As we go through life, we cross paths with countless people every day. And while many of them have faced serious hardships, you wouldn’t always know it just by looking.

But if you pay attention, the signs are there. Maybe it’s the way they’re overly kind, always putting others first. Or how they apologize too much, even when there’s no reason to. Some become expert people-pleasers, doing everything they can to avoid conflict.

Redditors recently shared these and other subtle clues that reveal someone has been through a lot. Here’s what they had to say.


A woman in a plaid shirt looks pensive by a window, suggesting signs of past trauma. They don’t ask for help, because people have let them down a lot.

wildcampion , A. C./Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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Birgit M
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2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I grew up neglected and I find it really hard to ask for help. When I have no other choice, I feel really bad because I immediately feel like a burden. It's hard for me to imagine that someone might actually want to be there for me.

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    A man looks down, showing possible signs of emotional trauma, while another person offers comfort with a hand on his shoulder. They are empathetic, kind and generous- because they get it.

    Foolsinlove22 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Hey Kat
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel this one to the bone! I will go out of my way, to a fault, so that another person doesn't have to experience what I've had to go through.

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    A person in a hooded jacket and backpack stands alone on a beach, gazing at the ocean, suggesting signs of trauma. Stubbornly independent because they don’t believe they can rely on anyone.

    misscararara , A. C./Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    R Ray
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Its' called constantly let down so I'll just do it myself.!

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    Elderly man seated in a chair, reflecting signs of trauma, wearing a green shirt against a red background. Zero tolerance for drama, b******t and toxic behaviour.

    They're more likely to just walk away from friendships and relationships at the first sign.

    Nosedive888 , David Hinkle/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Jay Scales
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, you see patterns in the small things and say 'Not dealing with that again!'

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    People standing in a group conversation, reflecting signs of trauma through body language and gestures. People pleasing. Apologising too much. Internalised blame. Not being fazed by terrible things and finds very little to be really shocking. A good listener. Lack of boundaries. A loner. Quiet. Avoids people and crowds. Avoids drama. Doesn't really care about gossip, small talk or the mundane stuff. Doesn't have much to do with family.

    Sometimes I wish I didn't know these things.

    Edit: Thanks for my biggest up vote and response yet people. I don't feel so alone today.
    There are good people in this world. Keep fighting and learning every day. ❤️.

    krypto-pscyho-chimp , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Birgit M
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me, it's mainly the people pleasing. For example, I find it very difficult to ask for what I need or to stand up for myself when I think I'm being treated unfairly because I don't want others to feel uncomfortable or upset.

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    "A man sits with head down, showing signs of trauma, in a contemplative indoor setting." Keeping themself distant from everyone. Not opening up.

    yawner44 , Jordan González/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Little Bit
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because I've been let down, hurt and abused by people who were supposed to look after me I find it hard to trust anyone and would rather keep people at arm's length than risk being hurt and abused again.

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    Two women engaged in a serious conversation on a couch, with a focus on overcoming trauma. In social situations they never ask people about their family. Mostly cuz they don’t want people asking them about theirs. That’s a new one my wife pointed out to me.

    sleeping_lessons_ , Nini FromParis/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Lady Eowyn
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm lucky, I can now honestly say I have no family left. It's just me and my service dog.

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    A contemplative person with hands on face against a brown backdrop, suggesting trauma in their life. They tend to keep a lot of information about themselves locked up for fear of it being used against them.

    ItsNo_Name , Natalia Blauth/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    A person sitting with head in hands, appearing distressed, symbolizing signs of trauma. We lose it over little things because we aren’t allowed to lose it over big things. Surprisingly reliable during high-stakes chaos but a tiny small thing will send us spiralling for days.

    FarMembership885 , Pablo Merchán Montes/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Little Bit
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes we have so many big things to deal with that a small insignificant thing is enough to tip us over the edge. The final straw that broke the camel's back.

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    A young person with a serious expression, suggesting signs of trauma, outdoors with a blurred background. They have the ability to turn to stone at the snap.of a finger. Any past emotions, just gone.

    darkromancegirl87 , Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Virgil Blue
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not gone, never gone, but expertly hidden and under strict control.

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    Elderly woman kissing younger woman, capturing emotional trauma healing in a serene, outdoor setting. They appreciate the tiniest things around them. They are super empathetic and kind. But they can also flip like a switch if you push too hard.

    Immediate-Tooth-2174 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    Two friends laughing together outside, surrounded by greenery, indicating moments of healing from trauma. Incredibly self aware, very open about some experiences, make jokes about trauma....

    Enough about me! How are you doing?

    Thorbertthesniveler , LaShawn Dobbs/uNSPLASH (not the actual photo) Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sense of humor makes us cope with the pain. And it also hides the cry we deal with inside of us.

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life They stand up loudly for people who are being treated unfairly. .

    ananonh , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Savior complex is also a sign of past trauma. We cannot stand injustice, hurt and humiliation inflicted on others, because we know how it's like. We know how the abused person feels. We've been through that.

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    Young woman in patterned dress blowing candles on a birthday cake, surrounded by sparklers, symbolizing celebration despite trauma. They don’t like their birthdays celebrated.

    ks445 , Ahmet Kurt/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Little Bit
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because at some point in their lives they've been made to feel like they're not worthy of any kind of celebration and it makes them feel uncomfortable. I know this feeling well.

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life They instantly click with other people who have been through a lot of s**t before even realising the other person has been through a lot of s**t

    No seriously it's like a sensor.

    anon , A. C./Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Absolutely. I would go so far to say that if someone hasn't really had any hard experiences in life, I find it very hard to 'click' with them.

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    Close-up of a woman crying, showing signs of trauma, with tears and red lipstick. They apologize a lot for basically everything.

    kikiikandii , Kateryna Hliznitsova/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Heras buddy
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hardly ever apologize. Don't care what others think. I only worry about what animals feel about me. They're the only judge I care about.

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    Two people holding hands, offering support and compassion, related to trauma recovery. Can't take a compliment because to them thats the start of manipulation. Also don't like gifts becuase they come with strings usually and they aren't prepared to have something else come back at them because they "accepted" the gifts.

    Also likely fiercely independant, although you get the ones that go the other way and are too scared to do *anything* alone.

    pumaofshadow , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Heras buddy
    Community Member
    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Took me 58 years to like myself. But my dogs loved me and that was great. Now I don't think so lowly of myself.

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life An uncanny ability to read past the literal words someone says and hear what they're really saying, even if they didn't want to tell you that.

    Low-Temperature-1664 , Vicky Hladynets/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    A young man in deep thought, wearing a denim shirt, showing signs of past trauma while seated on stairs. Extreme self-awareness is often present. Empathy and effort to understand as well.

    Due-Kaleidoscope-405 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    A woman looking concerned at a laptop, holding glasses, possibly reflecting on trauma signs. How fast they can flip the switch and not put up with your s**t anymore.

    EDIT: WOW! So appreciative of not only the thousands of upvotes but the hundreds of comments as well. I truly believe that having open discussions about things like this are the path to overcoming your difficulties and being successful. I also appreciate the numerous private messages that have been sent. Please know that I either have or plan to respond to every single one of them.

    Efficient_Pickle4744 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Hey Kat
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is definitely me! I will put up with A LOT of s**t and overlook a ton of bad behavior but once I hit a point, I am done!

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life Being an "Empath ".  People who grew up in incredibly abusive households, learn to be hyper aware of Incredibly subtle body language and speech, as a coping mechanism from violently unpredictable Relationships.  They are often very in tune with the emotions of those around them.

    Simple_Mycologist679 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life They’re angry, and resentful. I’m going against the grain here by saying this but as someone who has experienced child abuse and been blamed for it and been misunderstood my entire life, yeah, I’m angry and resentful.


    Update: thanks everyone. To those who are going through similar, I feel you, a lot.

    namenotprovided , Zahra Omer/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Lee Gilliland
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Of course you are angry and resentful. At this point, I'm angry and resentful of the way you're being treated. I've been there. All I can say is it will get better and easier as you go along the path of your life.

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life Their eyes don’t sparkle yet they are the kindest souls to ANYONE and EVERYONE.

    Kng_Miklosy , Ahmed/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Ty Stratton-Quirk
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.'' -Anonymous

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    A thoughtful person in a casual setting, wearing a beige shirt, representing signs of trauma and resilience. Unflappable. Nothing you could possible say could shock them. They appear to handle bad news well because of this, but it’s actually a shut down response.

    Wrong_Motor5371 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    Person in a white shirt gazing downward against a cloudy sky, conveying emotions linked to past trauma. They don’t trust people and aren’t surprised by weird things that people do in public.

    Necessary_Royal_7206 , Frank Flores/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life People who laugh and seem happy,try to make others laugh i believe can hide a lot of things behind that mask.

    anon , Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Virgil Blue
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    2 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Robin Williams comes to mind. So much quick humor, such insights. But a dark hidden pit of despair always threatening to overwhelm him. Until it finally did. Miss you, funny man.

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    I lost most of my memories and who I was. It *literally* started coming back to me today... for once i feel safe. My current bf is the only person to treat me as human and make me feel safe 100%. I can finally heal... and im not alone in it.

    **But f*****g hell the world is filled with monsters**.

    MouseCheese7 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unfortunately the world will always be filled with monsters, We are just better at spotting them now.

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    A person lying on a couch, covered with a blanket, comforted by a child, symbolizing effects of trauma and care. They startle easily.
    They are sick often.
    They have a collection of chronic/autoimmune illnesses.
    They apologize for everything.
    They stare off into space often.

    big_heart_912 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Magenta Blu
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even the tv is too much stress to handle. I can't be in places with tvs.. And crowds. Can't handle them

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    30 Signs That Show Someone Has Had A Lot Of Trauma In Their Life I've been through a lot of c**p. I get suspicious of the intentions of people unless I've been with them for a reasonable amount of time.

    Dazzling-Frosting525 , Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    Jay Scales
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, I'm like a cat - I watch from a distance until I see how someone really is.

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    Deep shame. It's always their fault. There's something wrong with them. No one cares or no one understands.

    Every_Truffle5281 Report

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    Magenta Blu
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never being enough. Trying so hard for not achieving even the most basic thing: being accepted. Fitting. Being loved is definitely out of reach. I just don't understand why it is so easy for everyone, but for me. I don't get it. I can't discover what it is wrong with me

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    Big things don't phase them, but small inconveniences can make them unreasonably angry.

    CaliforniaNavyDude Report

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    An innate ability to remain calm in times of panic/chaos, because when you grow up in chaos it becomes easier to navigate in a calm manner (because what choice do you have).

    LightbulbSnacker Report


    Old souls, good in emergencies/crisis, empathetic, creative, far off stare, “mature for their age,” sentimental, bonds easily with animals.

    traumakidshollywood Report


    Person checking blood pressure on a monitor, possibly related to trauma effects on health. Hyperalertness aka hypervigilance.

    1. Fixation on potential threats (dangerous people, animals, or situations)
    2. An increased startle reflex (more likely to jump or be jarred by sudden sounds)
    3. Dilated pupils.
    4. Higher heart rate.
    5. Elevated blood pressure.
    6. Behavioral (obsessive) avoidance of certain situations.

    limbodog , Oleg Ivanov/Unsplash (not the actual photo Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It comes from years, even decades of walking on eggshells, always alert, always waiting to see if an ordinary noise was neutral or a sign of danger.

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    - The genuine smile with that sadness behind the eyes

    - The ability to detach yourself emotionally from people at the drop of a hat

    - Apologizing for everything

    - Being kind/genuine/emphatic because you know what it’s like to go through hell & you know some other people also have battles going on in their own lives

    - Don’t open up easily/allow ourselves to be vulnerable easily

    - Dark humor

    - Good at reading people/situations

    - Self isolation (I need my recharge)

    - Considered an “Old Soul”.

    Thatguy00788 Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The last one hits hard. 😔 When I was about 9 y.o. I was nicknamed "the old child" or "the old girl" by my teacher. A few months after - while on vacation with my family - I had my first sui cide attempt (out of 2).

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    Smiling person with freckles and curly hair, showcasing signs of resilience and trauma experience. A great sense of humor. You have to find a way out of the darkness so many use humor as a coping mechanism.

    beetreddwigt , Jordan González/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    They’re able to give very succinct and good advice when you mention s**t you are going through.

    Mimopotatoe Report


    They’re a loner, have empathy, will simply walk away if they feel you’ve wronged them rather than stay and argue.

    Combat_Commo Report

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    Magenta Blu
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But then, overthinking again and again and imagining what should we had said... It has no end

    See Also on Bored Panda

    They don't cry because they worry they will never be able to stop.

    They casually treat themselves badly because others have treated them poorly for so long.

    They are overweight, and even though it feels like a depressing prison, it also feels "safe".

    Cattenbread Report


    They tell really dark stories super matter of factly and don’t understand why it makes other people uncomfortable/sad.

    habunake92 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    They don't get excited by future events that much, they've been promised things plenty of times that were not true/been let down. That gets you to a point of 'ok sounds fun, but we'll see about it then and there when it actually happens'.

    anon Report

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    Magenta Blu
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And even if it happens... Better not enjoy it much, because it will get taken away sooner than later.

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    Someone told me I looked defeated the other day. D**n. Does it show that bad?

    filtyratbastards Report


    They look shell shocked, you can see how their body automatically reacts to specific stimuli, and they tend to overcompensate. They'll also either be the kindest people you know or some of the worst. This is just my personal experience tho.

    shylittlejellyfish Report

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    Watch their eyes when the go somewhere they haven't been before. Every person, every exit, every obstacle, they are checking for threats, escape routes, and anything that could be a problem if something happens.

    shichiaikan Report


    Man in green jacket holding phone and sunglasses, possibly indicating signs of trauma through body language. Always checking that you’re ok, so they know they haven’t done anything wrong or upset you somehow.

    KookyLoss7060 , Sincerely Media/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report


    They are reclusive and standoffish.  Dont trust easily. Dont just run up and talk to anyone and everyone. Moves carefully.  Eyelid twitches. Lol.

    Easy_Pepper9103 Report

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    I grew up in what is, by definition, a death cult. Though even after all these years, I still feel silly and dramatic saying that.

    I have seen evil and what it does to people; those I considered friends and family. I have felt firsthand the affects of said evil. Evil is not usually flagrant. It's insidious and imitates normality.

    It either: breaks you, making you a barely functional person. A recluse who cannot handle to norms of life (socializing, health, employment, etc.).

    Or you come out the other side having learned to channel suffering into empathy. You develop a discerning eye for spoting pain, depression, and anxiety in others. This empathy pushes you to grow as a person and better yourself and others around you.

    Xvexe Report


    Being simultaneously detached and empathetic. They don't want to bear the weight of connections gone awry, or introduce that potential chaos into their life since it has burnt them in the past, but they still care and want what's best for people.

    If I see that the light has gone out of someone's eyes, but they still try and do well by those around them, that puts them on the track to earning my respect. I empathize a great deal with the downtrodden. It's rough out here.

    Whiskey-Weather Report

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    When s**t starts up again they just go distant and very quiet.

    FattyMcTons Report


    Young man in glasses and red sweater standing in a snowy street, illustrating signs of trauma. They don't cry. At all. They're so desensitized to that stuff that they literally can't cry.

    Shinobi77Gamer , Scott Higdon/Unsplash (not the actual photo) Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Went 15yrs without shedding a tear. It's not healthy. Still find it very rare to cry. Maybe once every few years. In private, and not for long.

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    They can see red flags almost straight away.

    fancyfisticuffs23 Report


    Being hyper independent.

    Thick-Bird-6470 Report

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    Lady Eowyn
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of the hardest things in my life is that as I age, I will need more help.


    Last year 2024, I lost 3 family members. I just don’t know how people deal with this, but I’ve become more reclusive less socially active. It’s fine.

    400footceiling Report

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    Deep appreciation for things that most people take for granted, like for example waking up as an adult in a quiet and peaceful home knowing you don’t have to worry about what you are waking up to anymore like you did growing up.

    little_mousee90 Report

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    If they check up on u a lot bcs that means they want someone to check up on them too.

    StrawberryCow888 Report

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    Magenta Blu
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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah.. and still no one check up on me. Ever. As if I didn't exist. No one will find my remains until years have passed. I'm sure of this

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    Ignoring the general public as if they don't exist.

    Fantastic_Grass1799 Report

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    A lot of the responses here are basically trauma responses, which are obviously valid, but the most strikingly "gone through s**t" person I knew never reacted to anything beyond acknowledgement. He had a pretty rough teenage and early adult life but got things put together pretty good in his mid 30s, but since he's seen so much and been through so much he basically waits to see if he has a reason to be concerned. Little speedbumps in life don't bother him at all, but he addresses them immediately if he can.

    Dude's a very well put together man, and while we're roughly the same age, I have a lot to learn from him.

    HaroldSax Report

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    They don't want to talk about it.

    forgivemytypos Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes it all comes out at once as an overshare. I don’t judge other people who do this because I have done it too.

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    Nothing phases them. What makes others yell and whine, they just shrug and walk away.

    Like me. I used to fight a lot. Argue.

    Older me doesn't see the point. All my friends are dead. I have a son. I don't have time for any of the day to day b******t. I just walk away and continue what I was doing.

    Zala-Sancho Report

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    Unflinching calmness and composure during chaos.

    SexyGypsyLady Report

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    2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have this during the chaos itself but a little while after the chaos I am an absolute frigging mess. I have PTSD and was caught up in the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015. We were just trying to get back to where we were staying but nowhere seemed safe. Gunshots, blue lights everywhere, people running, crying, desperately talking on their phones. I was thinking clearly and leading our group of friends. I was fine for the next couple of days but then it hit me hard and I was retraumatised for quite a long time.


    They have empathy for you.

    Different-Pin-9234 Report

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    Calmness in chaos. That is something to fear.

    Slipnrip24 Report

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    Poll Question

    Which subtle sign do you believe most indicates someone has experienced trauma?

    Being overly kind

    Apologizing too much

    Avoiding conflict
