People Are Posting Their Dog’s Happiest Expressions For The ‘Smiling Dog’ Challenge (30 Pics)
There’s something about seeing your dog smile that makes it a one-of-a-kind experience. It melts our hyperventilating hearts busy swimming through our daily dose of stress up to a point where nothing really matters. Both soul-soothing and overwhelmingly joyful, smiling dog pics should be prescribed by doctors daily.
So when a new kind of challenge emerged on the Dog Spotting Society Facebook group, it was destined to go viral like it did. With 20K challenge participants, #SmilingDogChallenge is without a doubt all the world needs these days. So get ready for the most entertaining “say cheese” moments of the canine world.
And even if scientists are not entirely sure whether dogs indeed can smile like humans, it’s clear that these goodest boys and bestest girls are totally content and happy. In the end, smizing eyes don’t lie. Psst! Our previous post on Guilty Dog Challenge with the cutest delinquents of the doggo world is waiting right here.
More info: Facebook (Dogspotting Society) | Facebook (Dogspotting) | Instagram | Twitter
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Zero Wins This One
Bored Panda reached out to Daniel, the owner of this beautiful mini Australian shepherd named Zero. You can see him smiling with his eyes open in a viral #smilingdogchallenge picture posted on Dogspotting Society. It’s gone viral since with 18k likes on Facebook. Plus, Zero is an up-and-coming social media dogfluencer with 3.4k followers on his Instagram account.
Daniel said that he’s not entirely sure whether dogs smile like humans, but he's sure it sometimes really looks like it. As for Zero, “sometimes he’ll just stare at me, and I’ll call him a good boy and he gives me that sweet look.”
Turns out, the blue-eyed shepherd turns one year old next month. Daniel said the boy is super dramatic and very vocal. “At the same time, he’s incredibly sweet. Zero also loves to find mud and anything wet and roll in it, and is very dramatic if he can’t climb onto something or if he sees someone he loves.” And you can totally see that from Zero’s smizing eyes!
This Was Sam The Day We Brought Him From The Shelter. That Giant Pibble Smile Says It All
My Little Ray Of Sunshine And Movie Partner Peach!
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Just A Sleepy Smiley Hippo Pup And Her Hippo
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Hi, I’m Waffle
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Here's Pebbles Aka Pork Chop. 13 Yrs Old
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My Lil Poser, That Smile Is Small But It’s There
Rescued This Baby Girl From Being Sent To The City Shelter. I Guess You Can Say She’s Happy
My Jonas Had The Biggest Smile All The Time
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Definitely enjoyed the day. Looks (and I'm sure smells) great.
Manny Loves His Grandma
“Did You Say Cheese?? Ok, I Smiles For That!”
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Gave Him A Compliment - He Blushed
Archie B Has RGF (Resting Grump Face), But Somehow I Was Able To Capture This Gem
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Left = Oreo = Father. Right = Milo = Oreo's Son
These Girls Were All Smiles Yesterday
I would smile too if I sat in the sun chilling with dad and my sister
This Crazy Girl Is Ready For The Holidays!
When I Needed A Hand, I Found Your Paw. Never Failed To Make Me Smile. Pretty Panda
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I had a Dalmatian, Trudy, deaf from birth, lost one eye to glaucoma at five, the other at eight. She continued to be her fussy, grumpy self, protect the house, enjoy walks and car rides, and be a wonderful friend until she passed at thirteen. Alfie may have many happy years left.
My Baby's Innocent Smile
My Baby Girl’s A Heckin Ol’ Ray Of Sunshine
Baby Mango Swallowed One Of His Doggy Bone Treats Whole Today But He’s Still Smiling.. Happy Thoughts That He’ll Be Ok
This is my Banh Bao :D he always smiles in any cases viber_imag...750a84.jpg
This is my Banh Bao :D he always smiles in any cases viber_imag...750a84.jpg