“It’s Just Taking Up Space”: Professional Organizer Shares 18 Things You Don’t Need In Your House
It’s spring, Pandas, so you know what that means: cleaning time! Those of us who are true bears and have been hibernating during winter may need a little nudge to get active again. So here it is, a list of tips for decluttering your house so that it feels fresh and nice once again.
Courtesy of Allyson Cartwright, a Baltimore-based professional organizer who shares tips and tricks on how to give your house a glow-up this spring. Her videos went pretty viral on TikTok in the past few weeks, with the most popular garnering around 2.7 million views. Want to see what things she recommends you get rid of? Scroll down and see!
This professional organizer shared some advice on what to get rid of to start this spring right

Image credits: wonderlandallys
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I want you to throw away all of your old and expired beauty products. Lotions and makeup do expire and they can harbor some pretty gnarly bacteria. So give yourself permission to get rid of the things that you're not using. Again, make sure you're looking at safe disposal practices for your beauty products because some of the stuff can be hazardous to throw in the garbage can as well.
I've developed a life-long allergy to mascara after wearing cheap and/or expired product for years. I know, it seems a waste but please do get rid of old makeup!
Head on over to your medicine cabinet and throw away all expired medicine both prescription and over-the-counter. Now I want you to be really careful when disposing of your medication both prescription and over-the-counter. A lot of this stuff is not safe to flush down the toilet or put in the garbage can. My advice is to grab a bag, throw all the expired medication in there, and then take that to a drug take-back program local to you.
Allyson Cartwright is not just a TikTok content creator. She's also a seasoned professional organizer. Her Baltimore-based business, Elysian Organizing, offers both virtual and in-home decluttering services, as well as coaching programs.
Allyson writes how her mother noticed that she had a knack for organization even when she was a child. Instead of playing with dolls or making mud pies, she would rather spend time in a messy closet. "I loved the sense of calm that came with every item finding a home," she writes on her website.
Old mail. I can't tell you how many people have piles and piles of old mail just taking up space in their houses because they're scared of getting their identity stolen if they throw it in the garbage can. If that's something that you're worried about, buy a shredder and shred that s**t. Throw it away.
I keep old paperwork because there's an obligation to archive it for 10 years as a freelancer!
I want you to throw away all of the old birthday cards that are just collecting dust. I'm not talking about the Super sentimental cards given to us by loved ones who maybe have passed or that we really cherish. I'm talking about the birthday cards that we hold on to just because the purpose of that card was to deliver a message that message being a happy birthday, and once that message is delivered, it's okay to let it go.
Throw away all of your excess food storage and Tupperware containers. Almost every single kitchen I've ever organized just has too many. While you're at it, get rid of any container that's missing a lid or any lid that's missing a container.
As years went by, she became the go-to person for her friends and family when their spaces became too overwhelming. Her job is all about turning messy rooms into functional spaces: "It's like solving a puzzle – finding the perfect place for everything," Cartwright claims.
Interestingly, she points out that decluttering and tidying up, in general, is a pretty personal affair. "I like to really understand your life and your needs so I can create a space that not only looks good but feels right for you." It's about making a person's life easier by making their spaces more attuned to them.
Empty electronics boxes. You will not use these boxes again, you're likely not going to sell that old electronics and if you are, you don't need the box. If there's any warranty or VIN number information, snap a picture and get that s**t out. It's just taking up space.
I always reused the boxes of my mobile phones and tablets for reselling. You will get more money with a box. and some boxes are worth keeping, if something breaks and you need to send the device back to the manufacturer
This is the one I am the most passionate about. So listen closely. Throw away the clothes that don't fit you. It is so unhealthy to have clothes in your closet that you feel like you need to shrink or grow into clothes that fit you and make you feel good. Throw it away.
I’m a thrift store shopper so please also consider donating grandmas vintage pink Pyrex to the Goodwill for me plz thnx
I want you to go into your kitchen and throw away all the expired food that exists in your refrigerator, your pantry, and your cabinets. Take everything out, touch everything at least once and while you're at it, give your cabinets and fridge a good wipe down. This old and expired food is just taking up space in your kitchen, and it's making you much less efficient. So throw it away.
No, the expiration date on food does not tell you if something's not edible anymore.
Allyson started posting decluttering tips on TikTok at the beginning of March. So far, she has made six parts in her series about things that people should throw out. In one of her videos, she explains the reasons behind her content.
"I created this series because I know that so many people struggle with clutter and overwhelm in their homes, and I wanted to create some digestible content to help people take action today."
Throw away all of your worn-out or excess towels. Now I understand that towels can be used in different ways. So if you're planning to repurpose them, take them out of the linen closet and put them with the things you're repurposing them for. For example, I know sometimes people like to cut up old towels to create cleaning rags for their garage or you know to use in their home. If that's the case, take that action right now and put the towels with your cleaning supplies or in your garage.
Most animal shelters have an ongoing need for cleaned blankets and towels.
Some of you guys need to listen really closely to this, but please throw away old socks and underwear. These are items that can be replaced pretty easily. These are items that should be replaced regularly. Here are a few quick tips that can help you do this quickly today. Anything with a stain or a hole in it gets thrown out. Any socks that don't have a partner, get thrown out as well. In my opinion, the easiest way to do this is to get all of your socks together and dump them into a pile on the floor. And then I want you to shop through and actively choose the ones that you're keeping. Everything else gets thrown out. Repeat with your underwear and you're done.
Get rid of all of those random kitchen appliances that you never use, especially all of those extra blenders and food processors. Most of the time this stuff is taking up valuable real estate inside of your cabinets and on top of your counter so you're better off without it. Ask yourself, 'have I used this in the last six months?' If the answer is no, you don't need it.
In another video, Allyon clarifies that she uses the "throw it away" catchphrase as a "blanket statement." She's all for reusing, recycling, or donating the things you no longer need. "Anything that can be donated should be donated. Anything that can be recycled should be recycled."
Yet she also helps people who feel overwhelmed by the amount of waste they might produce feel less guilty. "But some things are just garbage and should just go in the garbage can. And that is okay," she points out. "If you're concerned about things going in the garbage and ending up in a landfill, then stop bringing garbage home."
Get rid of your extra suitcases and luggage. Luggage can be really expensive. So if you have extra luggage lying around, it can be really helpful to donate this to people who need it. Foster care agencies or shelters are a great spot for this. But thrift stores are good as well because it allows people to get luggage for a cheaper price than if they were to buy it now.
I also want you to throw away those thin plastic garment bags that the dry cleaner gives you. I know these give the perception of your clothes being protected from the elements in your closet, but they can actually trap some harmful gas that can cause discoloration in your clothes. So please throw it away today.
Luckily I live in Germany where these awful bags are not a thing anymore.
I want you to throw away those wire hangers that you get from the dry cleaner. These hangers were designed to get your clothes from point A to point B not to store your clothes for the long term, they bend and break so easily. And overall, they're just terrible at storing your clothes, so throw it away.
How the hell does one then roast marshmallows? Asking for a redneck friend…
I want you to throw away all of the excess cords cables and chargers that you have. I'm not saying throw them all away. But you definitely don't need 10 Micro USB cables, that random cord that you have no idea what they go to can go as well.
Possibly the worst advice on this list. That random cord you have no idea what it goes with? It's some rare connector that will be expensive to replace once you figure out what it was necessary for. After a struggle to identify it as you're not an expert in connectors.
"Organizing is not one-size-fits-all. It's really important to evaluate your own needs, your own habits, and your own goals when deciding what you want to keep and what you want to throw away." But she also warns people to be practical – we can often find justification to keep an item if we just convince ourselves.
Throw away all of your excess or worn-out bed linens, sets of bed linens take up a lot of space. So if you have too many of these, especially if you have a larger bed then your linen closet can easily become overwhelming. If you ask me, you really only need two sets of sheets per bed. And if you have sizes of bed sheets for beds, you don't even own anymore, those can definitely go.
I suppose if you are the white sheet brigade this makes sense. But I'm keeping my flamingos, toucans, elephants, William Morris, and art deco duvet sets thank you very much
Get rid of all of the duplicate kitchen utensils. You don't need four can openers or six spatulas to get the job done. When you have too much stuff in your kitchen. It makes it hard to be efficient. And when you're not efficient in the kitchen, you are wasting valuable time and money. So do yourself a favor and get rid of the stuff that's not serving you because you deserve a functional kitchen that you enjoy cooking in.
Not this. There's just the two of us, the dishwasher runs every three days, I need three spatulas
Allyson also started a new series almost a week ago – she's sharing tips about organizing for people who struggle with ADHD. As a fellow ADHD gal herself, she says that it's probably what makes her even better at organizing things.
Allyson says that organizing in general is not just about placing things in bins and putting labels on everything. "Organizing is about understanding your habits and integrating systems that work with those habits instead of against them."
I want you to throw away all of those excess pens. No, but seriously, why do you have so many pens, find a handful that you like and get rid of the rest.
Nope. One day the pens will not write anymore. That is the only right point of time to throw them away.
Allyson’s original video racked up over 1.7 million views
Many people were glad to discover Allyson’s tips
Poll Question
How do you feel about decluttering your house this spring?
Totally ready and excited
A bit hesitant, but I know it's necessary
Not sure where to start
Prefer not to do it at all
A lot of this is really bad advice. Reuse, recycle, think long term. That pot you only use once every two years? It’s gonna be expensive to replace when you need it again. Those clothes that are not totally worn out and you still wear them - keep wearing them. Don’t throw away fabric - it clogs up landfill. Find a place that legitimately reuses it. Food expiry dates - if it is a true expiry date on a food that can be dangerous, by all means toss it into the compost or food waste bin. But past it’s best by or use by? Look up the info on how long it safely can be used. Adding to landfill with perfectly good food is another huge problem.
Indeed, I agree. Donating the food to a communal pantry is a better idea
Load More Replies...We produce too much garbage and this article shows a lot of examples.
We buy too much. We don't use what we buy, and we accumulate even more. It's freeing letting go of the carp we don't need. But the secret is not replacing the current carp with new carp. (I'm not really talking about fish.)
Load More Replies...Whos taking advice from someone whos life amounted to being a pro organiser. Just laugh them out your house
I came here to post the same thing. Not to de disparaging but that's a hobby, not a job and half the things one this list were basically "throw out your trash" how enlightening.......
Load More Replies...A lot of this is really bad advice. Reuse, recycle, think long term. That pot you only use once every two years? It’s gonna be expensive to replace when you need it again. Those clothes that are not totally worn out and you still wear them - keep wearing them. Don’t throw away fabric - it clogs up landfill. Find a place that legitimately reuses it. Food expiry dates - if it is a true expiry date on a food that can be dangerous, by all means toss it into the compost or food waste bin. But past it’s best by or use by? Look up the info on how long it safely can be used. Adding to landfill with perfectly good food is another huge problem.
Indeed, I agree. Donating the food to a communal pantry is a better idea
Load More Replies...We produce too much garbage and this article shows a lot of examples.
We buy too much. We don't use what we buy, and we accumulate even more. It's freeing letting go of the carp we don't need. But the secret is not replacing the current carp with new carp. (I'm not really talking about fish.)
Load More Replies...Whos taking advice from someone whos life amounted to being a pro organiser. Just laugh them out your house
I came here to post the same thing. Not to de disparaging but that's a hobby, not a job and half the things one this list were basically "throw out your trash" how enlightening.......
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