Here’s How China’s ‘Social Credit Score’ Punish And Reward Citizens, And It Sounds Like Dystopian Fiction
Dystopian future is here, and there’s literally no escape from it. While European countries fight for the safety of personal data on the Internet, China has adopted a Big Brother-style country-wide people tracking system. And we don’t mean the simple surveillance cameras as the Chinese took it to a whole another level with facial recognition and gait tracking so smart that you would never be able to cheat on.
Well, the tracking part might be counted as a security measure, but where the facial recognition software data is actually used is absolutely mind-blowing. The government records your credit history, fulfillment capacity, identity characteristics, social relationships, behavior and preferences, and based on your choices they will give you a social score from 350 to 950. If you fall into the ‘good citizen’ category with a score of more than 700, you’ll get better loan rates, you can skip queues, rent things without a deposit and even get better matches on dating sites. If you fall into the ‘bad’ category with lower scores you may be restricted from well-paying jobs, your kids will not be able to go to a good school and not only you’ll be banned from buying domestic flight tickets but also leaving the country. If that isn’t scary, we don’t know what is.
If you’ve read the dystopian fiction masterpiece by George Orwell called 1984, the eerie similarities will give you goose-bumps and probably some sleepless nights.
The future is now.
More info: imgur.com
Share on FacebookWhats really worrying is that I think we're too distracted to do anything about it, that's what makes it so insidious, we're mollified by the idea that the technological age has connected us more, given us more choice when in fact its just the carrot before we get the stick. Another brick in the wall
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Fight back, demand laws that protect our privacy!
Load More Replies...And there are still people saying "So what, I have nothing to hide...take my data!"
I first read about it yesterday and have had such a feeling of foreboding since
Load More Replies...Makes me think of that "Black mirror" episode where the people "grades" other people, and only the highest scored are hanging out togheter, or allowed to live in certain places...super scary...
Yes... I just wanted to post this here... It was already scary in that episode. But not only that one, there were more antiutopic stories that people should learn from :/
Load More Replies...Why does anyone doubt that those in power would abuse it and try to control its citizens. When has a select few of empowered men ever used that power to advance the freedom, dignity or economic mobility of those they control?
And I thought having a credit score was agonizing enough. I can't imagine I'd be able to cut people out of my life because their score weren't good enough, especially if it was family.
I wonder what you do if it's a relative that is dragging your score down.......
Load More Replies...This system hasn't been implemented country-wide yet, but if it is a sucess for China, other countries with a wish to control their populace are sure to copy it. Modern technology has brought us many advantages, but as we can see, it's also a tool that can be misused in hitherto unimaginable ways.
everything can be misused. even if we go back in stone age guy who invented longer spear could use it for hunting better or against neighbor. but sure, every innovation is letting governments of countries like china find terrific ways to use it.
Load More Replies...Sounds a lot like the United States in the 1950s. Everyone had an FBI file, the government scrutinized everyone, and accused hundreds of thousands of people to be communists. Americans have also had credit scores for more than fifty years. Every non-cash purchase you make gets recorded. Search for a product online even once, and forever will it change your personal ads.
Say No to any type of social scoring!!!!.......................(hits the UP arrow)
so what if you did not use social media at all in China. Would is affect your score for better or worse?
Some comments about the US doing the same isn't accurate. The social credit only applies to Hans Chinese, the remaining minority population have it far worst. For instance, Falun Gong practitioners are monitored by the police and the citizen, anyone identified as a member is taken to national re-education camp which involves torture, organ harvesting (sometimes), isolation, and forced public confessions. Uighur Muslims are forced to download a 24/7 tracking app and enter "religion brain washing camp" which involves the burning of the Koran, being forced to drink wine and eat pork. The Tibetans are forbidden from mentioning the Dalai Lama, waving the Tibetan flag and speaking the language, and some are forced to marry Hans Chinese to dilute the culture. Anyone caught violating the rules are either tortured or sent to a camp for reeducation. America isn't all good, but it's got a long way to go in comparison to China. It's just not reported in the US because money > human rights.
Good thing that can't happen, here --> https://observer.com/2018/02/america-isnt-far-off-from-chinas-social-credit-score/ ... Well, certainly our home-grown tech giants would never help out a totalitarian government --> https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/01/technology/china-google-censored-search-engine.html ... hmmmmm (search it all on your own, while you still can)
This has been going on here for decades. It is still politically polarized, but they have been working on condensing it on a strategic level, letting the proles think they are meaningfully opposed to one another. The important thing is that it enables top down control through strong information asymmetry, technological augmentation, and all sorts of irregular warfare operations disguised as "social causes" and "just causes". Enjoy, you all made it.
A similar situation was the topic of an episode of The Orville, but ranking was based instead on public opinion via social media instead of government data collection. Scary, either way...
People who have club cards and loyalty cards are already happily sharing their spending habits and shopping lists with God knows who! Just for a few quid back! You are on facebook showing wtf knows who what you like, are obsessed with and your weird kinks (Yes, I mean you) ! This is the preliminary research- next is THIS! (actually, I don't believe this will happen in the western world but...BE AFRAID PEOPLE!!)
aren't we buying chinese products made by child workers and almost slaves, working for 1$? this will also stay as a sad story we all know and doing nothing. but once it can come to us and there will be no one to support and stand with us. p.s.communism was always slavery wrapped in beautiful utopian ideas. thanks god there was not enough technology in ussr, but my father was in KGB-s black list of "dangerous subjects" for going in church and they periodically were checking house for banned literature. i was shamed by calling "daughter of dissidents" in primary school! whole world was knowing what's happening there but big country like ussr or china can do anything and nobody will save you from there.
No matter how advanced technology is, it doesn't accurately determine people's real intentions. This thing here is just scary and forces people to "act" like good citizens.
while i agree with most of the article, I strongly disagree that China is currently under communism. You see, if you bother to read some books about communism, there is nothing that would allow the leaders of a communist country to have huge companies which they rule, their relatives also to be filthy rich, and foreign multinational companies allowed to make their products by killing the workers so they can sell them to other parts of the world. We are talking about unbelievable corruption from the capitalistic system which is now established.
At first, I wondered if this was really true, or maybe a hoax, but it seems to be the reality. However, I believe that many countries in the western world are in principle already basically doing this, but not in the open, and not with these open and obvious repercussions. Hehe: the thought just struck me, that Trump could never have become the US president if this was implemented in the US. On the other hand, it is a tool in the hands of the ruling elite, which in the US is the really big bucks, so maybe that is, in a roundabout way, what they did???
All this is already happening in the west too, but not in the public eye. All the "hacking" of social networks, I strongly suspect was simply an inside job to hide whatever disgusting c**p corporations were pulling to grab more power and money. We all live in a modern slavery but most people are not aware of it, trapped in their bubbles, living their lives while the 1% controls every aspect of our lives. I am painfully aware of the realities and I am just another slave because I am not in the 1%. It is what it is and what this MEME is the future reality. The only way not to be trapped by the system is to live off grid like a hermit.
How to create more criminals, the once falling into "bad" and sending their kids to worse schools will only make a more chaotic and devided world...Theres no way this will be motivational to behave.
Black Mirror...what are Chinese people waiting for?! do they like to live like that?! they are slaves in their country and are totally controlled by the government that is a cancer to the country!!!
Just imagine if giant social media platforms censored the speech of those with which they disagreed!? Oh wait...
I'm not completely sure about this... but it says happy shitposting at the bottom of the article...it might be fake
Not fake, that is real, just search in youtube ...
Load More Replies...credit scores are different, but on the same track! better loans rates - understandable, (income inequality? who cares!); better insurance rates - hmmmm, not so sure why, but is a big factor; checked by employer, ground to deny you an apartment - scary; But it's ok! Keep talking about how spooky things in China.
Because things like this start somewhat under the radar, they're able to wend their way into our lives without our being completely aware of their presence and intent. By the time we come to the full realization of what they are, they're so deeply intertwined into our daily lives, it's usually too late. I may be paranoid, but I can honestly envision something like this, especially given our current administration, taking hold here in the not too distant future.
At least President Trump reprimands China. Other leaders just kowtowed because they have no spunk due to economic issues.
He flip flops all over the place about people. The man is a moron who does what pleases him.
Load More Replies...Makes me think of the movie "Snowden" and the whistleblowing that brought out the fact that our government is watching more Americans than watching what is going on in other country. Until seeing this, that never made sense to me, scary.
If this just affect their citizens, it is black mirror on show, but they are taking their neighbor with them! Imagine you are gambling in Macau or investing in Hong Kong...
This is basically what is done in the US with relation to political alignment... and it's getting worse.
Somehow made me think of Black Mirror season 3 episode 1 'Nosedive'. Apparentely not so Sci-Fi.
It is too late. We let the fly out of the jar and now it has become an elephant. Can't put an elephant in a jar.
Nobody is a perfect leader, especially not President Trump, or President Obama for that matter, but there is no logical reason to compare the U.S.'s situation to China's. It is plain to see that Chinese citizens are having a much tougher time than you.
Load More Replies...and here in America people want socialism and communism. No thanks, I'll leave that to China.
I'm sorry but the infographic is a stereotype, they are not sincere about the real functioning of the system... If you have time to watch the video and understand it, I encourage you to do so ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLss-nJNFZg
Basically, you could say this is the same as everywhere else except more organised?
This has nothing to do with left/right but with democracy vs authoritarianism. You can have dictatorships on the left and on the right of the political spectrum and once you look at them, they're both remarkably similar in terms of methods and results - and even targets they go after, such as intellectuals, because they are seen as the greatest threats to the system. That's why the political spectrum is actually a horseshoe - at the top of the horseshoe you have democratic liberalism and at the bottom ends you have both left and right authoritarianism. So the opposite of a communist dictatorship is not a fascist dictatorship, but the opposite to both is a liberal democracy. And this democracy you can have it either entirely capitalist (everyone for himself and if you're born poor, then you're out of luck, example US) or socialist (the government tries to balance things by taxing rich people more and helping those in need, example Sweden, noway, etc).
Load More Replies...Whats really worrying is that I think we're too distracted to do anything about it, that's what makes it so insidious, we're mollified by the idea that the technological age has connected us more, given us more choice when in fact its just the carrot before we get the stick. Another brick in the wall
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Fight back, demand laws that protect our privacy!
Load More Replies...And there are still people saying "So what, I have nothing to hide...take my data!"
I first read about it yesterday and have had such a feeling of foreboding since
Load More Replies...Makes me think of that "Black mirror" episode where the people "grades" other people, and only the highest scored are hanging out togheter, or allowed to live in certain places...super scary...
Yes... I just wanted to post this here... It was already scary in that episode. But not only that one, there were more antiutopic stories that people should learn from :/
Load More Replies...Why does anyone doubt that those in power would abuse it and try to control its citizens. When has a select few of empowered men ever used that power to advance the freedom, dignity or economic mobility of those they control?
And I thought having a credit score was agonizing enough. I can't imagine I'd be able to cut people out of my life because their score weren't good enough, especially if it was family.
I wonder what you do if it's a relative that is dragging your score down.......
Load More Replies...This system hasn't been implemented country-wide yet, but if it is a sucess for China, other countries with a wish to control their populace are sure to copy it. Modern technology has brought us many advantages, but as we can see, it's also a tool that can be misused in hitherto unimaginable ways.
everything can be misused. even if we go back in stone age guy who invented longer spear could use it for hunting better or against neighbor. but sure, every innovation is letting governments of countries like china find terrific ways to use it.
Load More Replies...Sounds a lot like the United States in the 1950s. Everyone had an FBI file, the government scrutinized everyone, and accused hundreds of thousands of people to be communists. Americans have also had credit scores for more than fifty years. Every non-cash purchase you make gets recorded. Search for a product online even once, and forever will it change your personal ads.
Say No to any type of social scoring!!!!.......................(hits the UP arrow)
so what if you did not use social media at all in China. Would is affect your score for better or worse?
Some comments about the US doing the same isn't accurate. The social credit only applies to Hans Chinese, the remaining minority population have it far worst. For instance, Falun Gong practitioners are monitored by the police and the citizen, anyone identified as a member is taken to national re-education camp which involves torture, organ harvesting (sometimes), isolation, and forced public confessions. Uighur Muslims are forced to download a 24/7 tracking app and enter "religion brain washing camp" which involves the burning of the Koran, being forced to drink wine and eat pork. The Tibetans are forbidden from mentioning the Dalai Lama, waving the Tibetan flag and speaking the language, and some are forced to marry Hans Chinese to dilute the culture. Anyone caught violating the rules are either tortured or sent to a camp for reeducation. America isn't all good, but it's got a long way to go in comparison to China. It's just not reported in the US because money > human rights.
Good thing that can't happen, here --> https://observer.com/2018/02/america-isnt-far-off-from-chinas-social-credit-score/ ... Well, certainly our home-grown tech giants would never help out a totalitarian government --> https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/01/technology/china-google-censored-search-engine.html ... hmmmmm (search it all on your own, while you still can)
This has been going on here for decades. It is still politically polarized, but they have been working on condensing it on a strategic level, letting the proles think they are meaningfully opposed to one another. The important thing is that it enables top down control through strong information asymmetry, technological augmentation, and all sorts of irregular warfare operations disguised as "social causes" and "just causes". Enjoy, you all made it.
A similar situation was the topic of an episode of The Orville, but ranking was based instead on public opinion via social media instead of government data collection. Scary, either way...
People who have club cards and loyalty cards are already happily sharing their spending habits and shopping lists with God knows who! Just for a few quid back! You are on facebook showing wtf knows who what you like, are obsessed with and your weird kinks (Yes, I mean you) ! This is the preliminary research- next is THIS! (actually, I don't believe this will happen in the western world but...BE AFRAID PEOPLE!!)
aren't we buying chinese products made by child workers and almost slaves, working for 1$? this will also stay as a sad story we all know and doing nothing. but once it can come to us and there will be no one to support and stand with us. p.s.communism was always slavery wrapped in beautiful utopian ideas. thanks god there was not enough technology in ussr, but my father was in KGB-s black list of "dangerous subjects" for going in church and they periodically were checking house for banned literature. i was shamed by calling "daughter of dissidents" in primary school! whole world was knowing what's happening there but big country like ussr or china can do anything and nobody will save you from there.
No matter how advanced technology is, it doesn't accurately determine people's real intentions. This thing here is just scary and forces people to "act" like good citizens.
while i agree with most of the article, I strongly disagree that China is currently under communism. You see, if you bother to read some books about communism, there is nothing that would allow the leaders of a communist country to have huge companies which they rule, their relatives also to be filthy rich, and foreign multinational companies allowed to make their products by killing the workers so they can sell them to other parts of the world. We are talking about unbelievable corruption from the capitalistic system which is now established.
At first, I wondered if this was really true, or maybe a hoax, but it seems to be the reality. However, I believe that many countries in the western world are in principle already basically doing this, but not in the open, and not with these open and obvious repercussions. Hehe: the thought just struck me, that Trump could never have become the US president if this was implemented in the US. On the other hand, it is a tool in the hands of the ruling elite, which in the US is the really big bucks, so maybe that is, in a roundabout way, what they did???
All this is already happening in the west too, but not in the public eye. All the "hacking" of social networks, I strongly suspect was simply an inside job to hide whatever disgusting c**p corporations were pulling to grab more power and money. We all live in a modern slavery but most people are not aware of it, trapped in their bubbles, living their lives while the 1% controls every aspect of our lives. I am painfully aware of the realities and I am just another slave because I am not in the 1%. It is what it is and what this MEME is the future reality. The only way not to be trapped by the system is to live off grid like a hermit.
How to create more criminals, the once falling into "bad" and sending their kids to worse schools will only make a more chaotic and devided world...Theres no way this will be motivational to behave.
Black Mirror...what are Chinese people waiting for?! do they like to live like that?! they are slaves in their country and are totally controlled by the government that is a cancer to the country!!!
Just imagine if giant social media platforms censored the speech of those with which they disagreed!? Oh wait...
I'm not completely sure about this... but it says happy shitposting at the bottom of the article...it might be fake
Not fake, that is real, just search in youtube ...
Load More Replies...credit scores are different, but on the same track! better loans rates - understandable, (income inequality? who cares!); better insurance rates - hmmmm, not so sure why, but is a big factor; checked by employer, ground to deny you an apartment - scary; But it's ok! Keep talking about how spooky things in China.
Because things like this start somewhat under the radar, they're able to wend their way into our lives without our being completely aware of their presence and intent. By the time we come to the full realization of what they are, they're so deeply intertwined into our daily lives, it's usually too late. I may be paranoid, but I can honestly envision something like this, especially given our current administration, taking hold here in the not too distant future.
At least President Trump reprimands China. Other leaders just kowtowed because they have no spunk due to economic issues.
He flip flops all over the place about people. The man is a moron who does what pleases him.
Load More Replies...Makes me think of the movie "Snowden" and the whistleblowing that brought out the fact that our government is watching more Americans than watching what is going on in other country. Until seeing this, that never made sense to me, scary.
If this just affect their citizens, it is black mirror on show, but they are taking their neighbor with them! Imagine you are gambling in Macau or investing in Hong Kong...
This is basically what is done in the US with relation to political alignment... and it's getting worse.
Somehow made me think of Black Mirror season 3 episode 1 'Nosedive'. Apparentely not so Sci-Fi.
It is too late. We let the fly out of the jar and now it has become an elephant. Can't put an elephant in a jar.
Nobody is a perfect leader, especially not President Trump, or President Obama for that matter, but there is no logical reason to compare the U.S.'s situation to China's. It is plain to see that Chinese citizens are having a much tougher time than you.
Load More Replies...and here in America people want socialism and communism. No thanks, I'll leave that to China.
I'm sorry but the infographic is a stereotype, they are not sincere about the real functioning of the system... If you have time to watch the video and understand it, I encourage you to do so ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLss-nJNFZg
Basically, you could say this is the same as everywhere else except more organised?
This has nothing to do with left/right but with democracy vs authoritarianism. You can have dictatorships on the left and on the right of the political spectrum and once you look at them, they're both remarkably similar in terms of methods and results - and even targets they go after, such as intellectuals, because they are seen as the greatest threats to the system. That's why the political spectrum is actually a horseshoe - at the top of the horseshoe you have democratic liberalism and at the bottom ends you have both left and right authoritarianism. So the opposite of a communist dictatorship is not a fascist dictatorship, but the opposite to both is a liberal democracy. And this democracy you can have it either entirely capitalist (everyone for himself and if you're born poor, then you're out of luck, example US) or socialist (the government tries to balance things by taxing rich people more and helping those in need, example Sweden, noway, etc).
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