30 Reasons Why People Ended Things With These Men That Seem Small, Yet Are Important
Dating sure can be hard. It's an endless source of different emotions, from joy and kindness to such weirdness that you never ever wish to see that person again. We've all been there. We go on a date with someone we like and from the beginning, it's a blast. Having lighthearted laughs and thinking that everything's going smoothly until, out of nowhere, something awkward happens.
One Twitter user kicked off a hilarious thread when she asked "what’s the smallest reason u dubbed a man?" All of a sudden, hundreds of people start sharing their experiences. From a guy thinking he had telekinesis, ordering the "wrong" food or putting the toilet paper the other way, there's plenty of small details people care about when it comes to choosing their SO.
Below, you will find the most ridiculous stories Bored Panda collected from this viral thread. Scroll down and upvote the most entertaining ones!
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The author of the post started out by sharing that she ended things with a man because he ordered a small beverage. That sounds like a pretty small reason, right? But the thread quickly went viral and received support from a number of Twitter users. On a mission to find out more about breakups and how should we deal with them, Bored Panda reached out to Kate Mansfield, a dating and relationship coach, for a quick chat.
Usually, ending a relationship is not easy and most of us have at least one memorable breakup story to share. When asked why do such experiences stick with us for a long time, the award-winning coach said that "breaking up with someone that we love is always really painful, even if we know it's for the best".
"Often, we are blocked to new love by a painful memory that sticks inside, long after the event. It can be cleared and we can move on, we have to acknowledge it and bring it to consciousness," Kate explained.
"Nobody likes to feel rejection. It wounds us deeply, but remember that rejection can be a gift! The one thing worse than being rejected is living with a relationship where you are not loved, that is daily rejection and hurts even more."
You may think that splitting up with someone over small details could be considered a quality of the millennials or younger generations. However, Kate rejects the idea that it is more common for them to end relationships over little things. "It is just more obvious because it is posted on social media and documented".
It seems that one of the reasons why young people tend to be more fickle and leave for silly reasons is simply because they lack maturity. And that's normal. "The problem is when older people fail to grow up, and carry these patterns into later life. This can be prevalent online and I help my clients to spot these people to avoid wasting time," the dating coach explained.
It's no surprise that breakups fill our heads with confusion and we're not sure how to move on with our lives. Everyone feels differently, some try to keep themselves busy, others lie in the bed and curl up with a bucket of ice cream. As Kate stated, it all depends on various things such as age, how long the relationship lasted and how well you were matched.
"I suggest to be grateful if someone shows these kinds of behaviors early on, and I would see this as a huge red flag. Leave. Or, if they break up with you, be glad. This person is immature and unavailable. Move on and find someone like-minded who can love you in a real way for who you really are," the founder of "The Dating Diet" shared how to deal with such breakups.
Kate noted that today's dating landscape can feel overwhelming and very challenging, especially if you are sensitive, have been hurt in the past, or feel insecure. "Don't lose hope! There are huge opportunities to meet an amazing partner these days, especially online."
A study by Pew Research Center confirms that dating is only getting harder and harder. It shows that for nearly half of U.S. adults, dating has gotten more difficult over the last 10 years. According to the survey, women are more likely than men to have negative experiences. "Most women who are currently single and looking to date (65%) say they have experienced at least one of six harassing behaviors asked about in the survey from someone they were dating or had been on a date with," the researchers explained.
Among those who are on the dating market, most say they are dissatisfied with their dating lives and that it has been difficult to find people to date. At the top of the list of relationship deal breakers, you can find long-distance, debt, and... voting for Donald Trump. And that's completely normal. We should be able to end things with people we do not enjoy spending time with, even for the most ridiculous reasons.
Met a guy once that used "doodoo" like a 4 year old. Giant red flag.
why is it on him to take you somewhere why didn't you suggest to go somewhere why is it on him to do it
He said fried and she died inside. From her chair she slides, to the bus stop she glides, retaining her pride re steak crucified
My boyfriend and brother have the same name, just spelled differently. You just have to learn to separate the two in your mind.
yep that just means that there's a mild fungal or bacterial infection in his clothes washer and he hasn't noticed or doesn't know how to get rid of it. The answer is silver. Lots of silver. And leave the machine door open after each wash, never close the door. You have to let it dry out.
Loads of these are absolutely pathetic and say more about the poster than their date.
I once stopped dating a guy bc he tied his shoes way too tight. They looked like clown shoes. That was just a symptom of what was really wrong w him so sometimes those weird little things are a red flag that your gut picks up on.
Load More Replies...Honestly most of them were big red flags! Out of 30 I might have read 7-8 pathetic reasons! Don't know which post were you people reading
Vicky, 17 hours ago, there were a lot more pathetic reasons because there were 83 posts. That is when rumade commented. Now the list has been shortened to 30.
You have to click on the link in "Note: this post originally had 83 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes." to see the other 53 pathetic "reasons".
Most of these are just women putting men down for the smallest things- men aint perfect
So if you met a woman who was all, "Oh wow, I can't wait for you to father my children! We'll have four kids, so you'll have to make a lot of money to support us all..." on the first date, you'd be like, "Hey, this is great! Sign me up!"
Load More Replies...No. But it’s astonishing how very little means of communication are used to express discontent to the other person. I mean, you could just say that you dislike what the other person is doing.
Neither are women, but a lot of the ones on BP seem to think they are. ;-)
Most of these are ridiculous on the part of the women. Petty and ridiculous.
Bro most of these people just sound like self-absorbed pricks those dudes dodged a major bullet
I didn't date one guy because he looked and sounded exactly like my brother.
so... why it's just woman who dump mens for stupid reason? can we see the other side too? i wanna see guys who dump woman for shallow reason. please don't let me believe it's only woman who do that.
It's not. I was ditched halfway through first date b/c he didn't like my front teeth. "Too big", he said. I've been paranoid about smiling ever since. That's like 35 years ago this happened. Ooooooh, and how about the guy who dumped me when I was diagnosed with epilepsy b/c it was so hard on *him*? that was fun... Thanks, life-changing diagnosis, dump me the next day! by phone... And my sister was once dumped when the guy found out her hair was permed, not naturally curly....
Load More Replies...It's much rarer. I once saw a female friend going through their matches on a dating app. The reasons to decline were really pettty, as in wrong hair style or even less.
Went on a date with this guy. The first thing he told me about was his 8 year old son. The reason his son was with him and not his mother was because she for some reason didn't like being made to stay home and keep house and his rules so filed for divorce she had no money when she left so this man got his son. But now she was making her own money she was fighting for custody of him He kept saying that a woman's place is in the home preferably the kitchen but keeping the whole house spotlessly clean dinner on the table at 6pm sharp washing done ironed and put away before he got home etc etc oh, and the woman as he referred to his ex and potential partner had to have his permission to do Anything and even making a phone call or going out. I listened to all he had to say over dinner got up and left. I never saw him again. I just hope his ex
people grow up with sitcom where people were dump for stupid reason... no wonder these people do that same thing. give you a hint... Noboby's perfect. we all have perk and stupid thing we love to do. so what? that's the thing who make the other interesting. remember in Scrub when Dr. Kelso told about his wife who sneeze while sleeping and how he miss that when she's not around... this is what make life interesting.
As a woman, I am horrified at some of the astoundingly shallow reasons. Many of these guys had to work up their nerve to ask someone out, then (wrongly, IMHO) be expected to pay for the privilege of being superficially judged by these shallow, seemingly quasi-illiterate witches.
The benefit of dating is that you can find a good match, regardless of how silly or arbitrary your reasoning is. You don't have to ignore your preferences just to accommodate the other person. Almost all of these are examples of people not being compatible, although a few are scary.
Some are very legitimate. Some are just complaints from some really shallow, picky women.
First date type thing with a guy, he says no way I would ever need a computer as expensive & fast as his. He works in insurance and I worked as a neuroscientist, collecting and analysing neural data from the brain. I was like, ookkk, arrogant much?? That was just one of many. Also ignored quite a few things I said. Asked if I was high maintenance because I was sad my brother just died and also said I was 'a bit artsy' when i've painted since I was a kid. Little advice to men, don't insult your dates!!
I was working late, she accused me of being somewhere other than work. It didn't work out.
What a bunch of petty, superficial bitches. Lots of bullet dodging going on here.
He was in 5th gear before we were out of the parking lot. I couldn't handle it.
Thank God my 5th "online" date turned out to be my last first kiss - we've been together 14 years and married for just a little over a month. But before him? OMFG. Some total disasters. One guy showed up 15 minutes late. We were doing the whole "so what do you do thing" and he says "WHY? Are you trying to figure out how much money I make? Should I just whip out a bank statement?" I just threw a $5 on the table for my glass of wine & walked out.. Another guy was really sweet, but he had listed himself as HWP and was easily 100 pounds overweight, which I just really am not into. NO - I'm not shallow, but we all have a certain type we find attractive. I wasn't bothered by his weight so much as the fact he'd used a picture that was obviously at least 10 years old - very indicative of some self esteem issues that I didn't want to deal with. (My ex was incredibly insecure & it was soul sucking/draining - not going there again).
Bored Panda used to be about design and arty stuff. These days it's mostly toxic femininity.
Most of these were absolutely stupid - were they meant as jokes and I just didn't get it?
I learned that if I'm ever single again that it's bad to be short, have interests, or enjoy yourself. Well done BP.
Thread Title: These are bad reasons to break up. Commenters: Hey! That's a bad reason to break up!
when i read it, the title was "83 Reasons Why People Ended Things With These Men That Seem Small, Yet Are Important". for the most part, i'm not seeing the "Yet Are Important" aspect.
Load More Replies...Ahhhhh That makes sense. Websites like this often have two titles and thumbnail pictures. Then, whichever gets more clicks becomes the title for everyone. My title was "Smallest Reason for Breaking Up." I would totally be more annoyed if I had the other title. (I was baffled though because a couple of them seemed like good reasons to not go on a second date.)
"Reasons Why People Ended Things With These Men That Seem Small, Yet Are Important" right now for me. But yeah, I saw multiple titles as well. They change titles pretty often. Ironically, some articles are given titles that intrigue me, but skip for now because I'm kinda busy, deciding to take a look later. Then "later" comes and I go looking for that article, which changed the name to "show its true face" and I do recognise it, but it becomes the opposite of intriguing because of the new presented concept. Likewise, the opposite happens as well.
What a misleading article. Why even title it "people" when it's all women whining and putting down men for petty reasons. No wonder nobody wants to marry Western women.
Assuming these facts are correct, what is the point you are trying to make? By the way, in my home province of Quebec in Canada, it’s estimated that only 26 per cent of men and 30 per cent of women in Quebec will marry before their 50th birthdays. Since the 1970s, the average age at which Quebecers get married has risen 8 years for men, reaching 33.5, and 8.5 years for women, reaching 32.1. We don't get married because we can have exactly the same level of commitment, love and family life by using the wedding money towards down payments for homes and when the 50+* chance of divorce comes into picture, we prefer not to line the pockets of lawyers and use the money towards trying to minimize the impact on children.
Load More Replies...Tell me you're a racist without telling me you're a racist. Not sure this even qualifies as 'not telling me you're a racist' tbh 😡 who the f**k cares what race ppl are who get married? Oh that's right, a racist who ought to mind their business
Loads of these are absolutely pathetic and say more about the poster than their date.
I once stopped dating a guy bc he tied his shoes way too tight. They looked like clown shoes. That was just a symptom of what was really wrong w him so sometimes those weird little things are a red flag that your gut picks up on.
Load More Replies...Honestly most of them were big red flags! Out of 30 I might have read 7-8 pathetic reasons! Don't know which post were you people reading
Vicky, 17 hours ago, there were a lot more pathetic reasons because there were 83 posts. That is when rumade commented. Now the list has been shortened to 30.
You have to click on the link in "Note: this post originally had 83 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes." to see the other 53 pathetic "reasons".
Most of these are just women putting men down for the smallest things- men aint perfect
So if you met a woman who was all, "Oh wow, I can't wait for you to father my children! We'll have four kids, so you'll have to make a lot of money to support us all..." on the first date, you'd be like, "Hey, this is great! Sign me up!"
Load More Replies...No. But it’s astonishing how very little means of communication are used to express discontent to the other person. I mean, you could just say that you dislike what the other person is doing.
Neither are women, but a lot of the ones on BP seem to think they are. ;-)
Most of these are ridiculous on the part of the women. Petty and ridiculous.
Bro most of these people just sound like self-absorbed pricks those dudes dodged a major bullet
I didn't date one guy because he looked and sounded exactly like my brother.
so... why it's just woman who dump mens for stupid reason? can we see the other side too? i wanna see guys who dump woman for shallow reason. please don't let me believe it's only woman who do that.
It's not. I was ditched halfway through first date b/c he didn't like my front teeth. "Too big", he said. I've been paranoid about smiling ever since. That's like 35 years ago this happened. Ooooooh, and how about the guy who dumped me when I was diagnosed with epilepsy b/c it was so hard on *him*? that was fun... Thanks, life-changing diagnosis, dump me the next day! by phone... And my sister was once dumped when the guy found out her hair was permed, not naturally curly....
Load More Replies...It's much rarer. I once saw a female friend going through their matches on a dating app. The reasons to decline were really pettty, as in wrong hair style or even less.
Went on a date with this guy. The first thing he told me about was his 8 year old son. The reason his son was with him and not his mother was because she for some reason didn't like being made to stay home and keep house and his rules so filed for divorce she had no money when she left so this man got his son. But now she was making her own money she was fighting for custody of him He kept saying that a woman's place is in the home preferably the kitchen but keeping the whole house spotlessly clean dinner on the table at 6pm sharp washing done ironed and put away before he got home etc etc oh, and the woman as he referred to his ex and potential partner had to have his permission to do Anything and even making a phone call or going out. I listened to all he had to say over dinner got up and left. I never saw him again. I just hope his ex
people grow up with sitcom where people were dump for stupid reason... no wonder these people do that same thing. give you a hint... Noboby's perfect. we all have perk and stupid thing we love to do. so what? that's the thing who make the other interesting. remember in Scrub when Dr. Kelso told about his wife who sneeze while sleeping and how he miss that when she's not around... this is what make life interesting.
As a woman, I am horrified at some of the astoundingly shallow reasons. Many of these guys had to work up their nerve to ask someone out, then (wrongly, IMHO) be expected to pay for the privilege of being superficially judged by these shallow, seemingly quasi-illiterate witches.
The benefit of dating is that you can find a good match, regardless of how silly or arbitrary your reasoning is. You don't have to ignore your preferences just to accommodate the other person. Almost all of these are examples of people not being compatible, although a few are scary.
Some are very legitimate. Some are just complaints from some really shallow, picky women.
First date type thing with a guy, he says no way I would ever need a computer as expensive & fast as his. He works in insurance and I worked as a neuroscientist, collecting and analysing neural data from the brain. I was like, ookkk, arrogant much?? That was just one of many. Also ignored quite a few things I said. Asked if I was high maintenance because I was sad my brother just died and also said I was 'a bit artsy' when i've painted since I was a kid. Little advice to men, don't insult your dates!!
I was working late, she accused me of being somewhere other than work. It didn't work out.
What a bunch of petty, superficial bitches. Lots of bullet dodging going on here.
He was in 5th gear before we were out of the parking lot. I couldn't handle it.
Thank God my 5th "online" date turned out to be my last first kiss - we've been together 14 years and married for just a little over a month. But before him? OMFG. Some total disasters. One guy showed up 15 minutes late. We were doing the whole "so what do you do thing" and he says "WHY? Are you trying to figure out how much money I make? Should I just whip out a bank statement?" I just threw a $5 on the table for my glass of wine & walked out.. Another guy was really sweet, but he had listed himself as HWP and was easily 100 pounds overweight, which I just really am not into. NO - I'm not shallow, but we all have a certain type we find attractive. I wasn't bothered by his weight so much as the fact he'd used a picture that was obviously at least 10 years old - very indicative of some self esteem issues that I didn't want to deal with. (My ex was incredibly insecure & it was soul sucking/draining - not going there again).
Bored Panda used to be about design and arty stuff. These days it's mostly toxic femininity.
Most of these were absolutely stupid - were they meant as jokes and I just didn't get it?
I learned that if I'm ever single again that it's bad to be short, have interests, or enjoy yourself. Well done BP.
Thread Title: These are bad reasons to break up. Commenters: Hey! That's a bad reason to break up!
when i read it, the title was "83 Reasons Why People Ended Things With These Men That Seem Small, Yet Are Important". for the most part, i'm not seeing the "Yet Are Important" aspect.
Load More Replies...Ahhhhh That makes sense. Websites like this often have two titles and thumbnail pictures. Then, whichever gets more clicks becomes the title for everyone. My title was "Smallest Reason for Breaking Up." I would totally be more annoyed if I had the other title. (I was baffled though because a couple of them seemed like good reasons to not go on a second date.)
"Reasons Why People Ended Things With These Men That Seem Small, Yet Are Important" right now for me. But yeah, I saw multiple titles as well. They change titles pretty often. Ironically, some articles are given titles that intrigue me, but skip for now because I'm kinda busy, deciding to take a look later. Then "later" comes and I go looking for that article, which changed the name to "show its true face" and I do recognise it, but it becomes the opposite of intriguing because of the new presented concept. Likewise, the opposite happens as well.
What a misleading article. Why even title it "people" when it's all women whining and putting down men for petty reasons. No wonder nobody wants to marry Western women.
Assuming these facts are correct, what is the point you are trying to make? By the way, in my home province of Quebec in Canada, it’s estimated that only 26 per cent of men and 30 per cent of women in Quebec will marry before their 50th birthdays. Since the 1970s, the average age at which Quebecers get married has risen 8 years for men, reaching 33.5, and 8.5 years for women, reaching 32.1. We don't get married because we can have exactly the same level of commitment, love and family life by using the wedding money towards down payments for homes and when the 50+* chance of divorce comes into picture, we prefer not to line the pockets of lawyers and use the money towards trying to minimize the impact on children.
Load More Replies...Tell me you're a racist without telling me you're a racist. Not sure this even qualifies as 'not telling me you're a racist' tbh 😡 who the f**k cares what race ppl are who get married? Oh that's right, a racist who ought to mind their business