Small Town Pandas, What’s The Shadiest Thing You’ve Witnessed Going On In Your Town? (Closed)
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just the other day when in the Target parking lot I legit saw someone with a f*****g mannequin on their shoulders as if it was a child 🤣
My friend and I may have witnessed someone buying cociane.
In my town, we have a train depot that hasn’t been used as one for decades. The trains still pass by, as we’re between two big cities, but they don’t stop at the depot anymore. It’s used now for grad parties, wedding receptions, etc.
There are some nice garden beds and benches outside where my friend and I like to sit and talk.
It’s across the railroad tracks from an old community center that’s now an office building.
We’d often see employees coming and going in their cars.
One day, we saw this old, beat up car drive into the parking lot.
The driver was this dude that kind of just sat there, texting on his phone.
Then he got out of the car, stood there and texted some more. Then he got back in the car and left.
A few days later, he came back. His car was already there when we arrived. This time he was with another person, talking in front of the banged up car.
We didn’t think anything of it at that point. I mean, the car looked a bit out of places among the shiny white SUVs and other new, expensive looking cars that filled the parking lot.
We left.
Then, a few days after that, we came back. The car was there, but not the guy.
On the hood of the car, there was a clear, gallon sized Ziploc baggie, stuffed with what looked like white powder.
We haven’t seen the car since.
Now, this is only a theory, but I don’t know what else it could be.
I’ve seen drug deals. Sale of unregistered guns. I live next to a few places that have been shot up.
Not from a small town, but there's lots of shady stuff going on. The roads in my city are deteriorating, and our municipality said that they don't have the budget for it. Fast forward; a massive international conference for politicians was about to happen in our city. Suddenly, all of the streets in the city center are getting patched up. Not shady at all.
Not me, but when out hiking my father witnessed someone getting high in the bathroom stall next to him.
Not fun.
A man used to sit on his bike, pull down his pants and masturbate in day time (mostly when women walked on that road). I witnessed this, came home in tears, told my parents, and that was it. After a month, the same man followed me when I was on my way to my coaching class. Stopped me and started forcefully shoving down his pants to masturbate. I saw a family a few meters ahead, ran to them and pointed out the man. H e had vanished on his bike by then. Then? Nothing. Just avoided that road for months.
Like 3 years ago my mom, sister, and I went to McDonald's. We decided to sit in the parking lot to eat because we were early to where we were supposed to go, and we saw a car pull into the corner of the parking lot. We didn't think much of it and kept eating until another car pulled in and parked next to the other one (which would seem okay except it was a completely empty parking lot aside from us because it was a school afternoon). Both of the people got out of the car and looked around like they are trying to hide something, and saw our car. One of the people walked over and tapped on the window, and when my mom didn't roll it down (she is very cautious and was understandably worried), the person ran back over to the two cars, and grabbed something. My mom by now was kind of freaked out and started to pull out of the parking lot slowly, and was about halfway out when a ketchup packet hit the windshield. We drove away but then did a couple of loops of the street to see what was going on, and we saw the two people exchange something and then get in their cars and drive away. The worst part is they looked like teenagers. TL;DR we very likely witnessed someone selling drugs in a McDonald's parking lot
I don't live in a small town, but once I went to a park that was part of a small town and there was a guy who drove in a circle around the park, then parked, got out of his car, smoked a cigarette while watching the kids play, repeat.
He did that for 20 minutes, then he just drove off, it was so weird