30 Of The Most Humorous, Bizarre, And Deep “Shower Thoughts” On Marriage, As Shared By Users In This Online Group
The belief that the day you get married is the best day of your life is not dead. And the best proof of that is never-ending stories of which some were already covered by Bored Panda. From bridezillas who want everything to be perfect and then messing up the whole thing to people celebrating long and successful marriages. But what happens in between saying “I do” and the day the marriage reaches its end? Marriage is full of customs and things that say “this is how it suppose to be”. Having this in mind, Reddit’s users started sharing their Shower Thoughts on matters such as wedding, marriage and relationship. The list includes statements that people rarely think of starting from a proposal: have you ever thought that proposing reminds you of begging and that this very important decision of life should not be put forward as a surprise? Or how the wedding means more to the happy couple than the marriage itself? These and many more thoughts crossed Reddit users minds. Do you have your own experiences to share? Don’t forget to leave it in the comments!
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People get so focused on their wedding that they forget there’s an actual marriage afterwards.
Whoever created the tradition of not seeing the bride in the wedding dress beforehand saved countless husbands everywhere from hours of dress shopping and will forever be a hero to all men.
Marriage licenses should have a expiration date like driver licenses. That way people could just not renew instead of going through a long divorce process.
The fact that the first person they suspect after someone is murdered is the spouse tells me everything I need to know about marriage.
Marriage is one of the few things where we consider someone an expert if they've only successfully done it once.
Why are wedding dresses bought and tuxedos rented? The utility of each is such that it should be the other way around.
Being happily married is like having a sleepover with your best friend every night for the rest of your life.
Marriage proposals are weird. The proposer gets to take as long as he/she wants to determine whether they want to spend the rest of their life with someone. The proposee is expected to make a split-second decision.
Considering the divorce rate, it'd be better if people spent less money on weddings, and more money on marriage counseling.
In a 500-day period I could theoretically meet someone, get married, have a baby, and get divorced--and yet I'd still be using the same box of Q-tips.
Marriage is marketed as the beginning of a woman’s life, but the end of a mans.
Having to attend a wedding you don't want to sucks more than having to attend a funeral. At least at the funeral you don't have to pretend you're happy to be there
A marriage is like blowing air on fire, if your relationship is weak like a candle, the fire will go out, but if you relationship is strong like a bonfire the air will give oxygen to the fire and it will grow.
hey, don't be mean to candles now. candle flames aren't 'weak', they're 'delicate', haha
Whoever said that rain on your wedding day is good luck was just trying to calm down an anxious bride.
Weddings are weird because it's totally socially acceptable to get all your friends and family together, sort them by how much you like them, and place them at tables that shows the ranking based on proximity to you.
People that wait until they’re married to have sex only have sex with people in their family.
Saying yes on your wedding day is saying no to 7.53 billion people.
Being unhappily married is like having a guest over that’s never leaves for the rest of your life.
We say “marriage is forever” but divorce is definitely more forever
Not forever. People tell me my tattoos are permanent, so I correct them and tell them even I am not permanent - they only last as long as I do.
Marriage is betting someone half you own that you'll love each other for ever
That's okay, I don't have much. Doubt my hubby would take half my craft, books and baking stuff anyway lol.
A marriage proposal is only one knee away from begging.
Marriage is the only endeavor in life where people actively seek a partner with no experience.
Your curent partner will be either the most important person at your wedding or not even present.
Eureka! it's like people are getting married not because they "love" someone, but because society pressures them into it.
Load More Replies...I read as far as number 3, then skipped down here to say: It's a marriage. A wedding is one day. Eh. We spent less than 2021 US$1,000 (about $300, 30 years ago), and no regrets. Witnesses, a lunch with the parents, done, and went to work the following Monday to get on with our life together.
when my parents got married my dad was about to be deployed overseas. They had to get special permission to wave one of the days waiting period. My mom went to her best friend to borrow a suit to get married in. When mom told her friend she was getting married she asked "To who?" Honestly. My dad met one of her brothers for the first time in the vestry of the church and his wife back at the house where she was helping make the wedding dinner. So.....army uniform-free. Wedding suit- borrowed, therefore free. No bouquet, corsage only. Reception venue at home - free. Home cooked meal, not catered.They got married on a Wednesday and dad left for Germany on Monday. My mom got her engagement ring for their 10th wedding anniversary. But for a wedding that was put together in 2 days because my dad was being deployed, the wedding cake had the bride in a grey suit and the groom in an army uniform sergeant strips and all. Way to do it!
Load More Replies...people need to stop romanticising marriage so much...married or not. relationships are the same...it doesn't change everything magically
Marriage comes with legalities that aren't valid for those who are not married.
Load More Replies...Eureka! it's like people are getting married not because they "love" someone, but because society pressures them into it.
Load More Replies...I read as far as number 3, then skipped down here to say: It's a marriage. A wedding is one day. Eh. We spent less than 2021 US$1,000 (about $300, 30 years ago), and no regrets. Witnesses, a lunch with the parents, done, and went to work the following Monday to get on with our life together.
when my parents got married my dad was about to be deployed overseas. They had to get special permission to wave one of the days waiting period. My mom went to her best friend to borrow a suit to get married in. When mom told her friend she was getting married she asked "To who?" Honestly. My dad met one of her brothers for the first time in the vestry of the church and his wife back at the house where she was helping make the wedding dinner. So.....army uniform-free. Wedding suit- borrowed, therefore free. No bouquet, corsage only. Reception venue at home - free. Home cooked meal, not catered.They got married on a Wednesday and dad left for Germany on Monday. My mom got her engagement ring for their 10th wedding anniversary. But for a wedding that was put together in 2 days because my dad was being deployed, the wedding cake had the bride in a grey suit and the groom in an army uniform sergeant strips and all. Way to do it!
Load More Replies...people need to stop romanticising marriage so much...married or not. relationships are the same...it doesn't change everything magically
Marriage comes with legalities that aren't valid for those who are not married.
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