How often have we heard stories about kids being forced to bond with a stepparent or stepsiblings? We might feel that people would realize by now just how badly a coerced relationship can turn out. It gets even worse if the stepsiblings’ needs are put above while ignoring the others.

Just like Reddit user No-Elephant-5814, who is always forced to bring their stepsiblings when going out with their uncle. The teen has never been able to go to their favorite spots because of the stepsiblings’ allergies, so on the teen’s birthday, they purposely picked a restaurant of their choice, which angered their father!

More info: Reddit


    Forcing children to bond with their stepsiblings never ends on a good note for blended families

    Image credits: lookstudio / Freepik (not the actual photo)

    The poster’s stepsiblings have different allergies, so their restaurant choices are always given first preference while the poster is sidelined


    Image credits: No-Elephant-5814

    Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)


    Even when the stepsiblings are not there, the poster is not given their choice as it would be “unfair” to the other kids


    Image credits: No-Elephant-5814

    Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)


    So, when their uncle took the poster out for their birthday dinner, the poster chose their favorite spot, and the stepsiblings, forced to accompany them, didn’t eat anything


    Image credits: No-Elephant-5814


    The dad and stepmom were furious with the poster after going home but the teen stood up for themselves, claiming that they’ve never shared a bond with the stepsiblings

    In today’s story, the original poster (OP) tells us that they have two stepsiblings who have different allergies and their dad and stepmom solely focus on this. The parents always consider the allergies when eating out and almost everything has become about it. 

    Now, forget going to their favorite restaurant, the teen is not even allowed to eat the food they want because it would be “unfair” to the others. To be honest, the parents’ judgment of what’s fair and what’s not seems to be all blurred. The worst part is that even on their birthday, the teen can’t go to their top spots as they won’t easily accommodate the stepsiblings.

    Another thing that the teen informed us was that they have a loving uncle who was their mom’s brother and also their dad’s close friend, but after their mom passed away, the friendship between the two men ended. Now, the father takes out his anger on the uncle with a stupid rule that if he takes out the teen, the stepsiblings also have to tag along.


    When the uncle was taking out the teen to celebrate their birthday, the stepsiblings came along as well, but for once, the teen chose their favorite restaurant where they and the uncle ate while the siblings couldn’t. OP tells us that they didn’t even feel bad because their needs had never been put before the siblings, and surely, who can blame them?

    However, all hell broke loose after they came home and they had to face the fury of their stepmom, while their dad was disappointed in them. OP stood up for themselves and mentioned how they never get to choose and how the siblings shouldn’t even come with them. This really upset the stepmom who played the “sibling bond” card, when really there has never been a bond and that doesn’t matter to the poster.

    Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)


    Research states that 40% of families in the U.S. are blended with at least one partner having a child from a previous relationship before marriage. Looking at the high statistics, these families are quite numerous, so it’s no wonder that we read a lot of stories about how kids are forced to bond with their stepsiblings. 

    On top of being coaxed to integrate with the new family, OP has also been sidelined as their dad and stepmom have always made everything about the other kids’ allergies. They were always given first preference when choosing a restaurant, even when it was the poster’s birthday celebration. Folks online highly criticized this behavior and mentioned that this was blatant favoritism.

    According to FamilyLife, “Playing favorites can wreak havoc in a stepfamily. Stepsibling conflict may be a sign of favoritism by one or both parents.” The poster also commented how they’ve never felt close to the stepsiblings but the favoritism simply added fuel to the fire.

    Netizens found it unacceptable that even without the stepsiblings, OP doesn’t have freedom of choice, and they felt that this is just a toxic form of control, which research has proven to be unhealthy. They also found it unreasonable that the father takes out his anger about the uncle on the poster by making them take the stepsiblings out for the birthday celebration. 


    People expressed their sympathies that the poster has had to go through all this at such a young age and many advised them to leave that house immediately once they turn 18. Some even suggested that they move in with the uncle and OP replied that they’ve discussed it with the uncle, who is only too glad to take them in.


    What would you have done if you were in the poster’s shoes? Type away your thoughts in the comments below!

    Netizens applauded the poster for standing up for themselves and they didn’t hesitate to call out the controlling behavior of the dad and stepmom