Hey Pandas, I hope you are having a good day. I want to start by saying I am a lesbian teen. I have been receiving a lot of hate because that. I am not embarrassed to be a lesbian, but people say hurtful things. This is a controversial topic and I want you to know that I respect everyone’s opinions, even if I don’t agree. My opinion is that love is love, no matter who it is between. But I know many people have a differing opinion, and I am looking to gain some perspective. So what do you think of people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community?
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As long as you aren't hurting anyone why should I care?
people should be able to be whoever they want to be and love whoever they want to love. I don't know why this is so hard for other people to understand. if they want to be a boy or a girl or nonbinary or whatever they should be aloud to be that because that is who they are. if they want to love the same gender or both male and female or all genders or even no genders they should be allowed to do that because love is love. people should respect who they love and who they are without question. even if you don't support it you should still be respectful. this is not a phase they are going to outgrow, this is so they are and everyone should respect that even if you don't agree. if anyone has bad parents or family members that don't accept you just know that I and other people on BP accept you and that you are amazing and should be afraid to be yourself. just keep being you and have a wonderful day
Anybody who puts that much energy into hate for individuals who are just living their lives, loving who they love, embracing who they are, are you okay?
I’m Muslim, and a lot of people think we are anti LGBTQ, but honestly, most of us dont care. I mean, we aren’t as good at being open to gays as Christians, but its not like we aren’t the only religion who has homophobes right? I support the LGBTQ community, and believe that people should be allowed to get married to whoever they want in America.
I'm a proud lesbian proud of my community :)
as long as there's no kid or animal abuse, your personal life is absolutely not my business
I do not agree with many parts of the community, but I keep those beliefs to myself. I support anyone part of the community though because I think that whatever I think should have no impact on their lives. They can do whatever they like and it's not my business at all. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I was asked to give my honest opinion.
It doesn't offend me at all. You are entitled to your own opinion. What offends me is when people tell me I am fake and unnatural and should just die.
Be who you really are, love who you love. LGBTQ+ ppl are still people who want to be themselves. I support LGBTQ+
Everyone is a hoooooman. Love is what keeps us together and warm and fuzzy and happy. I'm an insignificant person and therefore my opinions are not forced upon anyone. It's just fine to be who you are, love whomever you want and embrace your sexuality. Gender is not sexuality. Live and let live and love.
I have been a proud supporter and voice against hatred since it was LGB! I have one lesbian daughter and one hetero daughter and they both have my support 100%. Love really is love.
I am also part of a huge, worldwide community of parents of faith with lgbtq children. Not all Christians are arseholes who misinterpreted the Bible. Be true to you.
Support them, you haters! LGBTQ+ are awesome! What did they do to you to make you hate them?
I love you guys. Y'all are awesome. 🏳️🌈
Don't forget to love eachother
Edit: Here, have some snacks. You guys deserve a break from all the haters :D
I may not be part of the LGBTQ+ community, but that doesn't mean I think it's not right. I believe LOVE IS LOVE. People in my class are always making jokes or rude comments to the kids part of the LGBTQ+ community, like acting grossed out as if they aren't humans or something. They might say "Ewww" to the kids in our class that are different from them, but those bullies are the real disgusting people.
I am a pansexual male (yes, contrary to popular belief, we really do exist), but I don't really feel I am part of the LGBTQ+ community, or any other community for that matter and I certainly don't follow any particular lifestyle. I am an extremely shy and introverted person and hate drawing any kind of attention to myself so I rarely do or show anything that reveals my sexuality to anyone unless I have got to know them very well. But I am a passionate supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and causes and will do whatever I possibly can to support them, albeit anonymously. I have always been been open about my sexuality and I never really "came out", because I was never really "in the closet." This has often caused me a lot of pain and many times I have wished I was straight and that I could control who I was attracted to or fell in love with, but I am who I am and I can't change that part of me. I just hope that one day we can have a society in which a person's gender, sex or sexuality is no more important than their eye colour or shoe size and in which we can stop defining people by their gender, sex or sexuality and just accept each other as fellow human beings.
I do not know if I belong to this community yet or not. But for the haters out there, If you don't like this community, cry a river, build a bridge, AND GET FRICKIN OVER IT. These are people just like us. Face it, it's the truth.
I have a story of my closest childhood friend. We met every other day, and we walked and talked for hours on end. When she turned 16-17, or so, she told, that she's not a "he," but a "she". I thought she was joking, I didn't get the seriousness of it all. But as I understood she was serious, I decided to support her. I even helped her pick her new name. Her mother was kind of a religious nut, so she was against that, and wanted to force her to some "Christian rehabilitation," and whatnot. But after long years of struggle, she's on her way to full transition, lives in Japan, and works with robot AI. She's one of the smartest people I've known.
As people, individuals, every one of the ones that I've met was warm, beautiful, and kind.
... But as a community, LGBTQ has flaws like every community: instances of radicalism, tribalism, etc.
well done to your friend. And well done to you for the support.
I just think that- why hate lgbtq people? there is literally no reason to hate them. like, you can't just be like, I don't like lgbtq people, they're weird. if you have an actually good reason to hate us, then comment and i'll see. not encouraging anyone to hate us, though.
Yeah, and people who claim that it's "not natural" haven't done their research. ANIMALS HAVE GAY RELASHONSHIPS. Dolphins and lions are two big ones. this has been backed up by science. (I also love how these people only use the "Science" arguement only when it benifits them. Antivaxxers, Transphobes, ect.)
Proud supporter of the community. I have met some people who think they’re better than others because they’re gay or trans, but I just feel sorry for them and do my best to ignore their bitter behaviour. And I would love to adopt those who have been rejected by their own families so that they can experience a good home enviroment and get all the love and support they need.
As a bi/pan woman, I am super proud of our community and how far we've come. The hate that the LGBTQ+ community still faces is heartbreaking, extremely damaging and oftentimes lethal. I REFUSE to see it as an opinion. "I don't like broccoli" is an opinion. "I dont like gay/trans people" is hate.
This hate is born of ignorance and fear. We have to fight that.
I am so so sorry that people have made you feel bad for something that is simply a part of who you are. A wonderful part! The LGBT community, while certainly not perfect, is one of love and acceptance and freedom. We're magical and beautiful! Dont let anyone take that away from you.
You are valid, you are worthy and you are so so so loved ♥️
Thank you. I love this so much. I think I am going to make it my new phone wall paper
they should be respected. it's stupid that people are treated different because of their gender, sexuality, etc.
I'm pansexual, so of course, I'm okay with the LGBTQ+ community. My parents aren't, though. My mom literally told me that LGBTQ+ people are worthless and are trash. She actually told me, when I came out, that I had to tell her that was a lie or leave the family. I told them it was a lie because I didn't want to leave. So, yeah, the LGBTQ+ community is great!
I am so sorry you were treated that way. You should never have to hide who you are. I will support you in anyway I can.
People shouldn't judge anyone for who or what they are.
I don’t care what you like or do. Just remember that consent is key
I think that we should respect people as they see themselves and who they marry. Also let them be alone and respect them as you would any person
I might me biased, as I am a part of it, but I love it! It is a uplifting community of people who have been pushed down by society for a long time. On a side note. This shouldn't be a topic.
Who has the right to judge who or what you are? I am not above you nor am I below you. If you want to shake my hand then I will shake yours. Otherwise I ain't got time for you.
i fully support LGBTQ+, a bunch of my friends are gay and one of them (a girl) has a girlfriend!!!!!! they are amazing
Me and my friends are all part of the LGBTQ+ community, and they are some of the kindest, friendliest, most accepting people ever. We are loud, we are proud, and we don't back down!
They are people just like everyone else, and they deserve full equality under the law regardless of peoples cherry picked religious opinion or phobias about them.
Cherry picked is right. How many so-called Christian LGBTQ+ haters follow every single proclamation in Leviticus?
The LGBTQIA+ community is sadly essential when what we actually are is non hetero. Changes are coming in that people one day won't automatically assume that Everyone is straight. Films, books, Everything was once geared to Straight only, there is more diversity now. But it shouldn't be Classed as diversity but as Normal. I was 45 before I discovered I was Asexual (ace) and 46 before I learnt I was aromantic (aro). I spent my entire life knowing I was different, believing I was broken when I was absolutely spot on asexual. Education, acceptance by others, understanding is essential by all. At current understanding, 1 in 100 people are Asexual. My mother was Fantastic when I came out, I have not been able to tell my father as he is very homophobic. That's incredibly sad and hurtful for me. Love is love, no child should ever have to hide their sexuality because of a homophobic parent 😔
People don't come out as straight. Coming out shouldn't be a thing unless everyone does it. People have to come out because others assume their sexuality. Instead people shouldn't just assume others are straight.
No-one else is responsible for your happiness but you. do what makes you happy.
Every time I hear someone make a homophobic comment, I automatically assume they're deep in the closet behind the winter coats. Human sexuality is not a binary choice (gay v. straight); it's a spectrum. Some folks are on either end of the spectrum, but I suspect most of us are somewhere in the middle.
I agree about the spectrum part, however I think sometimes people say mean things to be jerks
I know this is going to get downvoted a million times, but I feel it isn't right. It's just my religion. I don't want to offend anybody, but I'm just stating my opinion. After all, that's what this post is about, right? We're supposed to say our opinions on the LGBTQ+ community. Either way, though, I don't try to rub it into people's faces or be mean to people about it. People from the LGBTQ+ community are still people, therefore should be treated as such.
I think I am very awesome.
(I like men and women)
Not my thing but if you're gay, be gay. Not my concern. Idk why people make such a big deal that people are gay, it's their life
Proud Bisexual+demigirl.Screw you if you don't like it.
I'm a pansexual, and I support the LGBTQ+ Most of my friends are actually trans or non-binary. I'm also Catholic, and I've been told mean things and that "I'm not a true Catholic" etc. However, not all LGBTQ+ are good, and there is abuse within us but we aren't all bad. It is annoying when people make their sexuality their whole personality, or hate on others bc they don't have the same sexuality as them. I do know people who hate straights, but I don't agree. The LGBTQ+ isn't all bad, but also isn't all good like any other community.
Also homophobia isn't an actual fear (i mean It is... but 99% of the time it's being used wrong) people who are homophobic are just assholes
I want to be LGBTQ, like I think I’m gonna be asexual and bisexual, but I kinda just wanna live a normal life with kids, if it were to be a male, then I would want adopted kids still. I feel unsafe around males. I personally love the LGBTQ community. They are fine to be human beings as well.
I believe that love is love and it doesn't matter. People can love others and some people might disagree with me... But yeah... I'm bi so yeah...
We are all people, and gender is a physical thing. We should be able to unite because of differences, not divide because of them. You should be able to love anyone you want without people hating on you. You should be able to do whatever makes you feel good without people hating on you. Live your life, and love everyone in it.
(unless their just plain jerks.)
I am pan and trans, so of course I support the community! I love how warm and welcoming everyone is, and you can instantly feel at home with everyone else in it, knowing you share a common struggle. I believe that if people would only try to learn, there would not be as much hate against us- especially against trans and nonbinary people, as there is a lot of stigma and straight up lies surrounding us. Not that there isn't stigma and lies around everyone else, it just seems like more for us genderqueer people. I love you all and I hope you have a great day! Remember to always be true to yourself!
Warm and Welcoming? I wish I lived in your world. I've been living the gay lifestyle for 40 years and it isn't gay individuals I dislike, but gay society. I'd just rather not be around it. My partner and I were together for 20 years (until he passed from cancer) and we both felt this way. We met in San Francisco and gay society there is horrifying. Now that he's gone, I've chosen to remain single... one day I will once again meet somebody with integrity.
I am bisexual and I'm very open about it so I get lots of comments about it from people. Most of them are people who are ok with my sexuality, but some of them are from people who don't think I'm valid. Not just straight people who don't think it's right either. Some people in the LGBTQ+ community think that bisexual people are fake and wanna be "special". There's nothing about being bisexual, it just mean that I don't care what gender anybody is because everybody is human and everybody needs someone to love them.
Ayo. So. I think I’m bi, but idk yet. Help maybe? I’m just kinda confused.
This is America and people have free rights. Do what you want, as long as it makes you happy.
Bruh, I'm a Bisexual Trans-guy, who's in THAT gay kid group in school. Y'know, the annoying one that chases their gay friends areound with wet paper towels after spilling chocolate milk in SOMEONES bookbag because you where trying to steal a sniker bar... *cough* TiM *cough*. But in all seriousness, (is that how you spell that? whatever) Love who you love, Be who you wanna be... and always remember to love your fellow gremlin :)
Who cares and why does this even garnish this kind of attention seeking? They are human beings just like the rest. It's 2020 for God's sake not the dark ages!
I am a lesbian and I love it do whatever u want unless it’s hurting people
Well I am apart of the LGBTQ+ community and I support them. Even though there are issues within the community I know that I can count on the people within not to judge me.
I have nothing but good feeling about them. EVERY gay person I have been in contact with or been friends with have been so nice. Anyway apart from the fact that they sleep with someone of the same sex and have parades dedicated to their sexual orientation they are the same as straight people. There is good and bad in everyone and and they lead the same lives as we do. They are good at their jobs they are kind caring and helpful and just as easy to get on with as anybody else. Yes there are some extremist who push their agenda a bit too far but nothing like some straight people and there are more straight people who treat them badly than gays being militant about their lifestyle. They are good people. Just take as you find and live and let live. 🙂🌈🧡
Okay, I don't know how to word this but I'm just gonna say that I support everyone (except homophobic) and think that love is unconditional, not just tied to one gender, so live and love. Basically what @pansexualandproud commented. And I'm here for y'all if u wanna talk. xx
(people should be able to be whoever they want to be and love whoever they want to love. I don't know why this is so hard for other people to understand. if they want to be a boy or a girl or nonbinary or whatever they should be allowed to be that because that is who they are. If they want to love the same gender or both male and female or all genders or even no genders they should be allowed to do that because love is love. people should respect who they love and who they are without question. even if you don't support it you should still be respectful. this is not a phase they are going to outgrow, this is so they are and everyone should respect that even if you don't agree. If anyone has bad parents or family members that don't accept you just know that I and other people on BP accept you and that you are amazing and should be afraid to be yourself. just keep being you and have a wonderful day)
I don't like to label myself because I'm still confused on what exactly my sexuality is, however I'm a woman who likes woman and I don't understand why you should hate me or anyone else in the community. Many people will use their religion as an excuse even though that's already been proven wrong. Many people will say "it's not natural" even though it has been found that many animals are LGBTQ+. If you really put time and energy into hating someone for being who they are, I have no respect for you and no one else should. To hate on people in the LGBTQ+ community contributes to their mental health. People telling that it's not okay for me to like women, calling me slurs, saying that I'm going to hell, etc. makes me feel so terrible about myself. Just be kind to people, let people do what they want and be who they want to be. Don't stereotype, don't have an opinion on things when you're not educated on it, and don't hate.
Do what makes you happy and just know more people support your right to love whoever you want thn are against. I've always thought someones sexual orientation is like someones religion, none of my business. I have plenty of friends in the lgbtq community and it really doesn't bother me, even the pope has said all people have a right to love
People should be able to love who they want. I legitimately don’t understand people who discriminate towards others. You realize that everyone is a person, right? We all have emotions. Just respect everyone. I don’t see how that’s so hard
I don't understand a lot of things about "the alphabet plus a plus sign" but I do know that regardless of their sex parts, who they find attractive. whether they find anyone attractive or not, or whether they're currently not comfortable being the gender they were born, it's their life and they have every right to be with common human decency. What matters is if they're a decent person, if they're kind to animals and help li'l old people across the street and return their shopping carts to the right place. I don't have to understand them to be kind, to pat shoulders and give hugs if they want them. It's their life and we should let them live it; my purpose is kindness, not bigotry.
I am in the community, and it it a beautiful thing. Everybody just loving anybody they want is amazing. I don't understand homophobes.
As long as it's legal and consensual who else's business is it? As someone who gets judged (because I'm fat! Aren't there worse things in the world?) I try very hard not to judge anyone because of looks, beliefs, sexuality or anything else - what a shame others can't be the same. And as someone who has friends that are gay and have been disowned by family and friends, I'll give virtual (aunt/sister/a human being) hugs to others in the same situation, much love to you all.
I felt conflict deep inside me upon clicking on this. There are some not so nice comments at the bottom 😔.
My feelings about the LGBTQ+ community are complicated. I mean, yeah, I'm one of 'em, but sometimes it hurts to think about that label. I don't like labels. They often hurt. While I am proud to call myself pansexual, I still do feel like humans are, shall we say, slow for not getting LGBTQ+ that quickly.
All in all? I really don't care who you love, as long as you're kind and caring.
I'm 64 and cis gender. I've been a part of the gay community as AIDS first started to raise its ugly head. I've never understood why anyone would condemn someone for how they feel and who they love.
I recall being offended watching a news brief of a gay pride parade. They only people they filmed were the over the top, nearly naked, highly made up and loud queens. When I mentioned it to my friend his response was "Well, they are the most interesting. The rest of us are pretty boring."
It is true, most gay people are like most non-gay people, average, boring and just living their lives. Why does anyone care or hate that?
Brothers and sisters, or by whatever names they wish to be known by, we are the human family
I think its a wondeful thing that so many people can look to the LGBTQ+ community for, well, just that, community. It is really important to have somebody who understands what you are going through there to listen and help. And i just think its amazing! thats my view!
You shouldn't have made this a topic. You shouldn't make a topic about everyone's views on who people are allowed to love. It is going to be controversial very, very quickly.
I do agree with you partly. But on the other hand, the more it's spoken about the more it's gonna be more common. This isn't really that different to other Ask Panda posts about relationships. We need to normalise same-sex relationships to the point people don't really react in any way.
Load More Replies...I know this is closed but..... No one should judge you for being you. I am not gay or bi or trans or anything like that, but we are all people. And all people suck. The judgers and the judgees. Some suck more than others, but when it comes down to it, everybody sucks in someway. So just stop.
You shouldn't have made this a topic. You shouldn't make a topic about everyone's views on who people are allowed to love. It is going to be controversial very, very quickly.
I do agree with you partly. But on the other hand, the more it's spoken about the more it's gonna be more common. This isn't really that different to other Ask Panda posts about relationships. We need to normalise same-sex relationships to the point people don't really react in any way.
Load More Replies...I know this is closed but..... No one should judge you for being you. I am not gay or bi or trans or anything like that, but we are all people. And all people suck. The judgers and the judgees. Some suck more than others, but when it comes down to it, everybody sucks in someway. So just stop.