“The State Of Selling”: 50 Of The Craziest Ads People Spotted On Online Marketplaces And Shared With Others
Few things bring as much joy as finding a real treasure buried deep in open-air and online markets. I am not talking real gold, of course. Sometimes something simple like a nice lava lamp can give you a joyful boost for the rest of the week.
At the same time, online markets are notorious for the amount of questionable things put on sale every hour. They range from funny to weird, from creepy to stomach-churning, but pics speak better than words.
The Twitter page “The State Of Selling” has quite a collection of such instances. Created in 2018, it’s home to 72.6K followers who come in for a daily dose of entertainment. After you’re done, scroll down for more crazy marketplace ads and things sold on there in our previous features here, here and here.
To find out more about shopping on online marketplaces, scroll down for our interview with Sean Fowlow, a professional thrift hunter and seller, as well as the creator of "Ridiculous Thrifter."
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This... Is Something. Well Worth The Read
"They slink around the house like unfixed cats", omg, this is brilliant 😂😂😂😂
Stop It Hahahah
Morning Depop Fun For You
If you’re still new to online marketplace shopping, the professional thrift hunter and reseller, as well as the author of the Instagram page “Ridiculous Thrifter,” which showcases the wonderful, bizarre and insanely overpriced items found at secondhand points from Facebook marketplace to secondhand stores and charity shops, Fowlow shared some great advice.
First, expect to encounter strange and difficult people, as well as don’t be surprised if someone really wastes your time, Fowlow says. “For example, driving a long distance to someone’s house to buy an item at the agreed time and price… only to find out they just sold it to somebody else without notifying you.”
Makes Perfect Sense
Incredible Interaction
“No Pets”
Moreover, “often other interested buyers will swoop in and offer a higher price than you without your knowledge, stealing the item from you,” the professional thrift hunter and reseller told us.
Another very important thing, Fowlow argues, is to remember to never email transfer money to a stranger. “Only pay once the item is in your hand. There are a lot of scammers & con artists out there who will accept your money to hold an item, then disappear when it’s time to arrange pickup.”
Multitasking Has It’s Downfalls
Hey, bonus peeler and seller seems really nice too. It happens to the best of us. Last week was cooking dinner in the microwave and put the time, closed the door, pressed started and went back to my room. 15 min later the timer rings, I go to the kitchen, open the microwave door only to find it empty. I forgot to put the food in so it just kept on spinning with no food on lol.
Good Used Jeans
I think this is creepy and funny at the same time...there's gotta be a German word for it...
I Know Where I’m Getting My Cacks From
“Now these are worst-case scenarios… most sellers are actually great to deal with, but there are many out there who don’t respect verbal agreements and who wish to take advantage of you,” Fowlow warned. Therefore, he urges everyone to be wise and cautious. “Always bring a friend or family member when buying an item and try to do so during the day. Never meet at a strange place.”
Absolute State Of This Man
Poor Guy
When asked about his experience with selling things on online marketplaces, Fowlow said that he’s made “a substantial amount of money selling on Facebook in the past decade.” Having said that, he agreed “it’s hard work navigating through the low-ballers, no shows and the people who generally waste your time.”
“It can really be frustrating when I delay plans with family/friends in order to meet someone to sell an item… only for them to bail on me. This has happened countless times over the years.”
Damn, Depop Is Getting Deep
Unreal On Depop
If it was paid via PayPal, I think op can get a refund. I hope they do! I seriously loathe scammers.
Worth Every Penny
However, Fowlow has adopted a mindset to always expect to be inconvenienced by buyers and that way, he’s never surprised when they do. “The buyers who are honorable, respectful and easy to deal with are refreshing. Those people are tremendously appreciated and keep me in the game.”
Moreover, Fowlow added that if you have low patience and are easily angered or frustrated… selling online isn’t for you. “You will not last long!” he laughed.
Please Let Me Move In With You
Ideal For A Fat Bastard
“My Nan Didn’t Die So We Are Selling The Coffin”
When it comes to unusual and weird things people sell online, Fowlow has seen it all. His Instagram page “Ridiculousthrifter” and his Facebook page “Ridiculous Things Found At Thrift Stores” are devoted to featuring weird things he has seen “(and what my followers have seen and submitted)” while browsing online marketplaces.
Some of the best examples would be things like “a used sofa/couch from a 'pet-free home' with a cat in the background of the picture”; “a 3D-printed set of plastic 'Hulk Arms' to put on your pet chicken/rooster”; “the longest McDonald’s french fry ever for $120.4.”
Other incredible cases Fowlow mentioned were “a stainless steel toaster with the reflection of the seller in his underwear on the side taking the picture” and “a used refrigerator with the description ‘everything works except it doesn’t get cold.’” Check out more of these crazy finds on his Ridiculous Thrifter pages!
Vacuum Cleaner Cover
If you sold that here in the States someone would shoot it in the middle of the night thinking there was an intruder..
John Lennon Sequinned Cushion
So 1 Sausage Tall And Half A One Wide?
Anyone Need A Trim?
Whoever gave you that sikkkk feedback must not have had their glasses on.
You might want to scale it back with the "k"s there, Sparky. Or, given the haircut and the neck tattoo, maybe not.
Maybe it's an add from prison?? And he's using plastic knife or sharpened toothbrush? That would at least explain the feedback
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Funny how Nigel here has his name and city of residence so he's basically turning himself in
Order Your Super Efficient, Super Stylish And Super Comfortable Facemask Now Girlies
Metal Arrow Head
Bang Out Of Order That Caroline
This Is The Creepiest S**t I’ve Ever Seen
Glass Table For Sale
Who Gives A F**k, Am I Right?
Easy Mistake To Make
It Thinks It’s Better Than You
I Have Never Wanked In This Caravan
Why The F**k Has She Got A Brown Bag On Her Head
Anybody Need A House?
F**king Hell Sarah
Jason Stathom Cheeter
Great For Banter With The Lads
Free To Collect Brick Wall
They Look So Happy Together
Great Value For Money
She Can’t Keep Her Legs Closed, So Here We Are
Pop Them In The Fridge
I Wonder What Gavin Did
Let's estimate the possibility of successfully find the exact match buyer. I'm being very generous with estimates here.. Person named Gavin (0.001%). Person named Charlotte (0.001%). Gavin matching with Charlotte (0.0001%). First Christmas together at 2020 (0.0001%). Possiblity of them seeing this advert (1%). Wanting to buy after seeing this advert (50%). Total possibility % = 5 x 10^(-23)% So, out of approx 7 billion humans, her chances is 3.5x10^(-13) %. How likely is that? Age of our universe in days is roughly 5.8x10^13 days. She has better luck of picking a random day from the beginning of universe till now and that date matches her birthday than finding the buyer to her mug.
How F**king Pointless
Anyone Wanna Lend Me $220??
Just What I Needed
“Never Has Any Use For It Yet”
I'd get it, but my granddad is a Spurs supporter. Wouldn't be seen dead in a Leeds coffin.
Pepsi For £60
John Lennon Clock
“Woshing Masheen”
These were funny! I don't want y'all to ever talk c**p about the USA again after reading these! There are some really messed up folks across the pond!
If you didn't like it that much you didn't have to make a comment like this. People are gonna down vote you, and you could've down voted the whole article and stopped reading
Load More Replies...These were funny! I don't want y'all to ever talk c**p about the USA again after reading these! There are some really messed up folks across the pond!
If you didn't like it that much you didn't have to make a comment like this. People are gonna down vote you, and you could've down voted the whole article and stopped reading
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