23 People Share What Schoolmates-Turned-Celebrities Were Like Before Fame
Remember when your teacher would ask the entire class about what they wanted to be when they grew up? There were always a few kids who’d say that they wanted to become adventurous astronauts, charismatic rock stars, and legendary athletes. They were shooting for the stars! And though life happens and we have to let go of some of our ambitions, not everyone gives up on their dreams. Some of them turn theirs into reality.
Maybe you didn’t know it at the time, but the person sitting next to you in class and at the cafeteria was going to become wildly famous in the future. Maybe they were the kids of famous parents and it wasn’t a secret to anyone. Well, that’s exactly what internet users discussed in an insightful thread on r/AskReddit.
Redditors revealed who they or their relatives went to school with who’s famous now, and spilled the beans about what they were like back then. It’s amazing to learn how fun, kind, and down-to-earth many beloved celebrities were… though it’s not the case with everyone. Check out their stories below and let us know which ones resonated with you the most, Pandas!
We got in touch with entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyle expert Mike Sington for a chat about recognizing who will go far while they're still in school. "Many people have talent, very, very few have star quality," he told Bored Panda. We also asked Hollywood's Ultimate Insider about the potential pitfalls that celebrities ought to be aware of, how to stay grounded, and how to behave at your next school reunion if your classmate is famous. You'll find the full interview below.
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My dad went to the same high school as Prince. Apparently he was a very quiet kid, didn't have many friends.
My Grandma went to school with Elvis. They had P.E. together. She said he was a real ladies' man and he was a total sweetheart.
My dad went to high school with Neil deGrasse Tyson. They were buddies, but not extremely close. He described him as being "popular, athletic, and an all around good guy". We even have a signed yearbook!
My Mom went to high school with Michelle Obama (formerly Michelle Robinson), and even has a yearbook with her signature in it. They were in the National Honor Society together, and had been pretty good acquaintances. It wasn't until one day after Obama was elected, my Mom was watching the news, and jumped in recognition and ran to find her yearbook.
Well i didnt exactly, but Johnny Depp was 1 grade ahead of me and I talked to him occasionally, and i can tell ya, he was the same as he is now, the lead in everything, the class clown/wierdo and had almost barley any friends
My boyfriend went to school with Michael Cera and was good friends with him until he moved away. He really is just as awkward and hilarious in real life and i have been told many funny stories about him.
Zac Efron was in my high school speech and debate league. He accused me of wanting to kill Oprah in a debate. And he won.
Went to primary with Peter Jackson's son (before Lord of the Rings came out). He told us his dad was making a movie, i laughed at him. Oh god why...
My mom went to school with Steve from Blues Clues - she was in the drama department with him. She said he was always acting kooky, but he was super nice and artsy
Just remembered another one; an ex-boyfriend of mine would travel the pond to Ireland every summer (his mother's Irish) and would attend an acting camp while there. Evanna Lynch, who plays Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter series, also attended every year, and they were actually on good terms. He says she more or less IS Luna Lovegood, and that most of what is portrayed on screen is how she is in real life, even down to the voice. :D
My Friends Mom was asked to prom by Will Ferrell in high school. Apparently he showed up to her door completely naked and asked her in front of her parents.
My sister's friend went to school with Heath Ledger and he was good mates with him. She told me when she herself met him he was a really friendly guy.
My friend's dad went to high school with Neil Patrick Harris, and apparently used to bully him.
My aunt went to school with Kurt Cobain. She turned him down for prom one year. She said he was kind of a junkie and a loser.
Rebecca Black was my "little buddy" when she was in kindergarten and I was in 4th grade. Honestly, she was adorable and very well-spoken and polite for a 5 year old. And I remember for the two other years I went to that elementary school, we still bumped into each other every now and then--she spent most of her time in the library reading, keeping herself only two a small group of friends. And now we've been on Facebook for the past two years or so, even before Friday debuted.
My mom went to high school with Suzanne Collins, author of the Hunger Games. They were friends but my mom said she doesn't remember her that well but she does remember that she was nice.