The market is full of counterfeit goods, with some 'super' fakes designed so well that one wouldn't be able to tell with the naked eye. So is the world jam-packed with fake friends and people. While there are some clear telltale signs to tell the counterfeit products apart, it's not so easy to recognize signs your friends are fake.
Arguments or disagreeing about something in a friendship or any relationship are absolutely normal. No relationship is perfect, but a committed and supportive relationship almost is. While your friend having a different opinion than yours doesn't mean they are a fake friend, it's about how they react to it. These are clear signs of a fake friend if they bring you down for it, don't respect your opinion, or disregard it as unimportant.
The issue with recognizing red flags in friendships and relationships, in general, is that feelings and other factors are usually involved. Perhaps you were friends for a long while, have mutual friends, or have endearing memories you created together. But the good doesn't always outweigh the bad. In a healthy relationship, one shouldn't feel compromised, rejected, unwanted or unappreciated.
While we may not be able to tell you which zodiac signs are fake friends (astrology is not one of our greatest strengths), we will surely introduce you to multiple signs of fake friends to look out for. Below, we've compiled a list of fake friends signs and friendship red flags that will hopefully help you reflect on yourself and your surroundings. After all, we are who we surround ourselves with. And if you are interested in more related content, check out quotes about fake people next!
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They Tend To Use Emotional Blackmail On You
Fake friends try to get something from you by manipulating your emotions. They often don't take "no" for an answer and try emotionally persuading you to get what they want.
Conditional Friendship
If your friend has set some conditions under which they accept being friends with you, then consider that they are not your actual friend, and no one needs a friend like that. Real friendship should be unconditional. If they ask you to behave differently around other people, dress up or look a certain way, or ask you to change in any way or form to fit their liking, that should be a major red flag.
I've had so many friends like that. It's not worth it to do as they say. These friendships never last and they'll be the first to roam away, anyways.
They Use You To Gain Access To Other People
Sometimes, fake friends try to get close to you because they want to take advantage of your connections. Watch out for a friend who directly asks for introductions to others when you haven't known them for very long. It's normal to network with your friend's friends, but be on guard if they seem more interested in meeting your social circle than spending time with you.
Silly person. I don't have any connections. That's why I hang with you.
They Try To Talk You Out Of Good Ideas
If your friend is talking you out of applying for a new job when you are unhappy with your current one or discourages you from asking out the person you've had your eye on for a long time, this might be a red sign.
They Rarely Answer Your Call
This isn't just about not being there when you need something. It's about just not being there unless it's on their terms. Your calls, messages, and even funny memes are left ignored. Then, out of the blue, they call because they want something from you and act like nothing happened.
They Cannot Be Trusted
Like any other relationship, friendship is built on a solid foundation of trust. Trust is the most important of them all. If somebody constantly lies to you or spreads lies about you, it's clear as day that you are better off without them.
Fake friends tend to ditch one another the second something more intriguing comes up. Or some minor obstacle gets in the way. They might even drop all plans they have already made with you without notice. While you may not be your friend’s #1 priority, you certainly shouldn’t be at the bottom of the list.
Jealousy For Your Success
We all have dreams and set goals to achieve, but working on completing them alone is always slower, more complex, and more challenging. If you have a friend who will always offer a helping hand, always give you honest advice and stick by your side no matter what, then you have found yourself a friend for life. Fake friends will always get bitter and jealous the more you achieve, the better you do in life. They don't honestly want to see you happy.
Don't Accept You For Who You Are
Those who frequently get embarrassed by anything that you may do or say are not real friends, and you had better keep away from them. Real friends accept you for you and will not feel embarrassed or ashamed of you.
Speaks Poorly Of You
Constructive criticism should always be encouraged, and a true friend should tell any concerns regarding you to you. Still, if they speak poorly of you behind your back or tell nasty lies about you to others, that shouldn’t be brushed off. While finding out whether they are talking badly of you behind your back can be tricky, it’s a major red flag if they humiliate you in front of other people when you are around.
Do Not Listen To You
If somebody cares about you, they are always willing to listen to what you have to say, whatever that is. However, they cannot be considered actual friends when they are so centered on themselves that they don't even bother to listen to what others say. All relationships are based on listening to each other and hearing one another.
OK, who wants to be my friend and hear about the surgical removal of bladder stones from the antiquity to the eighteen century? I can talk about this topic for hours and hours repeatedly.
They Aren't There For You
If a friend is virtually never there for you when you're going through a hard time, they're not your real friend. They are more concerned about their own needs and don't think spending time helping you is worth it.
They're Disrespectful
Fake friends tend to not be invested in your well-being, so they are more likely to disrespect your boundaries. This behavior shows that they don't care for or about you. No relationship can be expected to last long with no respect.
This one girl refused to not smoke off my property. She was like "I'm not in your house. If I can't smoke outside then I'm not coming over." I have a smoke allergy.
They Try To Sabotage You
A fake friend may feel the urge to sabotage you in certain situations. This makes them feel better about themselves. For example, you're out at a bar with friends and flirting with a cute someone. Then your "friend" comes up to you and says something purposefully embarrassing to deter your potential match.
They Try To Make You Feel Guilty For Their Own Mistakes
Although this might relate to having some huge ego problems, a true friend would never lash out at another for their own mistake, and if they do, they will apologize immediately. If you know somebody who treats you like this and doesn't even bother apologizing, that's a lack of respect for your feelings.
They Demand Your Attention
Sometimes you have to work or hang out with other people, but when they call, they expect you to drop all your things and come running to them. This shows no respect for you, your time, your needs, or your wishes.
Different Types Of Behavior
Your friends might act differently amongst other friends compared to how they behave around you. And there’s no problem with that! People often have different friend groups and behave differently with different people because... well, they are different! We consider their interests and preferences, yet we stay true to ourselves. One can’t treat everyone exactly the same. Still, suppose you notice that they are ashamed of you being around or are ignoring you while being all enthusiastic with other friends. In that case, that should strike an alert for you. True friends acknowledge each other everywhere they go.
They Easily Forget The Important Things Going On In Your Life
This is just a straight-up sign that they don't care. Real friends not only ask you, "what's going on?" and "are you okay?" They listen to what you have to say, but they also remember every important thing you shared with them.
They Don't Understand Or Respect Your Limitations
Fake friends will expect a lot from you and get angry or irritated when you disappoint them or don't meet their expectations. On the contrary, actual friends have feasible expectations of you and tolerate your mistakes and flaws. Because who doesn't have any? They understand when and why you can't or don't want to do something and won't nag you about it.
They Tend To Gaslight You
People who gaslight you are one of the worst types because they can make you go mental. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where someone tries to make you question your judgment. It is unacceptable in any relationship, whether romantic or platonic. It signals a complete lack of respect. Avoid people who manipulate you like this.
You Can’t Say ‘No.’
Being able to compromise is, without a doubt, one of the most crucial parts of any relationship. Having a word in a relationship makes you feel respected and cherished. Therefore, if your so-called friend does not want to find a compromise with you no matter what, that's a fake friend sign to consider.
You Initiate Most Contacts
When you genuinely care about someone, you reach out to them. Good communication is always a two-way street, so if you feel like you always write the first message or make the first call, there's a great chance that your "friend" doesn't care so much about you.
They Don't Seem Happy To See You
Fake friends seem somewhat disappointed that you actually showed up to meet them. Sometimes you can tell that they wish you had canceled. Those kinds of friends are often irritable and like to vent a lot. Real friends also need to vent, but it should be balanced with positive, fun conversations and never only one-sided.
They Drop Off Your Radar When They Start Dating Someone New
Fake friends will slowly but surely begin to ignore you when they meet a new boyfriend or girlfriend. They may suddenly reappear when they want advice or break off the relationship and need someone to give them emotional support. True friends make time for all relationships and don't cut their friends out because of a new girlfriend or boyfriend.
OR it is a sign of a controlling/abusive romantic partner. Too wide brush strokes, again.
They Bring You Down
As we mentioned before, true friends will always have a good word for you, even some constructive criticism. On the contrary, fake friends tend to bring all their negativity toward you and throw out some insults.
They Dismiss Your Needs
For those who are not your real friends, all your needs are always secondary and unimportant since all that matters to them are their needs and nobody else's. If you're voicing to them a personal or serious concern that's been bothering you lately, and they turn the conversation to themselves - that's a no-go.
They Don't Apologize For Their Mistakes And Don't Make Up For Them
Suppose a friend forgets about a planned meetup. In that case, they should remember it shortly after and call their friend to apologize. Fake friends wouldn't even bother to say sorry or plan other upcoming meetups to make up for the missed one.
Unproductive Disagreements
It is natural to have different points of view and sometimes reach a disagreement while debating a particular topic. However, a real friend will always at least try to understand your side of perception or agree to disagree. In contrast, a fake friend will likely stop talking and turn his or her back on you, even after a minor disagreement. And that’s a sign of manipulative behavior.
These are kind of obvious when you've gotten out of these relationships but not very when you're in them.
That's the saddest pert. It seems so obvious from the outside looking in.
Load More Replies...Funny, pretty much all of these apply to my mother!! I have always known she could be toxic but didn't realise how much it affected me until I went NC
I think most of us can recognise people in the public eye that fit these signs.
These are kind of obvious when you've gotten out of these relationships but not very when you're in them.
That's the saddest pert. It seems so obvious from the outside looking in.
Load More Replies...Funny, pretty much all of these apply to my mother!! I have always known she could be toxic but didn't realise how much it affected me until I went NC
I think most of us can recognise people in the public eye that fit these signs.