30 Careers Not To Choose If You Want To Have A Job In 5-10 Years, According To These People
Few things in life are immune to change. Even in as little as a year or a decade, people’s lives can flip completely upside down or take a turn so sharp, they might not even remember said life before it.
Unsurprisingly, the way people earn their bread and butter can change quite drastically, too. For some people, that might entail computerizing or modernizing certain processes, for others – getting better tools, better working conditions, or better compensation. However, for some employed individuals, the change might not be for the better, especially if their jobs are likely to become obsolete over time.
Members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community recently discussed what they believe such jobs might be. One user asked them what professions they believe are going to get wiped out in the next five-to-ten years, and quite a few netizens shared their two cents on the matter. If your curiosity has been awakened, you can find their answers on the list below.
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I hope it’s influencers.
My friend is an artist. She made a living off commissions on Twitter. That site going to sh**e and the rise of AI has already caused her to lose 80-90% of the commissions she was getting a few years ago. She’s currently working a minimum wager to keep what she can in her account while she figures out what to do.
This is one of the saddest parts of AI. We thought AI would take over mundane tasks so we could pursue things like the arts, yet here we are, doing mundane things while the arts are being taken over by AI.
Even our community alerts pages on FB are now adding AI generated images with every post. It's annoying AF 99.99999% of the time.
In the USA?
- Teachers
- Lawyers
- Scientists
- Engineers
Because education, law, and science are suddenly considered anti-American. Without education, everything eventually crumbles.
Even before this Trump administration, Americans have been losing jobs to foreigners that are better educated than us. We’re losing those jobs because Americans just aren’t qualified, simple as that.
At the rate things are going right now, we won’t have any professions left that require a brain.
Education is failing because schools are no longer teaching children HOW to think, but instead WHAT to think...while parents continue to support the assbackwards notion that everyone deserves a trophy for simply existing in proximity to those who actually succeed. The rest, unfortunately yeah. Both sides of the aisle are eager to deny different area's of science in service of an agenda, both sides are eager to ignore differing laws and rights in service of an agenda. And yes, while foreigners are often better educated....they also have a much better work ethic, and are willing to maintain that work ethic while working much, much cheaper. The kids who got trophies for losing grow to expect top dollar for minimal skill and effort.
Any sort of translation work.
My wife is a translator and this is something she is really concerned about. Her projects were cut in half this year compared to 2024.
Translators are more involved in PEMT (post-edited machine translation) now. This means still a lot of work but of different nature and more documents processed in a shorter time. Also, this image does not represent the up-to-date translator's screen as most of the work for the past 10+ years is done in CAT software.
Teaching. We’re leaving en masse due to low pay and terrible conditions, and it’s only getting worse.
I live in the south and it’s way worse than people know. We have a teacher on fb who regularly posts things that are clearly not true like 20 million dead from famine in the US during the Great Depression.
The good teachers are fleeing in mass and leaving the state.
I used to do court transciption (not stenography). Basically I download an audio file and type what's spoken in the courtroom verbatim (within style rules). The industry has been trying to implement speech to text software for years but it's been too c**p up until very recently. I've since upskilled to an "editor" where instead of typing manually I correct the generated transcript.
It still struggles with speaker differentiation and formatting but it's improved so drastically within the last 3 years it's only a matter of time until traditional transcriptionists are no longer necessary.
I didn't whole online programming course dictating my notes to my laptop . Then I would tidy them up and format. I passed
My hope is that car salespeople go extinct. The dealership model is antiquated and unnecessary. There’s no good reason why one can’t buy a car completely electronically. Choose car. Add options. Add to basket. Select financing. Complete purchase.
I would still like to test drive a car before I drive it. But that just requires the car to be available, not necessarily with a salesperson trying to push me into buying it if I decide it doesn’t suit me after all.
I don't think wiped out but I do think a lot of digital designers are going to replaced with AI.
My brother was a digital designer for a popular video game. He did this for 20 years. They just let him go as well as a bunch of other designers. S**t sucks. He’s so damn talented.
Anything AI can do.
It will also come as younger people lose.the ability to write, think analytically, etc.
AI will give quick on demand results and answers.
Humans need to reason through something and develop knowledge or expertise.
Easy answers will make humanity dumb.
Critical thinking is so important, and lack of is one of the reasons the US is where we are right now.
By the looks of it, being a federal employee.
Them, and us who rely on federal funding for our jobs. I'm a research administrator at a university and let's just say that things aren't looking too hot right now.
I've been saying that people used to cozy up to fed govt jobs but if they're no longer secure, people arent going to take them and they're going to have trouble filling the roles with good candidates.
Then!!! We can just hire Elon to do it all with one of his many perfect private companies, right? 😭
I think this applies to many countries. In Spain state workers are civil servants and it's virtually impossible to lay them off. I've just been to the local town hall office in my area. 1 person in reception, 1 security guard at the door. Another person at the information desk. I went upstairs were 7 people doing nothing. There are 2 more floors in the building. I was the only person not working there. We need to trim the fat, but pouncing round the stage like a gay monkey with a chainsaw is not the solution.
I covered the NBA for over a decade, but from 2019 until now — the last five years — I’ve been laid off seven times as companies shift to AI-authored stories. I’ve been offered AI editing roles for half my typical pay which is unsustainable. I know other writers from other fields are probably feel the same squeeze as I am.
My masters in data science feels pretty useless right now. Saturated market, and AI is being programmed to do coding, analyze trends, create other models, and prepare reports.
It’s terrifying but I hope I’m wrong :( Shocked I didn’t see this reply as one of the first comments.
I work in the gaming industry. We're already losing coders and seeing team reductions. Anyone who works in a modern day office that specializes in digital work is seeing this. The layoffs are already rolling out, and future projects are being cancelled/postponed so that companies have excuses to layoff even more people, then replace them with automation. We are being replaced by AI in real time.
Audiobook Narrators. I am related to one and know several others. Apparently, they've combined existing voices to make different types of AI voice. Feed the text of a book into the AI, wait a bit, and you have an audiobook. It has already caused a significant reduction in the amount of available work.
I am a writer and video producer. I already know people in my profession who have lost jobs. I think, in particular, writing and designing will be going away. “Just use ChatGPT” I hear regularly. The benefit people like isn’t that it’s good. It’s that it’s cheap and done. Glad I’m on the tail end of a long career. Hanging on the last few years…if I can.
Bridal and formal wear stores/stylists. We’re already seeing stores close now at rapid rates. People are buying their wedding dresses and prom/homecoming dresses from SHEIN, Amazon and other cheaper online retailers like Azazie.
Brides still try and book appointments and tell us, oh I have a dress, I just didn’t get the “Say Yes to the Dress” experience, so I want to come in and try stuff on. We can’t compete with a $50 dress, and brides are caring less and less about quality, because “I’m only wearing it for a few hours.” Some bridal shop owners think they can ban together and write their congressional leaders and senators and stop people from buying online, and I said you really can’t. There’s really no way to take back the industry.
We are in the age of fast fashion, and cheap prices. Gone are the days of spending $1500 on a wedding dress and shopping with your mom and waiting 6-9 months for it to come in. It’s not about educating them, and teaching them about quality. It’s a different generation and we either get with the times or we get out.
Well, forking out hundreds or thousands of €/$ for a dress you only wear once is insane, good riddance to that useless waste
Customer service + call centers are gonna see a lot of trouble with Agentic AI on the horizon. Not good because that industry employs millions of people across the world.
Estimators. Im in construction. We have apps now that you can upload several pictures of the exterior of your home and it will calculate with acceptable accuracy the materials needed.It also will measure your roof without touching a ladder, measure trim, soffits and siding.It sends you a report with a full list of materials lengths of materials and % of waste. Also does 3d pics of what the hime will look like.Another app takes that info and calculates what the job will cost based on the region and aprox labor cost. This process would take days in the 90s.Complete game changer.
Really hoping to see real estate agents disappear in the near future.
I heard an interesting thing that they might!
Commission rates are too high and the market is over saturated with agents. Eventually an online platform is gonna develop to cut them out. Just like how people basically never use travel agents now.
Real estate agents might exist for large or complex sales but their rates aren’t reflecting the competition existing in their sector.
In reply to the "people basically never use travel agents now" They seriously should, for long distance trips at least. It doesn't cost you anything to use one, they usually find you better prices and can actually talk to you about what experience you want while traveling and help choose the correct accommodations for you based on preferences. Online most people don't use critical thinking enough so they just go "oooh pretty pictures, low price, I'll take it"
I work in the industry, and a ton of people are being cut for AI even though it sounds like s**t half the time, but it's just good enough that a lot of companies don't care.
Even a lot of the remaining jobs want you to use AI in tandem, so you can pump out more volume faster.
We use AI for generating product descriptions and social media marketing posts. BUT it's only a jumping off point, we proof, edit and add things as needed. It's great for cranking out variations of a theme in short order, but the results aren't good enough to just copy/paste/publish as they come out. And quality and relevance fall off quickly for anything longer than a few hundred words. It's very much a tool, not a replacement.
I would have to say traditional local in person bank tellers and walk in banks. I'm already seeing these new type of banks showing up. They look like gas stations without the stores and the gas pumps are video ATMs. To do your banking, you drive up to the ATM, request what service you want and if that service requires a teller, you'll be connected to a call center teller (quite possibly an overseas one or AI). If you need to cash a check or deposit money , you just enter them into the ATM. The downside to these is the massive loss of local teller job. You'll no longer have someone from your community to help you with your banking needs.
In the Netherlands you hardly have need for a person to help you with anything for banking. Depositing, withdrawing and getting coins for change can all be done with machines. It's been like that for quite a few years now. If you go to an office it's for opening an account or financial advise.
Newspaper print employees.
I simply do not understand how so many local papers are still in print. I don't know a single person that still subscribes to a newspaper delivery.
I strongly believe radiology will be HEAVILY downsized in the next 5-10 years with the improvements in AI. So in my opinion, any premeds should keep this in mind when thinking about specialties.
I think there still will be a demand of medical personal for that with AI being an assisting tool rather than a full replacement
I feel like accounting software is getting so good that accounting clerks might be done in. Especially with efforts to make a lot of lower income processes more streamlined and automated there won't be a lot of point for this job anymore.
I'm honestly surprised that accounting is still done mostly by employees to be honest as it's very easy to automate after most transactions became digital. Hell, all I did was typing in numbers into fields while the software did all the rest when I worked in accounting
In the USA, Locomotive Engineers on major freight railroads. Trains basically drive themselves now, all the Engineer really does is hit a dead-man switch, blow the horn, and ring the bell. A computer runs the train and even tells the Engineer when to apply the air brakes, the big carriers are pushing for One-Man Crews, and General Electric and the railroad electronics companies are pushing for programs that can run the train from a dead start to a dead stop. Locomotive Engineers aren’t even technically called “Engineers” anymore, they’re “Locomotive Operators.” Especially with the recent political regime and new head of the FRA, this reality is coming ever faster.
Paralegals. It’s scary but the legal world is embracing AI. Everyone heard about those lawyers who used ChatGPT and it cited case law that didn’t exist, but no one’s talking about how LexisNexis developed their own AI that won’t do that.
If an AI can summarize case law, write a brief, generate court documents- what does the paralegal do?
The only saving grace is that there are plenty of old lawyers out there who don’t even know how to e-file documents, so that may delay it a bit.
Former attorney here. Sorry, but paralegals actually don't do that work. Associates (young attorneys) do. It's literally what law school trains you for. Paralegals help manage cases, discovery, calendars and filing for partners and associates. They might prepare discovery motions (like motions to compel) because all you're changing is the caption, names and dates, but not substantive motions. I can tell you with 100% confidence attorneys will never get rid of their paralegals. At least, at a defense firm. They are the backbone of law firms. Now, could I see those personal injury firms that have obnoxious ads doing that? Yeah. They are about greed.
Taking orders at fast food places. Not much of a profession but won't be a job long.
It already isn't, where I live. Every fast food place (Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, ect) now has a single cash register, with a sign that says "All orders must be placed using self-service kiosk. Cash paying customers must bring their receipt to the counter to pay.......and then stand there for 20 minutes waiting for someone to acknowledge your existence". Ok, I made up that last part about standing there for 20 minutes, but that's exactly what happens.
What about drive thrus? Some places like Taco Bell are already doing it with the order taking. Not sure if they could do the actual food though.
Fast food seems to be speedrunning getting rid of cashiers and trying to move everyone to apps or kiosks. Secondarily they seem to be getting rid of dine-in service in favor of drive-thru or pickup. McD's is phasing out self-serve beverages for example. Starbucks is opening new stores without seating areas. Much lower costs that way.
dont worry, the big companies are working with automation for making food too. They already have a machine that makes fries, salts them, and does it perfect and better than human workers. KFC is testing a Chicken machine for the frying as well. Burger King has 3 locations testing a machine that not only cooks the burgers, but assembles it, etc. Give a few years and all you will have is 2 people working a whole large fast food place, and they would be just loading the machines and pressing buttons. And cleaning up as well
I do digital marketing for small local businesses.
We do their social media, websites, google ads, newsletters, blogs, etc. with the way AI is advancing, I really worry that people won’t need someone to market for them anymore.
Like that’s still way down the line, but I’m in my 20s. What is this industry going to look like when I’m 50?
It’s already really hard to find a job.
Music composition for film, movie trailers, commercials etc. It can all be automated now already. AI is being trained to replicate and sequence popular music just enough to avoid any copyright issues.
Poll Question
How do you feel about the rapid changes in employment industries?
Excited for new opportunities
Concerned about job security
Indifferent, change is inevitable
Optimistic about technological advances
What will happen to everyone that was replaced by AI? How to make a living wage?
Hopefully if EVERYTHING is replaced by AI, then none of us will actually NEED to work for a living. But unfortunately, we're currently caught halfway- too much AI for us to get jobs and make a living, and not enough AI to make a society where nobody has to work.
The corporate answer is, "who cares?" The reich-wing's fear in the US is now that the January 6 treachery they perpetrated will have inspired magats to storm the Bastille sooner rather than later, as it were.
Yzhh those n a zis!!! Where are the mass graves btw ? Ohh nowhere to be found? You are just throwing away the nazi comparison as if it is nothing? As if millions of ppl dident get starved to death in camps? F*****g stop it will you. It is disrespectful. Ps this goes to both usa political tribes... Commmiiieeesdd also disgusts me as something used so lightly...
Get an education, then buy a clue, sweat pee, then we can talk. "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". I'll add, thumping the bible and blaming strangers". Guess what. Fool.
As a Jew I know what they mean. He's a Nazi. Not a Jew killer but wants all non whites out among the other dictator things. He's a child in charge of a country.
Gulags and mass graves are not needed to be a white supremist and N**i. 'As a Jew" means nothing? Do you know what a Jew is? Do you know what N**i is and what they did to the Jewish people, gays, blacks, handicapped etc?
Hitler took power in 1933, it took a few years for the death camps to get started. Although the first concentration camps for political enemies only took a few months. Gee, what's Trump been promising to do to his political enemies? And he's already started camps for undocumented immigrants.
"And he's already started camps for undocumented immigrants." Yes that is normal... that is how it should have always been ages ago... that is how you stop ppl from being smuggled for cheap neo slave labour and/or traded by cartels... I saw that happen to others and thankfully not lived it myself... You see i am an immigrant and i went legally to the eu and those who did not... YOU WOULD NOT ENVY their fate let us keep it at that... Also guess what, hitler started by washing his face in the morning. Ohh s**t what about me, I also wash my face! Am i gonna put illegal immigrants in camps next? Am i gonna go full on hitler? ARE YOU? This hitler comparison is f*****g pathetic. The same with anybody comparing anyone from the other political tribe to stalin for wanting basic healthcare and other things that completely normal in the rest of the world... You know like treating criminals like well... CRIMINALS! Americans are disguising with this over exaggeration to the point of nullfying any meaning of these words. The more you do it... The harder it becomes to take you seriously. II thought most people read the boy who cried wolf as a kid but apparently the message has been lost to some... ps: to anyone else reading this. Dont mistake what i am saying for a defence for trump or [insert your party here]. In fact i do find both illusion of choice parties offputting to the point i wonder how american can put up with such a system for so long...
"and he's already started camps for undocumented immigrants." THis is what Germany, Russia did first too. This is was N**i's do. Round em up and get rid of them.
That's why we need a universal basic income, NOW! Some European countries (or districts) have trialled it and it seems very effective. It's one of the reasons I nearly voted for Die Linke in the last election in Germany because I feel it's the only policy being put forward that would help with the AI takeover. None of the other parties even mentioned it. Having said that, Germany is so slow with adopting technologies that we might be OK for a wee while yet...
German left-wing party. But there are various initiatives around Germany that I'm aware of promoting/trialling universal basic income. They seem pretty successful. It will never catch on in the US, of course, but I have hope that it could elsewhere!
There's always manual labor I guess. Ooh, and wiping a*s in carehomes. Aside from that we're probably doomed.
This is the power of human nature. There is no consideration for the future just the right now and 'whats in it for me'. Companies are not organic beasts they are many individual people, wondering 'whats in it for me'. AI for now is saving companies money so individuals can get rich. It will be ever thus just as it always has been. Those of us without, will moan and cry and how evil they are but any one of us would do exactly the same thing. Humanity is unfortunately in its retirement.
Bill Gates (mega Capitalist) has mentioned overpopulation (re: the poor, which is unsaid, but inferred) for years. This kind of talk, and AI gradually taking over a high % of human jobs, makes you wonder what kind of future we're heading for? The mass obsolescence of non-rich people? I don't underestimate any of those sociopaths.
Language teachers may soon become obsolete. I'm an ESL teacher and the demand for our services is decreasing each year, as more people now use AI translation instead of taking the time and effort to learn a language.
I'm a translator, and it worries me greatly that people will stop learning foreign languages (unless they come from multilingual homes). What a loss to our intercultural understanding! And just imagine if, one day, there's a widespread internet outage. It will be like the Tower of Babel again.
In this article: basically every job that isn't construction.
Tesla created robots. Once they are trained to perform construction tasks, those jobs will be going away as well.
One simple rule to all jobs. Ask yourself, can my job be done remotely? if it can, find a new job that can't. It's really just a matter of time before the employers figure this out and outsource your job overseas. People that WFH because of the pandemic failed to realize they were actually showing their company how little they actually need them. The only safe jobs are ones that require a physical presence and can't be automated.
"Look at all the cool advantages of letting computers do everything!" Quote the opening lines of every epic science fiction disaster. Think only foolish people are afraid of AI? Think again, Stephen Hawking was terrified of it.
A job that is on the way out is tractor driver. Most of the big broad acre machines have auto steer that is able to pretty much do it all and most of the time there isn't much to do. With sensors and cameras, you probably wouldn't need the tractor monkey.
In order for ai to take my job, it would require a client to know how to explain what they need. I'm safe
What will happen to everyone that was replaced by AI? How to make a living wage?
Hopefully if EVERYTHING is replaced by AI, then none of us will actually NEED to work for a living. But unfortunately, we're currently caught halfway- too much AI for us to get jobs and make a living, and not enough AI to make a society where nobody has to work.
The corporate answer is, "who cares?" The reich-wing's fear in the US is now that the January 6 treachery they perpetrated will have inspired magats to storm the Bastille sooner rather than later, as it were.
Yzhh those n a zis!!! Where are the mass graves btw ? Ohh nowhere to be found? You are just throwing away the nazi comparison as if it is nothing? As if millions of ppl dident get starved to death in camps? F*****g stop it will you. It is disrespectful. Ps this goes to both usa political tribes... Commmiiieeesdd also disgusts me as something used so lightly...
Get an education, then buy a clue, sweat pee, then we can talk. "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". I'll add, thumping the bible and blaming strangers". Guess what. Fool.
As a Jew I know what they mean. He's a Nazi. Not a Jew killer but wants all non whites out among the other dictator things. He's a child in charge of a country.
Gulags and mass graves are not needed to be a white supremist and N**i. 'As a Jew" means nothing? Do you know what a Jew is? Do you know what N**i is and what they did to the Jewish people, gays, blacks, handicapped etc?
Hitler took power in 1933, it took a few years for the death camps to get started. Although the first concentration camps for political enemies only took a few months. Gee, what's Trump been promising to do to his political enemies? And he's already started camps for undocumented immigrants.
"And he's already started camps for undocumented immigrants." Yes that is normal... that is how it should have always been ages ago... that is how you stop ppl from being smuggled for cheap neo slave labour and/or traded by cartels... I saw that happen to others and thankfully not lived it myself... You see i am an immigrant and i went legally to the eu and those who did not... YOU WOULD NOT ENVY their fate let us keep it at that... Also guess what, hitler started by washing his face in the morning. Ohh s**t what about me, I also wash my face! Am i gonna put illegal immigrants in camps next? Am i gonna go full on hitler? ARE YOU? This hitler comparison is f*****g pathetic. The same with anybody comparing anyone from the other political tribe to stalin for wanting basic healthcare and other things that completely normal in the rest of the world... You know like treating criminals like well... CRIMINALS! Americans are disguising with this over exaggeration to the point of nullfying any meaning of these words. The more you do it... The harder it becomes to take you seriously. II thought most people read the boy who cried wolf as a kid but apparently the message has been lost to some... ps: to anyone else reading this. Dont mistake what i am saying for a defence for trump or [insert your party here]. In fact i do find both illusion of choice parties offputting to the point i wonder how american can put up with such a system for so long...
"and he's already started camps for undocumented immigrants." THis is what Germany, Russia did first too. This is was N**i's do. Round em up and get rid of them.
That's why we need a universal basic income, NOW! Some European countries (or districts) have trialled it and it seems very effective. It's one of the reasons I nearly voted for Die Linke in the last election in Germany because I feel it's the only policy being put forward that would help with the AI takeover. None of the other parties even mentioned it. Having said that, Germany is so slow with adopting technologies that we might be OK for a wee while yet...
German left-wing party. But there are various initiatives around Germany that I'm aware of promoting/trialling universal basic income. They seem pretty successful. It will never catch on in the US, of course, but I have hope that it could elsewhere!
There's always manual labor I guess. Ooh, and wiping a*s in carehomes. Aside from that we're probably doomed.
This is the power of human nature. There is no consideration for the future just the right now and 'whats in it for me'. Companies are not organic beasts they are many individual people, wondering 'whats in it for me'. AI for now is saving companies money so individuals can get rich. It will be ever thus just as it always has been. Those of us without, will moan and cry and how evil they are but any one of us would do exactly the same thing. Humanity is unfortunately in its retirement.
Bill Gates (mega Capitalist) has mentioned overpopulation (re: the poor, which is unsaid, but inferred) for years. This kind of talk, and AI gradually taking over a high % of human jobs, makes you wonder what kind of future we're heading for? The mass obsolescence of non-rich people? I don't underestimate any of those sociopaths.
Language teachers may soon become obsolete. I'm an ESL teacher and the demand for our services is decreasing each year, as more people now use AI translation instead of taking the time and effort to learn a language.
I'm a translator, and it worries me greatly that people will stop learning foreign languages (unless they come from multilingual homes). What a loss to our intercultural understanding! And just imagine if, one day, there's a widespread internet outage. It will be like the Tower of Babel again.
In this article: basically every job that isn't construction.
Tesla created robots. Once they are trained to perform construction tasks, those jobs will be going away as well.
One simple rule to all jobs. Ask yourself, can my job be done remotely? if it can, find a new job that can't. It's really just a matter of time before the employers figure this out and outsource your job overseas. People that WFH because of the pandemic failed to realize they were actually showing their company how little they actually need them. The only safe jobs are ones that require a physical presence and can't be automated.
"Look at all the cool advantages of letting computers do everything!" Quote the opening lines of every epic science fiction disaster. Think only foolish people are afraid of AI? Think again, Stephen Hawking was terrified of it.
A job that is on the way out is tractor driver. Most of the big broad acre machines have auto steer that is able to pretty much do it all and most of the time there isn't much to do. With sensors and cameras, you probably wouldn't need the tractor monkey.
In order for ai to take my job, it would require a client to know how to explain what they need. I'm safe