Siberian Farm Cats Have Absolutely Taken Over This Farmer’s Land, And They’re Absolutely Majestic
Just when you think you're the craziest cat lady around, someone else goes ahead and one-ups you to the fullest. Russian farmer Alla Lebedeva has turned her homestead into a cat shelter known as 'Catland,' and has gone viral with the incredible photographs and videos she takes of her many glorious Siberian cats.
Stationed in Prigorodny, just outside Barnaul, Siberia, Lebedeva and her husband Sergey have been raising these beautiful cats for over a decade. "How many do we have now? To such a question I usually answer 'a million, maybe more,'" Lebedeva tells DesignYouTrust. "They live in the henhouse... They have three ‘little bedrooms’ there where can they sleep according to how they feel. Our Siberian kittens protect the chickens and rabbits from rats and mice."
Alla's photo and video diary of her fluffy cats' daily adventures now have a following of over 2 thousand on YouTube, yet they continued to be circulated around the Internet without permission and passed off as 'Norwegians.' Though this fluffy cat breed is closely related to the famous Norwegian Forest Cat, please remember that they are separate species - and always remember to credit anything you share if possible. It's good for your health.
Scroll down and be transported to Koshlandia and its adorable cats, and let us know if you'd like to visit this 'feline hostel' sometime.
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