Perfect people. Wearing perfect clothes. Having the time of their lives on perfect holidays. That’s mostly what you see when you scroll through Instagram. Especially if you follow any major Instagram influencers. However, we forget that these stunning pictures are usually staged and don’t reflect reality.
Amsterdam-based social media influencer and vlogger Rianne Meijer decided to have some fun with this concept and uploaded a series of photos showing side-by-side comparisons of ‘perfect’ Instagram shots coupled with what reality is like. And they are hi-la-ri-ous.
“When I make Instagram photos I always take between 200 and 400 pictures. Which is insane and I wouldn't use 90% of them,” Rianne told Bored Panda. “It always amazes me to see how different I looked in every picture. So at one point I was laying in bed and I figured, why not post the pictures next to each other in an expectations vs. reality post.” Scroll down for the rest of our interview with Rianne.
We bring you some of Rianne’s funniest comparison photos. So scroll down, upvote your fave pics and let us know in the comments what you think of Rianne’s project. Remember to share this list with anyone who might be just a tad too serious about their social media profile. And be sure to check out our previous article about Rianne’s Instagram vs. reality pics right here.
More info: Instagram | YouTube
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I think this girl has been on bp before. I recall that..look..she has on the right.
“First of all, the not-so-pretty pictures made me laugh so hard and I hoped it would make others laugh as well. And second, it could give a really nice and honest message to my followers. It kind of felt like only posting the perfect Instagram pictures was basically lying, so for me to post the other ones next to it made it more real. That’s why I posted the Instagram vs. reality pictures. And it turned out to be a good call. I love that now I stand for something online.”
She added: “I’m not just a pretty face.”
Aww, now this is way cuter and better to relate too, whoever -2 points can eat some dog- nvm. Props for you ma'am! Your beautiful!
We wanted to hear Rianne’s opinion about how she thinks people are affected by seeing ‘perfect’ pictures on Instagram all the time.
“I think it can affect you in a huge way. We spend more and more time online on social media, which makes social media more and more a part of our reality. So if we see a lot of perfect pictures online, at one point that becomes our reality. Which is a really hard reality to live up to. Especially for younger people who have a hard time looking ‘beyond’ the perfect images.”
Bored Panda was also to hear the influencer’s thoughts about why she believes most people want to look ‘perfect’ on social media.
“I think for generations we tried to look in someway ‘perfect.’ For example, saying hello to someone on the streets and them asking: ‘Hey, how are you?’ And your response would probably be: ‘I’m fine! How are you?’ But in reality we might actually not feel fine at all.”
“I feel like the same goes for social media. I think in the end we care quite a lot about what other people think of us, probably even more than we like to realize, and we want that image to be as good as possible. And that’s probably a big part of why most of us try to look as perfect as possible online, and only share the really good stuff.”
However, Rianne thinks that there are some things that we can do about it. “What can be done about this is first of all realizing that you only share the perfect pictures online. I think a lot of us don’t even notice they do it.”
“So just take an honest look at your online profile and see if there’s a little more you want to share with the world. If what you’re sharing feels like a legit image of yourself then that’s great! If not, then maybe try to post something a little less perfect once in a while. It might surprise you how cool the response will be. The power of not being perfect all the time is huge and I think more people should use it.”
I have to disagree with you here. From a woman that has this exact hairstyle. The volumes off, tge length is off, and unless you reblowdry your hair, you can't go from thst one style to the other. Even untucked from her ear, it would never look like that
Some members of the younger generation are abandoning the “Instagram look” and are opting for a more natural (not to mention hilarious) take on their personalities. For instance, college student Sonia Uppal told The Atlantic that people from her generation are “trying to seem candid. People post a lot of mirror selfies and photos of them lounging around.”
I can tell, and I'm pretty sure others can too, that she's doing a double chin on purpose
Here I see no issues with either snap. One is more posed. Is that all?
While influencer Reese Blutstein explained why she doesn’t over-stage her photos: “I’m not afraid to over-post. I don’t think, Oh, will this mess up how my feed looks. I don’t think too much about it. If I like an image, I just post it.”
She also added that “For my generation, people are more willing to be who they are and not make up a fake identity. We are trying to show a real person doing cool things as a real person, not trying to create a persona that isn’t actually you.”
So there’s hope yet that the trend to post honest (well, slightly more honest) photos might just become something that defines social media in the future. However, in the meantime, we’ll still have to deal with looking at perfect photos that make us think that we totally should be working from a beachside cafe somewhere in Bali.
Now if she was falling backwards off of that ledge, that would be the better picture!
Yes, it's such *hard work* taking hundreds of photos of yourself, choosing the most flattering to publish, and thinking people now owe you free luxury items, vacations, etc. Narcissism seems to be a requirement for "working" as an "influencer".
This whole post needs a massive downvote! The influencer posts are stupid and watching people make fun of others with less than stellar camera skills or a less than perfect body is shameful! Come on Bored Panda you're better than that!
Ok, so a gorgeous woman can pull in her chin and look more average. Awesome. Now show me someone who normally looks that average become gorgeous by tilting her head.
Bored Panda, please stop these posts. We have seen so many of this. So many "influencers" trying to become image warriors by pretending to look "real" in pictures its pretty weird and fake
These posts are getting incredibly mundane and tiresome. Put them to bed.
I've never seen a post with this many downvotes. Take the hint writer.
I'm so sick of these!! posing nicely for a photo, having good lighting, and knowing what your best angles are doesn't make it 'fake'!
First off - Of COURSE she has nothing to hide. She's beautiful. Beautiful people making "funny/goofy" faces are still beautiful people. And this is exactly the reason. People laud her for being so "real" and start following her more. It's marketing. Second - enough of this c**p - people don't want it. It's petty and pathetic. Enough.
Hehe. I'm quirky and honest because I mess up my hair a bit and make myself have a double chin on purpose
Posing, whether to look 'pretty' or 'ugly'... is still... posing, and therefore unrealistic. *eyeroll*
I just want to say... I don't understand all the hate. You see influencers, stop reading the articles if you don't like them, or just downvote it but stop posting the same mean comments over and over, it's ruining the experince for others and besides, that is, in the end, a human being and didn't hurt you in any way, there's no need to make her feel like s**t. Also not all influencers are horrible people. Apart from that... the only problem I have with this article is that the subject is completely unnecessary. What should people do, only post photos in which they look bad because they don't look flawless all the time like in the photos they like to post online? It doesn't make any sense. It;s normal to pose, smile and enjoy flattering photos of yourself. And it's okay to be goofy too.
With the one on the beach covered in mud/sand, the comparison picture is clearly two different women, which makes a mockery of the whole "Authenticity" premise. That, I think, is the real story here.
So basically, she's pretty average looking and she photo shops a lot. When she's not holding her head at a certain angle or thinned down her face and body, she's just plain. Sure she makes a few funny faced ones, but look at the difference for the mud bath! She edits enough to make it look as though it's a completely different person! wth??
I don´t really know what an Influencer is and what relevance said person can have in my day-to-day life. I never buy anything crammed down my throat (tv commercials etc) Unknown persons photos bore me,like sitting through a whole evening looking at some-ones holiday pics do.Reality tv even worse...full of obnoxious,pretentious,botox-filled persons with peanut sized brains.....and we are supposed to be influenced ??!! No thank you..
Honestly, the most hilarious thing is, is the content of this article. In fact, it is ridiculous. Not only is the content ridiculous but the advice from the vlogger even more so. Sorry, but come on. "Rianne thinks that there are some things that we can do about it" Seriously? That is gut-wrenching!
So we've learned....attractive people are attractive when they're posing *and* when they're trying to look goofy? I think this doesn't prove what she thinks it proves....
This trend is just an excuse to gain more online popularity. Subtly trying to relate and take sympathy from naive people who silently seeks some hope to be same as fabulous someday. My point being, none of them are even actually too ugly or pretty. Everyone looks just like regular people. But on the other side, we all should know already that everybody can be both good looking or less good looking if we just try, depends on which look we're trying to get. That's normal in portrait photography. If you think about it, both parties are pathetic. Most importantly, dear BoredPanda: it's getting lame please don't publish this trend anymore, at least not over and over.
Everybody knew photography is an art, and needs study and thought. But i am not interested at all in any instagrammer album. Just another ego in a photo.
She is so pretty and obviously has a great sense of humor. She isn't doing anything that hasn't been done by Hollywood or magazines. At least she will show you what she really looks like. Way to go! Keep up the great work!
I think she can do the double-chin if she wants. She is a queen and she can do what she wants when she wants. It's her own life and nobody, NOT ANYBODY can judge her okay?
I can’t see the difference between any of the pairs of pictures, except for the one where it’s a different person.
In the comments: ugly wenches throwing temper tantrums. Your insecurity is showing!
I prefer Loryn Powell, she’s actually relatable and funny. She doesn’t have to fake anything
Thin, beautiful, well-dressed, world-traveling model looks good no matter what...yeah, that's teaching kids about reality. Fail.
Ok, again insta vs reality??? I thought you learnt your lesson, BP...
Now back to "artist illustrates what is wrong with today's society"
Yes, it's such *hard work* taking hundreds of photos of yourself, choosing the most flattering to publish, and thinking people now owe you free luxury items, vacations, etc. Narcissism seems to be a requirement for "working" as an "influencer".
This whole post needs a massive downvote! The influencer posts are stupid and watching people make fun of others with less than stellar camera skills or a less than perfect body is shameful! Come on Bored Panda you're better than that!
Ok, so a gorgeous woman can pull in her chin and look more average. Awesome. Now show me someone who normally looks that average become gorgeous by tilting her head.
Bored Panda, please stop these posts. We have seen so many of this. So many "influencers" trying to become image warriors by pretending to look "real" in pictures its pretty weird and fake
These posts are getting incredibly mundane and tiresome. Put them to bed.
I've never seen a post with this many downvotes. Take the hint writer.
I'm so sick of these!! posing nicely for a photo, having good lighting, and knowing what your best angles are doesn't make it 'fake'!
First off - Of COURSE she has nothing to hide. She's beautiful. Beautiful people making "funny/goofy" faces are still beautiful people. And this is exactly the reason. People laud her for being so "real" and start following her more. It's marketing. Second - enough of this c**p - people don't want it. It's petty and pathetic. Enough.
Hehe. I'm quirky and honest because I mess up my hair a bit and make myself have a double chin on purpose
Posing, whether to look 'pretty' or 'ugly'... is still... posing, and therefore unrealistic. *eyeroll*
I just want to say... I don't understand all the hate. You see influencers, stop reading the articles if you don't like them, or just downvote it but stop posting the same mean comments over and over, it's ruining the experince for others and besides, that is, in the end, a human being and didn't hurt you in any way, there's no need to make her feel like s**t. Also not all influencers are horrible people. Apart from that... the only problem I have with this article is that the subject is completely unnecessary. What should people do, only post photos in which they look bad because they don't look flawless all the time like in the photos they like to post online? It doesn't make any sense. It;s normal to pose, smile and enjoy flattering photos of yourself. And it's okay to be goofy too.
With the one on the beach covered in mud/sand, the comparison picture is clearly two different women, which makes a mockery of the whole "Authenticity" premise. That, I think, is the real story here.
So basically, she's pretty average looking and she photo shops a lot. When she's not holding her head at a certain angle or thinned down her face and body, she's just plain. Sure she makes a few funny faced ones, but look at the difference for the mud bath! She edits enough to make it look as though it's a completely different person! wth??
I don´t really know what an Influencer is and what relevance said person can have in my day-to-day life. I never buy anything crammed down my throat (tv commercials etc) Unknown persons photos bore me,like sitting through a whole evening looking at some-ones holiday pics do.Reality tv even worse...full of obnoxious,pretentious,botox-filled persons with peanut sized brains.....and we are supposed to be influenced ??!! No thank you..
Honestly, the most hilarious thing is, is the content of this article. In fact, it is ridiculous. Not only is the content ridiculous but the advice from the vlogger even more so. Sorry, but come on. "Rianne thinks that there are some things that we can do about it" Seriously? That is gut-wrenching!
So we've learned....attractive people are attractive when they're posing *and* when they're trying to look goofy? I think this doesn't prove what she thinks it proves....
This trend is just an excuse to gain more online popularity. Subtly trying to relate and take sympathy from naive people who silently seeks some hope to be same as fabulous someday. My point being, none of them are even actually too ugly or pretty. Everyone looks just like regular people. But on the other side, we all should know already that everybody can be both good looking or less good looking if we just try, depends on which look we're trying to get. That's normal in portrait photography. If you think about it, both parties are pathetic. Most importantly, dear BoredPanda: it's getting lame please don't publish this trend anymore, at least not over and over.
Everybody knew photography is an art, and needs study and thought. But i am not interested at all in any instagrammer album. Just another ego in a photo.
She is so pretty and obviously has a great sense of humor. She isn't doing anything that hasn't been done by Hollywood or magazines. At least she will show you what she really looks like. Way to go! Keep up the great work!
I think she can do the double-chin if she wants. She is a queen and she can do what she wants when she wants. It's her own life and nobody, NOT ANYBODY can judge her okay?
I can’t see the difference between any of the pairs of pictures, except for the one where it’s a different person.
In the comments: ugly wenches throwing temper tantrums. Your insecurity is showing!
I prefer Loryn Powell, she’s actually relatable and funny. She doesn’t have to fake anything
Thin, beautiful, well-dressed, world-traveling model looks good no matter what...yeah, that's teaching kids about reality. Fail.
Ok, again insta vs reality??? I thought you learnt your lesson, BP...
Now back to "artist illustrates what is wrong with today's society"