30 Signs Indicating That A Relationship Has Reached A Dead End, As Pointed Out By Folks In This Online Group
It’s a darn shame when a relationship doesn’t last a lifetime. And while much of it is dependent on how the people in a relationship play their cards, an end is sometimes an inevitability because there isn’t any chemistry, or someone gave up halfway, or maybe the two don’t agree on which side the toilet paper roll should be hung on the holder.
Whatever the case, it sometimes happens, and the AskReddit community have been listing key signs that a relationship has run its course, reaching nearly 4,000 comments and the post garnering over 20,000 upvotes.
Check out the best of the best answers shared in the viral post below. And why not upvote and comment on them, sharing some of your signs of the end of a relationship in the comment section below!
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Several, but off the top of my head... The sight of them does nothing for you. Getting a text or phone call from them elicits an eyeroll. You try to avoid them. You cannot hold a conversation with them because everything they say is irritating. You really could not care less about their day or anything they have to say to you. You find yourself fantasizing of a life without them... and it makes you smile. You know, just to name a few.
If you find that you can only relax and be yourself when they aren’t around, crushing you with the weight of their silent judgement and disapproval, it’s way past the expiration date.
Learning to disregard every unnecessary thing that won't help for your self growth is a mature thing to do
From personal experience, the biggest indicator is when tensions should be high, you should be upset or arguing, but you just don't care anymore.
You've bottled your real feelings up so much that now everything they do or say fills you with contempt lol. Oops
When you turn the corner driving home, and feel disappointment when you see her car in the driveway - because you know the minute you step in the door she's going to start crapping on you again.
When the thought of being near/around them gives you anxiety. Not the normal "I hope I don't look like a fool around them" anxiety, but that deep, instinctual fight or flight sense of dread
That's the way I felt pressing the elevator button to go upstairs to my job. Quit soon after and was so much lighter. But don't you know, they replaced me with two girls and a month later they were phoning asking if I wanted to some part-time work since they couldn't keep up with all the tasks that I had managed alone for six years.
When you can’t make yourself trust them again no matter how hard you try.
You used to think their little quirks and habits were adorable, Now they are just annoying AF.
This doesn't necessarily mean the relationship is over. I simply did not notice that my husband ate like a slob, for the first 2-3 years of us living together. Oh I was so in love. Now after almost 12 years I feel like I want to tape his mouth shut sometimes but I never say anything although his smacking and eating like a cow annoys me so much.:)))) I love him
You no longer like the way your SO smells.
You have something big happen and they are not the first person you call.
I had a car accident at like 5am and didn’t even bother calling my now ex, he was useless and I called the people that mattered.
When you realize you don't wish the best for her/him...you don't wish her/him any harm either...just disinterested in building something better together.
Damn, you can have love or hate and there is passion in both, but indifference is a killer.
You're both cheating on each other with the same person.
That could also just be an arrangement that works for all three parties once they’ve worked out the parameters of the deal
When texting them becomes a chore instead of something that makes you happy
Not necessarily. Sometimes texting anyone you love can be a chore. The problem sparks when there is a total lack of emotion when texting back, feeling nothing at all.
When you go to AskReddit to see if sexting is considered cheating.
If you're doing something that would deeply hurt your partner if they were next to you while you're doing it, then that's cheating. It's not really the act in itself, it's the broken trust.
When you catch yourself lying often. When you're hiding who you are around them because you don't want to fight or disappoint them.
Oh, and when you won't f**k each other anymore.
This happened to my best friend. Telling the truth to her bf was terryfing, so she constantly lied. What I mean with truth were things that are normal for many people but for her boyfriend were unacceptable. And of course, she got caught (bf checked her phone regularly) and boy, fights were spectacular. Hard for me to see her passing through all of that and finally happy when she got her sh1t together and dumped him.
When you notice that your partner doesn't miss you (or vice versa) after being separated for a while. If you've been apart for a couple weeks or longer and your partner still feels no particular urgency to see you or talk to you, then the relationship is dead.
I work 8 hours a day, 4 x a week. I miss him. And he misses me making his cuppa tea. And also taking the piss outta me. It's definitely love. Especially when he pops out and scares me shitless after a long day at work. Has our son doubled over with laughter. So much happiness from what was supposed to be a mutual casual shag.
When everything about your life is being controlled down to the tiny details.
When you discover irreconcilable differences. Relationships take a lot of work- there will be times when you don't want to be together, or when you're not sexually in sync, or whatever. Those things need to be worked through and your relationship will be stronger for it. The red flag I would watch out for is inherent differences in morality, beliefs, that kind of thing.
Yes, opposites do not attract in the long run. You must have the same values.
When you come home after work and no one is home and 90% of everything in the house is gone. (Happened twice)
Twice? If it happened twice u might need to do some serious self reflection on your part
When you're physically in the same room, but it feels as though the other person isn't there - that their thoughts and emotions are somewhere else.
I begged my boss to send me on business trips.
When you get a phone call, saying your SO is going to be gone unexpectedly for two weeks and you respond " ok I'll miss you,luv you,bye" and then do the happy dance, and you are pretty sure they are too? Just make that two weeks permanent. Talking from experience. It got so strained onto that before we divorced, my ex was gone three of four weekends in the month. He was so unpleasant to be around when he was there, I was glad he was cheating! Not even joking. The three kids and I would drop him off at the little airport (we owned a crappy little 1960 Cessna) and as soon as he took off, McDonald's and movie time!
When you no longer care if they ate something all day or not.
I think it’s not the specific context of “eating” but the gesture that comes with it, asking is caring and thoughtful, because they love you
Contempt. I took a marriage and family course in college and there professor said that’s one of the biggest signs things are going to/should end. And I’ve 100% been there
There’s a voice in your head that says “You know it’s over” .... every time my relationship has been ending I have had this happen. Sometimes you fight it, sometimes you don’t . But the voice is always right in the end .
"(S)He is just a friend, you don't have to worry about them" -> spends more time with friend than partner.
(might sound lame because of the memes, but my almost 6 years SO cheated on me and now is dating the 'friend')
When all you can think about is how different you are.
When you're lying or making excuses to not be with them.
When they go on a Spring Break trip and screw a guy she went to high school with repeatedly for a week.
When someone says your SO's name and you give a sigh or a grimaced look on your face.
When spending time is something you have to give effort to actively think about and plan out as opposed to something you look forward to and excitedly long for. I know that's what it was for me: she became a block in my schedule instead of the reason my schedule existed.
When either of you whip out your phone constantly when together. Can't hold a moment of comfortable silence to appreciate you both being in each other's presence.
I don't want to come across as smug, but reading this post reminds me how amazing my own relationship is. Things are shitty in several aspects of my life, but my bond with my wife isn't one of them. She's my rock, and I'm hers. However, I've definitely experienced some of these points in previous relationships.
These aren't red flags - these are the giant red banners you're wrapped in after having ignored the red flags for years.
When they knowingly restrain your limbs when you have a phobia and don't let go as you scream 'get off!!' over and over again. Then they try to change the narrative, saying they were just trying to cuddle you, and suddenly you started punching them?? Then they come home, pour juice over your head and smear food in your hair and face while screaming at you for not apologising to them when you have already apologised over and over. Last night was interesting.
hmm that's assault. lay a charge, get a restraining order, and move out.
Load More Replies...I don't want to come across as smug, but reading this post reminds me how amazing my own relationship is. Things are shitty in several aspects of my life, but my bond with my wife isn't one of them. She's my rock, and I'm hers. However, I've definitely experienced some of these points in previous relationships.
These aren't red flags - these are the giant red banners you're wrapped in after having ignored the red flags for years.
When they knowingly restrain your limbs when you have a phobia and don't let go as you scream 'get off!!' over and over again. Then they try to change the narrative, saying they were just trying to cuddle you, and suddenly you started punching them?? Then they come home, pour juice over your head and smear food in your hair and face while screaming at you for not apologising to them when you have already apologised over and over. Last night was interesting.
hmm that's assault. lay a charge, get a restraining order, and move out.
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