figure out what their offspring are called! (source:
Zonkey (Zebra + Donkey)
(Image credits:
A variation of the aforementioned zebroid. (source:
Jaglion (Male Jaguar + Female Lion)
(Image credits:
A rare combination. These photos are of Jahzara and Tsunami, born at Ontario, Canada’s, Bear Creek Wildlife Sanctuary. (source:
Geep (Goat + Sheep)
(Image credits: My Petting Zoo)
Another rare animal, as the offspring of goat and sheep pairings are usually stillborn. (source:
Grolar Bear (Polar Bear + Brown Bear)
(Image credits: dpa)
Also called “pizzly bears,” most grolar bears live in zoos, although there have been a few confirmed sightings in the wild. (source: polar_bear_hybrid)
Coywolf (Coyote +Wolf)
(Image credits: Anne Marie Fraser)
Coyotes and eastern wolves only diverged some 150-300,000 years ago, and the two are able to produce offspring. The resulting Coywolves share many behavioral characteristics, and are between the coyote and wolf in size. (source:
Zebroid (Zebra + Any Other Equine)
(Image credits:
Darwin was one of the first to mention the Zebroid, an unruly animal that is hard to tame, and is more aggressive than a horse. (source:
Savannah Cat (Domestic Cat + Serval)
(Image credits:
These beautiful creatures have been described as dog-like, enjoying games of fetch, wagging their tails, and having no fear of water. They are extremely expensive. (source:
Wholphin (Male False Killer Whale + Female Bottlenose Dolphin)
(Image credits: sbingham.seabird)
False killer whales actually come from the same family as dolphins, but despite this, they are extremely rare. Only one wholphin exists in captivity. (source:
Beefalo (Buffalo + Cow)
(Image credits:
Also called “cattalo,” they’ve been around since 1800, and are heartier than cattle and do less ecological damage when grazing. Unfortunately, as a result of the breeding, it’s believed that only four wild buffalo herds exist that aren’t contaminated by cow genes. (source:
Hinny (Female Donkey + Male Horse)
(Image credits: unknown)
Slightly smaller than mules, they’re also much less common. (source:
Narluga (Narwhal + Beluga)
(Image credits: unknown)
Extremely rare, although there has recently been an increase in sighting in the North Atlantic.
Cama (Camel + Llama)
(Image credits: craigwright)
First produced at the Camel Reproduction Centre in Dubai in 1998 via artificial insemination, they were created for their fur and use of pack animals. Only 5 were ever made. (source:
Dzo (Cow + Wild Yak)
(Image credits: tomato umlaut)
Prized in Tibet and Mongolia for their meat and quantity of milk they produce, they are larger and stronger than both cows and yaks. As with the beefalo, however, it’s believed that both animal breeds in the region now have contaminated genes. (source:
Leopon (Male Leopard + Female Lion)
(Image credits: unknown)
These beautiful animals have only ever produced in captivity. (source:
Mulard (Mallard + Muscovy Duck)
(Image credits:
Bred for food, the mulard is unable to produce offspring. (source:
Żubroń (Cow + European Bison)
(Image credits:
Stronger and more resistant to disease, they were initially thought to be a possible replacement for cattle. Now, only a small herd exists in Bialowieski National Park in Poland. (source:Żubron)
The world of animal hybrids is indeed vast and intriguing. One compelling example is the zorse, a hybrid between a zebra and a horse. This naturally aligns with the exploration of unique hybrids, like the zonkey, discussed in the collection of unusual creatures.
If you’re fascinated by these mesmerizing combinations, you might want to dive deeper into how a zebra and horse hybrid showcases the extraordinary features of its parent species.
What I think is people should stop breeding animals that normally would not breed in nature. The babies that turn out well may be sold or exhibited, and those that don't wind up at sanctuaries if there is room, or dig neglected, or dying. There's a reason most of these are "found" only in a captivity.
I know for a fact that some times these couples do happen in nature although rare
Load More Replies...@katieparker not sure why i cant directly reply to your comment but here is a great article. where ligers apparently did actually occur naturally in asia originally. this isnt the only article i have read on this matter but it is a great one non the less. I dont agree with cross breeding species because of all the genetic defects that occur, it really is quite sad. But some species definitely are blind when it comes to mating in the wild and produce beautiful hybrid offspring.
Can you tell me where you got this "fact?" I'd love to read about it. Having worked in the veterinary field, as well as volunteered at a sanctuary for big cats, I can assure you that the interbreeding of lions and tigers, for example, does not happen in the wild. And, what's more, that the offspring of such a match which cannot be sold live horrible lives, if they live at all. Even white tigers are being inbred because of the high demand for them as pets. Several of the tigers where I worked were "rejects" from the trade, with major medical issues. Not white, so...not wanted.
Maybe there forceing two diffrent animals to mate to make hybrid is true then that's mean
I know this comment is four years old now but I still have to give my two cents nevertheless. You claimed that wild hybrids between tigers and lions did not occur, but that is completely incorrect. When Asiatic lions still roamed in much heavier numbers in places in the Middle East and India, they actually would mate naturally with native tigers. There were several documented instances of this happening before the decline of the Asiatic lion's range.
Quit complaining, save being naggy for your husband if you even have one
Honestly I don't remember the specific program name but I remember it in a wild animal program, I'll try looking for it but it was old
Snarky, but no. I'm flattered to think I still sound idealistic to some at my age, though. Thanks!
Ligers are a terrible thing for humans to create. They suffer from gigantism Their body never stops growing and becomes too much for the heart to handle. So although all the animals are cute....they aren't exactly healthy
Not really. You think about the over bread dogs. Like jack russel or any small dog and hunting dogs that suffer a lot. Hybrid mix once and you get the best of two gene pools. Mix a dog with itself enough and your dog breath cannot select good genes anywhere, and are left with being inbred with deceases and issues. Hybrid is not like that at all. But the reason it works is a common forefather and similar working reproduction abilities. Now it meets itself down the line and can take from two lines of gene making and improvements. Cat and dog can breath , two cats can breathe. You have no idea how much was domesticated and cultivated for human purposes way back in time. All your common animals and vegetables has at one point gone thru a change and a cultivation to meet our needs or curiosity. That applies to animals on the great savanna , considered wildlife as well as to our home cat. So many animals disappeared, and we made up new ones , and to take out antelope we made cheetahs.
Jaglion pic is not a jaglion. That is a melanistic jaguar aka Black Panther. And the beefalo picture us a bison. Many of these are real but those two I know for a fact are not. Come on boredpanda. I am dissapointed in these misinformations. You can do better.
Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
Load More Replies...The leopon is actually a lion and jaguar hybrid. Look at it's spots.
The Geep picture is also not of a Geep. That is a pure sheep of the Jacob breed.
WilliamJames, donkeys CAN breed, it's mules that are infertile... Yes, I'm aware I'm responding to a four year old comment...
I looked in the dictionary for beefalo and it was there. So, therefor beefalo are real.
It clearly says at the top of the article that these are real animals and NOT photoshopped!
The photo of the grolar bear is just a dirty polar bear. The hybrid does exist but it exhibits more grizzly-like qualities. Before copying a misinformed reddit post, please check the facts!
Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
Im dissapointed, the author of this post should educate themselves. I see well known actual animals as the Jacobs sheep, a bison, a mule, a black panther and a few cattle and poultry breeds resulting form selective breeding. Plus the tiger lion is obviously photoshopped. If there are indeed any real hybrids they were bred in captivity and none of them are able to produce offsprings, this is a precaution of the mother nature against different species interbreeding. So even the comments under the pictures are pure nonsense.
Although yes, this post is terrible, tiger/ lion combinations are actually possible because they are genetically similar enough to produce and offspring. They are only found in captivity because their natural ranges don't cross. Would these species mate in the wild? Probably not.
Load More Replies...They possibly could breed in the wild if an male/female asiatic lion met with a female/male bengal tiger if a bengal tiger in the Gir Forest where both species live.
sorry, various hybrids can reprduce. usually there is a high sterility, 1 in 4 or higher, but not sterile.
The photo of the grolar bear is actually a dirty polar bear. The hybrid does exist, but the animal exhibits more grizzly-like qualities. Before copying a misinformed reddit post, please check the facts! This is a very flawed post.
Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
the sheep is called a Jacob sheep ... they aint a mix.. they are a breed... >_>
You beat me too it, I just made the same comment lol
Load More Replies...Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
Coywolves are not just bred in captivity - there are many wild ones in the east, from Maine to South Carolina. They are part wolf, part large dog and part coyote and have been around for a while and therefore are spreading. It's true - one was just spotted a few weeks ago at the Savannah River Plant in SC. You can look it up.
but also is the worst fortnite player but the best gay fortnite player
!@#$%^&#@!#$%^&*()(*&()_?":'.;:">Z:{{}"?>::>:" |}{"?:{(*&$#$%t542#$1`!@#$_*&$*+q*>.,/>4%^&*(0
Some of these pics aren't even real, like the geep, jaglion, and grolar bear. For the ones that are real, humans should stop playing god.
Yeah, butttt, will there be anything cuter than a platypus?
i have one question about the wholphin: how? the size difference alone would be enough to kill the pregnant mother.
False killer whales aren't as large as an actual killer whale. In fact false killer whales belong to the same family as dolphins.
Load More Replies...So are killer whales/orcas, they're dolphins. A Pseudorca/false killer whale is roughly 5 metres, and a bottlenose phin is at maximum size roughly 3,8 metres. It's not quite a size difference there. The size of the baby would not be much bigger than a normal bottlenose.
Killer whales also belong to the same family as dolphins, and they are the largest member of that family.
When They Interfere With Nature. Many Of These Hybrid Animals Suffer Because Of Mans Ignorance, Selfishness, Ego and Stupidity. I Can Say Alot More But I'll Stop Here Because This Topic Makes Me Very Angry Because It Goes Deeper Than Just Creating Animal Hybrids.
If It Is A Natural Occurrence Than ok, Allow Nature To Do Its' Thing. But If Its' Done In A Lab By The Hands Of Psychopathic Idiots They Should ALL Be Spending The Rest Of Their Lives In A Jail Cell. Humans Need To Learn There's Heavy Consequences When They Interfere With Nature. Many Of These Hybrid Animals Suffer Because Of Mans Ignorance, Selfishness, Ego and Stupidity. I Can Say Alot More But I'll Stop Here Because This Topic Makes Me Very Angry Because It Goes Deeper Than Just Creating Animal Hybrids.
Some years ago in Lynwood, Ca, my daughter and I was on an early morning walk when we saw a cat run across. This cat had the body of a cat and its paws was of a rabbit. We were totally shocked. We called it a CABBIT, because we knew that it was a crossbree when we saw it. It's not good playing with Gods creatures.
While they're always intersting enough, I don't think we should b creating unnatural hybrids of normal animal species.They're oftentimes, no everytime unhealthy and never look good togther. It's wrong, but I guess science doesn't care about morality.
i think that the animal,s are cool but the people that study them might hurt them>(
Man made fences and trying to control the animal wild life has wore then likely stopped potential other new species in the wild in last several hundred years
It's evolution how do people think different species came about in the first place I do think it Is wrong to put animals of different species together to see what happens but it did happened in the wild with a lot of different ones in stead of going extinct except evolved into different species trough cross breeding
Yes, am searching those for a science project. We learnt that they are forced to breed,and the breed is then very weak than their parents.also in the nature they dont breed ,instead they are always ready fight the other creature
good people since i LOVE polar bears so it was a great idea to put one in here happy-pola...9a855d.jpg
i think makeing animals is bad it takes over populaction and if it keeps up it could get out of hand
If it happens in the world, then so-be-it. Man has no right to inter mingle with these already gorgeous animals if u need more information's, please visit my page. thank u if u want more information, you can visit my web. thanks
I agree with KatieParker. If you want a hybrid, let the animals breed on there own. Also this isn’t really relevant but we are ruining the planet and who knows, making hybrids could make the earth get EVEN WORSE
this isnt healthy although most of them are cool or cute if there in a cage together or somthing i do not like it BUT if its natural STOP
that may be cool but it is not right. if you look in all the pictures they are all in cages
El animal híbrido que más me gusta es el Ligre, pensaba que no existiría pero estuve leyendo sobre él y es impresionante. La gran altura que tiene y la fuerza es algo b*****l. Cuando lo ví por primera vez en no me lo creía, pero veo que hay mas blogs hablando de el y me gusta.
i thinks it cool to have hybrids but it not cool for the animals that half to suffer
These are mistakes humans are doing.............a time will come when these hybrids reactions will create demons which will be a big problem for humanity.
Ya,i dont see any problem with cross breedind animals cos we are living in the world that almost everything is being bred if u noticed, industry,manufaturing,transplantation,trees,cultures and traditions, we will be hypocrytes if we can judge all these.all in all,we shall NEVER impede the natural process of evolution/or revolution in the world,everything is meant to charge with times.Even the Scientist provoke the energies of the universe from the planets for their own benefit.we have a revised vision of the bible...and many eg.that u can think of.even people are being bred so what!!!
Many of these hybrids are NOT healthy! They are also most STERILE! Doesn't that say something?!
A beaver and a duck are water animals, water is the perfect solutions for procreation, we human have to be in water for 9 month, who are we to disproof something, just because, we were not there. Look at the tale of the platypus is of a beaver and the beak of a duck.
Perhaps some of those humans that have made these hybrids are themselves crossed with chimps! Their intellectuelle level is so low and they have a profound lack of Spiritual dignity. These Hybrids do exist unfortunately and it is very sad. Read up on the subject...
How awful to fool around with nature! Shame on those zoos and so called scientists. God made perfect beings, therefore no need of human intervention. This animals look just like monsters! They are not cute!!! What is the matter with you people everything is cute!? Don't you have any other way of expressing yourself>?
That must be what happens in close captivity? It could genetic modification , hope not! Domesticated cats and dogs? Any research on that?
Not only is this a horrible post, it was ripped from imgur and reddit. Come up with your own garbage Lina D.
OK, yes genetically but they look like.... so I mean they are crossbreeds.....
A hinny is not the offspring of a male donkey and female horse. Other way around. That would be a mule. The hinny has a horse as the father and a donkey mother.
I heard from someone that crossbreeding is morally wrong. Well, maybe because it's against nature.
Yeah. Butttt, no matter what, is anything as cute as a platypus
Donkey's aren't sterile. The mule - which is a horse and donkey hybrid - is sterile. I believe the Zonkey's (which I've heard called Zedonks) are also sterile.
Actually Żubroń programme has been stopped since they realized that nearly every individual suffesr cancer Few years ago there were 4 individuals, not sure how many of them are now
Anyone else notice that the Geep looks kind of like the Devil Goat from Goat Simulator?? No? Only me?
the description of the Hinny corresponds to that of the mule. The Hinny would be the offpring of a horse (male) with a female donkey.
That Geep looks more like a Jacobs sheep which naturally have double horns. Another is the Manx Loaghton.
First time I read an article like this in: and this built an interest. I like that Tigon a lot. This a wise step to save few species from extinction.
why, why...., we have so many beautiful need for transgenders and other genetic manipulations....
I never believe in evolution, but, I always new that mixtures is the way of producing new species, just because, we were not there to see it, do not mean that it did not happen, as long is a male and a female, things can happen. For me the platypus has been a perfect example, they look part duck and beaver, both live in water. I even told this to a famous scientist and his students, they told me that never can happen, they gave me the example of the horse and the donkey, which is the Yegua, it do not reproduce, just because of this mixture, they could not admit it is possible. I am so happy, to see how much is in front of my eyes and proofed that I was right. I do not need to be a scientific to comprehend life and his formation.
Platypus are not a mixture of different kinds of animals, but a specie a category of their own. For heaven's sake, there is no way that it's part duck and beaver! It is a mammal, that lays eggs, yes it does (only females do though). It is a very rare left over of the Cretaceous period.
They do not look good. Anything done against the nature's creation appears bad.
How do you think majority of these hybrids were created? Maybe they are not very common but they exist in the nature.
What I think is people should stop breeding animals that normally would not breed in nature. The babies that turn out well may be sold or exhibited, and those that don't wind up at sanctuaries if there is room, or dig neglected, or dying. There's a reason most of these are "found" only in a captivity.
I know for a fact that some times these couples do happen in nature although rare
Load More Replies...@katieparker not sure why i cant directly reply to your comment but here is a great article. where ligers apparently did actually occur naturally in asia originally. this isnt the only article i have read on this matter but it is a great one non the less. I dont agree with cross breeding species because of all the genetic defects that occur, it really is quite sad. But some species definitely are blind when it comes to mating in the wild and produce beautiful hybrid offspring.
Can you tell me where you got this "fact?" I'd love to read about it. Having worked in the veterinary field, as well as volunteered at a sanctuary for big cats, I can assure you that the interbreeding of lions and tigers, for example, does not happen in the wild. And, what's more, that the offspring of such a match which cannot be sold live horrible lives, if they live at all. Even white tigers are being inbred because of the high demand for them as pets. Several of the tigers where I worked were "rejects" from the trade, with major medical issues. Not white, so...not wanted.
Maybe there forceing two diffrent animals to mate to make hybrid is true then that's mean
I know this comment is four years old now but I still have to give my two cents nevertheless. You claimed that wild hybrids between tigers and lions did not occur, but that is completely incorrect. When Asiatic lions still roamed in much heavier numbers in places in the Middle East and India, they actually would mate naturally with native tigers. There were several documented instances of this happening before the decline of the Asiatic lion's range.
Quit complaining, save being naggy for your husband if you even have one
Honestly I don't remember the specific program name but I remember it in a wild animal program, I'll try looking for it but it was old
Snarky, but no. I'm flattered to think I still sound idealistic to some at my age, though. Thanks!
Ligers are a terrible thing for humans to create. They suffer from gigantism Their body never stops growing and becomes too much for the heart to handle. So although all the animals are cute....they aren't exactly healthy
Not really. You think about the over bread dogs. Like jack russel or any small dog and hunting dogs that suffer a lot. Hybrid mix once and you get the best of two gene pools. Mix a dog with itself enough and your dog breath cannot select good genes anywhere, and are left with being inbred with deceases and issues. Hybrid is not like that at all. But the reason it works is a common forefather and similar working reproduction abilities. Now it meets itself down the line and can take from two lines of gene making and improvements. Cat and dog can breath , two cats can breathe. You have no idea how much was domesticated and cultivated for human purposes way back in time. All your common animals and vegetables has at one point gone thru a change and a cultivation to meet our needs or curiosity. That applies to animals on the great savanna , considered wildlife as well as to our home cat. So many animals disappeared, and we made up new ones , and to take out antelope we made cheetahs.
Jaglion pic is not a jaglion. That is a melanistic jaguar aka Black Panther. And the beefalo picture us a bison. Many of these are real but those two I know for a fact are not. Come on boredpanda. I am dissapointed in these misinformations. You can do better.
Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
Load More Replies...The leopon is actually a lion and jaguar hybrid. Look at it's spots.
The Geep picture is also not of a Geep. That is a pure sheep of the Jacob breed.
WilliamJames, donkeys CAN breed, it's mules that are infertile... Yes, I'm aware I'm responding to a four year old comment...
I looked in the dictionary for beefalo and it was there. So, therefor beefalo are real.
It clearly says at the top of the article that these are real animals and NOT photoshopped!
The photo of the grolar bear is just a dirty polar bear. The hybrid does exist but it exhibits more grizzly-like qualities. Before copying a misinformed reddit post, please check the facts!
Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
Im dissapointed, the author of this post should educate themselves. I see well known actual animals as the Jacobs sheep, a bison, a mule, a black panther and a few cattle and poultry breeds resulting form selective breeding. Plus the tiger lion is obviously photoshopped. If there are indeed any real hybrids they were bred in captivity and none of them are able to produce offsprings, this is a precaution of the mother nature against different species interbreeding. So even the comments under the pictures are pure nonsense.
Although yes, this post is terrible, tiger/ lion combinations are actually possible because they are genetically similar enough to produce and offspring. They are only found in captivity because their natural ranges don't cross. Would these species mate in the wild? Probably not.
Load More Replies...They possibly could breed in the wild if an male/female asiatic lion met with a female/male bengal tiger if a bengal tiger in the Gir Forest where both species live.
sorry, various hybrids can reprduce. usually there is a high sterility, 1 in 4 or higher, but not sterile.
The photo of the grolar bear is actually a dirty polar bear. The hybrid does exist, but the animal exhibits more grizzly-like qualities. Before copying a misinformed reddit post, please check the facts! This is a very flawed post.
Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
the sheep is called a Jacob sheep ... they aint a mix.. they are a breed... >_>
You beat me too it, I just made the same comment lol
Load More Replies...Thank you for correcting us. We've updated the article. Let us know if you find anything else!
Coywolves are not just bred in captivity - there are many wild ones in the east, from Maine to South Carolina. They are part wolf, part large dog and part coyote and have been around for a while and therefore are spreading. It's true - one was just spotted a few weeks ago at the Savannah River Plant in SC. You can look it up.
but also is the worst fortnite player but the best gay fortnite player
!@#$%^&#@!#$%^&*()(*&()_?":'.;:">Z:{{}"?>::>:" |}{"?:{(*&$#$%t542#$1`!@#$_*&$*+q*>.,/>4%^&*(0
Some of these pics aren't even real, like the geep, jaglion, and grolar bear. For the ones that are real, humans should stop playing god.
Yeah, butttt, will there be anything cuter than a platypus?
i have one question about the wholphin: how? the size difference alone would be enough to kill the pregnant mother.
False killer whales aren't as large as an actual killer whale. In fact false killer whales belong to the same family as dolphins.
Load More Replies...So are killer whales/orcas, they're dolphins. A Pseudorca/false killer whale is roughly 5 metres, and a bottlenose phin is at maximum size roughly 3,8 metres. It's not quite a size difference there. The size of the baby would not be much bigger than a normal bottlenose.
Killer whales also belong to the same family as dolphins, and they are the largest member of that family.
When They Interfere With Nature. Many Of These Hybrid Animals Suffer Because Of Mans Ignorance, Selfishness, Ego and Stupidity. I Can Say Alot More But I'll Stop Here Because This Topic Makes Me Very Angry Because It Goes Deeper Than Just Creating Animal Hybrids.
If It Is A Natural Occurrence Than ok, Allow Nature To Do Its' Thing. But If Its' Done In A Lab By The Hands Of Psychopathic Idiots They Should ALL Be Spending The Rest Of Their Lives In A Jail Cell. Humans Need To Learn There's Heavy Consequences When They Interfere With Nature. Many Of These Hybrid Animals Suffer Because Of Mans Ignorance, Selfishness, Ego and Stupidity. I Can Say Alot More But I'll Stop Here Because This Topic Makes Me Very Angry Because It Goes Deeper Than Just Creating Animal Hybrids.
Some years ago in Lynwood, Ca, my daughter and I was on an early morning walk when we saw a cat run across. This cat had the body of a cat and its paws was of a rabbit. We were totally shocked. We called it a CABBIT, because we knew that it was a crossbree when we saw it. It's not good playing with Gods creatures.
While they're always intersting enough, I don't think we should b creating unnatural hybrids of normal animal species.They're oftentimes, no everytime unhealthy and never look good togther. It's wrong, but I guess science doesn't care about morality.
i think that the animal,s are cool but the people that study them might hurt them>(
Man made fences and trying to control the animal wild life has wore then likely stopped potential other new species in the wild in last several hundred years
It's evolution how do people think different species came about in the first place I do think it Is wrong to put animals of different species together to see what happens but it did happened in the wild with a lot of different ones in stead of going extinct except evolved into different species trough cross breeding
Yes, am searching those for a science project. We learnt that they are forced to breed,and the breed is then very weak than their parents.also in the nature they dont breed ,instead they are always ready fight the other creature
good people since i LOVE polar bears so it was a great idea to put one in here happy-pola...9a855d.jpg
i think makeing animals is bad it takes over populaction and if it keeps up it could get out of hand
If it happens in the world, then so-be-it. Man has no right to inter mingle with these already gorgeous animals if u need more information's, please visit my page. thank u if u want more information, you can visit my web. thanks
I agree with KatieParker. If you want a hybrid, let the animals breed on there own. Also this isn’t really relevant but we are ruining the planet and who knows, making hybrids could make the earth get EVEN WORSE
this isnt healthy although most of them are cool or cute if there in a cage together or somthing i do not like it BUT if its natural STOP
that may be cool but it is not right. if you look in all the pictures they are all in cages
El animal híbrido que más me gusta es el Ligre, pensaba que no existiría pero estuve leyendo sobre él y es impresionante. La gran altura que tiene y la fuerza es algo b*****l. Cuando lo ví por primera vez en no me lo creía, pero veo que hay mas blogs hablando de el y me gusta.
i thinks it cool to have hybrids but it not cool for the animals that half to suffer
These are mistakes humans are doing.............a time will come when these hybrids reactions will create demons which will be a big problem for humanity.
Ya,i dont see any problem with cross breedind animals cos we are living in the world that almost everything is being bred if u noticed, industry,manufaturing,transplantation,trees,cultures and traditions, we will be hypocrytes if we can judge all these.all in all,we shall NEVER impede the natural process of evolution/or revolution in the world,everything is meant to charge with times.Even the Scientist provoke the energies of the universe from the planets for their own benefit.we have a revised vision of the bible...and many eg.that u can think of.even people are being bred so what!!!
Many of these hybrids are NOT healthy! They are also most STERILE! Doesn't that say something?!
A beaver and a duck are water animals, water is the perfect solutions for procreation, we human have to be in water for 9 month, who are we to disproof something, just because, we were not there. Look at the tale of the platypus is of a beaver and the beak of a duck.
Perhaps some of those humans that have made these hybrids are themselves crossed with chimps! Their intellectuelle level is so low and they have a profound lack of Spiritual dignity. These Hybrids do exist unfortunately and it is very sad. Read up on the subject...
How awful to fool around with nature! Shame on those zoos and so called scientists. God made perfect beings, therefore no need of human intervention. This animals look just like monsters! They are not cute!!! What is the matter with you people everything is cute!? Don't you have any other way of expressing yourself>?
That must be what happens in close captivity? It could genetic modification , hope not! Domesticated cats and dogs? Any research on that?
Not only is this a horrible post, it was ripped from imgur and reddit. Come up with your own garbage Lina D.
OK, yes genetically but they look like.... so I mean they are crossbreeds.....
A hinny is not the offspring of a male donkey and female horse. Other way around. That would be a mule. The hinny has a horse as the father and a donkey mother.
I heard from someone that crossbreeding is morally wrong. Well, maybe because it's against nature.
Yeah. Butttt, no matter what, is anything as cute as a platypus
Donkey's aren't sterile. The mule - which is a horse and donkey hybrid - is sterile. I believe the Zonkey's (which I've heard called Zedonks) are also sterile.
Actually Żubroń programme has been stopped since they realized that nearly every individual suffesr cancer Few years ago there were 4 individuals, not sure how many of them are now
Anyone else notice that the Geep looks kind of like the Devil Goat from Goat Simulator?? No? Only me?
the description of the Hinny corresponds to that of the mule. The Hinny would be the offpring of a horse (male) with a female donkey.
That Geep looks more like a Jacobs sheep which naturally have double horns. Another is the Manx Loaghton.
First time I read an article like this in: and this built an interest. I like that Tigon a lot. This a wise step to save few species from extinction.
why, why...., we have so many beautiful need for transgenders and other genetic manipulations....
I never believe in evolution, but, I always new that mixtures is the way of producing new species, just because, we were not there to see it, do not mean that it did not happen, as long is a male and a female, things can happen. For me the platypus has been a perfect example, they look part duck and beaver, both live in water. I even told this to a famous scientist and his students, they told me that never can happen, they gave me the example of the horse and the donkey, which is the Yegua, it do not reproduce, just because of this mixture, they could not admit it is possible. I am so happy, to see how much is in front of my eyes and proofed that I was right. I do not need to be a scientific to comprehend life and his formation.
Platypus are not a mixture of different kinds of animals, but a specie a category of their own. For heaven's sake, there is no way that it's part duck and beaver! It is a mammal, that lays eggs, yes it does (only females do though). It is a very rare left over of the Cretaceous period.
They do not look good. Anything done against the nature's creation appears bad.
How do you think majority of these hybrids were created? Maybe they are not very common but they exist in the nature.