50 Times Signs Were So Funny, People Had To Share Them In This Facebook Group
Interview With OwnerBefore we dive into the crux of it all, can we just stop for a moment and appreciate the fact that appreciation societies—whether fun or real ones—exist and are a positive thing in general? Keep it up!
With that said, we present to you an admiration society for a curiosity of a concept that we’ve already discussed numerous times, but can’t get enough of—and that is signs. The Sign Appreciation Society collects and shares all manner of signage for the internet to enjoy.
Scroll on to see the best of the best signs appreciated in the group as well as our chat with the society's founder.
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So true, we'd hear music and not see it. The very first moment MTV aired the song by the Buggles was played, "Video Killed the Radio Star." It was a brilliant move and sad at the same time.
I always am wary of adorable, hugable dogs because I'd be in front of that gate for a solid hour.
So, the Sign Appreciation Society is a public group found on Facebook that, just like the name suggests, is all about appreciating signs in a collective manner.
The group isn’t even a year old and already it has a bit over 200,000 members—actually surpassed this threshold in the last week—who bring in around 50 new posts a day with 2,000 just in the last month.
Another sign in Tenby Wales. They got a good sense of humour.
Joe has now seen this while riding on Worker's Compensation Benefits.
Oddly specific on some things...
Bored Panda reached out to the founder of the Facebook group to learn more about the society, the signs, and everything in between.
“The group is for the appreciation of signs. Seeing them in another way,” elaborated the founder. “Some signs are inherently intended to be amusing, such as, Warning: Do not enter unless you can cross this field in 9 seconds. The bull can do it in 10.”
They continued: “Others are humorous because they are unintentionally funny, be they misspelt, located in a peculiar place, ironic, mind-boggling, the image is confusing or can be seen in another light.”
"Others are just signs that people get a chuckle out of by not taking it literally or seriously, such as the warning notice on Ramganga River, posted by Peter Waanders, it had a 1.2m reach (2.9k shares, 380 comments, and 14k likes), the sign was simply about not swimming in a river with crocodiles but members found humor in it by thinking and looking at it from another perspective.”
Hmm sounds like something a raptor would say. I would keep your eyes open for raptors inside.
I'm in Australia and we have big ones - whenever there is a Huntsman or a big whitetail, I scream, try to run away to find the nearest human and promptly pass out at their feet!
The founder went on to say that humor is a key part of the group–it is in its ethos to find a little fun, happiness, and laughter in that, which is often considered mundane, everyday, or purely simple.
The group’s biggest hit was a coffee shop sign that invited people inside because, outside, there were raptors. The reach on that one was 7.6M with 226,000 likes.
The gays are exempt. (Don't worry about it. They’ll be fine on their own.)
“The group membership is diverse and global, yet, on the whole, everyone gets along making quips, fun comments or tongue in cheek remarks,” elaborated the founder of the Sign Appreciation Society. “It makes for an interesting mix of view points. We have signs from all over the world, which is fab.”
Drinking game taken to the next level!
I always love when I am walking my dogs and they yell on your right. Dude dogs have no clue what the right is.
"IF They're THAT STUPID, Let'em Keep Posting"!!!! It's a WIN-WIN for mankind.
A common theme we see with groups like this is that the Sign Appreciation Society too doesn’t allow for political or religious discourse–oftentimes, that gives a reason for obnoxious people to ruin everyone’s fun. And that’s what the group is all about, really: lighthearted sharing of the enjoyment of signs.
“Although SAS is not a comedy group, it is for fun, but not all signs need to be funny, we have historical and interesting signs and signs that some people appreciate for the sign in itself,” noted the founder.
My kids goldfish died and I didn't have the heart to tell them
“We can't predict which sign will light up the members’ imagination. What has been a nice part of the group, to see as admin, is when members recognize the sign from their street, neighborhood or indeed took the picture that has been floating around the Internet for years and they can finally be reunited and 'claim' it back.”
All the more reason to join the group and appreciate some signs.
I don't know about you, but I hate bones in my bananas and always make sure to buy the boneless ones
Our community Little Theater was putting together a production of The Unsinkable Molly Brown. The marquee outside said, "Male Parts for Molly Brown Available".
Reassuring to all arachnophobics I'm sure...
If you’ve come this far, then you’re probably craving more sign appreciation so do check out the Sign Appreciation Society on Facebook, or check out more from Bored Panda on the topic of signs.
And if not, hey, the comment section is always there for your takes, stories and whatever else you feel like sharing! Keep it within the realm of signs, though.
I want to meet the guy on the bottom right, but only when he is fully clothed and sober.
As far as I know, we don’t have these in Canada.
interesting. in the thumbnail for the article, "honest" was replaced with "white"...
Poll Question
Which type of sign do you find most amusing?
Literal and direct signs
Signs with puns or wordplay
Signs that are unintentionally humorous
Ironic or contradictory signs
Somehow, on the main BP screen one of the signs has been altered. Instead of “sorry to all the honest people” it says “sorry to all the white people”. Please sack whoever did that. Immediately.
What is wrong with you? Why has the thumbnail image been edited to be racist? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Somehow, on the main BP screen one of the signs has been altered. Instead of “sorry to all the honest people” it says “sorry to all the white people”. Please sack whoever did that. Immediately.
What is wrong with you? Why has the thumbnail image been edited to be racist? You should be ashamed of yourselves.