If you’ve ever paid attention to a dog for a while, you might have noticed that they’re incredibly gracious creatures. They might stir up a fuss over a stolen treat or bone, but most of the time, they love to share and get along well with other animals. 

Sometimes, though, their graciousness is pushed to the limit, and it’s then fun to see their responses. The Reddit community r/Stolendogbeds showcases all the cunning culprits who’ve kicked dogs out of their comfy spots, as well as the reactions of our canine friends.

More info: Reddit


Stolen Dog House

A deer with antlers resting inside a wooden doghouse in a wooded area, resembling stolen dog beds scenario.

AryanAngel Report

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April Pickett
Community Member
1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Did he back in? The opening needs to be wider and taller. You have a gorgeous guy out there, and he should be comfortable.

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    It’s 7 Degrees Outside And The King Has Claimed His Bed

    A cat on a stolen dog bed with five dogs around it in a cozy room with a fireplace.

    asillyfrog Report


    I Was Able To Capture The Raw Anguish He Felt After Losing His Bed To The Void

    Dog looking annoyed as a cat relaxes on a large pet bed, illustrating stolen dog beds scenario.

    TrulyDannyDeVito Report

    As you can probably tell from this list, most of the dogs who’ve been kicked out of their beds have accepted their fate. They don’t seem to be fussing about the situation, and neither should we! The 115k members from the Stolen Dog Beds community on Reddit love sharing hilarious photos like this and have been doing so since November 8th, 2011. 

    What you might have noticed from their pictures is that many of the recurrent dog-bed thieves seem to be cats. It’s actually a known fact that kitties like trying out different sleeping spots, even if they’ve been given the comfiest bed to lie on. It’s a bit hard to control cats, so pet owners might struggle to keep their dog’s sleeping area off-limits.


    Not A Dog But I Feel Like This Counts?

    Child napping in a dog bed with a curious cat nearby on a colorful rug. Stolen dog beds are versatile and cozy.

    CatherineConstance Report


    The helpless pups on this list seem to be looking on while their comfy spot is taken away. As pet owners, it’s important to try and get the situation under control only if you notice that your dog seems to be uncomfortable. In most of these cases, the animals seem to be enjoying having company but there are certain signs you can look out for.

    Experts say that if your dog seems to be restless and shifts around the house a lot during nap time, it might signal some sort of discomfort. If another creature steals the pup’s bed and the dog vocalizes more than normal, paws at the spot, or keeps returning to the area, it might mean that it wants its spot back.


    Almost Bed Revenge

    Dalmatian and orange cat snuggled together on a small perch; humorous take on stolen dog beds.

    Mustaka Report


    They Have Four Towers, Three Cat Hammocks, And Unlimited Access To The Couches, But The Dog's Bed Is Best

    Three cats snuggling in a pet bed intended for stolen dog beds.

    JadedAcanthacea Report


    The Dog Wasn’t Too Happy About The New Baby

    A dog sits beside a dog bed occupied by a kitten, illustrating stolen dog beds.

    esthersharon Report

    All of the dog beds on this list seem to be luxurious, comfy, and soft, which is probably why they tend to get stolen so often! One of the most important things pet owners should look out for when buying a dog bed is its quality. A soft yet supportive mattress can help reduce pups' joint pain and improve their sleep quality.

    Dogs who sleep on cold, hard, or uneven surfaces may end up getting arthritis or develop other health issues over time. That’s why they need a nice bed that can help them rest easy and healthily. It should also be washable so that pet owners can remove the dirt, hair, and bacteria buildup over time.


    Nope, Not Today

    A spotted dog curled up on a blanket, occupying a stolen dog bed.

    BenEatsNails Report


    I Don't Think This Is How This Is Supposed To Work At All

    Turtle on large dog bed while dog lies nearby, illustrating stolen dog beds scenario.

    seaturtle79 Report


    I Feel This Is Appropriate Here

    A cat curled up on a fluffy bed labeled "DOG," while a large dog lies on the floor nearby; a playful take on stolen dog beds.

    croatoan88 Report

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    Karl der Große
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People are like this, too. Most groups are not led by the most talented person, but by the one who refuses to stand down.

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    Everyone needs a safe space to relax and unwind after a long day. Turns out even our four-legged furry friends need one, too. For some of these pups, their dog bed might be that safe spot for them, while other mutts might have their own secret corners that they like running off to. It’s important for pet owners to create such a place for their dogs in the home.


    Having a relaxing spot in the house will make them feel more comfortable and less stressed out, especially during storms, when firecrackers burst or after a bad fight with a cat or another animal in the home. People can even train their dogs to go to that safe space on command.


    My Dog's Pillow Fell To The Roof Couple Days Ago. It Has A New Owner Now

    Cat lounging on a dog bed atop roof tiles, featuring stolen dog beds theme.

    Scalettas Report

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    Sand Ers
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's cute, but now I'm afraid the dog can fall to the roof.

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    Adopted Her 5 Days Ago And She’s Already Made Her Move

    A small black cat resting on a large dog bed beside red pet bowls.

    prettyflie164 Report


    The Worst Trade Deal In The History Of Trade Deals

    A small white dog on a large red bed and a larger dog on a smaller red bed, illustrating stolen dog beds.

    SixtiethDread Report


    Every pup deserves a lovely and comfy spot to sleep in, like a dog bed. If a conniving cat or a sleepy kid stole that spot, it’s up to the mutt to find the next best place to lay in. It’s clear to see in these pictures that none of the dogs have hard feelings at having lost their bed, they just seem to be grateful for a companion.


    If you’ve got any adorable dog-bed-stealing photos, we’d love to see them too! As a pet owner or just an animal lover, if you’ve got any funny stories of dogs and cats waging war over beds, you’ve got to share those with us. 


    An Uneasy (And Temporary) Truce

    Dog and cat sharing a fluffy dog bed on a wooden floor, illustrating stolen dog beds scenario.

    hammygrammy Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    dog looks very concerned that the eviction notice is coming any second

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    Now 2/4 Of The Dogs Are Waiting To Use The Bed

    A kitten on a large dog bed while a small dog rests on a big dog, illustrating stolen dog beds.

    I_Touch_Chickens Report


    Boots Tried To Steal Poppy’s Bed But Poppy Said Nope

    Chihuahua and cat share stolen dog beds, lying cozily together.

    anonymous Report


    She Can’t Say No To Her Best Friend

    Dog watching a rabbit sitting on a blue stolen dog bed.

    Anonymous-Latina Report


    I Was Cleaning My Room And Forgot To Move Stuff Off His Bed

    Brown dog sitting beside a dog bed filled with shoes, highlighting stolen dog beds theme.

    anonymous Report


    He Didn't Even Get A Chance To Try It Out For The First Time Before Elliot Stole It

    Cat resting on a dog bed while a dog looks on from behind a couch, illustrating stolen dog beds scenario.

    aloofwatermelon Report


    He's Not Allowed On The Couch So I Got Him His Own Couch, Our New Cat Decided To Claim It For Himself

    Cat lounging on a dog bed while a large black dog lies on the floor, related to stolen dog beds.

    anonymous Report


    Cat Stole The Entire Dog Kennel, Dog Extra Sad

    Dog sitting on a chair beside a cage with a cat, highlighting stolen dog beds scenario.

    SpunkyDaisy Report


    I Feel Like I’ve Failed Him Somehow

    A bird sits on a blue dog bed while a dog lies on the floor, highlighting stolen dog beds.

    Cvirdy Report


    My Sweet Lab Is Too Timid To Kick The Cat Off His Mat, So He Just Stares Forlornly At His Rightful Place By The Fire... I Usually Have To Remove The Cat Myself

    Dog watching a cat sleeping on a dog bed near a fireplace.

    PutinsHorse Report

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    Kenneth Smith
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know many labs who would remove the cat. Sweet is the right word. I've never known another being as kind or as patient as my lab.

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    The Cat Is Alpha In This House

    Dog curled up in a small bed while a cat sleeps comfortably on a larger bed, illustrating stolen dog beds.

    DobbHeadPlus Report

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    April Pickett
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They always look miserable and pathetic when forced to use the smaller bed.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    How Rude! Caught Mid Push Off The Last Of The Corner

    Dog and cat cozy by the fireplace on a stolen dog bed.

    Xenograth Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My Dog Is Pretty Upset That The Kittens Got A Special Bed And He Didn't

    Cats lounging in a stolen dog bed while a pit bull rests beside them on the bedspread.

    clearmind21 Report


    This Bed Isn’t Even For A Real Dog, It’s For A Toy Dog I Had As A Child; He’s Overflowing

    Cat curled up in a small blue bed with paw prints, resembling stolen dog beds.

    Gray_Kaleidoscope Report


    My Dad Moved The Dog Bed Into The Living Room To Keep The Dog Off Their New Couch, Here's How That's Going

    Cat lounging on a dog bed in a cozy living room, illustrating the concept of stolen dog beds.

    Rina_Short Report


    Husband Had A Little Too Much To Drink Last Night

    Person asleep on a dog bed beside a large brown dog on the floor, illustrating the concept of stolen dog beds.

    bugxface Report

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    Potato Vic
    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As long as he wasn't drinking water from the water bowl....

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Got The Dogs New Beds

    Two dogs on separate beds, appearing comfortable, highlighting a scene related to stolen dog beds.

    alg4302 Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    why did you not get two beds the same size... Parenting 101 for humans and pets alike

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Yes Yes, Stay There

    Dog and cat resting on stolen dog beds by a glass door.

    EXYLRH Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    NO! This cat is saying “get off my bed, but you’re not getting this either” 😂😂

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    I Mean Technically The Dog Bed Was Stolen, Just Not By A Cat

    Baby resting on a dog bed with a dog lying on the floor nearby.

    jumperposse Report

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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The bed does kinda match her outfit, and learning to accessorize early is important!

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    Mom Put The Dog Bed Up To Vacuum, And She Hasn’t Been Able To Put It Back Hours Later

    A cat curled up on a large dog bed on a brown armchair, highlighting stolen dog beds use by pets.

    Ephy20 Report


    One Of Our Foster Kitties Stole His First Bed Today, We Are So Proud

    Small cat sitting on a large, fuzzy dog bed, appearing to have 'stolen' the cozy space.

    Nikerbocker Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Accidentally Ordered A Dog Bed For My Cat

    A cat sleeping in a plush, fluffy dog bed on a tiled floor, possibly indicating stolen dog beds use.

    HumanPotato67 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Poll Question

    How do you feel about dogs losing their beds to other pets?

    It's amusing

    Poor dogs!

    Nature's way

    Feel indifferent