Ever do something so stupid that you question how on earth you ever got as far in life as you did? Such as grabbing the knife right by the blade as you’re washing dishes, going swimming in the sea in the middle of the night, or maybe falling asleep on the bus when you’re 15 minutes away from your stop? 

I swear, we humans are the biggest hazards to ourselves, capable of finding life-altering issues where there may not even be any. One person was curious to see how many of us have noticed people with above-average intelligence do the weirdest things that didn’t correspond with their IQ. 

The AskReddit community was quick to respond, and so here we are! Upvote your favorite responses, leave your own in the comments, and make sure to check out this Bored Panda post if you’re craving more. Let’s get into it! 


Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones One of my best friends, who is now a surgeon, and one of the smartest people I have ever met. During his first year of med school he was visiting his hometown during a break in the semester.

We were at a restaurant catching up, he ordered a milkshake for dessert that came with a maraschino cherry on top. He excitedly ate it then said something to the effect of

"Man, I love maraschino cherries, I could eat a million of these. I always wanted to buy a jar, and eat it all to myself"

To which I replied with

"John, you're 24 years old. You own a house, have money in the bank, and are in med school. You're an adult, if you want to get yourself a jar of maraschino cherries, you can. We can hit up the store as soon as we're done here."

He spent about 5 minutes struggling to process this new found information. You could almost see the gears in his head turning. After this brief delay, he looked at me with the biggest, almost childlike smile and said "Let's go now!!!"

We paid our bill, then headed to the nearest grocery store. John the purchased the largest jar of maraschino cherries available, and started eating. Afterwards we went to a house party, where john refused to drink, but instead just kept eating from his jar.

Long story short, he ate the entire jar in about 1 hour. 15 minutes later he started puking neon red cherries for the rest of the evening.

ExaminationDouble240 , justgrimes Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I totally get this. It’s super hard to explain but I had this exact same feeling quite a few times in my life where I had to remind myself ‘You’re an adult, you can buy that if you want it, it’s allowed’

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To be smart and to be intelligent may seem like the same exact thing. However, according to Difference101, intelligence is the ability to learn, while smartness is the ability to apply what has been learned. Just because you’re carrying around a lot of information doesn’t necessarily make you a genius if you can’t then apply it. 

However, sometimes we’re faced with situations where neither intelligence nor smartness does any good, and a pure sense of dumbness takes over. Such moments were described by hundreds in the online community of r/AskReddit after user SnooTomatoes1254 asked this: “What’s the best example of a smart person being incredibly stupid you’ve ever experienced?” 


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones Oh, I almost forgot about this one! When I was in my final year of physics at university, we had a professor who would get very irritated at the pull string for the projection screen, as it would dangle down in front of the whiteboard.

    Every morning, he would spend a good couple minutes attempting to throw the weight on the end over the light fixture above the whiteboard, taking anywhere from 5 to 30 tries each time. All the students would give tips and encouragement, and this became a kind of inside joke for the class of how long it would take every morning.

    Months go by, and one day near the end of the quarter, we end up with a substitute. The sub goes to the board and, without hesitation, grabs the string and hooks it over a thumbtack stuck in the cork at the top of the whiteboard...

    The entire class literally gasped in unison! The sub whirled around, asking what happened, and the whole class just starts laughing. Eventually, someone explained what happened, and we all had a good laugh that an entire class of physics majors never even thought of that solution, let alone noticed that the tack had always been there for that purpose.

    Jackthebodyless , RODNAE Productions Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I’ll use myself: I have skipped 3 grades, told I was gifted, all that jazz. Yesterday I looked at a streetlight for at least 10 solid minutes thinking, ‘jeez, the moon is orange tonight’. I was sober.

    Alton_the_Owl , Justus Menke Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    “Uh oh! Why is it suddenly flickering and making a loud buzzing sound?”

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    Intelligence as a whole is a very interesting thing when we take a second to think about it. Each and every one of us is better at one thing than another, and according to Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, there are eight types of human intelligence, each representing different ways of how a person best processes information.

    They are spatial intelligence (the ability to think abstractly and in multiple dimensions), bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence (the ability to interact effectively with others), intrapersonal intelligence (sensitivity to one’s own feelings, goals, and anxieties), and naturalistic intelligence (the ability to understand the nuances in nature).


    I worked IT at a university. We got a call saying a printer would not turn on. The particular person who called was a very steriotypical, " I have a doctorate I know all the things," kind of person.
    Anyway, I get to the classroom and they show me the printer proclaiming they checked everything including the power strip, unplugged it, plugged it back in and all that. They were very irate and rude the whole time I was there. While I was looking it over they were getting more upset because they had already checked the power cables and they were fine. Without saying anything I unplugged the power strip from itself, plugged it into the wall then turned on the printer and just walked out.

    thedubstepper9000 Report

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    Gustav Gallifrey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once had to drive right across Australia's largest city to an adjoining regio to deal with a 'dead' printer, having been assured that everything had been checked including the power outlet ("of course!"). I walked in, glanced at it, turned on the power outlet, printer worked, i said 'it's ok now' and left.

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    I was head of security at a major Cambridge commercial building, it was a melting pot of the best and brightest people working some for of the best companies in the world, the combined IQ of this place would put NASA to shame. However, they me send an officer to the train station with a go pro strapped to his head so that new starters could find their way via a literal step by step video because they kept getting lost. The train station was next door. The verbal instructions to get there were "turn left". They also struggled to use the revolving door, they got stuck in the lift because they had to press open to open the door, the list of these goes on for hours. The maintenance guy had a great term for them, he said they were "like lighthouses in the desert. Extremely bright but absolutely f*****g useless" and it fit too well.

    miggy965 Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones Our physics professor once had held a remote lecture without turning his Google Meet on. So he just spoke to the computer for 1.5 hours.

    PhilosopherActive677 , Vanessa Garcia Report


    When we gain a deeper understanding of our natural talents, we have a better chance of figuring out how to achieve goals in both our personal and professional lives, and this is why this is so important to consider. Yet, in the middle of all these different types of intelligence stand two that we are most familiar with: street smarts and book smarts. 

    According to Ed Butts, a person who has book smarts is someone who is intelligent and well-educated academically, but less knowledgeable and capable when it comes to handling important or immediate decisions in practical situations common to everyday life or “the streets.” One is not inherently worse or better than the other; they’re just different ways that people learned how to problem solve. 


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones Buddy of mine was in med school on a surgery rotation.

    He’s in the OR, handed a razor by the senior resident, and told to shave the patient as part of prep for surgery. Totally normal and common med student task.

    He starts shaving away at the guys chest. The way he tells it, this patient was really hairy, so he had to go clean off the razor multiple times. He’s trying to do a thorough job. Gets half of the guy’s chest done when the senior resident wanders back over. Turns out the surgery was for an appendectomy and he was supposed to shave his f*****g stomach.

    That poor guy woke up from surgery very f*****g confused about why half his chest hair was gone. And my friend got made fun of every day for the rest of his rotation.

    enchiladaaa , Anna Shvets Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones One guy I went to school with said that English is the true language of God because The Bible is written in English

    street_shark_puppet , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I'm a pharmacist. I have worked with fellow pharmacists who did not know that:

    - Lesbians menstruate

    - Women usually do not produce breast milk until after they have given birth

    - Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in blood transfusions

    notthesedays , Polina Tankilevitch Report

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    all 4 paws
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if lesbians didnt menstruate id change my sexuality in a heartbeat

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    Regardless of all these bits of intelligence available to us, we still make some of the worst mistakes ever. Like putting cream in a carbonara—the Italians hate you for that. But there is a difference in the types of mistakes we make, or rather, what pushes us to make them in the first place. 

    The Austrian novelist Robert Musil presented an idea in 1937 that stupidity was not mere ‘dumbness,’ not a brute lack of processing power. Dumbness, for Musil, was ‘straightforward,’ indeed almost ‘honorable’. Stupidity was something very different and much more dangerous: dangerous precisely because some of the smartest people, the least dumb, were often the most stupid.


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I knew a girl studying medicine. We were talking about planes and how they work.

    She asked me where the engine is, and I said “you know those big spinny things?”

    She said “ohhh, I thought those were to blow the clouds away”….

    zrannon , Pixabay Report

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    Nicola Doyle
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The "spinny things" is not the engine btw. The engine spins the propellers. Everyone has their own knowledge. A doc should know about the human body. Engineers are interested in "spinny things".

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    Not mine, but related to me by my boss about 25 years ago. She was friends with a husband and wife who were brilliant academics, highly regarded with research positions at one of the top universities in the country. The couple wanted to have children but their natural biology/compatibility said “nuh uh, not gonna happen” and they decided to adopt instead, from a foreign country as very few babies are put up for adoption within Australia. The arrangements were that the baby would be flown in with a caregiver and handed over at the airport. All went as planned, no worries.

    Later that night, my boss received a call from the distraught academic husband. “Louise!” (name changed of course). “The baby is crying and crying and we can’t get her to stop! We think she’s hungry, but she’s not taking the bottle!” The adopting agency had given them a few basics just in case, one of which being a tin of baby formula. “You’re a mother! Can you come over and maybe help sort out what the problem is?” “Of course!” replies Louise, and is there within 15 minutes (this being a fairly small city on international scales). The wife rushes up when she knocks on the door and escorts her to where the baby is indeed crying like there’s no tomorrow, and has been for hours. Nappy is dry, nothing else is obviously wrong, she probably is hungry. “Show me how you’ve been trying to feed her,” Louise asks, and the couple comply. Louise observes their process, and makes one suggestion: “You’re actually supposed to mix the powder with water before trying to feed it to the baby.”

    Arietam Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I've been waiting so long to tell this story.

    Two members of my family are very highly intelligent, so I always thought.

    I go to their house and they just installed an above ground pool that came with a pool COVER. Instead of using the pool cover they went and bought all these insulated pink foam boards (1 in thick, 4x8 ft rectangle foam boards) I just sat there and watched while they cut up all the foam into like puzzle pieces to fit in that ROUND pool.

    I asked them why and they said it was to keep leaves out of the pool.

    So every time they got in the pool they had to remove all the puzzle pieces, then clean the pool because tiny pink insulation was floating on top, and when they were finished for the day spend an hour trying to connect all the puzzle pieces they cut back into the pool. The original pool cover was by the pool in the bag it came in.

    The dumbest thing I've ever witnessed in my life.

    lillyvines , Nenad Stojkovic Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ahhh did you think to point out the pool cover to them?

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    According to Sacha Golobis, a reader in philosophy at King’s College London, stupidity is a very specific cognitive failing. Crudely put, it occurs when you don’t have the right conceptual tools for the job, which results in an inability to make sense of what is happening, therefore leading to more than questionable actions. 

    He believes that stupidity is based on a lack of the necessary intellectual equipment and a sense of misguided innovation, which roots from groups or traditions, not individuals. After all, we get most of our concepts, our mental tools, from the society we are raised in! According to Golobis, once stupidity has taken hold of a group or society, it is particularly hard to eradicate—inventing, distributing, and normalizing new concepts is tough work.


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones My father in law could construct a new bladder out of a piece of your own intestinal lining, if you had bladder cancer and needed a new one. He’s saved thousands of lives that otherwise would have been lost to renal, prostate, and urinary tract diseases.

    He once told me that someone with a bright yellow car was intentionally hitting his Mercedes Benz. They’d hit his car and sideswiped it once while he was at the hospital. He had it fixed, it costs thousands of dollars. Then a few weeks later, the same bright yellow vehicle did it again, this time nearly tearing off his fender and leaving a huge yellow gouge down the side of his car. He took it to the body shop a second time.

    His next time visiting the hospital, the parking attendant said “Hey doc, it’s nice to see you. But I have to warn you….security was here and they’re kind of upset about the fire hydrant you’ve hit twice in the last month. I tried covering for you but apparently they’ve got it on video.”

    shah357 , LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My father has bladder cancer and is set to have it removed :(

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    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones One time I was at my friend Claudio's apartment with his brother just hanging out and watching a movie. All of sudden I hear a *woosh* and see a big flash of light. I look over at Claud and his hair is on fire. We get it out quickly and I asked him what the hell just happened. He told me, "I was trying to listen to the sound the lighter made when I flicked it."

    We were completely sober at the time.

    -eDgAR- , Felipe Parucker Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Remind myself of when my brother Mike was playing around with a lighter and a handful of gunpowder. You can guess what happened. Took 6months for his eyebrows to fully grow back.

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    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I used to work at a chemical engineering plant. One day I was in the kitchen washing my glasses with a drop of dish soap and one of the lead engineers said I shouldn’t wash my glasses like that. I asked him why not and he responded that I will wash the prescription off…

    Otherwise-Archer , Christine Sandu Report

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    N Miller
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not the prescription, but some dish soaps can remove the anti-glare coating. Since this seems like a common myth, it feels like an optometrist warning has become lost in translation.

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    Combatting stupidity will typically require the construction of a new way of seeing ourselves and our world. But that takes effort, time, and a complex organization of thought since, as Dr. Donalee Markus states, complex problems are dynamic systems with interdependent variables that may or may not be knowable and can change over time. 


    That’s enough ‘smart’ speak for one day. As you continue scrolling through this list, make sure you’re upvoting your favorites, leaving comments along the way, and sharing your own not-so-smart experiences. Have a good one, and see you next time!


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones This guy who was literally a renowned brain surgeon, and written a few books. Seemed like a genius at first. But over time I heard more and more odd takes:

    * The holocaust happened because of gun control. If the jews had guns, Hitler woundn't have risen to power. This is a guy that has done surgeries to pull bullets out of people btw

    * Speaking of guns, he did not see why active shooters were such a threat. They could be dealt with by a group of people rushing them

    * Prison turns people gay. Straight people go to prison and come out gay

    * in 2015 he was concerned that that Obama would declare martial law and cancel the 2016 election

    * Lots of things are like slavery. Abortion is like slavery because the mother is controlling the fetus' body. Ohamacare is a form of slavery and a ploy for the government to control your body. This person is black btw.

    So yeah, those are just some of the odd views of Ben Carson

    normVectorsNotHate , Aaron Robinson Report

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    Heather Daugherty
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    he also said that joseph (the old testament one) built the egyptian pyramids to be grain silos. he must know people have actually been inside them...

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    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones My father in law is very intelligent. He taught himself how to solve a rubiks cube without looking anything up and is generally a genius in math, logic, puzzles what have you. He believes dinosaurs couldn't be real because they would be to big for their skeletons to uphold their weight. He has lots of other really stupid ideas because he is so intelligent he thinks he can just reason himself into correct conclusions without doing research or adhering to the scientific process

    BakedBeanWhore , Mike B Report


    One of my closest guy friends is a chemistry major with a 3.9 GPA but bought a fake ID that said he was younger than he actually was

    Altruistic-radish45 Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones My brother is very intelligent.

    He lived at home when attending college. Most days, he'd take the bus. Sometimes if my mom didn't need her car, he would be allowed to drive it to school. Multiple times he drove the car to school, forgot, and took the bus home.

    svenson_26 , Elijah O'Donnell Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s not really that stupid though. He just was really used to riding the bus.

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    Because we only eat ham once a year, at Thanksgiving with the turkey, and the two are packaged the almost same way, I've always thought ham was also a type of bird. No one corrected me until last year, when I was 20....

    Electronic-Hornet-41 Report


    My doctor. During the period of my life in which I was dating my ex gf my doctor would INSIST every time I saw him that I needed to be on birth control because it was responsible to be preventing pregnancy. No matter how many times I told him that I was in a monogamous relationship with a woman he would still keep asking. I guess it it just didn’t compute

    _shes_a_jar Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Definitely have to watch out for all of those miraculous conceptions that plague those of us in lesbian relationships. Wouldn't want to fill the world with more Jesus's; accidentally causing chaos, and confusion, amongst the devout whilst they try to make sense of the all the contradictions.

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    I don't know if I count as smart, but I did a very dumb thing a few years ago :( I'd just bought my first bike with a disc brake. Cycling to work I thought "I bet disc brakes get really hot, there's a lot of energy being dissipated in rather a small bit of metal. Hmm 10m/s, 100kg, maybe ahhh 5 KJ, but the heat would depend on the cooling rate and they are thin and in a 10m/s air stream. I wonder how hot they get?"

    At the next lights I bent down and applied my thumb to the disc to check SIZZLE AAAAAAAARGH

    Even stupider -- I'd bought a phone with fingerprint unlock a week before and with the ridges burnt off my thumb I could no longer unlock my phone sigh.

    They grew back in a week or two and I could unlock again, interestingly.

    catbrane Report

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    Max M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ehm if thumbs don't work, i can use a code, i were forced to make when i activated my thumbprint

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    My female cousin thinking she had prostate cancer.
    She was her high school valedictorian and was in her second year of college, with high grades. When I laughed at her she got very upset.

    Jst4Looking Report


    Friend I went to high school with years and years ago. He has his PHD in physics and spent time working at the CERN hadron collider in Switzerland.

    Despite all of this, he votes Republican EVERY. TIME. He has even bought into everything about trump and stealing the election. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has even bought into the Qanon conspiracy’s as well. I can’t help but just frown and shake my head every time I see him post some right wing garbage on Facebook. *How can someone so freaking smart be so freaking stupid*

    speaker4the-dead Report

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    Roman Hans
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Meanwhile, Q says Democrats & left-wing celebrities eat babies, and only Donald Trump can stop them. In four years with him in charge, how many folks were arrested for eating babies? This is how we know his fans are idiots. They move on to the next part of the conspiracy without asking, "Wait -- so that first part was BS?"

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    So growing up I used to think I was a once in a lifetime genius and to be honest my schools low standards helped. I realized that I was not when I met a real one my freshman year of college. Guy was 18 and studied physics at a pretty advanced level, composed music and played piano incredibly, and was writing a novel. Thing is, he was 18 and not quite mature enough for college. He never went to class because he thought he didn’t need to and once Skyrim came out he never left his dorm anymore. Smartest person I had ever met before or since and he failed out of college his first semester.

    TPrice1616 Report

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    Max M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is said that intelligent people who just ace it in school without working for it, have a hard time when they actually need to work for it.

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    My grandpa was one of the smartest person I knew. At his last years, he was a math teacher in school but he also had a degree in thermodynamics, electrology and was an engineer as well. He designed the electrical system in our local airport and before that he worked in the weapon industry. That guy was the most stubborn person I knew. He had an injury in his foot that he didn't say to anyone, until he couldn't walk properly and we figured out. I forced him to see a doctor and that injury, alongside with being diabetic (which means his blood vessels were at bad condition) cost him his leg and eventually his life cause he gave up. Smartest person I knew, died of stubbornness.

    CaptainBalkania Report


    Very early in my career, I was tasked with an industrial engineering project on improving efficiency on a high volume product line. I guarantee you've seen the product.

    First, during a current state analysis, I determined that the company was losing around $0.08 per part shipped. We sold them for $0.29 each. That's... not good, especially when you're producing millions of these things each month.

    I presented this to the executive management team. One of the VPs cut me off mid-sentence and said "Nonsense... we make it up in volume!"

    anon Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I had a friend with double degrees. One in computer science and one in Engineering.

    One day I opened the fridge and he was standing there and he said, "Where does yogurt come from?" He genuinely had no clue.

    Ok_Comment2330 , jess2284 Report


    Me. I was applying to Cambridge & Imperial (for the Americans, this is like Harvard & MIT), and over that summer stayed with some old family friends for the first time in many years, for a wedding.

    They had one of those plastic clip thingies you use to hold groceries closed (bread, packs of nuts, that sort of thing.) I had never used or seen one, somehow. I could not for the life of me figure out the mechanism to clip it. I kept trying to put it on vertically instead of horizontally (i.e. as a perpendicular bisector to the top of the bag, instead of aligned along the top of the bag.) This went on for a good 60 seconds.

    The family friends' son who I used to go to school with just started laughing, said "pass it here Cambridge boy", and clipped the bag.

    I laughed, and laugh now, but jesus christ did I have a quiet mental breakdown about my total and complete lack of basic common sense. XD

    Bonus: beyond that, the following year I did go to Imperial. I met a lot of students there who were even worse than me when it came to practical common sense. Most notably including one to whom I had to explain why the microwave was sparking when they put butter, still in the metal foil, inside...

    Everyone's dumb deep down inside :)

    AmisThysia Report


    I'm seeing it now! I don't want this to sound like I am disparaging a bunch of displaced people, but one of the people I know well is incredibly smart. When it comes to computer engineering, so far there is nothing he hasn't been able to solve. He is very well educated and one of those typical types that lives simply and only has a vague understanding of money. He really doesn't spend a lot of his earnings, lives with his parents and doesn't really have any major overheads, apart from when he builds himself a new PC or what not. He told us one day that he has around £600k in the bank just through unspent earnings like it was no thing. He had no idea he could buy a whole house with just his savings, no idea what we were talking about.

    Well as it turns out, he has recently been dating a Ukrainian girl over the Internet. They have exchanged pictures and she does look amazingly cute. Almost too good looking. Without being a git, I would say in a perfect world this girl is a touch out of his league.

    Well, he popped the question over Xmas to her and she said yes. They have never met physically, as far as I can understand not even video-called. We are wondering if this is a girl looking to be able to emigrate here via marriage, or if this is some sort of scam run by some bloke(s) who have other ideas. Why did he mention he had £600k to us? Well glad you asked. It was £650k. Yep, in the last six months while they have been dating, he's sent her £50k or so over the various expenses and other things she's had to get through. And he's about to wire her £10k to pay for a wedding dress and flights over.

    Now, don't get me wrong. If this is a girl trapped in a war torn country, she's likely trying to get out alive and, well, I'm sure most people would do anything they can when faced with the horribleness that's going on in the Ukraine. That's about as politically as I would comment on it. But given he has only gotten pictures, apparently some of them a little risqué, some of them look really well staged. None of these things look like they were taken on a mobile phone. Unless of course this girl has accesss to a photo studio and can edit photos like a boss. Who knows. But there were also certain things that made me wonder too. Whenever he would talk about his nerdy stuff, mainly board and card games, she made out like she understood but to me it didn't seem to be more than something you could look up online and fake a knowledge on.

    Well look, you know and I know that there is some sort of scam afoot. He's off today to start making arrangements at a registry office to be married. I have no idea where this will end up.

    We have told him our concerns, he's taken them on board, but seems hell bent on proceeding. What can you do? One of the smartest guys I know and I think he's getting duped proper and royally. I don't know the parents to ask their thoughts on it, so that's not an avenue. And to admit, I am his boss. Legally there is only so much I can say before I get myself in hot water too from a HR point of view.

    raceAround126 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As an HR Director, though in the US, if an employee opens a door, you can walk through. So if he shares personal information, it's perfectly acceptable to ask if he is open to some feedback.

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    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones I have a friend, who is a straight A+ student and always overachieves on work.

    I had to explain to that same friend once that Albert Einstein was not from the 14th century Renaissance.

    IndigoFell Report


    My best friend in high school had a little brother that scored 1550 or something ridiculous like that on his SATs. His parents were ecstatic when he told them, but their joy turned into disbelief when he said “Yeah, it would have been a lot easier if I would have remembered to bring a calculator.”

    So they made him retake the test with a calculator and he aced it! The world was his oyster at that point. He was contacted by a bunch of Ivy League schools and offered full scholarships to several. He debated what to do, but in the end he chose rather poorly… he chose to go to the local community college so he could stay with his girlfriend.

    ferfocsake Report

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    Max M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He chose poorly?? Is he happy? That is more important than going to the best of the best

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    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones Friend of mine has a degree in Marine Biology. She sprayed herself in the face with my Bidet

    Fallenevincar , Ben Stanfield Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Funny, but... not quite sure how having a degree in Marine Biology qualifies a person in the correct usage of a bidet...

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    My sister has been driving her bf's truck for a year. We get in the truck to go somewhere, she says wait, I need to go in the house to get a paper towel to dry off the windshield. I say, why don't you use the wipers? She says, I don't know how. I ask, what do you do when it rains? Answer: I stay home.

    KnittingGoonda Report

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    Kraneia The Dancing Dryad
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone whose work truck is completely different than my personal vehicle in terms of lights, wiper, etc. I emphasize. But I asked about stuff I was unsure about.

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    I'll out myself here. I'm pretty smart. 1540 on the SAT, 34 on the ACT, graduated valedictorian in high school, graduated cum laude with a degree in aerospace engineering from college.

    A couple years ago my sump pump quit working. I figured out it was a bad float switch. So I bought a new float switch, took it apart, replaced the switch, put it back together, plugged it in and tested it by raising the float manually. Everything worked fine. So I stick it back down in the sump hole to start reconnecting it. What I failed to do was unplug it before I stuck it back in the sump hole, so the float switch immediately tripped and it started pumping a stream of dirty rusty water right in my face and all over my utility room. After I got it shut off I sat there for a second blinking water out of my eyes and audibly said "molten_dragon you dumb**s" to myself.

    molten_dragon Report


    Wisdom and intelligence are two utterly different qualities. I've known people of normal or below-normal intelligence who have navigated through life quite successfully. In the meantime, I've also know some really smart people whom I wouldn't trust with a box of kitchen matches.

    The best example I can think of was the son of my parents' best friends. This kid, as my mother liked to tell me all the time, had an IQ off the charts. Mind you, I was no slouch, but I was an A-B student, while Robert was an A+ student. But he was also just kind of a dullard, not the kind of person I'd want to spend time with. Or anyone, for that matter.

    My mother would literally ask me all the time, "Why can't you make the grades Robert does? Blah blah blahbity blah." Because, Mom, I'm enjoying high school and having friends and dates and a life. And while I earned a scholarship to a good liberal arts college, Robert got into Princeton.

    My mother was practically fetishizing Robert going to Princeton. Every single time I was home, I'd hear about Robert this and Robert that. How he was going to win a Nobel Prize, etc. etc.

    Except that Robert earned his degree in secondary education. Mind you, school teaching is a noble profession. But if you're going to burn through a couple of hundred thousand of your parents' money at an Ivy League school, that's not the degree you really want to get.

    Robert graduates summa cum cum cum and gets a job an some inner city school. And quits after a week on the job. Literally couldn't handle it.

    His next move is to migrate to New Mexico where he becomes a shepherd. A freaking shepherd. A job that doesn't even require a high school diploma. And he still is a shepherd to this day, unless he's gone all Unibomber and is scrawling out manifestos and posting them on telephone poles around whatever backwoods town he lives in.

    My mother doesn't compare me to Robert any more.

    Oh, yeah. I almost forgot my brother-in-law. Smart guy, an engineer, who makes absolutely catastrophic life choices. Had a weekend special with a girl and got her pregnant. Met a different girl who had literally been thrown out of her house by her husband for cheating that very day and let her move in with him. Married her for long enough for him to pay off her credit cards, then cheated on him and gave him herpes. She left him for a doctor. And yet the guy says he'd still take her back, twenty years later. And I'm just getting warmed up with him.

    AnybodySeeMyKeys Report


    Hundreds Of People Just Had To Share The Stupidest Things They’d Ever Seen An Intelligent Human Do, And Here Are 50 Of The Best Ones Well, my cousin who has two f*****g masters degrees in finance and economics, put his hand in still spinning lawnmower to help it blow out rest of grass faster. He lost a finger.

    I asked why he didn’t wait till it stopped completely.

    He said it was just in a hurry.

    toywars , Magda Ehlers Report

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    Earl Grey
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is alarming how much of the time we don’t actually think, but rather just act out well-worn scripts that we have stored in our heads. Maybe he was acting out the “unclog the vacuum cleaner” script?

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    In college a friend had a 4.0 and was set to get her bachelors in 2 years! Insanely smart. We’re driving around on night and I joke with our mutual friend driving and said “oooo Adult Novelty store lets stop in and browse a bit” to which the genius friend responded “ugh. I hate books” 😂😂😂 still cracks me up every time I think about it

    Boymom184 Report

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    crowspectre 2.0 (he/they)
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    NOOO BOOKS ARE SO GOOD DONT HATE BOOKS (I know this isn't the point but still)

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    my friend in school was very tech savvy and was so certain he knew how to temporarily disable the school's child lock software so we could play games on school computers without anyone knowing. what we didn't expect is he downloaded an exe file off the internet from home, downloaded it to a pen drive and brought it to school and accidentally unleashed a trojan virus on the entire system. dude got suspended for 2 weeks and we couldn't get any work done for weeks afterwards whilst tech support tried to fix the problem lol

    bewarethechameleon Report


    Not *incredibly* stupid but surprisingly: I have found myself working for many engineers and unless you have a PhD they are 100% sure they are smarter than you. Reality is that they are great at planning/logistics but usually a*s at fixing problems but they never see it because they are so confident.

    Just today I had to explain to an engineer that the reason his level said that a shelf was out of level was because the wall wasn’t level and he wasn’t setting the level square on the shelf. So it was level from side to side but not front to back and he had me drive all the way out to the site to show him how to operate a level.

    This took 45 minutes. He was convinced that he could *see* it. Next his level was broken. Then my level was broken. Then he couldn’t see it so it must be level. MAGIC! 🤦‍♂️

    South_Bit1764 Report


    So I'm pretty smart, I'm in several advanced classes and whatnot. One time when my family was traveling for a road trip at night and the moon was very bright and had an orange hue to it. I didn't realize that it was the moon so I asked my family, "what is that big orange glowy thing in the sky?" They all burst out laughing and said that was the moon. Let's just say now my family won't let me live it down that I asked that.

    EnvironmentalLove273 Report


    31y M. I did some time in prison a while back, and as you can imagine you get all walks of life. A guy I used to play chess and share the paper with was a college professor on the outside. Smart guy. He decides he wants to clean the big industrial fan in the dorm, solid iron warehouse job, you know what I mean. So he goes and takes it in the shower to clean it. Unplugged. Walks it back out to its mount soaking wet, dripping. Plugs it in, and yanks the cord. I was so stunned he was even doing it I half thought it was some prank or something. But no, that little jig he did was the real deal.

    Bronan91 Report


    I believe I'm smart, yet I managed to cut my own cornea with an empty garbage bag. Ophthalmologist had a good laugh.

    Senishte1992 Report


    Most PhD candidates I’ve met are great at the book stuff, bad at the life stuff. Like not knowing how to use a can opener while making strides in microbiology.

    Proper-Emu1558 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why Intelligence and wisdom are two separate stats in dnd

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    A guy I used to work with, Softly spoken but extremely insightful. He had a knack of understanding a situation and drilling down to the core of the issue.

    One very snowy day in winter, he decided to drive his motorbike to work. His reasoning was the roads would be full of slow moving cars and he'd be able to scoot past them on his bike.

    What actually happened was he found himself struggling to keep his bike upright with a lorry just inches behind him. He said, one slip and he'd of been under that lorry.

    He drove his 4x4 into work the next day. Lesson learnt.

    Gunboat_Diplomat Report

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    Ervin Conn
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Where I work in upstate NY we had two visiting German engineers that rode dirt bikes all winter. They had snowmobile suits and off road knobby tires on the bikes. I don't think they ever had a problem.

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    In casual situations, the otherwise smart pastor of a large downtown church with multiple services on the weekend would quip:

    "My motto is - Get them in, get their money, and get 'em out!"

    (He didn't seem to grasp how people stood there in disbelief when he said this . . .)

    Back2Bach Report

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    One of my best friends at school was seriously clever - like 5 As at A level back in the day clever - and when she was taking driving lessons, the instructor said to drive over the roundabout (ie to the opposite exit). She actually began to drive OVER the roundabout.

    Quizzie_McGee Report


    I know an A+ student who would always make the worst life decisions, including trying to rob a store by pointing a gun at his own head.

    coldbloodedjelydonut Report


    My math teacher in high school. She scolded me for xeroxing my hand for fun because she believed I would get radiation poisoning.

    krukson Report

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    Gémeaux jumeaux
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    X-ray/Xerox... so many x's... who said math teachers have to know words?!?

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    Know more than a few Ivy League educated, gifted kid, former prodigies who don’t use protection.

    Beth_Harmons_Bulova Report

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    My former college biology teacher (at a biotech college) is unbelievably smart, works with molecular diagnosis of HPV, is brilliant at genetics, an awesome teacher, has been involved in some research projects and also casually writes mirrored without even looking.

    She struggled for up to 30 minutes trying to get the projector to work, that happened every day. Some times she even gave up and used the board despite the fact she can't draw to save her life.

    I haven't heard from her in a few years, I hope she's ok and still fighting God with an HDMI cable

    SCP_radiantpoison Report


    When I was in law school, I volunteered for a major, prestigious event. I was in the lobby, verifying registrants and giving them their placards with a colleague. The doors were push, clearly stated. I saw so many people try to repeatedly pull and pull to open. Once they got in, we got them sorted so we knew exactly who these defeated-by-door highly educated people were.

    ethan-bubblegum-tate Report

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    I knew this girl in high school. She took AP classes with me. She definitely belonged in them (I did not).

    Couple years after we graduate my best friend got invited by her to talk with her financial advisors to help build and plan his finances.

    Turns out they weren’t financial advisors at all. They were all part of an MLM scheme and tried to rope my friend in. He told me he doesn’t think she understood what the situation was and he just stopped talking to her after that.

    Some people just don’t have street smarts

    SirDouchebagTheThird Report


    I was sat in an auction for a pub with a mate (we had gone as interested parties but had decided not to buy) bidding was slow and then picked up at 240k and going up 5 k a bid, when he lent forward and said to me watch me cost this guy 5k ... and put his hand up...... ✋️ no-one moved it went quiet as everyone looked as a new bid was put in, my mate is a smart fella but that was dumb and 4 years on he is still trying to sell the building

    cardidd-mc Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's because the most interested parties in an auctions often get in late and then don't stop bidding until they get what they want. It's a strategy they use to discourage others to keep bidding and as we see here, it does work. The other bidders thought he would keep bidding and didn't want to go higher, even though if no new bidder had been going in, they might have kept bidding

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    My first job, my boss had worked in kitchens for years, knew plenty.

    Still managed to blow up a microwave by putting metal in it because he was insistent it wasn't a microwave, "it's an industrial oven".

    CabinetIcy892 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haha my friend once put tinfoil in our microwave at school and the whole thing caught on fire 🔥

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    I knew a guy in high school who had a perfect 1600 SAT score. He was not socially weird/awkward/stunted, and was just a genuinely cool & normal guy. He was a grade level above me, so I didn't really know him that well.

    A group of us had an off-campus event to attend together, so I got a ride from him after school. As it turns out, he was the most absent-minded driver ever. He drove like there were no other people or signs on the road. It was horrifying. When I finally arrived, classmates who knew him better let me know why they got other rides to the event.

    Boy, I hope he never got into any accidents after high school.

    ClearChocobo Report

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    This guy I know, an older gentleman, is a firefighter, a decent carpenter, and a first aid and ski instructor. He's an all around great guy, and, in almost any circumstance, very smart.

    He was driving up to the top of a ski hill on an ATV, in the summer. It had rained recently, but not so much that it should have made it hard to get up the hill.

    The stupid part: on his single-person ATV, he tried to carry a second person uphill. The two of them got to a part of the pitch that was too muddy and steep to traverse together (the ATV started pitching backwards), so the driver had the passenger get off and he drove up just past that point, to a slightly more level pitch.

    The passenger gets back on, the gentleman releases the brake and starts accelerating, and the ATV immediately slides backwards into that same pitchy area where it had wanted to tumble backwards before, and the ATV and its riders proceed to go a**e-over-teakettle.

    The driver had to go to the hospital for having an ATV land on him, but avoided any life-threatening injury; the passenger was scraped up a bit, but somehow otherwise okay despite being sandwiched between the ground and the full weight of both the driver and the ATV; and the ATV, after tumbling a couple more times, landed on its wheels and ended up downhill at the next flat.

    Everyone was okay, eventually, but in hindsight, it was just sheer luck that no one was more seriously injured or even killed. Two people on a one-person ATV on level ground, would have been safe enough, but as soon as it started rocking backwards the first time it hit a challenging slope, that should have been a sign that the weight wasn't distributed correctly for going uphill together.

    Nimelennar Report

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    I saw this a very long time ago. A semi became wedged under a low tunnel. The semi refused to budge when they tried to tow it out and the cops and tow truck driver were scratching their heads as what to do. A kid on a bike came along and said "Why not let some air out of the tires?" Of course that was the answer.

    windy496 Report


    A smart person in love can get dangerously stupid.

    Tsikura Report

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    My brother-in-law had a Masters degree in Physics and Maths. He was a teacher at a high school.

    He had a new house built. He thought he would save money by nailing on the drywall (sheetrock, Gib board). He managed to put nails through a hot water pipe and the wiring.

    By the time he'd paid a plumber and electrician to fix up the mess it cost a lot more.

    Later in life he fell off a ladder and died.

    CyanHakeChill Report


    My brother is a super smart guy who is studying physics in a world top 15 university; he was supposed to be spending a year in Texas when covid was starting to cool down and travel was relaxing (he never got to go due to visa issues).

    I can remember a conversation we had while we were under the impression that he was going to Texas and I had said something to the effect of, be careful when you get there since they don’t really believe in covid and are still hosting big sporting events at the uni he was supposed to be going to.
    He turns around, looks me in the eyes and said “There’s not any covid in Texas hence why they don’t wear masks.”

    Turns out he genuinely didn’t realise people are as self centred as they are and he thought since they didn’t wear masks there couldn’t be any covid in Texas as he’d assumed they’d be smart enough to wear them.

    Dinowinner Report

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    Cat servant
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a Texas health care worker I wish the brother had been right.


    I know a young woman who graduated with a handful of scholarships… on her way to become a doctor with the bulk of the expenses paid. She never did get the hang of filling her car with gas, though, no matter how many times she was shown.

    anon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My Mother passed away at 78 having NEVER learned how to use a gas pump. She'd been driving since she was 16. The local station kept the 'ding ding' thing out at the pumps so she could get a fill-up.


    Was really surprised: I work with another IT guy, but he's way more experienced, and smarter than me, and can fix complex problems pretty quickly....but we were on a train once and he said that the cell phone signals were bad on the train because they travel at the speed of sound...yikes!

    brucedeloop Report

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    Lindy Mac
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now THAT is a bullet train!!! (roughly 750 mph depending on temperature and humidity - thanks Google))


    Oh oh! I have another one. This is one of my favorites.

    Okay so my SIL and her live in BF. He's a lawyer and she's like a high up at a company making lots and lots of money.

    They get into their vehicle one day. A check engine light comes on. So they immediately get out and call a cab, because "the engine is broken".

    Ok_Comment2330 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, at least they didn't drive it forever without wondering why the light was on! Lol

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    When I hint to my boyfriend I want to have sex and he says “what?”. He’s the smartest person I know and has had so many high grades in everything he does. He’s intellectually smart but has 0 common sense and 0 knowledge when it comes to physical interaction and hints.

    West_Bodybuilder_726 Report

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    Dave Harris
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Many males are quite dense when it comes to hints about intimacy. Better to just be more obvious and help the poor guy out :)

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    an attorney i work with once asked me what Excel is.

    lmnopaige- Report

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    A friend of my dads was a brilliant scientist but terrible businessman. He focused on chemical patents in the 60s/70s, had Fortune 100 suitors - but he wasn't ready yet, just a few more patents (I think he was up to 160). In the end he waited to long or maybe just kept wanting more patents. Anyway, died alone and penniless in public housing.

    I suspect he had a mental ax to grind. His larger family was EXTREEMLY wealthy before WWII, but lost virtually everything, and had more bad luck since.

    youngmindoldbody Report


    My uncle made a lot of money through local business.

    He then committed wire-fraud and while on the run from the FBI started an Anti-walmart terrorist cult.

    matt-sikes Report


    I was dating a girl way back in the day who could speak 6 languages fluently. Asked her to empty what was left in the coffee pot ( about half a pot) and she dumped it in my trash can, then immediately said " why the hell did i just do that."

    efrum-aul Report


    my brother's wife, a teacher, very smart, well educated. saw a sign saying "no engine braking in town" and asked how semi trucks could control where they have a breakdown and why consumer cars can't do that.

    to her credit if you don't know about a Jake brake/engine braking you don't know, you aren't born knowing diesel mechanics. but she should have probably recognized the difference in spelling between "breaking" and "braking"

    dWintermut3 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was a cute, seemingly ditzy blonde in drivers ed class. The teacher was dumbfounded when it said "jake brake" instead of "compression brake". Yup. Dad was a diesel mechanic.

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    Me. I supposedly have an I.Q. of 165 and have a degree in Electrical Enginnering, but I can't understand football or beat anyone at chess.

    therealfurby Report

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    Kim Kermes
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are many brilliant people who don't play chess. It requires a certain pattern of thought that isn't intuitive to everyone.

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    Myself and others wasting time arguing with each other on this website/app.

    EternalPinkMist Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I argued with my friend for an hour if snow white was dead or in a coma then somehow went onto making up 25 shapes

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    Watched my Uncle, who was a mathematics professor at a UK University and a fellow of the Royal Society (, try to walk through a closed patio door.

    HorridosTorpedo Report

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    In college, the smartest person I have ever met was arrested for urinating in public less than 100 yards from his residence

    clichesaurus Report

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    My mom has an incredible sense of street stupidity.

    She told people on the DC Metro that we were tourists and were wandering around somewhat lost while we looked for monuments. I almost chocked her

    SirChancelot_0001 Report


    A friend thinking SPF 30 means it lasts for 30 hours. Did thought he could put it on once and go all weekend without reapplying!

    Low-Musician-3262 Report


    I do IT support for a bunch of scientists and Doctors. I see them be complete f*****g idiots about technology every day.

    Turbulent-Pea-8826 Report

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    Dave Freeman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've found it's less about intelligence and more about not caring. I know many smart people who don't want to take the time to learn how to use and computer and as a result are absolute c**p at it.

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    Friend’s son with multiple engineering degrees, including electrical, tried to convince us that power lines are DC current.

    cpatstubby Report

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    Kim Kermes
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I worked for an electrical contractors. They told me the 2nd most dangerous thing in the world is an electrical engineer working on wiring. (The most dangerous is a second lieutenant with a map).

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    University physics professor at a Hyundai dealership arguing with a tech telling him about the noise in his car. The professor was freaking out saying he couldn't even understand what the tech was trying to say, because the tech said "centrifugal force", instead of "Centripetal force".

    The conversation could not move forward. It was weird.

    Bamcanadaktown Report


    This maybe more UK centric, but my best friend who is a qualified doctor had no idea who Madeline McCan was until years after her disappearance because she never reads the news. She jus thought she was a random cute kid. She still never reads or watches the news.

    summers_tilly Report

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    Kevin Sutton
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The best friend is probably the smartest of all of us. UK media is dogshit


    I had a coworker with multiple degrees ask if I liked the Big Bang Theory. I said no. “You don’t have high enough IQ to enjoy this show”
    B***h that show sucks was my response.

    Triforcefisher Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For some reason I have ended up being set up with several "Sheldon's" in my life. Watching that show literally makes me flash back to my worst dates ever.

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    My grandfather thinks technology is less intrusive than it was when he knew about some projects in the Air Force. He thinks the pieces don’t work because they can’t.

    This man taught me how to jury rig parts together, how to build computers when that ‘don’t use this piece from this company with this piece from this other company began. He taught me how to computer in the first place!

    He also gets the worst computer viruses and malware or at least takes it to someone who runs a disk that gets rid of c**p it shouldn’t and fails to get rid of what it should oh and pokes holes in essential programs… so at the very least some idiot is using an outdated disk and not updating there s**t, or is using one meant to be used on a different code language or some weird s**t- I dunno. Computers get specific as hell when you mess with that stuff so stuff you don’t think matters can matter a lot. It’s all connected.

    Anyway… his trust in current s**t and in whatever idiot he keeps taking his pcs to is absolute idiocy! My grandfather is not an idiot. He’s normally intelligent. Trouble accepting reality with some things and denial to heck and back but intelligent as hell. He was even tested and had a higher iq. He can still out sniper trained snipers at the range etc. so talented too. Even with glasses and being in his freaking eighties.

    What I’m saying is he’s not the person you expect to make such stupid decisions and keep doing said stupid decisions. Even when told what is going on and that he should find someone else to fix it. I even begged him to bring stuff to me next time he needed it fixed! It was so painfully bad I told him, even if just for him, I’d fix it for free if it meant he wasn’t taking it to whatever idiot kept using that damned disk!

    The number of times I’ve combed through the stuff they not only didn’t fix but outright broke while not fixing is insane.

    He just called me ungrateful because when they were like that he gave them to me. -.- Ya know. The ‘fix and it’s yours’ stuff. Like not ungrateful just… stop taking it to the person breaking your s**t while pretending to fix it! At that point you are paying money to have someone break your stuff when you take it to get it looked at.

    Oh and the ‘I didn’t notice anything’ from my childhood abuse. ‘I don’t know anything’ when his wife was hell on earth only goes so far.

    He’s an incredibly intelligent and talented person. Sometimes he just digs his head in the proverbial sand and in those moments does something incredibly dumb.

    ArtLadyCat Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad was a dentist, but tinkered with things in the off time. He built computers before you could, by mixing parts and figuring out how they worked. He was a really smart guy. The saddest thing for me was that as he aged, he kept locking himself out of his computer and couldn't remember where he wrote down the password. Made me so sad.


    My sister asked me if penguins were mammals earlier today. She’s usually pretty smart.

    P0ster_Nutbag Report


    I'm either incredibly smart, or my family is incredibly stupid.

    They call me for literally everything tech-wise, even if it's the most easiest thing to fix. For example there was a window open on the TV which they didn't know how to close. Called me over to fix it, I took the remote control and selected 'cancel' (which was the only button on the screen btw) problem fixed, and my time wasted💀

    Or when my mom paid for a subscription she didn't want for like 5 months. I asked her if she tried to cancel it, and she told me no, because she doesn't know how to. Didn't even try to fix it for a minute and rather paid 5 months of useless subscriptions. I ended up doing it for her, even tho she has a Mac which I never used before, and she uses it constantly🤷‍♂️

    I mean holy f**k, why do people lack the ability to take action themselves?? It's not some crazy science s**t that's super difficult to understand. Just try to fix it yourself sometimes💀

    TotalImagination4408 Report

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    Stephanie Did It
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please keep in mind that the woman you are disparaging taught you how to use a spoon.

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    Professors, PhD level students, Masters students and GTA’s continuously forgetting to pick up their damn keys before leaving their offices and locking themselves out.

    -The smarter you become, the dumber you get.

    50Shenanigans Report

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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    From personal experience, as incredibly entertaining as it is to have all the Prefects, and teachers, searching the school for hours, and days on end; I would not suggest kicking the left behind keys under a chair for later retrieval. Otherwise you might have to attend mandatory weekly appointments with the school psychologist as punishment. If you make a clear and concise argument as to the logic behind your actions, resulting in both the psychologist, and her psychologist in training, attempting to stifle their tears of laughter; you might be able to bail on the remaining two months of appointments without any further repercussions.

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