Turns Out, Dr. Fauci And The 20th Century Epidemiologist Thomas Tuttle Shared Similar Advice For Ending Pandemics
Meet Dr Thomas Dyer Tuttle, Washington’s Health Commissioner during the Spanish Flu That Took Place In 1918. Apparently, people have been finding close similarities between the way he and his colleague from the 21st century, Dr Anthony Fauci, have been fighting pandemics. Let’s take a closer look at it.
In 1918, epidemiologist Dr Thomas Tuttle advised face masks and social distancing to slow the Spanish flu pandemic. Even though this strategy really did work, the doctor faced pushback and was later fired from his job.
These two have shared not only similar advice for ending pandemics, but looks as well!
Image credits: Montana Historical Society
Moreover, both Dr Tuttle and Dr Fauci fought global pandemics late in their health careers, both men attended Ivy League medical schools and both were commissioned officers in the United States Public Health Service.
Most importantly, both of these doctors have shared similar advice for ending pandemics: social distancing, masks and quarantine among them.
In 1915, Dr Tuttle accepted a new position as Washington’s Health Commissioner
Image credits: Washington State Historical Society, Gregg Courtwright Collection
A few years later, in July 1918, the Spanish flu reached the Washington state
In the beginning, 300 cases were reported but after that, the number started to slowly decline. It seemed as if the flu was retreating.
In September, the numbers started rising once again.
On October 5, 1918, Mayor Hanson took the advice from Dr Tuttle and closed the churches and other public places as well as introducing mandatory masks
Image credits: 1918 Influenza Epidemic Site
After that, Dr Tuttle took it into his own hands to start spreading advice for fighting the pandemic by sending letters to various newspapers
Those letters suggested, that this flu could be prevented from becoming epidemic with “the earnest, conscientious and intelligent help of every citizen of the State.” Like Fauci, the doctor advised people to stay away from public gatherings, to stay at home if any kind of symptoms become apparent and to wear masks in public places.
“All public gatherings except those absolutely essential to the maintenance of life and to the prosecution of essential war industries were prohibited,” Tuttle wrote.
His strategy for Washington’s state seemed to be working
Image credits: University of Calgary Press
With this early intervention, the death rate from the flu was slowly declining. The doctor wrote that the death rate from influenza in the state was “as low as any state in the US, if not lower than any other state.”
Image credits: Emergency hospital during influenza epidemic (NCP 1603), National Museum of Health and Medicine
Later, in the fall of 1918, the restrictions were lifted because a lot of citizens stopped following them
Image credits: Washington State Historical Society, Gregg Courtwright Collection
Besides, the US Public Health Service wasn’t recommending quarantine against influenza.
Within a few weeks, infection rates started rising again
Image credits: Harris & Ewing via Library of Congress
Dr Tuttle Began talking about the restrictions once again, this time promoting them more “aggressively”
Image credits: archives
While the numbers wear gradually rising, the doctor became more and more frustrated about the whole situation. But, basically, this time no one was listening to him. The doctor was described as belonging “to that old-fashioned school of citizens who believe laws and regulations were made to be enforced.”
Soon enough, Dr Tuttle was fired from his position as health commissioner in Washington
Nearly 80 years after Dr Tuttle’s death, his legacy in fighting health crisis lives on
Here’s what people thought about this
History is repeating itself. When will we learn from our past mistakes? Different virus, same results ... death! Everyone thinks they won't catch it, so they refuse to listen to the doctors. No one is immune to COVID19 ...wear a mask or stay home!!!!
And those who do get sick are suffering. If they survive they may have long lasting or permanent health problems. Imagine laying in a hospital bed, not knowing if you will live, not being allowed to see your loved ones. And wondering who you may have infected. These people who think this is a joke, need to have some sense slapped into them.
Load More Replies...The way to stop an outbreak is to change HUMAN BEHAVIOR. The end. Not forever. Just for a while. Works. Natch. THis isn't difficult. *sigh*
Unfortunately, the humans you are referring to, cannot change. Their ignorance is engraved very, very deep.
Load More Replies...We should have heeded Dr Tuttle's warnings a hundred years ago. We should definitely take Dr Fauci's advice today. Wearing a mask and keeping a minimum safe distance are small inconveniences to pay to save your life, my life, and countless others. To not do so is irresponsible, selfish, and stupid.
Your comment sure aged well. Dr. Mengele, oops, Pfauci, is a mass murderer. gallows-63...847167.jpg
lot of american think if the government ask them to wear a mask they'll lose their 'Liberty'. how can people Don't think them as moron?
Some pople think that if they don't believe it then it isn't true.Sad and scary.
When I was about 8, I believed that because I didn't believe in ghosts, they couldn't hurt me. I think even back then I realized it didn't make any sense, because believing that meant that I *did* believe in ghosts. I was okay with that, though. It was better than admitting they did exist because then they could hurt me after all. Childhood logic... now being employed by fully grown adults and also the President of the USA.
Load More Replies...And influenza has went nowhere!!Still here!!Masks don't work n are not proven to work!!People think they can avoid every pathogen on planet earth!!Lmfaooooo Just rip your immune system out since u have mask n vaccines now!!Lmfaooooo
It is a possibility for those that believe the nonsense to learn (perhaps), but probably not feasible due to being naive and ultimately controlled and indoctrinated beyond help. They began by stating that everyone has some type of coronavirus and that the term "Covid-19" referred to the disease caused by this variant of the Coronavirus. Then, they began calling Covid-19 the virus and that's truth. It gets worse. The first outbreak being in Wuhan where 5G was unveiled was also no accident seeming as how the "variant" that would soon take us by storm would be in line with the future "vaccine" that would begin on 12/14/2020. This "vaccine" which isn't by ANY legal definition a "vaccine" is actually a Gene Editing Software which is why the software mogul Bill Gates was placed in charge. The first Covid-19 strain from Wuhan was BS and to date has NEVER been isolated to even make a "vaccine" from it. NOPE. The shot is ALL synthetic, but turns real once inside the body. Deadly.
Hey, Bone Daddy... you are a total WANKER! Just like your (so called) President. Now go take a happy pill...
It's not just America - the UK is as bad - lots of people spouting statistics on FB about how you're more likely to die from an accident at home that you are Covid - that may well be a factual statement - doesn't mean that I really don't want to get Covid anymore than I want to fall off a ladder - wearing a mask is about taking precautionary measures to help you and others - as someone in the at risk category for being very ill with Covid, or worse yet dying, if I did contract it, it staggers me that people can be so selfish as to not just get on with it - and to all those who think it's not real - well I wonder what your view will be once you get it - or will you just keeping on denying that Covid is what made you ill. Still if all the stupid got it and died, it might actually make the world a better place.
People who don't wear masks are covidiots, a group of them is called a covfefe.
I will pick it up and read it. It sounds interesting. That being said, I think what you've said is rather simplistic. There was far more than what you've mentioned that went into the diagnosis and treatment. Not just that a bunch of bozos had no idea. Which is how you've made it sound. And even then, the masks were to prevent the spread of the disease, not to keep the wearer safe.
Load More Replies...I suggest you state your sources for this comment. WTF does Hillary Clinton have to do with any of this? Fraud? What do you mean? Are his degrees from the College of the Holy Cross and Cornell University fake? Are his numerous awards including the Medal of Freedom, false? Are all the medical achievements he's made, including his work on a vaccine for HIV not real? Listen, you punk, where's your medical degree? Look into what you have of a soul and be honest. You're just a sheep repeating the agenda of the far right.
Load More Replies...Thank god you don’t make any important decisions. Otherwise, we would all be screwed.
Load More Replies...History is repeating itself. When will we learn from our past mistakes? Different virus, same results ... death! Everyone thinks they won't catch it, so they refuse to listen to the doctors. No one is immune to COVID19 ...wear a mask or stay home!!!!
And those who do get sick are suffering. If they survive they may have long lasting or permanent health problems. Imagine laying in a hospital bed, not knowing if you will live, not being allowed to see your loved ones. And wondering who you may have infected. These people who think this is a joke, need to have some sense slapped into them.
Load More Replies...The way to stop an outbreak is to change HUMAN BEHAVIOR. The end. Not forever. Just for a while. Works. Natch. THis isn't difficult. *sigh*
Unfortunately, the humans you are referring to, cannot change. Their ignorance is engraved very, very deep.
Load More Replies...We should have heeded Dr Tuttle's warnings a hundred years ago. We should definitely take Dr Fauci's advice today. Wearing a mask and keeping a minimum safe distance are small inconveniences to pay to save your life, my life, and countless others. To not do so is irresponsible, selfish, and stupid.
Your comment sure aged well. Dr. Mengele, oops, Pfauci, is a mass murderer. gallows-63...847167.jpg
lot of american think if the government ask them to wear a mask they'll lose their 'Liberty'. how can people Don't think them as moron?
Some pople think that if they don't believe it then it isn't true.Sad and scary.
When I was about 8, I believed that because I didn't believe in ghosts, they couldn't hurt me. I think even back then I realized it didn't make any sense, because believing that meant that I *did* believe in ghosts. I was okay with that, though. It was better than admitting they did exist because then they could hurt me after all. Childhood logic... now being employed by fully grown adults and also the President of the USA.
Load More Replies...And influenza has went nowhere!!Still here!!Masks don't work n are not proven to work!!People think they can avoid every pathogen on planet earth!!Lmfaooooo Just rip your immune system out since u have mask n vaccines now!!Lmfaooooo
It is a possibility for those that believe the nonsense to learn (perhaps), but probably not feasible due to being naive and ultimately controlled and indoctrinated beyond help. They began by stating that everyone has some type of coronavirus and that the term "Covid-19" referred to the disease caused by this variant of the Coronavirus. Then, they began calling Covid-19 the virus and that's truth. It gets worse. The first outbreak being in Wuhan where 5G was unveiled was also no accident seeming as how the "variant" that would soon take us by storm would be in line with the future "vaccine" that would begin on 12/14/2020. This "vaccine" which isn't by ANY legal definition a "vaccine" is actually a Gene Editing Software which is why the software mogul Bill Gates was placed in charge. The first Covid-19 strain from Wuhan was BS and to date has NEVER been isolated to even make a "vaccine" from it. NOPE. The shot is ALL synthetic, but turns real once inside the body. Deadly.
Hey, Bone Daddy... you are a total WANKER! Just like your (so called) President. Now go take a happy pill...
It's not just America - the UK is as bad - lots of people spouting statistics on FB about how you're more likely to die from an accident at home that you are Covid - that may well be a factual statement - doesn't mean that I really don't want to get Covid anymore than I want to fall off a ladder - wearing a mask is about taking precautionary measures to help you and others - as someone in the at risk category for being very ill with Covid, or worse yet dying, if I did contract it, it staggers me that people can be so selfish as to not just get on with it - and to all those who think it's not real - well I wonder what your view will be once you get it - or will you just keeping on denying that Covid is what made you ill. Still if all the stupid got it and died, it might actually make the world a better place.
People who don't wear masks are covidiots, a group of them is called a covfefe.
I will pick it up and read it. It sounds interesting. That being said, I think what you've said is rather simplistic. There was far more than what you've mentioned that went into the diagnosis and treatment. Not just that a bunch of bozos had no idea. Which is how you've made it sound. And even then, the masks were to prevent the spread of the disease, not to keep the wearer safe.
Load More Replies...I suggest you state your sources for this comment. WTF does Hillary Clinton have to do with any of this? Fraud? What do you mean? Are his degrees from the College of the Holy Cross and Cornell University fake? Are his numerous awards including the Medal of Freedom, false? Are all the medical achievements he's made, including his work on a vaccine for HIV not real? Listen, you punk, where's your medical degree? Look into what you have of a soul and be honest. You're just a sheep repeating the agenda of the far right.
Load More Replies...Thank god you don’t make any important decisions. Otherwise, we would all be screwed.
Load More Replies...