31 Pics Of People Not Avoiding Contact In South Carolina Illustrate The First Stage Of A Tragedy
InterviewPeople and politicians in the US are reacting very differently to the coronavirus pandemic—it all depends on the state you’re living in. South Carolina has recently come under fire after some people on Twitter shared photos of Americans who aren’t staying at home and are ignoring the social distancing advice. Scroll down to see just what the situation is like in some parts of the state.
According to The New York Times, there are currently 1,554 reported cases of the coronavirus and 31 deaths in South Carolina. However, the state still hasn’t issued a “stay-at-home” order, even though Governor Henry McMaster has declared a state of emergency. In other words, there are some mixed messages and some Americans still aren’t taking the situation seriously.
Sheriff Lee Boan from Kershaw County told Bored Panda that there are clear signs that South Carolina's Governor McMaster is "slowly tightening down" the state. "He has already closed nonessential businesses and has been encouraging citizens to stay home since the beginning. I feel we are already 60-70% into a stay home order. The stay home order is not far away." Scroll down for the rest of our interview with Sheriff Boan about the current situation in his county and in the state.
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According to Sheriff Boan, people who don't adhere to social distancing guidelines can be fined or even get jail time. "SC Section 16-7-10. It carries a $100 fine and up to 30 days in jail. We are dispersing crowds as we see them. Citizens are getting better. It is a major culture change for us all to stay away from each other. But, we are all getting better at it."
The Sheriff told Bored Panda that he and his colleagues are doing well. "No deputies at my department have been infected with COVID-19. We have had as many as 6 deputies out on quarantine due to 'indirect contact.' They were around someone who was around someone with coronavirus."
"We are well staffed now with all of our School Resource Officers (SRO), court deputies, and civil process deputies now assigned to patrol. We have more deputies on patrol now than we have ever had. We haven’t had the need to work over-time yet. But, we are prepared to do so. We also have some deputies that have volunteered to be reserve ambulance drives in the event that our EMS partners get understaffed."
Sheriff Boan said that he believes they are in the "calm before the storm" and haven't been hit hard. "Yet," he added.
Governor McMaster has closed state parks and prohibited the public from going to beaches and lakes. He also ordered non-essential businesses, like hair salons and gyms, to close. All public schools are also shut down and students are learning via the internet from home.
Finally, the governor asked all citizens to stay at home. However, some South Carolina lawmakers think that this isn’t enough to suppress the spread of Covid-19 without an official “stay-at-home” order. People still can (and do!) leave their homes for any reason whatsoever, not just for essential trips to the grocery store, the pharmacy, or to take care of loved ones.
South Carolinian Republicans and Democrats are coming together and urging McMaster to issue the order. “I don’t understand why he hasn’t taken that step and told the citizens under the force of law you must stay at home,” Democrat Seth Rose expressed his frustration, considering that South Carolina’s neighbors North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida have all issued “stay-at-home” orders of their own.
“We should not be recommending you stay home unless you want to go out,” Rose added.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Boan also had this to say to people to make sure they’re social distancing: “It’s better to stay six feet apart now than to be six feet under later.” If that doesn’t get you to rethink going outside for no reason, can anything?
I am really resenting this state and governor on behalf of all the exhausted medical people who will have to go to SC to supplement the state's medical people when they get overwhelmed with all the sick people who ignored the strongly worded suggestions to stay home. Argh!
Crowds on the beach near 14th Ave. Pier
Get back over here where you'll be safe Grandpa and Ma, don't wander off. Safty in numbers.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
and the person taking the picture is also not following the guidelines...
Go home Greenville County residents! Cleveland, SC March 28, 2020
Yesterday at folly beach, we had to leave because we couldn’t stay 6 feet away from the 20-somethings on the beach
Beach visitors fill the parking lot at the Cherry Grove Pier Friday afternoon
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
What about places of work that are still open and it’s not essential that they have to be open.#mcmastersshutscdown#somescpeoplearesocialdistancing#wewouldstayathomeifwecould
Technically they are spread out at least 6 feet apart? Assuming the smaller clumps are related people. Further back thought there are long stretches of people.
I know some people are taking it seriously, but there is no way that they all will. This is why a "stay at home" order is needed. There are enough entitled, ignorant, or foolhardy people that won't die, but they're out there now getting other people sick and will have disastrous downstream death because of their dumb asses.
I kinda liked how the government handled it here in Bavaria, Germany. They STARTED with recommending social distancing etc, then they limited the hours restaurants and such could be open, then they shut a whole lot of business down apart from a broad definition of "essential", then they made that definition more narrow, the they only allowed people outside for "important" things (which includes going for a walk, so it's pretty lax, but still). The limitations happened in pretty quick succession; it really felt like "ok people, distance yourself now, I said DISTANCE - well if you won't comply let me limit things x y z - well if that doesn't do it let me shut these things down - ok of that doesn't work, I guess I'll have to be even more strict about it...". They really seemed to try to give people a chance.
Load More Replies...The sad truth is that some of the people in these photos are going to die from Covid-19 and some of the people who maybe did not even know that they ever had it will have infected some other people who will then die from Covid-19. Please, people, SOCIAL DISTANCING must be seen in the same light as we see the most basic of traffic rules. We all drive on trhe same side of the road in order to not cause unnecessary traffic accidents and possible deaths. It wasn't always like that. Now, we must abide by SOCIAL DISTANCING recommendations for that very same reason, to LIVE AND LET LIVE. Nobody says "No one is going to tell me which side of the road to drive on!" So, wash your hands, stay apart, and stay well!
Virginian here. I had to go to the grocery store last week. At Food Lion people social distanced, at Walmart they didn't. It took me forever to get through the store because I had to keep avoiding people. The next time I have to go out I'm dressing like a maniac. Maybe then people will walk away from me instead of toward me.
I know some people are taking it seriously, but there is no way that they all will. This is why a "stay at home" order is needed. There are enough entitled, ignorant, or foolhardy people that won't die, but they're out there now getting other people sick and will have disastrous downstream death because of their dumb asses.
I kinda liked how the government handled it here in Bavaria, Germany. They STARTED with recommending social distancing etc, then they limited the hours restaurants and such could be open, then they shut a whole lot of business down apart from a broad definition of "essential", then they made that definition more narrow, the they only allowed people outside for "important" things (which includes going for a walk, so it's pretty lax, but still). The limitations happened in pretty quick succession; it really felt like "ok people, distance yourself now, I said DISTANCE - well if you won't comply let me limit things x y z - well if that doesn't do it let me shut these things down - ok of that doesn't work, I guess I'll have to be even more strict about it...". They really seemed to try to give people a chance.
Load More Replies...The sad truth is that some of the people in these photos are going to die from Covid-19 and some of the people who maybe did not even know that they ever had it will have infected some other people who will then die from Covid-19. Please, people, SOCIAL DISTANCING must be seen in the same light as we see the most basic of traffic rules. We all drive on trhe same side of the road in order to not cause unnecessary traffic accidents and possible deaths. It wasn't always like that. Now, we must abide by SOCIAL DISTANCING recommendations for that very same reason, to LIVE AND LET LIVE. Nobody says "No one is going to tell me which side of the road to drive on!" So, wash your hands, stay apart, and stay well!
Virginian here. I had to go to the grocery store last week. At Food Lion people social distanced, at Walmart they didn't. It took me forever to get through the store because I had to keep avoiding people. The next time I have to go out I'm dressing like a maniac. Maybe then people will walk away from me instead of toward me.