35 Times People Embarrassed Themselves With Their Self-Unaware Posts
Interview With ExpertInternet detectives are never asleep and will continue to expose people sharing what they thought applied to others, yet in reality, unknowingly described themselves. Whether the subject matter touches on politics, human rights, or any topic in between, these posts haven’t gone unnoticed and were shared on the subreddit r/SelfAwarewolves.
Today, we have collected examples of people confidently sharing their thoughts, only to be humbled by the users in this online community. Or worse, stay ignorant of their mistakes. Either way, let us know your opinions on these claims and which ones made your eyes roll the most.
To learn more about self-awareness, Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Kinga Mnich, a social psychologist, who kindly answered our questions. Read the full interview below.
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So, So Close
Why would you need to fly out to another country for medical treatment when you already live in the greatest country in the world?
Yep, You Got It!
You Had The Chance Dumba*s
I think, in every country, taking care of war veterans and their families when they need help should be considered a given. If we’re sending people to the hell that is war, it’s our damn responsibility to take care of the human consequences of that war. I think helping vets should be considered a part of the cost waging war. Shame on politicians -in any country- who use the soldiers when it suits them, and then kick vets to the curb when they’re not ‘useful’ anymore.
Nowadays, there are more self-aware people than ever before, making it easier to spot those who are clueless. Dr. Kinga Mnich has shared her thoughts on the significance of self-awareness.
“Self-awareness is a central concept in social psychology, referring to the ability to recognize and understand one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Self-awareness involves reflecting on one's motivations, beliefs, and values, and being mindful of how one's actions may affect oneself and others. This is especially important in the context of online interactions, where the dynamics of virtual communication are quite different from face-to-face conversations. The lack of self-awareness in online interactions often enables people to bluntly attack others without being aware of the consequences. Sometimes content can be internalized as one's own belief system due to exposure without reflection.”
Gee, Why Hasn’t Anyone Ever Thought Of This?
If independent research had been done on Planned Parenthood, I don't think all of those people would have been so eager to try and get it shut down. Texas was hit hard and not surprisingly, STI rates are up, teen pregnancies are up, kinda like everything went haywire because a safety net was taken away.
So Close
Like how did this person think up to this point? "Why do you choose not to do things with me when I ask you to? Must be a woman thing."
Why Are Only Pastors Being Arrested, And Not Drag Queens? The Op Nearly Got It
Now, knowing that we cannot evolve further as people in life without at least a bit of self-awareness, we asked how people can develop and maintain mindfulness. Dr. Kinga Mnich replied: “Self-awareness is about understanding oneself, one’s strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. It involves looking inward to understand better how you can improve yourself and your relationships with others. The easiest way to start becoming self-aware is by taking more breaks before responding to something and asking yourself questions such as: Why am I thinking this? Am I really feeling this? What am I feeling? How is this connected to my values and beliefs?”
Also, to learn more about the differences between self-awareness and narcissism, feel free to read Dr. Kinga Mnich’s blog post.
So Close Yet So Far
Huh, That’s An Odd Coincidence
Sigh....antivaxxers. If there were Aliens observing us, they surely would have taken some of them for studies about stupidity.
Seatbelts Are Nothing Like Vaccines
It can be funny, sad, or even infuriating to see people so unaware of their actions that they manage to project on other people. Dr. Kinga Mnich sheds light on the causes behind such behavior.
“There are several psychological mechanisms and biases that cause people to unconsciously project their own traits or behaviors onto others while remaining unaware of their own actions. One such mechanism is projection bias, where individuals attribute their own thoughts, feelings, or motives to others without realizing it. This happens because people tend to assume that others think and feel the same way they do. Unfortunately, this bias can also lead to intolerance and discrimination because personal thoughts and beliefs are being understood as the only reality and truth.
Another contributing factor is cognitive dissonance, which occurs when individuals feel uneasy due to holding conflicting beliefs or attitudes. To reduce this discomfort, they may project their own undesirable traits onto others to maintain a sense of consistency in their self-image.”
They’ve Finally Come Around Full Circle!
Almost Like Your Political Side Is Against This Very Idea
Not all starving kids starve because their parents are jerks, many starve because so do the parents!
So Close
But, in many Red states you can have a kid as young as 10 regardless of the circumstances. Also, if it is after 6 weeks or 1864 when you find out, you are really S.O.L. ( I was referencing the 10 y/o little girl who had to travel out of state for treatment. Then, they want to prosecute the doctor for trying to bring some kindness to that child's life.)
And lastly, Dr. Kinga Mnich shared how the phenomenon of being "called out" or "exposed" for lacking self-awareness influences people's behavior or attitudes toward self-reflection: “It can go either way. It can lead to a moment of awakening and desire to learn more about themselves. Or it can increase the subsequent behavior because someone feels shamed and pressured.”
Dad Who Fought To Have Lgbtq Books Removed From School Arrested For Child Molestation
This is not uncommon at all, that the self proclaimed morality police turn out to be the creeps.. 🤢
Inject It Straight Into My F**king Veins
Politicians making decisions about increased aviation safety didn’t receive massive donations/bribes from the airlines, while politicians opposing common sense gun reform (which the majority of Americans support) have received massive donations from the weapons industry, the NRA, Putin’s Russia et c. Like somebody put it, dead kids don’t pay. Priorities, people. 🤢
Cancel Them All!
hey ! stop pointing out inconsistency in maga people's behavior. Its un-amerikkkan
Lol Yup He Nailed It
Conservative Accidentally Works Out Why "Ant-Gun Liberals" Want Gun Control
A Curriculum Only A Mother Could Love
Homeschooling is such an alien concept. Can ANYONE teach their kids? Does ANYONE control what they're teaching?
Now You're Getting It
Who would have thought that the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States could have federal power to investigate anyone in the United States?
Twitter User Complains About Wife’s Green Card Marriage. Meanwhile At The Border
I Wonder Why
Because they do not act for the good of the people but in their own interest. Monetary that is
Do You Read What You Write Before You Post It?
Christian Homophobe Complaining About "Lgbt Propaganda" Asks How We'd Feel About Christians Pushing Their Religion On Others Unasked
“Race Is Not Skin Deep.”
People getting worked up over the look of Fantasy characters is something I will never understand
I Don't Know Where To Start With This One
Yes, We Should
I Don't Even Have Words For This Level Of Stupid
This Speaks For Itself Really
You Are So Close
In all fairness, you weren't mature enough to be deployed in Fallujah either.
Conservatives React To "Lightyear" Being Banned In Saudi Arabia
Why Are People So Mean?
Anti-Trans Campaigner Is Made To Feel Unwelcomed By Symbols Of Inclusivity
"Unwelcomed, second class citizen, uncomfortable and on edge". Jeeez, I wonder how trans people must have felt during all these years? 🙄
“Everyone Else’s Money Made My Life Possible. I, Of Course, Oppose This For Everyone Else”
The "Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings" Crowd Being On Brand Af
Why Aren’t The Gop Leftist?
Is Bored Panda not at all interested in other countries besides the US? I'd love to know more about popular culture in other countries, and I'm sure many people would like a break from the constant US stuff. Maybe it's just me.
Yeah, but as the pandemic proved, America is the “Florida man…” of the world. We tend to put our idiocy on the internet for the world to see. It’s just easy pickings for ridiculous, attention grabbing articles.
Load More Replies...Allen Packard. You do know we can see your comments and the irony saying "Liberal Echo Chamber" which is a comment you have left on different posts on the last 3 out of the 4 comments you have put. If you say one thing and the rest of the world says different, maybe, just maybe that you are the problem lol Lots of gay love to you my friend. May all your dreams be rainbow :)
Is Bored Panda not at all interested in other countries besides the US? I'd love to know more about popular culture in other countries, and I'm sure many people would like a break from the constant US stuff. Maybe it's just me.
Yeah, but as the pandemic proved, America is the “Florida man…” of the world. We tend to put our idiocy on the internet for the world to see. It’s just easy pickings for ridiculous, attention grabbing articles.
Load More Replies...Allen Packard. You do know we can see your comments and the irony saying "Liberal Echo Chamber" which is a comment you have left on different posts on the last 3 out of the 4 comments you have put. If you say one thing and the rest of the world says different, maybe, just maybe that you are the problem lol Lots of gay love to you my friend. May all your dreams be rainbow :)