My name is Omid Asadi and I’m a former engineer and champion boxer from Iran. Now I’m a UK-based artist who loves leaf carvings.

I remember when I was a child, I used to draw with a needle on leaves or rose petals. I started leaf carving again about 2 years ago when I saw beautiful and colorful fallen leaves in our area (Manchester). My wife Elham (she’s a professional artist and she helped me a lot to progress in my art) and I started picking those beautiful leaves for our house decorations. We visited an exhibition in the Manchester Art Gallery, called First Cut, and it was about paper cutting. Suddenly, I remember my childhood activity and I decided to bring those dead leaves to life.

Leaves represent our short life, but through my work you can see the life they left behind. I created this work with carving and cutting techniques on actual fallen leaves using a craft knife, a scalpel and a needle.

More info: Facebook








    Kid and Nature

    Me in action