Trump Asks “Why Didn’t They Call The FBI 36 Years Ago?” Gets Shut Down With #WhyIDidntReport Tweets
President Trump has once again sparked controversy with poorly worded and insensitive Tweets. This time, he took to the social media network to cast doubt on the credibility of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has made allegations of sexual abuse against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
In a series of tweets regarding this controversial topic, he suggested that if Dr. Ford's allegations were 'as bad as she says,' she would have reported it at the time, back in the 1980s. This simplistic take on a sexual assault experience that is deeply painful, personal, and ridden with feelings of fear, shame, and guilt, is sadly typical of a President who is chronically lacking in both empathy and self-awareness.
In response to President Trump's dismissive attitude to the struggles of a rape victim, the hashtag #WhyIDidn'tReport has been spreading like wildfire on Twitter. People are opening up about their experiences in raw and emotional ways, and it makes for heartbreaking, yet important reading. The response proves that there is no set procedure for reporting sexual abuse, the complex emotions that it provokes and the time it can take to process the trauma are subjective and unique to each individual. Attacking a survivor's credibility and integrity can only strengthen the stigma around reporting these crimes, and further encourage others to stay silent. Scroll down below to check out the best comebacks to Trump's tweets for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments.

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Jesus. This is horrible to happen to anyone let alone a four year old.
She acused the victime of having sex with an adult man.... People that blame the victime are trash.
It was not your fault. Not only were you a child, but rape is never, under any circumstances, allowed.
Indeed, they should come forward much more. This isn't about genders. This is about the violation of human's right.
Yes, so many predators use their positions to bully victims. It was not your fault
I was sexually abused, they said I have weird fantasies and that I was makingit up lol
Wow, I read her entire tweet thread (its about 40 something tweets long) and it is so powerful and heartbreaking and infuriating.
Hope that made you feel a little better.....I applaude your courage <3
I have a similar story and feel the same way. He only touched my thighs inappropriately on several occasions and didn't respond to me saying no (a friend saved me later on, I confided in him and he talked to the assaulter). I'm trying to be thankful. Because I have friends who have been raped. Only recently and much thanks to the whole "Me too" movement I made myself tell people. Even the ones who know him. Maybe he won't do it again but maybe he will. And I shouldn't be the one who bears the responsibility of not telling anyone. If people think less of him because of it - they should. He should have listened to me saying no.
Whatevers not taken, religion is not b******t. You know what? There's no point even trying to defend my beliefs because this world is so full of hate, no one will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to hear anyone but themselves. Stop judging people that you don't even know.
AMEN. The phenomenon of inaccurate detail memory is found in car accident victims, too, for the record.
He is a*****e to think that if she didn't report it then so she might be a liar. He is insensitive prick like you are. Not a inch of empathy or humanity.
What´s wrong with you @Whatevers not taken? People like you makes this problem worse and worse.
Earned my PTSD diagnosis. What was said about "you forget ti so it doesn't affect you until later"... is why it's called POST-trauma. And is, in fact, part of PTSD.
This is honestly so sad, that this seems normal. Our country is broken, and not just ours. This happens all over the world, and nobody tells, because people don't belive them, or because the person who did it was a "kind person", "they would never do that", or they "didn't have evidence". Why would you need evidence and not trust the word of the person it actually happened to? I know sometimes people lie about this happening to them, and that is just abominable. But every case, and I mean EVERY, should be treated as real. I understand this is a post about why people didn't report, but some should learn from this and always tell, no matter what your family or friends say.
No one deserves being raped for acting like a teenager. It was his fault never yours.
@Whatevers not taken your taking this trolling way to far. Like gtfo already. You should realize you just look like an idiot and what you say has no effect on anyone other than pissing people off. Got way to much time on your hands obviously.
A lot of rapists have started wearing condoms so that it is more difficult to identify them through DNA evidence.
can you please stop whatevers not taken cause that's just rude and mean i mean it could have taken a lot of strength to post this even though they have been laughed at before so your just making your grave cause people think your mean and rude and think that this abuse is cool and nice not wrong and messed up soo can you just stop
Reading these with Whatevers Not Taken's troll comments has made me physically sick.
WhateversNotTaken is WHY people don't report... Guess the troll wants to make sure we all shut up and go away so the world fits into a nice tidy bumper sticker slogan.... UGH.
Load More Replies...Anyone else feels the voting system is inappropriate here? Like are some victims better or worse because they were 4 at the time? Can we petition BP to create topics with comments but without voting?
I had to stop reading and stop commenting because they are all so horrible
Load More Replies...My rapist was female, in this country if you lack a penis then you cannot rape by law. I tried to report it but was told that forced sex without consent is not rape without a penis, and that I should have just enjoyed it. Nevr mind that we are both girls.
Reading these with Whatevers Not Taken's troll comments has made me physically sick.
WhateversNotTaken is WHY people don't report... Guess the troll wants to make sure we all shut up and go away so the world fits into a nice tidy bumper sticker slogan.... UGH.
Load More Replies...Anyone else feels the voting system is inappropriate here? Like are some victims better or worse because they were 4 at the time? Can we petition BP to create topics with comments but without voting?
I had to stop reading and stop commenting because they are all so horrible
Load More Replies...My rapist was female, in this country if you lack a penis then you cannot rape by law. I tried to report it but was told that forced sex without consent is not rape without a penis, and that I should have just enjoyed it. Nevr mind that we are both girls.