It's a cliché, but it's true. Men just don't understand women. For example, a study published in the journal PLOS ONE showed that men had twice as much trouble deciphering women's emotions from images of their eyes compared to those of men. (In addition, their brains showed different activation when looking at men versus women's eyes.)
So when Reddit user UnawareMother2 made a post on the platform, asking, "What's the biggest hint you've ever missed from a woman?" there was no shortage of cringey, funny, and even sad answers. Here are some of the most memorable ones.
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In highschool I asked a girl to come watch a movie rental with me and some friends. She was sitting on the floor in front of me, and rubbed her neck saying that her neck/shoulders were sore. Completely missing the cue to offer a back massage, I got up and offered her a Tylenol. My buddies ribbed me for that for a long time. Somehow with my terrible game I still managed to marry her and we have 3 kids now.
Watching TV in my living room at roughly 2 a.m., in the dark.
Her: *applying strawberry lip gloss*
Me: Why are you putting on lip gloss?
Her: Strawberry lip gloss tastes so nice.
Me: Haha, you're weird.
Her: Want to taste?
Me: Nah, I already know what it tastes like.
Commence several years of late-night self-loathing and regret.
While in high school I was at a gig with a bunch of people from my year and had been standing next to this girl the whole night chatting.
Another guy asked us if we were together and she replied 'not yet' and I laughed and replied 'good one' while she looked at me weirdly.
I had such a crush on her as well.
So my boyfriend is so bad at flirting, we have known each other for 15 years and we were always just friends. We always had secret crushes on each other but we’re always dating other people.
About 6 years ago after we had both been single a while, I had invited him over to go in the hot tub with me. Legit had candels lit and everything, not a move was made. Even after we got out I was sitting with him on the couch I put my head in his lap, he legit went nonverbal.
The next week was new years and when the ball dropped I kissed him and all he could say was ‘you are interested in being more than friends?!’ Lol DUH
That was 5 years ago, now we are getting married next year :)
Sometime back in the early 2000's
Having dinner with some colleagues..
She: Hey r/madasaturtle , Ive never been with a Dutch Guy.......
What I should have said:
"Well, lets do something about that tonight."
What I said instead :
"Me neither "🤦♀️
I had a girl literally just explicitly say she liked me and wanted to date and I assumed she was joking. She was not.
"Hey, wanted to ask if you are free this weekend?. We can make some pasta and tiramisu together. I'll bring the ingredients".
"Thanks for the offer, I plan on sleeping all day this weekend" 🤦♂️
She was an exchange student from Italy.
i just cannot get past the stock photo. he's holding the knife UPSIDE DOWN and using it to cut in a NONSTICK PAN
I had a girl in university ask if I was single. When I said yes, she asked if I wanted or was looking for a girlfriend and I said yeah I suppose so, and she came back with, 'Yeah, being single is tough, would be nice to just have someone to go on dates with.' I, in all my glory and skills with the ladies, came back with 'yup, sure would be!' And walked into class before her.
This guy obviously wasn't into her, so why would he ask her out on a date?
I was snapchatting a girl from my high school when there was a pause in her response, then she sent me a post shower selfie with her arm just barely covering her tits with the caption “come play zombies” and my dumb**s goes: “Do you have xbox live?” “No” “Then how will we play?” “Idk” Her shirt was back on after that. It’s been 10 years and i’m still kicking myself.
My brother was once driving a girl home when she said she thought he had a flat tire. She insisted they pull over and check. She directed him onto a narrow road surrounded by trees. He got out, checked it out and said it was fine. He was about to put the car in gear when she said "as long as we're here, let's just hang out a bit." **He asked what she wanted to do. She said "I'm sure you'll think of something" and put her hand on his stomach. He chuckled and said "that tickles"...before removing her hand and adding "come over to my house, you can check out my Xbox!"** Then he put the car in gear and drove home. Anyway, he finally figured it out that same night, when he told me she was "acting funny" and I clued him in. The next day he found her, first thing in the morning, and said "let me give you a ride home, I thought of something for us to do." Not the smoothest line, but it got the job done.
Why are all these men expected to assume that any physical touch is sexual? We're not all on heat.
Went on a short road trip with a girl from work. When booking hotels for the stay, she said "Let's book a single room with separate beds; it'll save us money". I thought that was a good idea and went ahead. That evening when we went to bed, I was showing her a YouTube video on my phone and she went "Make yourself comfy! Why are you sitting on the edge of the bed?", and raised the comforter - indicating that I ought to slide in next to her in her bed (which I did). When we were chit chatting, I reached out for a bottle of water that was on a table across from her and accidentally brushed her bra strap with my elbow. I apologized and took a gulp of water. She asked "Is my bra in the way?". I said "Nah, I managed to get the bottle, don't worry about it!". One day after the road trip ended, it hit me. And yes, I know I'm an absolute dumb**s.
Red flags from the get-go. For the sake of professionalism and simple I propriety—-and the fact that Accounting will be seeing a hotel bill for only ONE room, ffs—-never ever EVER think that sharing a room with an opposite sex coworker is a good idea. It’s a good way to get hit with a sexual harassment or misconduct accusation, or lawsuit, which could cost one or both of you your jobs and careers. THINK, FFS!
In high school, I caught a wickedly beautiful classmate sitting at my desk. When she looked up and saw me, she turned bright red and looked extremely embarrassed. Hours later, I realized that someone had written a love note directly on the cover of my notebook. . . And all I thought was “huh, that’s weird”.
To this day, I think of how stupid I was at 16
A girl I had a crush on sat on my lap because she had white shorts on and didn't want grass stains. She then sighed and said she wished someone would ask her to prom. I assured her that someone would. And it never occurred to me that I had a shot. Years later she punched me for being so oblivious.
We were seeing a movie together and she said she was cold. I said "yeah it's pretty chilly" and did nothing. Later she said it again, pretty obvious what she wanted. I proceeded to give her my jacket to put around her.
I'm a practical man.
My first weekend of college a girl asked me if I wanted to wrestle her in my dorm. I wrestled her in my dorm. Nothing more.
Hm. Doesnt have to be a missed hint. I loved to wrestle guys (and girls) when I was younger. Not with hidden intentions, just fooling around. Admittedly, I am now married with one of the guys I wrestled.
A year after high school, a girl I'd been crushing on for over a year and knew through mutual friends invited me over her (parents') place Smallville?...and at one point said her a*s was kinda sore and needed a massage. Proceeded to roll over in her skimpy volleyball shorts and look at me. I nervously gave her like the most clinical and non-sexy butt massage you could imagine. I was nervous and didn't want to seem desperate because this girl was out of this world gorgeous and I just felt very average. She just felt way out of my league and I always thought we were "just friends." To make things worse, that same night, a little later, this one girl from work who had a crush on me called me and I was awkwardly chatting with her trying to end the convo, and girl I was crushing on came in and jumped on my lap and started smiling, laughing, and grinding, knowing it'd make it more awkward for me. Just thought she was being playfully annoying and didn't imagine she might actually like me. Watched Smallville and went home.
A year before this, she asked me to her prom (she went to a different school). And a year or two AFTER all this, she was visiting me and my sister (she was a mutual friend to us both) after we moved to a different state. She stayed over at my place and one evening said that she always had the biggest crush on me and doesn't know why I never reciprocated her advances. She then got up, looked over at me, and walked into her bedroom. I just...assumed she was tired and going to bed. I missed every single opportunity that could ever opportune on God's green earth.
It must suck being a guy sometimes. Even during the obvious, u can b so oblivious. But, HEY! Girls do that too sometimes. Not always about the same exact stuff in the same ways, but we do
Drove every week from Pennsylvania to Chicago to see a girl I had a crush on. Still lived with her parents, so I never stayed the night.
She always was flirty, but 'then-me' was oblivious. When I stayed later than usual one night, and I yawned, she said, 'You should just stay the night and we can get a hotel room.'
I said, 'Nah, I'm good to drive, I'll make it.' She said, 'No, don't be silly. We can hang out tonight.
I was in the middle of Ohio when I realized what she meant.
This was back in high school. I was super shy. I had been crushing hard on this girl since freshman year and everybody knew it. She had thrown hints at me forever and I never acted. I was insanely good at math.
So one day as I'm coming out of class she stops me and says that she heard that I'm some kind of math genius and asked me to tutor her. I asked her what she's going to pay me. She says very suggestively "oh don't worry, you'll be well rewarded".
My stupid a*s responds, no I need actual numbers to know if it's worth my time smh. I was so dumb lol.
Back when I was a teenager…
I was with a girl, in her bedroom, alone late at night. She was lying on the bed looking at me, telling me how handsome I was and how much she liked my eyes.
I said thank you, and that it was late, and that I should get going. To this day I cannot explain my actions because this girl was absolutely gorgeous and I had crushed on her for years. She was my friends younger sister. I think my brain just short-circuited and refused to believe that she was telling me the truth, and I was so nervous that I had no idea what to do. It hurts to think about.
A girl legitimately said to me "take me home" as we parted ways.
I thought she was joking.
Judging by the fact we had just finished kissing eachother (passionately) only a few minutes beforehand I think it's safe to say she wasn't.
Met 2 girls at the club and we hit it off. After like 30min one of em says “wanna come with us to the car? We need to change?” What I said?! “Nah you guys look good.”
Didn’t know anything was amiss until like 3mo later. I shot upright outta bed and realized my mistake.
"'You know I'm single right?'
'Yeah, me too.'"
After a photo session with a close friend, she said I can stay the night when I said I'm tired.
I obliged, thinking it's just a nice offer.
During the night I woke up slightly because she had grabbed my hand, put it on her hip and pressed her butt against me.
I was still groggy and didn't think much of it and went back to sleep.
In the morning she turned around to face me, got her face so close her nose was touching mine... And again, I went back to sleep.
Had a friend at University who was a best friend, except that I was too dumb to see that I was more than a friend to her.
She was smart, beautiful, funny, very patient and we gelled straight away.
We always went to parties together, spent the evening with different people circulating, had different partners over the years, but she would always insist I saw her home safely and of course I just kept on missing those obvious signs.
Roll on three years and everyone is going their different ways and we go out for one last night for a drink, have a great time and I see her home as usual except this time she doesn't hold back and basically drags me into her bedroom.
Honestly I was so shocked, so dumbfounded that my 'best friend' who happened to be female fancied the a*s off me that it totally wrong footed me and we literally couldn't do anything apart from collapse into a fit of giggles and fall asleep in each others arms.
I never saw her again but every now and then I think back to that time and wonder what if I wasn't such a dumb-a*s, would it have failed, would it have been amazing and life happy ever after?
Who knows apart from in an alternative universe.
Oh no you did NOT end the story like that! Why didn't you have any contact after that night? What in the heck fire happened?
Dropping her off at her house after a joint college project
"My roommates and I have a wager over who can get laid first."
Awkward pause.
"Well, good luck with that I hope you win" *drives away.
In class, a girl asked if we could study together for a minor quiz at her place.
A friend overhears and asks if he can join us, I say yes immediately before she can say anything.
She sends us her address and a time. I show up and she answers the door in a bikini. Nobody else at her place. She says she was sunbathing and asks me into her room while she changes. I look away to be polite and then make small talk once she's done.
My friend shows up 30 minutes later, turns out she told him that the study group started 30 minutes after what she told me.
Woman I'd been friends with for a year or two, "I bet you have a beautiful c**k ;)"
Me: "It's alright, keeps me entertained, lol." Then I asked a question about Chinese food.
Couple months after we lost contact, "Ohh... OH... damn"
Woman: "Would you want to go for a coffee.... At MY place... (at 2 am after a party)"....
Yeah still hate myself for it.
I have very flexible joints. As a result, I was well known for doing tricks with my hands during my early uni days. Things like bending my fingers backwards to touch the back of my hand, touching my arm with my thumb, bending fingers into a Z shape etc.
I was at a party with classmates and this girl I vaguely knew asked me for a private demonstration of my hands. I was slightly buzzed at the time so I said sure and took her to the kitchen while she giggled. I started doing my usual tricks but I quickly noticed something was wrong because she got this disappointed look on her face. She mumbled something akin to "ok cool" and left the party claiming she was tired, leaving me confused for the rest of the night.
It took me 3 days of sobering up before I realized I had f****d up and by the time I saw her again it was too awkward to talk about.
Perhaps if we women were a bit more direct, that would help. For example: I'd like to go on a date with you, or would you give me a hug? Or even, I'd like to kiss you. Just a thought. But I'm old and on the asd spectrum so what do I know?
That would in fact help....though on this list there is a case of a girl going "I like you , I want to go out with you" and the guy laughing it off because he thought she was joking....
Load More Replies...That comes with experience, as bold as we might be as teens/young women a rejection would really be blown out of proportion, specially because "men always wants sex" or fear we'd be tagged as being easy/s**t etc. At least that was the case in my circle of friends, but I'm also old, maybe things are different now
I'm a woman and that is what I did - but I'm autistic too. I have never understood flirting. It took me many years to realise some of the times people flirted with me. Worse sometimes I'm just talking to people and apparently it comes across as flirting which I was not intending. I read a lot of these wondering if some of the OPs might share our neurotype too because it's such a commonly shared experience in autistic community.
Totally. I wish we could just say "Hi, I like you. Shall we have a chat?" etc. But no, we have to acting like pigeons trying to get a mate, e.g. on the dance floor.
Even though I am married now, it's reassuring that I am/was in the good company of complete putzes like myself. Subtle hints don't work. Strong hints don't work. Actually hints just don't work. Also if Netflix was around when I was younger, I would have 100% taken "Netflix and chill" literally.
Went on a group date to a horror movie with some friends. Everyone was paired up except for myself and this one guy... so, naturally, we sat next to each other. Mid movie, I decided I wanted to hold his hand... but didn't want to be the weirdo who grabs his hand, not knowing how he even felt about it. Waited for a scary scene, feigned a startled reaction and grabbed his hand. What did he do? Immediately pulled his hand away, thinking he was in my way. How do I know that's what he was thinking? Well, because we've now been together for 20 years and married for 17. Obviously, I gave him a few more hints 😁
I liked this article because it shows men are just as vulnerable as women, and even more so because they have to deal with the stigma of being creepy when men don't really know when they're being given the green light to persue a woman or if the woman is going to call the police. I've known men who give off creepy vibes, but they're just really insecure and trying to act like what "men" should act like. They're not macho men, but are honestly, genuinely nice people with their own issues. I think a lot of women are attracted to this kind of guy, but that the guy needs to be honest with his partner about who he is, rather than what he thinks his partner wants. My marriages/relationships ended in divorce, but that doesn't mean i don't still have affection for them. It was what it was.
Best date ever!! We met at a b-day party and had sat talking for a while before we exchanged phone numbers. He called me, we made a date for dinner and a movie. (we were late teens). He picks me up and his eyes go wide because I'm about 6 inches taller than him, in flat shoes. He's a gentleman, and we have a nice dinner, saw "Soulman", then he walks me to the door at my house. We have a kiss, but then he says, "I like uou, but..." and I "get" what he's being polite about. I'm all "it's the hight difference, right?" and he's all "yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't notice how tall you were when we met.." I wasn't offended. 20 years later I had the best romantic relationship with a guy who just cleared my shoulders-he even bought me a t-shirt that said "you must be this tall to ride", and he was just an inch taller than the line. I think too many people make a big deal out of little things that, if you could get past your insecurities, you'd find the right person for you in front of you.
I've spent a lot of time in very traditional settings, even after I left home. In college, I cringe at how many girls I found out liked me waaaay past when I should have. They were waiting for me to make the move, and I never did, so they moved on. Happened multiple times. I was so low on myself that I never thought in a million years someone I was attracted to could possibly like me back. Thankfully, my wife was a single mom who didn't have time to mess around, so she just went for it and asked me if I liked her since we'd been flirting for a few months.
I made the mistake to answer to the old "Wanna come up for a coffee?" question with "I don't drink coffee." ... and YES - I am somtimes a bit stupid. ;)
I had this one but said "I'd love to but it would feel too easy for it to become inappropriate so I Can't". Yes, she was inviting me for that, as she told me a few days later.
Load More Replies...As I've commented before, there's a connection or there isn't. If it's just about sex, take your chances, but I think it's really great when men don't "get" the suggestion for a one nighter. You think you're missing out on what? - uncommitted consensual sex? Is that what you're all about? I think men are more than sex machines. Prove me right.
I'm a tea drinker, so I'd probably give the same response lol.
As I said as a comment above, most of these show clearly the difference between the usual twatwaffles we see on here who wonder why women don't like "nice guys like me" and men who are actually nice men who respect women. (I blame their moms for such behavior) ;-)
Just looks like a load of young women who can't verbalise what they want in life and a load of gentlemen who didn't try to take advantage of them.
As a woman, I have missed signs too. This one guy in college would put his arm around me. Told me I looked nice. We hung out a few times, never did anything. I realize now we could have been something, but I was very depressed and couldn't see this guy who was handsome, confidant, & was a college soccer player ever being into an ugly, introverted, couch potato like me. He was one of my only friends. But time moves on, I've moved on, I hope he's found someone great.
urgh, mine was, Her: "I'm horny" (after a back rub). Me: "Oh ok well I need to get back to my desk now." No we weren't coworkers.
Coming at it from the other side: I was dating my hubby (then "just a good friend") for 3 weeks before I realized, "Oh sh*t, we're dating?" Yeah. Me clueless.
Women, if you're interested in a guy, tell him. If you want a kiss, make the move. Why the hints?
Hints are fun. They add a playful twist to things that isn't there when you're direct. That being said, relying on hints is no good either. If you can see the person you're flirting with isn't getting the hint you take the more direct approach.
Load More Replies...Yeah I need direct orders. No chance I am going to allow a harassment suit. If you want to, tell me. I had this with my current GF. I asked permission to kiss, she said "no" (but was kidding, as I found out in 5 seconds). I said "OK" and stopped. She said "oh you dummy kiss me". OK, that was a clear instruction. See?
that's how i do it too. ambiguity is trouble. i need direct, clear, enthusiastic, active consent.
I am a woman and I agree with you on this. Part of the reason why I have my fiance is *because* I took the first step (and most of the others to come too) as he's shy.
Most of these seem very not romantic/sexual to me, like I'd never assume. It might occur to me but I wouldn't want to come off as a creep, if someone is interested in me they should just say that in a direct way
i wonder if some of these guys might be autistic. sometimes its harder to pick up on social cues
Spent a weekend at a music festival with a very pleasant woman, we were friends, I was a gentleman all weekend, she’s a lovely person but I saw no signs that she wanted to be anything more than friends and that was fine, slept in the car overnight together (both of us very drunk, warm nights, not too uncomfortable), drove home after three very enjoyable days. All good. I invite her in for a brew when she drops me off at home, she comes in for a brew, we drink it, she leaves looking confused. I was confused. Took me a while…… I need a neon sign ok? I can’t read signals. She’s still a mate and I’m glad of that, we a little older now (30 years older!) and we can both look back and laugh at our ships passing each other in the night 😂
When I was about 18 a girl I liked used to pick me up from my parents house and we'd drive to the beach and smoke day she turned to me,looked me dead in the eye,smiled and said.." I've started taking the pill but haven't had the chance to see if it works yet" response...."oh...pass me the rizlas.."
I was 18 and stoned...feeling a connection didn't come into it,it just went way over my stoned head
normally, this post would be funny. but this actually happened to me. i was in high school and this girl gave me a pencil topper from one of my favorite movies (star wars) and i put it on my pencil. one grade later when she stopped having a crush i realized.
I stopped reading at #17 because I hate that men are expected to decipher women's mindgames and I wonder why women can't say what they mean and mean what they say. And I hate that men get laughed at when they simply believe what is said. Ffs, there is no shame in telling a guy you like him and you would like to go on a date with him sometime. Not one embarrassing word, all clean, and if it doesn't work out at least you tried !
While hanging out at my boyfriend's - now hubby's - apartment, we were listening to a Playlist on my ipod. Kiss The Girl played TWICE. He fumbled the play. TWICE
A boy in 6th grade (12 years) bought a condom. When we were in a camp. He was such a pervert.
I'm lucky, my S/O all of a sudden became like my bsf one day then let it slip that they fell for someone, eventually was able to get them to confess who it was and I became the luckiest man on the planet
Waiting outside for my mum to finish work and a girl I knew at the college came walking past and asked what I was doing. Told her sitting here waiting for my mum to finish work at 4.30 (currently 3.30). She assured it I wanted to go back to her place and wait. My dumb a*s went "I better stay here just in case".
I think that essentially, us guys have been programmed into thinking we'd better not try anything in case we're arrested for sexual harrassment in the next ten minutes.
As a male, I will say that I'm not the best at catching on to hints. I generally prefer to view things objectively, and I think I overthink a 'bit' too much.
Looking back I missed so many hints and clues along the way. Hell I wouldn't even be with my wife if she didn't ask me to a dance. Captain Oblivious I was
Half of these are like "When I was in high school, the hottest girl in my class took off all her clothes and said "let's get it on!", and I thought she meant she wanted to play Xbox, LOL so dumb. Thirty years later and this is my only positive memory."
Yeah, I can concur with us men having zero clues. I once had a cute college mate who was always looking to sit beside me in almost all our classes and would often get me to help her study despite myself probably being much worse in some of the subjects than her. I figured she was being friendly after I gave her a bottle of branded moisturizer I had won (spontaneous pop-quiz thing by the brand organizers at our college where I was fortunately fast enough to raise my hand) so I thought absolutely nothing of it. I think the biggest clue I missed was driving her home and she put her hand on mine while I was shifting gears and said "I'd like to be able to get behind the wheel and this gearbox one day". Well guess what? My seriously dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb *ss said "Oh no worries, I'm sure one day you'll be good at it" and took my hand off the shift and instead held the steering wheel with both hands. I did drive her back a few more times after but that scenario never happened again.
After graduation, I finally realized two things: 1) She was actually flirting because she would most likely never drive unless necessary (car accident phobia she told me about) 2) I am dumber than a bag of hammers when trying to play the flirting game. Seriously, my bad. My big time bad!!!
Load More Replies...Perhaps if we women were a bit more direct, that would help. For example: I'd like to go on a date with you, or would you give me a hug? Or even, I'd like to kiss you. Just a thought. But I'm old and on the asd spectrum so what do I know?
That would in fact help....though on this list there is a case of a girl going "I like you , I want to go out with you" and the guy laughing it off because he thought she was joking....
Load More Replies...That comes with experience, as bold as we might be as teens/young women a rejection would really be blown out of proportion, specially because "men always wants sex" or fear we'd be tagged as being easy/s**t etc. At least that was the case in my circle of friends, but I'm also old, maybe things are different now
I'm a woman and that is what I did - but I'm autistic too. I have never understood flirting. It took me many years to realise some of the times people flirted with me. Worse sometimes I'm just talking to people and apparently it comes across as flirting which I was not intending. I read a lot of these wondering if some of the OPs might share our neurotype too because it's such a commonly shared experience in autistic community.
Totally. I wish we could just say "Hi, I like you. Shall we have a chat?" etc. But no, we have to acting like pigeons trying to get a mate, e.g. on the dance floor.
Even though I am married now, it's reassuring that I am/was in the good company of complete putzes like myself. Subtle hints don't work. Strong hints don't work. Actually hints just don't work. Also if Netflix was around when I was younger, I would have 100% taken "Netflix and chill" literally.
Went on a group date to a horror movie with some friends. Everyone was paired up except for myself and this one guy... so, naturally, we sat next to each other. Mid movie, I decided I wanted to hold his hand... but didn't want to be the weirdo who grabs his hand, not knowing how he even felt about it. Waited for a scary scene, feigned a startled reaction and grabbed his hand. What did he do? Immediately pulled his hand away, thinking he was in my way. How do I know that's what he was thinking? Well, because we've now been together for 20 years and married for 17. Obviously, I gave him a few more hints 😁
I liked this article because it shows men are just as vulnerable as women, and even more so because they have to deal with the stigma of being creepy when men don't really know when they're being given the green light to persue a woman or if the woman is going to call the police. I've known men who give off creepy vibes, but they're just really insecure and trying to act like what "men" should act like. They're not macho men, but are honestly, genuinely nice people with their own issues. I think a lot of women are attracted to this kind of guy, but that the guy needs to be honest with his partner about who he is, rather than what he thinks his partner wants. My marriages/relationships ended in divorce, but that doesn't mean i don't still have affection for them. It was what it was.
Best date ever!! We met at a b-day party and had sat talking for a while before we exchanged phone numbers. He called me, we made a date for dinner and a movie. (we were late teens). He picks me up and his eyes go wide because I'm about 6 inches taller than him, in flat shoes. He's a gentleman, and we have a nice dinner, saw "Soulman", then he walks me to the door at my house. We have a kiss, but then he says, "I like uou, but..." and I "get" what he's being polite about. I'm all "it's the hight difference, right?" and he's all "yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't notice how tall you were when we met.." I wasn't offended. 20 years later I had the best romantic relationship with a guy who just cleared my shoulders-he even bought me a t-shirt that said "you must be this tall to ride", and he was just an inch taller than the line. I think too many people make a big deal out of little things that, if you could get past your insecurities, you'd find the right person for you in front of you.
I've spent a lot of time in very traditional settings, even after I left home. In college, I cringe at how many girls I found out liked me waaaay past when I should have. They were waiting for me to make the move, and I never did, so they moved on. Happened multiple times. I was so low on myself that I never thought in a million years someone I was attracted to could possibly like me back. Thankfully, my wife was a single mom who didn't have time to mess around, so she just went for it and asked me if I liked her since we'd been flirting for a few months.
I made the mistake to answer to the old "Wanna come up for a coffee?" question with "I don't drink coffee." ... and YES - I am somtimes a bit stupid. ;)
I had this one but said "I'd love to but it would feel too easy for it to become inappropriate so I Can't". Yes, she was inviting me for that, as she told me a few days later.
Load More Replies...As I've commented before, there's a connection or there isn't. If it's just about sex, take your chances, but I think it's really great when men don't "get" the suggestion for a one nighter. You think you're missing out on what? - uncommitted consensual sex? Is that what you're all about? I think men are more than sex machines. Prove me right.
I'm a tea drinker, so I'd probably give the same response lol.
As I said as a comment above, most of these show clearly the difference between the usual twatwaffles we see on here who wonder why women don't like "nice guys like me" and men who are actually nice men who respect women. (I blame their moms for such behavior) ;-)
Just looks like a load of young women who can't verbalise what they want in life and a load of gentlemen who didn't try to take advantage of them.
As a woman, I have missed signs too. This one guy in college would put his arm around me. Told me I looked nice. We hung out a few times, never did anything. I realize now we could have been something, but I was very depressed and couldn't see this guy who was handsome, confidant, & was a college soccer player ever being into an ugly, introverted, couch potato like me. He was one of my only friends. But time moves on, I've moved on, I hope he's found someone great.
urgh, mine was, Her: "I'm horny" (after a back rub). Me: "Oh ok well I need to get back to my desk now." No we weren't coworkers.
Coming at it from the other side: I was dating my hubby (then "just a good friend") for 3 weeks before I realized, "Oh sh*t, we're dating?" Yeah. Me clueless.
Women, if you're interested in a guy, tell him. If you want a kiss, make the move. Why the hints?
Hints are fun. They add a playful twist to things that isn't there when you're direct. That being said, relying on hints is no good either. If you can see the person you're flirting with isn't getting the hint you take the more direct approach.
Load More Replies...Yeah I need direct orders. No chance I am going to allow a harassment suit. If you want to, tell me. I had this with my current GF. I asked permission to kiss, she said "no" (but was kidding, as I found out in 5 seconds). I said "OK" and stopped. She said "oh you dummy kiss me". OK, that was a clear instruction. See?
that's how i do it too. ambiguity is trouble. i need direct, clear, enthusiastic, active consent.
I am a woman and I agree with you on this. Part of the reason why I have my fiance is *because* I took the first step (and most of the others to come too) as he's shy.
Most of these seem very not romantic/sexual to me, like I'd never assume. It might occur to me but I wouldn't want to come off as a creep, if someone is interested in me they should just say that in a direct way
i wonder if some of these guys might be autistic. sometimes its harder to pick up on social cues
Spent a weekend at a music festival with a very pleasant woman, we were friends, I was a gentleman all weekend, she’s a lovely person but I saw no signs that she wanted to be anything more than friends and that was fine, slept in the car overnight together (both of us very drunk, warm nights, not too uncomfortable), drove home after three very enjoyable days. All good. I invite her in for a brew when she drops me off at home, she comes in for a brew, we drink it, she leaves looking confused. I was confused. Took me a while…… I need a neon sign ok? I can’t read signals. She’s still a mate and I’m glad of that, we a little older now (30 years older!) and we can both look back and laugh at our ships passing each other in the night 😂
When I was about 18 a girl I liked used to pick me up from my parents house and we'd drive to the beach and smoke day she turned to me,looked me dead in the eye,smiled and said.." I've started taking the pill but haven't had the chance to see if it works yet" response...."oh...pass me the rizlas.."
I was 18 and stoned...feeling a connection didn't come into it,it just went way over my stoned head
normally, this post would be funny. but this actually happened to me. i was in high school and this girl gave me a pencil topper from one of my favorite movies (star wars) and i put it on my pencil. one grade later when she stopped having a crush i realized.
I stopped reading at #17 because I hate that men are expected to decipher women's mindgames and I wonder why women can't say what they mean and mean what they say. And I hate that men get laughed at when they simply believe what is said. Ffs, there is no shame in telling a guy you like him and you would like to go on a date with him sometime. Not one embarrassing word, all clean, and if it doesn't work out at least you tried !
While hanging out at my boyfriend's - now hubby's - apartment, we were listening to a Playlist on my ipod. Kiss The Girl played TWICE. He fumbled the play. TWICE
A boy in 6th grade (12 years) bought a condom. When we were in a camp. He was such a pervert.
I'm lucky, my S/O all of a sudden became like my bsf one day then let it slip that they fell for someone, eventually was able to get them to confess who it was and I became the luckiest man on the planet
Waiting outside for my mum to finish work and a girl I knew at the college came walking past and asked what I was doing. Told her sitting here waiting for my mum to finish work at 4.30 (currently 3.30). She assured it I wanted to go back to her place and wait. My dumb a*s went "I better stay here just in case".
I think that essentially, us guys have been programmed into thinking we'd better not try anything in case we're arrested for sexual harrassment in the next ten minutes.
As a male, I will say that I'm not the best at catching on to hints. I generally prefer to view things objectively, and I think I overthink a 'bit' too much.
Looking back I missed so many hints and clues along the way. Hell I wouldn't even be with my wife if she didn't ask me to a dance. Captain Oblivious I was
Half of these are like "When I was in high school, the hottest girl in my class took off all her clothes and said "let's get it on!", and I thought she meant she wanted to play Xbox, LOL so dumb. Thirty years later and this is my only positive memory."
Yeah, I can concur with us men having zero clues. I once had a cute college mate who was always looking to sit beside me in almost all our classes and would often get me to help her study despite myself probably being much worse in some of the subjects than her. I figured she was being friendly after I gave her a bottle of branded moisturizer I had won (spontaneous pop-quiz thing by the brand organizers at our college where I was fortunately fast enough to raise my hand) so I thought absolutely nothing of it. I think the biggest clue I missed was driving her home and she put her hand on mine while I was shifting gears and said "I'd like to be able to get behind the wheel and this gearbox one day". Well guess what? My seriously dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb *ss said "Oh no worries, I'm sure one day you'll be good at it" and took my hand off the shift and instead held the steering wheel with both hands. I did drive her back a few more times after but that scenario never happened again.
After graduation, I finally realized two things: 1) She was actually flirting because she would most likely never drive unless necessary (car accident phobia she told me about) 2) I am dumber than a bag of hammers when trying to play the flirting game. Seriously, my bad. My big time bad!!!
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