This Instagram Account Is Sharing Pics Of Wild, Epic Or Bizarre Houses And The Objects Inside Them (50 New Pics)
InterviewWhat does your house say about you? It might tell the world that you’re extremely neat and tidy. It might say how artistic you are, if you’ve given the home a creative paint job and quirky decorations. Your home can tell visitors that you wish you lived in a different decade, or it can be a representation of your unconditional love of cats. Whatever story your home writes about you, you should be proud of it! Your humble abode is yours, and I’m sure the world would be happy to see it. Especially if you you’ve thought outside of the box in terms of design and décor.
Below, we’ve gathered some of the wildest and most fascinating pics from the What the Crazy House Instagram account, so you pandas can get some inspiration for your own homes! (Or just marvel at how brave these other homeowners are…) Be sure to upvote the pictures that captivate or confuse you, and then let us know in the comments below if you’d be willing to move into any of these wild homes.
Keep reading to also find a conversation we were lucky enough to have with the creator of What the Crazy House, Robyn, and then if you’re interested in checking out even more of these quirky homes, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring the same Instagram account right here!
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Super Cool Tree House House!
To learn more about What the Crazy House, we reached out to the creator of the account, Robyn, a married mother of two who lives in Ohio. She actually spoke to Bored Panda about 4 months ago, the last time we covered What the Crazy House, and explained that the account was created on a whim back in February of 2019. Robyn noted that she’s always loved looking at houses, and clearly, she’s not the only one. Her page has been gaining more traction over time, and it’s already reached over 18k followers.
Robyn was kind enough to have another chat with us and give a little update on how the account has been going. “I get new followers every day, and it’s just wild,” she told Bored Panda. “I’m so proud to have done this organically with just people deciding to follow.”
Please Enjoy This Cabin In The Ca Woods With It's Separate Bath House - All Tiled To Perfection
Well I Wasn’t Expecting That Kitchen And Bedroom Inside
We were also curious if Robyn has any particularly wild elements in her own home or if running this page has inspired her to be a bit more liberal with her design. “My home is very colorful,” she shared. “I don’t shy away from color. My front room is literally turquoise with a white couch and purple pillows. I love to be surrounded by blues and yellows and greens. It makes me happy.”
But she noted that she’s not quite as bold as many of the homeowners whose houses get featured on her page. “I think I’m too scared to do anything too wild,” she admitted. “I just posted a house that had green walls and the trim work was black and white checked– I don’t think I’m that brave,” she added with a laugh. “In a way, I admire people like that– quirky and funky.”
Yes I’m aware the house is unfinished with the electrical sockets hanging out of the wall. And maybe a railing is going up but the angle of these was weird enough to post
Only Cool If The Stairs Act Like Giant Piano Keys And Play A Song
Worlds Skinniest House. 3-5 Feet Across
When it comes to what a person’s home says about them, Robyn told Bored Panda, “I think your home should express you for sure. I’m glad some people have the guts to go all out and really make their space theirs.”
“My home (I hope!) is welcoming and ready to relax in. I have two young kids, so toys have taken over,” she shared with a laugh.
We were also curious if Robyn has a favorite home she’s ever shared on the page, or if she can recall any that she would actually be willing to move into. “Oh, this is a great question! I don’t know if I have a favorite. I do have some I would live in, but mostly they are too wild for me.”
Funky Fresh And Rainbow
Easter Island Vibes
I’ve Never Seen So Many Damn Cabinets In A Bathroom Before
And as for the future of What the Crazy House, Robyn shared that her “plans are to keep growing and keep posting stuff to make people laugh”. “That’s always my goal. To be a little bright spot in people’s day while they scroll.”
And if you too are a connoisseur of creative homes, Robyn would love to see what you find along the way. “Thanks for being here and supporting me! I love to share with people and chat with them, so send me all the things you find!”
I Found The Full House With The Wacky Escher Stairs!!! It’s Quite Something
When Her And Him Need A Compromise On Decor
#deathtrapstairs Bc They Make Me Dizzy
If this list is starting to make you wonder whether or not your home deserves to be featured on What the Crazy House, don’t worry. A unique home that shows your personality is something to be proud of! There’s nothing wrong with having a more muted style, but it’s also great to know that your home could never be mixed up with anyone else’s. And if you’re looking for new ways to display your personality in your home, we’ve got some tips for you from RealEstate.com Australia.
First, don’t be scared to showcase your favorite theme. Whether you love mid century modern, the 1980s or you’re inspired by the Star Wars franchise, you can let that shine in your humble abode. And if you have no clue where to start, don’t underestimate how helpful Pinterest can be. “I renovated my home around a year ago and I can’t even tell you how many Pinterest boards I had,” content director for Snooze, Danielle Frazzetto, told RealEstate.com. “I had one for each room – the bedrooms, the laundry, everything! Through that process [of compiling images you like], you start to see where things align and which patterns emerge.”
Getting Wild In The Sunroom
#deathtrapstairs Witch Edition
Someone is going to point out that these are designed for spaces requiring shorter staircases. However, if someone with any coordination issues - temporary or permanent - were to use these, they will be meeting with a doctor, because these are so easy to fall on.
Playing with colors is also a great way to spice up your home. Favorite colors aren’t just for kids; we all have preferences! “[Take inspiration from] something you really like; it could be a piece of clothing or an image, a photograph — anything,” stylist for Snooze, Mae Abas, recommends. “We were lucky enough to go to Tasmania recently, and the natural color palette there really inspired me. I realized I like bringing the outside in. Not so much the greenery, more the neutral tones and textures.” If you’re inspired by nature too, it doesn’t have to simply be neutral colors. Haven’t you ever seen a vibrant sunset or bright yellow flower? If those things bring you joy, their colors can be incorporated into your home.
I’m Scared Of Every Single Square Inch Timmy…. Every One
I’m Imagining Inside Of A Subwoofer
Oh It’s So Pretty! Ok… Wait … Are Those Catacombs?!
Texture is another element we shouldn’t be overlooking when decorating our homes. “Textures add warmth to your space and can also add airiness,” Mae explains. “Sheer fabrics that bring light through your window, like linen, go well with Scandi or coastal style homes. Luxury styles call for velvet or richer fabrics in bolder colors. Meanwhile, in winter, chunky knits serve the popular Nordic theme.” Even your artwork on the walls can feature a variety of textures, with collages, paintings, sculptures, fur, leather and more. Don’t be scared to experiment!
It’s A Rainbow And My Eyes Are Burning
I’m Getting Under The Sea But Make It As An Acid Trip
Most Important Seat In The House
Is that a faucet over the toilet or a beer tap?
Don’t forget to consider the lines and shapes that your furniture creates as well. “I like my furniture like I like my clothing: very minimalist and structured,” Danielle says. “I don’t have a lot of rounded shapes in my home, instead I have a lot of straight lines and rectangular shapes.” You don’t have to simply stick to one theme, but keep in mind what you prefer and what will look best with what you already have. If all of your furniture has sharp edges, you might want to mix it up with a round rug or a round mirror on the wall.
The Main House Is A Little Wacky But Mostly Ok - It’s The Guest House That Went Wild
This is someone's dream come true. Makes me imagine the creative freedom I would feel if I owned land and could make a house into whatever I imagined, without thoughts of "don't hurt the resale value" or "it's not only YOUR space" etc.
It Seems So Unnecessary
Found This Shower Today And Dayum It’s Something
And perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is adding personal touches through your décor. Photos from your travels, paintings you or your children created, tokens you’ve stumbled upon at flea markets or inherited from your grandmother, you can display it all. “I find a balance between sentimental pieces, and new décor work for me,” Danielle adds. “It’s a nice way to show off things that mean something you, and is also a great conversation starter when you have people over.” Plus, all of those personal touches might just earn you a spot on the What the Crazy House Instagram feed… (If that’s something you’re interested in.)
Sweet Uterus Dreams
It’s The Little Tile Wave By The Tp For Me
Well This House Certainly Catfished Me Bc I Was Not Expecting This Interior
Are you feeling inspired to spice up your own home? Or are you feeling especially grateful to live in a normal, mundane house that feels cozy to you? Whether you’d ever live in these crazy houses or not, keep upvoting the pictures that you find most shocking or inviting. Let us know in the comments what the wildest house you’ve ever encountered was, and then if you still haven’t checked out Bored Panda’s previous article featuring What the Crazy House, you can find it right here!
The Yard Is So Bizarre. It Includes A Ski Lift, A Mini Town And A Pool Surrounded By Roman Columns. Oh And One Hell Of A Sundial
But It Seemed So Wholesome Downstairs
Pure Chaos
Some #grandmaglam For Your Sunday Eve
Why Is This Bed So Big?!
When Your Bar Is Ready For Your Shenanagans
I Feel Like My Elbows Are Destroyed From These Scrappy Rocks Looking At This
For some reason, the most offensive aspect of this is the Electric range top. Not that I've got anything against electric, but, if your stove is the centerpiece of a foundry hearth, make some actual fire somewhere.
Bears And Fairies And Dinosaurs And Bridges And One Super Mirrored #laserpointerbathroom
Perfect For Halloween Decapitations
Please Knock First
There Is Just Like- A Lot Of Stuff In Here. And In The Bathrooms
I Don’t Understand One Thing In This House
Is This…. Sharpie?!
Nestled In The Mountains Of Va This House Is Confusing Me With Its Open Floor Plan, Fireworks Sign And Bathrooms That Pop Up Out Of Nowhere
Why Is The Tub At That Dumb Angle?!
Duh. You need a sitting area of course. Who needs symmetry and doors that open?!
I Have Questions Here
I Am Baffled By This House. The Wavy Wood Has Me Super Confused. As Does The Last Picture… Also #deathtraptub
Dhar man latest episode: Drunk builder builds house for client, immediately regrets it-
How…. Tropical??
I feel like this belongs in a badly decorated pediatrician's office. Brings back memories of badly proportioned zebras staring at me judgementally while toucans and bald eagles share the skies.
One Hell Of A #colda**shower
I Think My Favorite Part Is The Elaborate Spiral Staircase To The Lounge Area Above The Glass Block Palace
A Custom Epoxy Floor That You Can’t Even Walk On
Found Us A Wicked #deathtraptub
No one wants open plan bathrooms, they need doors, why is this confusing?
No one wants open plan bathrooms, they need doors, why is this confusing?