50 Times People Found Themselves With Extra Free Time During Quarantine And Decided To Make Something Cool
With the worldwide pandemic ravaging the world, many people find more free time on their hands than they can remember. After all, going out is not really an option at the moment, and nobody knows when it will be.
But it turns out, idle hands are capable of incredible things. And thanks to the subreddit “Something I Made,” which has people sharing their most incredible pieces of work, we now have a full collection of handmade goodness for our eyes to feast on.
From an incredible dinosaur costume built from PVC pipes and foam and a "Game Over" cross-stitch piece, to pants purposefully constructed with pockets deep enough to fit a TV remote and beer, these are some mad DIY skills that may spark your inner go-doer and maker that has been deep asleep all this time.
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I Built A Backyard Treehouse As A Quarantine Project
I Made A Portrait Of German Shepherd With Soft Pastels And Pastel Pencils. What Do You Think?
My Parents Planted An Apple-Tree When I Was Born. Sadly, The Tree Died A Few Weeks Ago, So I Made A Bookshelf Out Of It
The worldwide pandemic which has been ravaging the globe has not been the brightest thing in recent memory for most of us. With so many people left jobless and struggling to find hope that everything will get back to normal eventually, it’s only normal to feel more anxious and low-spirited than usual.
But engaging in DIY activities can not only give your idle hands something to work on, it can have some seriously positive effects on mental health. To find out more about the positive effects DIY activities and art-making have on our minds, Bored Panda reached out to Liza Hinchey, a psychologist, art therapist, and a doctoral researcher at Wayne State University.
“Art-making has the special power of getting our minds into what’s called 'the flow state.' If you’ve ever been doing something and found that hours went by without you even noticing, you were in the flow state of mind! Research has shown that the more time people spend in the flow state, the happier they are on average.”
My Mom Is Learning How To Sew. This Chair-Cover Cooking Set Is Her Latest Creation
I Run An All-Volunteer Trail Crew That Specializes In Good Old-Fashioned Technical Stonework. Here Is What We Make!
I Painted A Whole Bunch Of Rocks During Quarantine!
Moreover, Liza told us that art-making can reduce anxiety by “improving 'mindfulness'—known as a nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment.” It’s “because anxiety is often characterized by thinking about the future,” explained Liza, but “focusing on the present moment is a natural antidote to anxiety.”
The psychologist added that art-making activities that “involve repetitive, similar motions (like coloring or doodling a pattern)” are particularly helpful since they “can help reduce anxious thoughts and bring us back to the present.”
My Mom Hand Cut And Stained All The Pieces For This Wall. I Think It's Beautiful And She Deserves Some Props
I Am Groot
I Finally Finished My Giant Stained Glass Hippo And I'm Dying Because It Looks So Good!!
And since art-making for many people brings enormous benefits for their mental health, art therapy can be useful for anyone. “While art-making outside of therapy has enormous benefits for mental health, creating art under the guidance of an art therapist can be especially helpful.”
Liza said “it’s great for small children who may not have the vocabulary to express their emotions yet, and can therefore represent them better through art; it’s used to treat trauma in adults, as traumatic memories are often most active in visual centers of the brain, so art can help people process these memories when talking about them doesn’t suffice (not to say that talk therapy is not helpful for trauma—it often is!); it’s used to treat anxiety, grief, depression, and so many other concerns.”
“One of the most powerful things about art therapy is that it can really be adapted for anyone, and requires absolutely no artistic 'skill.' The point isn’t to make a 'masterpiece,' but to explore yourself as a human being,” the psychologist concluded.
I Made Sleeping Bengal Kitties Out Of Glass
My Heart Was Heavy The Past Few Weeks And Naturally That Pours Out Into My Work And Made This Dress. I Hope Everyone Is Hanging In There Mentally, Change Will Come Here In Africa ❤️ #endinjustice
I Paint With Bleach!
Yesss, those look awesome, I should try painting with bleach...
Meanwhile, a study from Heather L. Stuckey, a professor at the Department of Medicine, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, and Jeremy Nobel from Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, suggests that crafting and engaging in creative activities may help decrease anxiety, stress, and mood disturbances, as well as improve well-being and quality of life.
Over the past decade, health psychologists have cautiously begun looking at how the arts might be used in a variety of ways to heal emotional injuries, increase understanding of oneself and others, develop a capacity for self-reflection, reduce symptoms, and alter behaviors and thinking patterns.
After Searching For A Contractor For Months And Getting Bids At 10k Plus I Decided To Attempt This Myself With No Tools And Experience. Cost Me $2500 In Materials And $500 In New Tools. It’s Not Perfect But Am Super Proud Of The Results.
I Wanted To Paint My Cat, But Doing All Of Her Seemed Hard, So I Just Did The Easy Parts
My First Attempt At Making A Leather Handbag. The Hand Stitching Took Forever!
Another study published in 2020 looked into the connection between arts and mental health, functioning, & life satisfaction. The study authors came to a conclusion that “frequent arts participation and cultural attendance were associated with lower levels of mental distress and higher levels of life satisfaction, with arts participation additionally associated with better mental health functioning.”
An Origami Koi Fish That I Made With A US $1 Bill For My Tip Jar At Work
I'm A 16 Yr Old Blacksmith And I Forged This Whale Bottle Opener :) Hope You Like It!
My Goal For This Year Was To Finish This Painting, And I Did Took Me 3 Months. I Know It’s Not 100% Perfect But I’m A Bit Proud
The Bridge, Another Cat Tree I Just Finished
Friends, What Do You Think Of This My Handmade Dress?
I Made This Needle Felted Albino Bat
I Made A Stained Glass Of My Friend's Watercolor Painting
I Built This For A Family In Columbus Oh, But I’m 100% Going To Build A Full Sized One As My House Next
I’m Only 16 But I Built A Hardwood Desk Out Of 2 Sheets Of 4x8 Maple Plywood.
Made A Purple Ombre Wisteria Mobile Out Of Felt
Trash Fort With Green Roof
I Make Layered Animals Out Of Birch Wood. This Is 7 Layers. Hope You Like
My brain doesn’t have enough forethought to make sure my underwear is inside out and you think up this 7 layers deep. Magical.
My Wife Asked For A Gold Bicycle. I Bought An Old 70’s Ross Kids Bike And Turn It Into A Low Rider.
Wire And Clay Whippet I Just Finished - With A Heart Of Gold
I Repainted A Cabinet (I Got For Free!) And Wanted To Share
...and now it belongs in a palace!!! I love how the cabinet looks in blue.
My Husband Snores And My Daughter Rotates In The Bed So I Haven’t Slept Well In Four Years...converted The Closet In The Office Into My Own Personal Bed
I Made Something Horrible, Or Awesome. I Honestly Can't Tell
My Daughters "Sally Witch" Costume I Crocheted
After Being Laid Off In April I Spent The Last 2 1/2 Months Building This Playhouse For My Kids. I Have No Construction Experience, Just A Lot Of Youtube Tutorials. I’m Very Happy With How It Turned Out.
I Really Wanted Wallpaper In Our Bathroom, But I Couldn’t Afford It...so I Painted It! I Used Leftover Paint Samples From Another Project. I Hand Sketched The Flowers Based On A Marimekko Pattern
I Made 3-Prong Wooden Hair Fork With Cat Ears Headband
After 40 Hours And A Lot Of Black Embroidery Floss, I Finally Finished This Crow Embroidery!
Partner And I Hand Made A Sliding Door Over The Weekend! What Do You Think?
Made This Beautiful Vintage Dress For My Engagement Photos And Just A Mini Shoot! Aiming To Make My Entire Wardrobe To Be Vintage
I Made This Cute Bernie Sanders Toy
A Little Weekend Project My Wife And I Just Finished
I Made A Stained Glass Quilt!
I Made This Mini Lime Out Of Polymer Clay!
Made A Giant Squid Out Of Microfleece, 'Cause Why Not?
Made These Glass Piano Jewelry Boxes A Bit Ago In Support Of Pride!
I want these beautiful colour glass pianos over everything in this list.❤️
Followed this to Reddit and she is on Instagram @yurikaglass where the link to her Etsy store is.
Pride or in other words the LGBTQ+ community, like the gays (i mean I'm bisexual sooo)
I Made A Phone Stand To Turn Your Smartphone In A Cozy Fireplace
I Made This
Bragging About My Mugs
I Made A Dress Out Of The Leaves In My Garden. It Was Either This Or Rake Them All Up, Seemed A Shame For Them To Go To Waste.
Finally Had Success With Resin Lacing!
And what did I make myself during the quarantine? Fat. I made myself fat.
Everyone but me :D I can only make crooked mugs and they're only good to use if someone lends me access to ceramic-baking owen ;)
I built a mini drum set completely out of old Apple computer parts... IMG_2639D-...4-jpeg.jpg
I wrote and illustrated three childrens books through quarantine. Two of them were published by a publisher in germany (i'm german). The second one was almost sols out before it even got published 😊
Sadly, the only thing that I did during quarantine was develop anorexia nervosa. I’m on the way to recovery now, but it wasn’t a good time.
We all went (still going) through a collective traumatic event and it is ok to bear the marks without beating ourselves. I am glad you are doing better - I am on the up from a depressive episode myself. Is there something you would like to do? I try drawing from time to time.
Load More Replies...All of these people did different things, find something that you enjoy doing and just build off of that!
Load More Replies...It wasn't all talent, mostly it seems determination and the will to turn..
To everyone leaving comments like “All did was gain weight.” What you are doing is getting yourselves through a global pandemic. It is okey not to be your most creative, energetic selves. Props to you for even getting out of bed!
I know this wasn't the point of this post, and I applaude all of these people, but now I feel crappier than I did before. I've done nothing... NOTHING... I may have developed a new world record for self-indulgent crying though... I mean... I could cry for my country if it was an Olympic or Commonwealth sport. Can we make it a sport? I'd kick your arses.
These are interesting. I've been building things over quarantine but I think I should try doing something like painting with bleach on some rubbish old shirts.
Boredom has seen that some people have had to dig into themselves and realize how talented they are!!! And a LOT of these ideas are really million dollar ideas!!! I've already spent around $10,000 for imaginary shopping!!!
I made lots of frozen pizza and a big, fat a$$. Sigh. Such a loser.
I've made an outdoor kitchen with a roofed terrace and a shed for firewood last year. A pity I cant post pictures.
The only thing that is good about covid, people discover new talents and get them long waited jobs done. Apart from that it is crap!
This post makes me so happy to see how creative and resourceful people are. Most of the projects here are done for or with the people (human and animal people) they love, and it shows. And if you haven’t spent quarantine doing something incredibly creative, that’s okay too! We can’t all be super talented and we can’t all have access to the resources and tools and time that we need! Hope everyone is doing okay and will come out of this happy and healthy!
If only I had a modicum of the talent, skill and/or creativity of these folks... plus the determination/dedication.
Now we need to have some tutorials and know more these artist. Because everything in these post was wonderful and make me wanna start create ( even if I'm not so skilled right now). So please, It would be wonderful if you provide some names or links for us to search these people.
They are amazing achievements. However, clearly none of these people are beginners.
My weed consumption went up, and I have a bigger belly, I procrastinated a lot.
I made about 20 bins full of unfinished crafts I started all during quarantine
I didn't kick my kid out of the house. She's almost a teenager. I think I win
I love all these projects. It's beautifully done. To be honest, I feel like my life got much busier since March 2020. It's good not to have to commute, being able to work from my comfy home and being able to get good tea and coffee whenever I want. But, I have to work many more hours, we're online from around 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and we also have to do more in less time. I have no right to complain and know I'm very privileged to not have to go out there everyday, but I were wondering if some of you also feel the same way. Stay healthy and safe, everyone!
And what did I make myself during the quarantine? Fat. I made myself fat.
Everyone but me :D I can only make crooked mugs and they're only good to use if someone lends me access to ceramic-baking owen ;)
I built a mini drum set completely out of old Apple computer parts... IMG_2639D-...4-jpeg.jpg
I wrote and illustrated three childrens books through quarantine. Two of them were published by a publisher in germany (i'm german). The second one was almost sols out before it even got published 😊
Sadly, the only thing that I did during quarantine was develop anorexia nervosa. I’m on the way to recovery now, but it wasn’t a good time.
We all went (still going) through a collective traumatic event and it is ok to bear the marks without beating ourselves. I am glad you are doing better - I am on the up from a depressive episode myself. Is there something you would like to do? I try drawing from time to time.
Load More Replies...All of these people did different things, find something that you enjoy doing and just build off of that!
Load More Replies...It wasn't all talent, mostly it seems determination and the will to turn..
To everyone leaving comments like “All did was gain weight.” What you are doing is getting yourselves through a global pandemic. It is okey not to be your most creative, energetic selves. Props to you for even getting out of bed!
I know this wasn't the point of this post, and I applaude all of these people, but now I feel crappier than I did before. I've done nothing... NOTHING... I may have developed a new world record for self-indulgent crying though... I mean... I could cry for my country if it was an Olympic or Commonwealth sport. Can we make it a sport? I'd kick your arses.
These are interesting. I've been building things over quarantine but I think I should try doing something like painting with bleach on some rubbish old shirts.
Boredom has seen that some people have had to dig into themselves and realize how talented they are!!! And a LOT of these ideas are really million dollar ideas!!! I've already spent around $10,000 for imaginary shopping!!!
I made lots of frozen pizza and a big, fat a$$. Sigh. Such a loser.
I've made an outdoor kitchen with a roofed terrace and a shed for firewood last year. A pity I cant post pictures.
The only thing that is good about covid, people discover new talents and get them long waited jobs done. Apart from that it is crap!
This post makes me so happy to see how creative and resourceful people are. Most of the projects here are done for or with the people (human and animal people) they love, and it shows. And if you haven’t spent quarantine doing something incredibly creative, that’s okay too! We can’t all be super talented and we can’t all have access to the resources and tools and time that we need! Hope everyone is doing okay and will come out of this happy and healthy!
If only I had a modicum of the talent, skill and/or creativity of these folks... plus the determination/dedication.
Now we need to have some tutorials and know more these artist. Because everything in these post was wonderful and make me wanna start create ( even if I'm not so skilled right now). So please, It would be wonderful if you provide some names or links for us to search these people.
They are amazing achievements. However, clearly none of these people are beginners.
My weed consumption went up, and I have a bigger belly, I procrastinated a lot.
I made about 20 bins full of unfinished crafts I started all during quarantine
I didn't kick my kid out of the house. She's almost a teenager. I think I win
I love all these projects. It's beautifully done. To be honest, I feel like my life got much busier since March 2020. It's good not to have to commute, being able to work from my comfy home and being able to get good tea and coffee whenever I want. But, I have to work many more hours, we're online from around 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and we also have to do more in less time. I have no right to complain and know I'm very privileged to not have to go out there everyday, but I were wondering if some of you also feel the same way. Stay healthy and safe, everyone!