33 Comics About Gaming, And Universal Experiences Many People Might Relate To, By Mindy Kilgore
Interview With ArtistDo we have any gaming fans out there? We're sure we do! However, know that you don’t need to be a part of the gamer community to enjoy the series we’re about to present to you today. Mindy Kilgore creates comics partially inspired by her own life. Get ready to dive into some relatable content about being a video game enthusiast, pet parent, or simply a human being… all showcased in a funny caricatural way.
Mindy was kind enough to answer a few questions we had for her. The first one regarded the inspiration to start creating her funny comic series. The artist shared with us: “I’ve been making comics since I was around 5, I found graphic narrative storytelling to be really fascinating and an accessible way to express myself. So I’ve just created comics pretty much through my entire life.”
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Asked about some recurring themes in her comics, Kilgore answered: “Most of the recurring themes in my comics are gaming and universal experiences people share around them.”
Honestly the whole “girl game boy game” thing is stupid. A girl wants to play some heavy violence let her play, a guy wants to play what ever is considered girl games let him play
The artist has also told us more about the characters featured in her chuckle-worthy series: “The recurring character in most of my comics is a caricature of myself, but I try not to really focus on that. Most of the other characters are inspired by gaming NPCs.”
We wanted to know what Mindy’s creative process looks like. We learned that: “All of my comics start with thumbnail sketches on paper that I usually do in just a few minutes to map out the general layout and character poses/expressions. Then I do the linework and color digitally in Procreate on the iPad Pro.”
Finally, Kilgore shared who inspires her work: “I’ve always been inspired by many other comic artists, growing up it was a lot of Jhonen Vasquez and nowadays I look up to Adam Ellis, Sarah Anderson, Last Place Comics, and Litterbox Comics.”
Does her shirt have the Chinese character for return/go back? I'm trying to learn Mandarin, can anyone tell me if I'm right or way off?
I know ARPGs like Diablo try to keep inventory management simple, but I really hate how a ring takes up the same amount of inventory space as a Plate Armour Breastplate...
Same around here. Only time the Texas heeler gets lovey dovey is dinner time. Otherwise it's, "Don't touch me."
My Lhasa Apso - Me: Sit. Panda: Stand? Me: Come. Panda: Stay? Me: Stay. Panda: BYE!
I completely forgot this was supposed to be about video games until you mentioned it- I thought I was scrolling through some "owning a dog" like comic
I completely forgot this was supposed to be about video games until you mentioned it- I thought I was scrolling through some "owning a dog" like comic