30 Incidents From People’s Past That Were So Bitter That They Remember It To This Day
Some like to say that no matter how mad you are at someone for doing something nasty to you, there will be a day when this won’t matter. This might be true, but very often the things that others do to us leave a scar and thus are hardly forgettable. Especially if it’s someone close to us, our family members, or friends. Imagine your mom not wanting to attend your first concert or getting blamed by your classmate for things you didn’t do. The list of someone being a victim of injustice could seem endless. Having this in mind, Reddit users asked others online to share some “salty” memories that make their blood boil even years after the incident.
For those who are interested in finding out some of the things people got mad about and couldn’t forget years later, Bored Panda has prepared another list that you can find here. Have you ever been mistreated yourself and haven’t forgotten about it yet? Feel free to share your story in the comments down below! Who knows, maybe it will make you feel a bit better!
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My mother stood me up for the school play when I was seven years old.
We lived half a block from school. I walked to every rehearsal by myself. As the performance drew near I begged her to come watch. "We'll see," she replied.
After we all took our bows I watched every other child hugging their families. Then I walked home alone. She was sitting at her desk reading a book when I returned. And when I expressed disappointment--not crying, not losing my temper, just saying I felt let down--she yelled at me.
Stopped talking to that woman nearly twenty years ago.
Unfortunately the simple explanation is that she's an a**hole.
My mother, an evangelical x-tian, refused to come to see me play "Glinda" in "The Wizard of Oz" in middle school because I was playing a witch. She tried to keep me from being in the production altogether but my father told her off. HE DID SHOW UP. That's a perfect example of why I'm still mourning my father 9yrs after he died and still happy that she died a year later.
My parents didn't vaccinate me against pertussis.
I contracted pertussis as a toddler.
I recovered fine, but I'm still salty that I contracted a potentially fatal vaccine-preventable illness.
You'd better believe that my kid is getting all of the vaccines.
Good for you!!! My MIL tried to keep me from vaccinating our kids, and since my grandfather had lifelong issues from childhood polio when there was no vaccine, I told her that she had zero say in it.
There were two things I wanted as a kid:
Lucky Charms for breakfast.
A video game console (at my age this would've been either an Atari 2600 or an NES).
Never got them, but that was okay. I grew up and went to college. I come home for winter break to find my little brother sitting at the breakfast table happily munching away on Lucky-f**king-Charms.
Okay, no biggie. I get to eat them now too.
So Christmas rolls around, and what does my little brother unwrap? An N64.
For as long as I could remember I heard, "sugar cereals are bad for you" and "video games will melt your brain" from my parents, but the MINUTE I'm outta the house, all that ceases to apply to my little brother.
Granted. I enjoyed the N64 and sugary cereals with him when I was home from college, but at 43 I am still salty over this s**t.
parents are always too tired to enforce the rules to the youngest it seems like
In 2005, I was starting seventh grade. On the first day of class, all of the teachers handed out surveys to get to know you. They wanted to know what your interests were, mostly.
One teacher asked what kinds of books every one liked. I wrote "Dystopian sci-fi." I was actually marked off points because "dystopian' was not a word.
Not only was I marked off points on a getting-to-know-you activity on the first day of class, but dystopian science fiction is basically the most popular genre of YA novels.
It's 13 years later, I have a college degree, a full-time salaried job, and a still a ton of salt about that one. I can't remember the teacher's name at all, but by f*****g god I will never let that one go.
Never mind YA novels, the word was coined by John Stuart Mill, the great Scottish philosopher, in the mid nineteenth century, and describes many of the great literary and SF novels of the twentieth century, including 1984, Brave New World, The Handmaid's Tale and too many more to list.
When I was 12, I wanted a TV in my room, and my parents told me if I wanted one I'd have to pay for it myself. So I sold sodas by the pool all summer until I had enough to buy my own TV. I had a real sense of pride and accomplishment for about a day, until my little brother complained that it wasn't fair that I got a TV and he didn't, so my parents bought him the same model I had.
And you learned a valuable lesson: inherited wealth beats hard work every time.
When I was 11 I did this school project on Kenya. I had to make a poster, I was docked 10% because of “poor presentation” it was in the rubric whatever, mybposter did look pretty c***py, I’m not too mad. Someone else did Kenya also and they got a perfect score but their poster had Ethiopia labeled as Kenya on the map. This was a geography class. I was livid, and honestly I’m still kinda pissed. Like I lose 10 points because my posters a bit ugly and she gets a perfect score even though her project has bad info on it? Ugh f**k that.
I hold a grudge so I'm salty about alot of stuff. One incident in particular. My partner and I wanted a baby. We loved my best friend and her child. She offered to surrogate for us. We were so excited. My partner left me to be with her.
This one time as a kid when my father and his second wife and myself were in the car together, driving home, and they stopped at Taco Bell on the way there and bought two apple pies (empanadas) just for themselves and didn't buy me one. Didn't ask me if I wanted one, didn't tell me "no" or why, "kiss my grits", or anything. Didn't even turn their heads to look in the backseat, just had a little chat there in the front, pulled into the drive-through, bought two damn apple pies just for them, and went on home like I wasn't even there.
EDIT: I appreciate all the shared experiences and compassion. Thanks, Reddit. I don't think they thought I was asleep, to address a common question, that was not something I would typically do in the car; this kind of thing was par for the course for my father, who is notoriously selfish, and both my stepmothers, this particular occasion is just one small thing that's emblematic of a larger problem. I leave you with this: love is not selfish, it thinks of others.
Daddy with his new wife and new family treating the first kids like garbage
In Kindergarten, I took 2 McDonald's happy meal toys to school to show off to my friends. I dropped them somewhere in the playground and couldn't find them. I went back to the classroom after recess pretty defeated and sad.
Then the lady that monitors the playground found them and came around asking if it belonged to one of us. Another girl in class and I quickly ran up. The other girl said it was hers. I was a really nice innocent little kid at that point... and i believed her. So she kept them.
I didn't think about it until later that people could lie.
Years ago my friends and I split the cost of a VIP room at a club and then one of my friends invites his sister and her 7 friends last minute because it was her birthday. None of them chipped in, crowded the f**k out of the room and they used up all the drinks that come with purchasing the room. Still salty about it today.
Dude this happenned when I was 5 and I'm still pissed off.
In kindergarten (and now), I was kind of a space cadet. I was always in my own world doing whatever. One particular day while pretending to be an astronaut, I bumped into this kid Todd. Todd got angry at me for bumping into him and bit my hand. Having not learned that snitches get stitches, I told the yard duty lady. However, I was the only white kid in kindergarten and my Chinese wasn't good yet. When the woman brought Todd over he was able to talk circles around me and convinced the woman I bit my own hand to frame him. She put us both on time out together, and guess what f*****g Todd did? He bit his own hand, screamed, and yelled for the yard duty. He then lied and told her I had bit him. He got off scott free while I had to stay in the class room during recess and lunch for the next two weeks. F**k Todd
My dad and I bonded over mutual love of Red Hot Chili Peppers when I was growing up. We'd listen to them during every car trip when I was an older kid/teen. I always told him I wanted to go see them with him sometime.
About a decade ago, he casually told me that he recently went to a RHCP concert with his s***ty girlfriend who has always been so nasty to me.
I'm still bitter.
OHHHHH....I'd be livid!!! I take my daughter to concerts with me all the time...I was an 80's kid and all of my favorite bands from then are touring. Thanks to Stranger Things, my 13 year old is obsessed with 80's music and I take her to all the shows with me. It's the best bonding experience. Kind of cool that even though I'm and "older" mom, we found a common generation together.
An elevator opened for me two weeks ago and three men were in there talking.
I waited a moment, then stepped in. One man put his arm out and said “why don’t you wait for us to get out before you get in okay?”
Ruined my day
He's a jerk. If they wanted to get out they should have acted like it.
My desert tortoise "running" away. Asked other house mate to watch him while I had to go do dishes. He wasn't watched. It's been 34 years. I'm still not happy to have lost him.
In middle school we had to do the Presidential Fitness Test. I was crushing the pull ups, and came to find out that despite being like 4'11" and 110 pounds, I had done the most pull ups in the entire school so far. Then this one b***h, M.L. for security purposes, gets on the bar and starts doing pull ups. She gets about 80% of the pull ups I did and then starts kicking her legs against the wall to essentially walk herself up to a pull up. No one called her out on it, and she had the most pull ups in the school that year. I will never ever forget that s**t.
As someone without a single athletic bone in my body, I hated P.E. and those stupid tests we had to do. I could never do any of them, except, ironically, I could do the one pull up my age/weight category called for. Now, if I could have substituted dance class for P.E. I would have rocked that sh*t!
The list is long...but distinguished.
One of the more petty ones:
In grad school our cohort (40 of us) took a trip abroad to study international development. We went to a Caribbean island and traveled around the country side, visiting small towns, compounds, etc.
We stayed in a certain small town for a couple days and part of the task was to partner up with someone, develop a business idea for the community and a sales pitch for it to present to business leaders.
We spent time in the community talking to the people who live there about what they want, what they need etc. Consistently, the answer was fresh fruits and vegetables.
My partner and I pitched a community farm idea where crops could be grown and your shares would be based on the work you put in (poor area).
It wasn't a popular idea within the circle of business students and we didn't even get a chance to pitch to community leaders.
The idea that got pitched to leaders? A mobile medical clinic. During the pitch, one of the locals stood up and said "why would we need this, we have universal healthcare provided to us, we see the doctor whenever we want"
Needless to say, i was nice to see the a*s hat who was pitching the idea stutter and stumble trying to talk around the complete absurdity of his idea.
Becky, that jerk, took those crackers and then lied that I hit her and I did NOT deserve that detention in fourth grade. F**k you Becky
It always amazes me how easily teachers believe lies. Got in trouble many times because I was a timid kid.
In first grade I was riding my scooter on the sidewalk like a boss, doing jumps over cracks like an animal. All of a sudden, a girl that was in my class opened the front door to her house, and waved hi. I waved hi back and thought that was nice of her.
The next day in class, she comes up to me and says, "I only said hi because my mom made me."
Kelly, you b***h, I still haven't forgotten that
Reminds me of a girl who bullied me who only invited me to her birthday party because her parents made her. She flat out told me so I just didn't go.
One of my bosses firing my favourite co-workers over politely telling someone to do their job correctly.
She had to constantly remind a new cake decorator (who looked like a textbook neckbeard) to wear gloves and wash his hands when preparing cakes. This is a basic health and safety procedure in our store. She worded it very kindly and professionally too. Our managers then blamed her saying that she was harassing him and started belittling her in front of an entire store full of customers. She eventually said "f**k this" and walked out.
Good! She was clearly under appreciated and her management was garbage.
When I was 12 we were playing some sort of bingo game in my German class. I realised I had written it in the front of my workbook and not the back like I was meant to, so stupid naive me started copying out the game in the back of the book, exactly as I had it in the front. Teacher saw and started yelling at me for cheating in front of the whole class, and just yelled more when I tried to defend myself. I was the type who never got in trouble, so getting accused of cheating when I hadn't done anything was rough for 12-year-old me.
Teacher was a c**t.
Oh that reminded me in HS when a colleague and me were suspended from that horrible teacher#s classes FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR because that colleague asked me to review her assignment before she handed it in to the teacher - she had very poor marks already for that quarter because of her spelling - she was dyslexic but to the teacher she was just "lazy" and "cheating".
I used to lie for my sister all the time when she’d sneak out to hang out with her ex. The ONE time I did the same, she snitched on me and I got my a*s handled by my mother
My brother breaking my Lego spaceship when I was 9 I spent four weeks building it. It was a meter long masterpiece by nine year old construction standards. And he dissasembled it down to the last piece then built a cube in such a way that removing the pieces would be both tedious and painful.
When I asked for my in-laws blessing before asking my wife to marry me. They treated it like a joke and said sarcastically, "No." I knew that I had their support, but it was an important moment for me that I wanted to be treated seriously. You only get one shot at some life events.
5th grade track and field day. I won the high jump. Some time later our gym teacher is announcing the winners and says someone else in my class won.
No, the f**k he didn't. I say something and he said he'll look in to it. Eventually he just says there's nothing he can do. They had an award ceremony and my friend was awarded the medal. He gave it to me after, but still.
The real issue is, now in our 30s, my friend seems to have developed selective memory. He claims he has no memory of the incident. I told him everything that happened and he denies it. He now brags about winning the 5th grade high jump.
He's a f*****g liar.
EDIT: This got more attention than expected. Just to clear things up a bit, neither of us takes it seriously. It's just a funny thing between us.
a 30 yr braging about a 5th grade jump? wow.... I won lot of art and since stuff in high school and grade but i don't even talk about it
How a girl said "I don't date black guys" when she just meant "I don't wanna date you."
That's a pretty shitty thing to say. Period. I've had to let a guy or few down easy in my dating days, but their feelings not being hurt in any way was always my #1 priority, It takes a lot of courage to ask someone out.
That one girl who borrowed my fav. nintendo 64 game and moved away from the city the next day. Never saw the game again.
I once moved to a big city - at my going-away party the night before, I won $20 over a betting game we played. Every dollar counts when you’re moving to Vancouver so I was happy. A guy convinced me to give him the $20 so he could go buy us all some marijuana (legal here). He disappeared and never came back. Next morning, 5am, my last stop before leaving town was his house, he didn’t answer the door and to this day has never replied to my messages. Russel, wherever you are, screw you 😂
Went to pick up my gf for 10 days at a couples only resort. She informed me she had cheated and wasn't going. Flew first class by myself and spent 10 days alone at a couples only resort.
I would've brought my best friend!! People always think we're a couple anyway, lol
I thought being good at your job and having a strong work ethic > social skills and office politics. Boy was I wrong, I'm salty more at myself, I could have been way further ahead in life if I'd just would have actually invested in networking and developing better people skills. I was too stubborn, I refused to play the game, but I was still a part of it.
Nop mate, that doesn't happen anywhere, i Also found that out, but i refuse to give in, alas being a good worker its not as good as being a good a*s kisser.
My then girlfriend and I threw a party around an event in the spring and I worked really hard on getting a nice snack spread prepared and set out for everyone that took all the guests dietary restrictions and preferences into account, and I had a roll of paper towels out for people to use if they needed to wipe anything up or for whatever.
So one of the guests notices the paper towels and asks if we have any napkins and, since I was pretty sure we did, I said "yeah, I think there might be some-" and she cuts me off and goes "oh, you just don't bring those out for your guests?"
I realize she was just having a hard day or something and I shouldn't still be upset about it, but I put a really high priority on being a good host so I still sometimes feel bad about this/frustrated with her impoliteness even now.
I've learned that some people will complain about anything because that's just how they are. Take satisfaction in knowing that you did a wonderful party and let the other sh*t roll off.
I pulled into a parking lot and saw one space available. I turned into the spot and there was a guy who had apparently just got into his truck (to leave) directly opposite where I just pulled into. Basically he wanted to use the empty spot to pull through and out of the parking lot and because I parked there he had to back up and pull out instead. He laid on his horn and flipped me off as I was getting out of my car. I just walked away but it still annoys me to think about.
When I was 17, my dog was hit by a car. Not too badly injured. My grandfather, uncle and I took him to the vet because my father was at work. I called the vet during lunch break at school the next day to see how my dog was doing and was told that my father had called earlier that morning and told them to euthanize the dog.
When I was 6/7 my aunt's family were visiting (from several states away). My two aunts brought their kids to our place to swim. My cousin and I share a birthday, which was the next day. They showed up with presents and cake for my cousin only. I sat there while they had birthday party, opened presents, had a huge cake and sang the birthday song to her, etc. Mom reminds them it's my birthday too, and I get a cursory "oh, Happy Birthday" and they just go on like it was never mentioned, no apology, no realizing how I must feel, nothing. I didn't care about the presents, I just felt like no one there even cared I existed. I hated being with them every time they came to visit from then on. It could have been so different... It could have been a fun double party we bonded over. They could have given her gifts later. This was when I realized these two aunts treated their kids like they were the elite and treated their 7 brothers kids like they were inferior. Haven't spoken in 20 years now, no regrets.
I started working at the age of 16. I saved up a s**t tone of money to get my driving licence (which costs A LOT where I live) I passed both tests on first try. A year prior my rich a*s grandpa said he'd get me my first car. He didn't. In fact he just doesn't care for me at all (not even called for my 18th or 21st Bday). Now my brother is trying to get his licence (and is failing) and my grandpa is all about getting him his first car no matter how long it takes. I now have a nice company car I don't have to pay for and my bro is still riding the bus so it all worked out but I'm still mad.
When I was 17, my dog was hit by a car. Not too badly injured. My grandfather, uncle and I took him to the vet because my father was at work. I called the vet during lunch break at school the next day to see how my dog was doing and was told that my father had called earlier that morning and told them to euthanize the dog.
When I was 6/7 my aunt's family were visiting (from several states away). My two aunts brought their kids to our place to swim. My cousin and I share a birthday, which was the next day. They showed up with presents and cake for my cousin only. I sat there while they had birthday party, opened presents, had a huge cake and sang the birthday song to her, etc. Mom reminds them it's my birthday too, and I get a cursory "oh, Happy Birthday" and they just go on like it was never mentioned, no apology, no realizing how I must feel, nothing. I didn't care about the presents, I just felt like no one there even cared I existed. I hated being with them every time they came to visit from then on. It could have been so different... It could have been a fun double party we bonded over. They could have given her gifts later. This was when I realized these two aunts treated their kids like they were the elite and treated their 7 brothers kids like they were inferior. Haven't spoken in 20 years now, no regrets.
I started working at the age of 16. I saved up a s**t tone of money to get my driving licence (which costs A LOT where I live) I passed both tests on first try. A year prior my rich a*s grandpa said he'd get me my first car. He didn't. In fact he just doesn't care for me at all (not even called for my 18th or 21st Bday). Now my brother is trying to get his licence (and is failing) and my grandpa is all about getting him his first car no matter how long it takes. I now have a nice company car I don't have to pay for and my bro is still riding the bus so it all worked out but I'm still mad.