Someone Asked, “You Just Won A Billion Dollars, What Are You Still Not Buying?”, Here Are 53 Of The Best Responses
Although whether money can buy happiness is a very much debatable topic, it can undoubtedly help cultivate it. And while many of the expensive things that are not attainable to everyone can improve the quality of life, there are also many things that are worthless or stupid, despite their high price tag. Still, expensive things that aren’t worth it and considered stupid things to buy are a matter of personal perspective. Someone may find luxury cars so not worth it or would label plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons as dumb expensive things. However, ultimately, we decide what to do with our own money.
You must have thought about things you would buy if money was not an issue. However, have you ever thought about what you would still NOT buy if you had all the sources available at your hand? Well, user Joshhagan6 on AskReddit did. About a month ago, they asked, “You just won a billion dollars, what are you still not buying?” To our surprise, thousands of people jumped on the thread to share the many stupid things, ridiculously expensive things, and items they would not buy just because. However, some Redditors took it in a different literal sense and revealed what they would not accept as truth no matter what. That turned out to be some entertaining content as well!
Below, we’ve compiled some of the most upvoted and interesting answers from the thread in which people shared stupid expensive things they would still not buy even if they could afford them. Do you agree with some of the answers? If you do, give them an upvote! Also, let us know in the comments what other expensive, overhyped, or worthless things you would still not buy even if you had the extra funds. Share your thoughts in the comments!
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lnvalidSportsOpinion said:
"A dog from a breeder. I legitimately cannot bring myself to look anywhere but a shelter."
SirThatsCuba replied:
"I'ma buy a shelter. Never buy a pet again."
If it’s a thoroughly vetted, small, local, and humane breeder, then that’s sort of ok… but you should still get shelter pets, because they’re a) cheaper and b) more in need of homes.
timmcdee said:
"Another house in an HOA!"
ComesInAnOldBox replied:
"Just buy all the houses in the HOA and disband the damn thing."
LucasSvensson said:
"Still not buying an oversized house."
willilliam replied:
"Right? Like I’m about to search 13 bathrooms, 23 bedrooms, 12 kitchens, 2 ballrooms, and the owlery for the cat to bring to bed for some snuggles."
Travelers_Starcall said:
"Expensive designer brand clothes. I’d pay extra for good quality, materials, and features, but never just for a label."
conquer69 replied:
"Would hire a tailor and seamstress and have them make all my clothes."
I think I'd still just buy things I like the look of online and hope it fits
Pristine-Function-49 said:
"$1000 steaks covered in gold leaf."
Spanky_Hamster replied:
"Any food involving gold leaf. It's so stupid."
Just the steak, and I don't think they would be that expensive without the stupid gold
WaterInternational97 said:
"Exotic animals or anything that include animal cruelty."
NorthboundLynx replied:
"Proper way to go about it is to help fund reputable wildlife conservation organizations."
WaterInternational97 replied:
"I strongly agree! I would help financially the professional take proper care of the animals the right way."
turbulent_coconut said:
"Anything from the Kardashians."
User No 2 replied:
"Even if you like them, their products are more often than not ridiculously subpar.
You're paying luxury prices for stuff from Walmart."
I have an old one from before they got too branded, and it works beautifully. The new ones are just dumb though.
easilyshot said:
"1 ply toilet paper!"
Greedy-Knowledge6043 replied:
"No matter how broke you are, there's always money for decent toilet paper."
heavylancelot said:
"That I have just won a billion dollars."
InVodkaVeritas replied:
"It would take me weeks after the money is in my account to accept it and start spending it."
"A Death Star, only because it would probably cost more than a billion dollars to make."
"Custom license plates."
Good idea, why put a sign on your car that says here I am, come and get me...
Keyblades4Real said:
"Trump's collectible digital cards."
SonderlingDelGado replied:
"I can't believe they all sold. Actually, I can't believe they sold any at all - guess some people will buy anything being shilled at them."
Think money laundering. Regulatory agencies approximate that around 75% of all NFT transactions involve money laundering.
IsThataPlatypus said:
"A mega yacht seems like all the uber-rich folks feel the need to buy one, just a big, stupidly expensive, constantly in need of work and maintenance, money pit. Status symbols are dumb."
Puzzleheaded_Ad6097 replied:
"I appreciate you recognizing that maintenance and upkeep costs are the biggest cost of owning a large boat like that. As a private jet mechanic, I would say that whatever you buy the jet for, you will pay maintenance and operating costs in the first two years.
That said, my answer is a private jet."
Why not just lease these for the rare times you will use them? With an entire world to explore how much time are you really going to spend on these? Sure you can jet around here and there but the hassle?...there is a shitload of bureaucracy attached to flying your own jet into various airfields and across continents and countries. Seriously let that be someone else's problem and just fly first class or lease a jet or cruiser occasion.
mamabird1993 said:
"$20,000 handbags, heck I wouldn’t even buy a $1,000 handbag. What in the world is the point?"
A_giant_dog replied:
"I bought a $600 briefcase about 15 years ago so probably at least a grand in today's money. It's a leather one from one of those brands that are all about "they'll fight over it after you're dead and a 100-year warranty." It's been my EDC ever since. It's been on three continents and probably 30 states. Hundreds of flights, thousands of trips on public transportation, and more hotel rooms and conference rooms than I could count. It has developed a little bit of a patina but otherwise, it's still exactly like the day I bought it.
This is a lot to say, a really high-quality bag might be expensive up front, but if it looks fantastic you can use it forever. I used to wear out a $150 bag every year or so, I'm not easy on them and I need something that looks professional. This thing has saved me so much money by now."
ResponsibleWest5240 said:
AmesElectus replied:
"I respect your opinion. I would like to mention that they changed my work life for the better, though. Back pain nearly disappeared!"
The first time I wore the non-skid Crocs in the kitchen the crocs stayed in place but my body kept going forward. Some of us are too clumsy for those lol
en64129 said:
"New husband."
Joshhagan6 replied:
"This is the last answer I expected. Good for you in your successful marriage."
soldforaspaceship replied:
"You can pick them up pretty cheap in bars. Not saying that's how I got mine or anything..."
"Any kind of filler for my body no matter what I have insecurities about in life
(Medical I totally get, I even understand societal pressures, I promise lol I’m not judging you personally, it’s just not for me)."
Apparently BBLs can make you stanky. Just do squats ffs. Risking your life, spending months in pain and recovery, and smelling bad just for aesthetic or to look good. In your own opinion. And then getting addicted to fillers until you can't talk anymore because your lips are so bloated and your nose is too thin to breathe through.
UltimateLastThrowAwy said:
"Not buying a luxury car. I might buy a few model-year newer versions of my current car, but not buying a Tesla, Rolls Royce, or anything like that."
NaethanC replied:
"I drive a Toyota Yaris from 2002, one liter. It does 50 miles a gallon, easily can fit 5 people in it (I've actually gotten 6 people in it before), drives pretty well and I regularly do 200-mile trips in it. I could afford something more expensive but my car suits me just fine. If I had a billion dollars, I'd probably keep it as my run-around because it's cheap to run and easy to park."
"Bottled water, especially “fancy” brands of it. The tap works just fine thanks."
Gammyloon69 said:
"Snapchat +."
mysweetmeIanchoIy replied:
"There's a plus version some people willingly pay for?!"
"A Rolex or other similar status symbol garbage."
You know Rolex starts at 7k? They are more of a status symbol, while Patek, VC, and others have better reputation on quality, but not Rolex's fame. Though Rolex has a reputation for good quality that will las decades. But some of those high end watches are engineering marvels with all the complications they put in, and sync, and more. I would want some of the high end watches known for their complexity if I was that rich (there is one that combines over 16 of the most complex complications, that it takes a team of experts watchmakers weeks to make a single one. That is something if I was rich enough, I would want, just for the art and engineering of it all.)
RSwordsman said:
rabbies76 replied:
"They are actually very comfortable if you don’t wanna buy them because of Kanye you can always buy ultra boosts which is the same material just not owned by him."
"Non-generic prescription or over-the-counter meds. They're the same and I'll die on that hill."
thepotatoinyourheart said:
RandomWebGuyReal replied:
"Exactly! Buy it for 1 million! Then 6 months later when you forgot how much you paid for it, sell for 50k! Easy money!"
vcatdebrusk said:
"Tiktoker merchandise."
Scadilla replied:
"Get a scoop of crystals and polished stones for me."
WhatWouldTNGPicardDo said:
"Diamonds. They are all blood diamonds no matter what the DeBeers cartel wants you to think."
william4534 replied:
"Unless they’re lab-grown, then sure. Plus lab-grown ones are typically better quality anyways."
am_i_your said:
"A blue check mark."
odraencoded replied:
"Imagine buying a single blue checkmark from Twitter when Tumblr sells 2 blue checkmarks for the price of one."
Bic puts out a blue ink pen that costs 50¢. I daresay it's perfectly good at writing check marks.
icygasgiant said:
"Extended warranty for my car."
Trick-Seat4901 replied:
"I bought my truck used. Came with the gold extended warranty. Had to fight the a*sholes to honor it despite it being in the purchase conditions. Cost the previous owner 5k, me nothing. I got 5k out of it easily. Worth every penny I never spent."
I have a 1979 Camaro, I love to ask them about extending its warranty!
Spirited-Material-71 said:
"Farts in a jar."
superlurker906 replied:
"What about bathwater from models."
theyungmanproject said:
"Nestle products."
CL_Doviculus replied:
"I would hire someone to check my groceries for Nestle-owned brands before I pay."
"$12,000 tables."
somewittyusername92 said:
"Raid shadow legends."
kyubez replied:
"It's free and I still refuse to get anywhere near that sh*t."
When that game first came out I enjoyed it a lot. I was not putting any money into it and after about 3 months they changed a lot and I wasn't making progress. And I got into some spending issues with the game because of it. I'm ashamed to say one month I spent $500 on the game and didn't even realize it until it was way too late. I actually had to borrow money from family to make it through the month for food and groceries. Then I immediately uninstalled the game and have not tried to Play it again
Bekah_bek said:
"Any MLM product."
rotatingruhnama replied:
"I'd pay $10 to MLM people to leave me alone. The expensive part would be having a lawyer drawing up a contract, but imagine being a LuLaRoe salesperson getting a reply to a "Hey girl...." DM that goes, "Please contact my attorney for a one-time offer"."
"Somebody's love."
Can't buy me love, no, can't buy me love...I'd buy you diamond ring my friend if it makes you feel alright...
sparkling-whine said:
"Salt Bae’s BS."
Hey_im_miles replied:
"I wouldn't let that dude pay me to make me food."
stoickthevast88 said:
"Taylor swift concert tickets."
O_X_E_Y replied:
"Ay you wouldn't be the only one."
AncientSumerianGod said:
"The 20-dollar protection plan for the 30-dollar gadget at Best Buy."
DarkShadow04 replied:
"I bought a 4yr replacement warranty for my GoPro last year. It was probably $60-$70. But after selling a lot of those service plans and replacement plans when I worked at Best Buy all those years ago... I have a feeling that my GoPro is going to suffer an unfortunate death after 3.5 years. At least Best Buy makes it easy to replace the things under the replacement plan. (Good luck with the repair/service plan though)."
"Microsoft 365 suite, free from college!"
sleekandspicy said:
"Expensive gas. Gonna drive out of my way to save a few bucks."
Sceptically replied:
"Damn straight, sometimes you just got to spend a buck to save a quarter!"
"Pancake batter or cake mix. Heavily processed and still don't save that much time."
User No 1 said:
"Overwatch battlepass."
kindtheking9 replied:
"Buy deep rock galactic instead, the gameplay loop is fun af and the game has near-endless replayability, the devs are really nice and care about the community(the community is also one of the least toxic communities I ever encountered) and the only way for the devs to take your money after you buy the game is optional cosmetic supporter packs, everything else can be gotten just from playing the game including everything in the battle pass which is free and once the season ends everything in it moves to the in-game loot tables so you can just acquire what ya didn't get from just playing the game, it is extremely player friendly."
"U.S health insurance."
With all due respect, I'm sure it must be nice to have that option, but this is a little bit of a slap in the face to the hundreds of millions of people in the United States that have no other choice even though they wish it was different.
"Streaming subscription."
"A Samsung."
Hogwarts legacy imo. I would rather buy the trans witches are witches bundle :)
also lol at the people downvoting you for having an opinion that literally does not hurt anyone
Load More Replies...I love YouTube premium tbh. Although I listen to a lot of podcast like material (true crime) while I'm working and looking at mugshots or victim's faces can help and I don't have to listen to any ads, and I can listen when my screen is off. Helpful to me.
Load More Replies...Hogwarts legacy imo. I would rather buy the trans witches are witches bundle :)
also lol at the people downvoting you for having an opinion that literally does not hurt anyone
Load More Replies...I love YouTube premium tbh. Although I listen to a lot of podcast like material (true crime) while I'm working and looking at mugshots or victim's faces can help and I don't have to listen to any ads, and I can listen when my screen is off. Helpful to me.
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