With so many controversies and scandals happening all across the globe, it’s hard to keep track of everything. Especially when it’s something that’s happening on Instagram and between parties that you wouldn’t normally put together. But this particular story captured everyone’s attention and started making rounds for multiple reasons.

Firstly, it involved two renowned rappers, Snoop Dogg and Tekashi 69. Secondly, it tied in another public figure that seemed completely out of the picture, Martha Stewart. Also, it involved trials, prison sentences, and memes… if that’s not a concoction for an outrageous story, then we don’t know what is.


    Tekashi 69 is currently on trial for racketeering and other crimes and Snoop Dogg is not taking it lightly

    Image credits: 6ix9ine

    The whole situation between Snoop Dogg and Tekashi 69 began when the latter rapper was put on trial on charges related to racketeering, drug distribution, weapon possession, and conspiracy to commit murder. While Tekashi whose real name is Daniel Hernandez) pleaded guilty to 9 charges in February 2019, the plea deal documents later revealed that the rapper could avoid jail time if he’d share the names and testify against other fellow gang members in other investigations.


    Especially since the rapper on trial is naming other people he claims to be involved in gangs in the hopes he will get a reduced sentence

    Image credits: iamcardib

    To get a lighter prison sentence, Hernandez has named such public figures as Jim Jones and Cardi B as belonging to gangs related to criminal activities. For that, Snoop Dogg took to social media to express his opinion on the matter by calling Tekashi 69 a snitch and a rat, as well as sharing memes with similar sentiments.

    Snoop Dogg has been sharing a series of memes about it on his Instagram page


    Image credits: snoopdogg

    One such meme mentioned Martha Stewart and her trial back in 2004 where she was found guilty of felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators, for which she received a sentence of a five-month term in a federal correctional facility and a two-year period of supervised release. While Snoop Dogg’s meme compared Stewart’s case to Hernandez to highlight that Martha didn’t “snitch” on anyone and served the full sentence, some people have pointed out that their situations are different and should not be compared.


    And the latest one that has exploded on the social media page is about Martha Stewart

    Image credits: marthastewart

    Martha is, surprisingly, one of the closest friends that Snoop Dogg has

    Image credits: JB Lacroix/Getty Images


    Instead of looking at the criminal activities and criticizing Snoop Dogg’s perspective on the justice system, many focused on the friendship between the rapper and Martha Stewart. And while the context of the meme and the related criminal activities are surely grounds for many discussions, one can’t deny that the friendship between the two unlikely allies is pretty wholesome. As one Facebook user wrote: “Snoop [Dogg] and Martha Stewart are quite possibly the best unlikely duo in the history of the universe. If only the rest of the human race could take a hint”.


    Image credits: djkhaled

    She spent 5 months in prison in 2004 for charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators

    Image credits: marthastewart

    The duo’s friendship began in 2008 when Martha invited the rapper to star on her daytime show “The Martha Stewart Show” where the two cooked her signature mashed potatoes. From then, their appearances together increased, as everyone loved the laid back attitude and humorous conversations between the two. It all culminated in a shared show “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party” which just had its third season air in the summer of 2019.


    That was the context of the meme Snoop Dogg shared with the caption “That’s my. M. F. Home girl 💙👊🏿🔥💥 solid as a rocc”

    Image credits: snoopdogg

    The two have a long history together, including hosting a show titled “Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party”

    Image credits: marthastewart48


    You can watch Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg discuss their unlikely relationship in the video below


    Here’s how people responded to Snoop Dogg’s post


    However, not everyone was as positive as the rest