It's all over! After eight long seasons over what feels like forever, Game of Thrones has come to an end, leaving fans enthralled, bereft, disappointed, and, for some, a little angry with how it all went down. And let's not forget the media outlets, who will have to find something else to write about now that this worldwide cultural phenomenon has passed us by.
It goes without saying that the eagerly anticipated Game of Thrones finale has spawned an absolute deluge of hilariously funny memes. Some amusing, some insightful, they are all essential viewing for all you GoT fans out there, to get one final fix before the neverending winter descends.
So like Maisie Williams, we are all just here for the Game of Thrones memes now. Scroll down below to check out this list dedicated to the famous HBO series, compiled one final time by Bored Panda, and let us know what you think about the ending in the comments!

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Now that the behemoth that was Game of Thrones is over, what happens to the fan sites, YouTube channels and Facebook groups that built an entire culture out of discussing it? To find out, Bored Panda spoke to Christian, who runs the popular page Game of Thrones Fans. "I hope that we will get some content over time, like history and lore videos on YouTube, prequels, maybe sequels even! Who knows? he told us. "Also, everyone is waiting for George to finish his book, obviously."
"But my plan is to promote good TV shows like I always did. Hopefully I will find a way because that is what I love the most! I would love it if I could do that till the day I die."
"I already put some ideas in motion like my page Binge Watchers where i would like to suggest some good tv shows/ series for the fans to watch and check out."
Despite some misgivings about the final season overall, Christian believes the show finished in a satisfactory way. "For sure the ending gave fans some type of closure even tho most of them aren't happy to see who ended up on the Throne," he told us. "Most of fans blame sloppy Game of Thrones plot writing for that but I'm not so sure."
"After a lot of years following Game of Thrones there will just be this void now it's finished and I don't think any prequel or spin-off can fill that one."
"The working title for the first prequel is Bloodmoon so I guess it has something to do with the Targaryens, but I might be wrong. My wish would be to see Robert's rebellion and the Targaryen civil war on the big screen, and I think most of the fans will agree with me on this one."
"Also some fans are speculating that we might see some of Arya's adventures west as a spin-off on HBO but who knows! All us Game of Thrones fans have left to do is to wait and see."
Apart from an Arya's spin-off, Christian can see two others possibly happening one day. "I think Grey Worm freeing the island of Naath would make a great series," he said. "Also Jon Snow and Tormunds' story beyond the wall, since they didn't seem like they would go back to the wall."
What do you think? Would you like to see some Game of Thrones cast in spin-offs and prequels? Or would you rather just wait for George RR Martin, the master storyteller himself, to end it properly in his books? Scroll down below to check out some of the best memes in the meantime, and let us know what you think in the comments!
Hahaha! Though I did always think from the beginning if Sersei had just let the North do it's own thing it would have saved her a feckload of trouble, much like Europe 😋
I was wondering in the beginning of the episode, where is the white horse? and better yet where did cuts and bruises on her face go??
They were always on their own really , Ned Stark and Robert Lancaster were good friends.
I think I screamed something along those lines or Sansa who grew from torture and daring escapes into a strong and great leader.
The only part of the season that really satisfied me (and a lot of people too)
Shout out to all of us wheelchair Kings and queens. Thanks Ehlers Danlos I shall hereby be known as Monica the Broken first of her name ruler of pugs
I guess for Jon was more important knowing the truth about his real mother and that Ned indeed honored his promise to Lyanna about protecting him no matter what.
The queen ordered him to kill the Lannisters....there was no queen or king to tell him what to do with Jon
What doesn't make sense? Her mom and dad were siblings. I think she did great to make it that far before the crazy came out.
d&d kinda forgot about Dany's whole other kingdom with a strong army...
Haha, at least all these lovely British actors will get promotions out of it 😁
no one said the queen will be female. Also, Bran said he USED to be a man, right. Soooo
But everyone is forgetting all that happened when Bran went North of the wall
Except he totally abandoned the Night's Watch to go off with the Free Folk
She did try to honor him. I liked the last line about dying protecting his queen, it only shows her good heart.
I wonder if D&D realize that they wrote Bran as the biggest villain on the show. It's been established that he can see in the past present AND future, so he would have know what chaos the information about Jon's parentage would bring, what would happen to Dany's sanity, yet he didn't warn anyone. When Tyrion asked him if he wanted to be king he said "Why do you think I came here?", as if he's confirming he knew he would be king all this time and that's why he kept his mouth shut. Man, the writing is terrible.
Yep! I was thinking about that the whole time. What a little weasle!
Load More Replies...For everyone whining about "Bran has the best story"--Tyrion was NOT saying that Bran's own personal experience was any greater than anyone else's. He meant that Bran has EVERY FREAKING STORY THAT EVER HAPPENED IN WESTEROS, EVER, which includes everything that happened since S1E1. Stop being so freakin literal, people.
That's exactly what I thought he meant but then seen everyone else's comments and thought 'I must be wrong'!
Load More Replies...I am glad to hear the comments regarding not being able to hear some of the speech. So I am not hard of hearing...
I wonder if D&D realize that they wrote Bran as the biggest villain on the show. It's been established that he can see in the past present AND future, so he would have know what chaos the information about Jon's parentage would bring, what would happen to Dany's sanity, yet he didn't warn anyone. When Tyrion asked him if he wanted to be king he said "Why do you think I came here?", as if he's confirming he knew he would be king all this time and that's why he kept his mouth shut. Man, the writing is terrible.
Yep! I was thinking about that the whole time. What a little weasle!
Load More Replies...For everyone whining about "Bran has the best story"--Tyrion was NOT saying that Bran's own personal experience was any greater than anyone else's. He meant that Bran has EVERY FREAKING STORY THAT EVER HAPPENED IN WESTEROS, EVER, which includes everything that happened since S1E1. Stop being so freakin literal, people.
That's exactly what I thought he meant but then seen everyone else's comments and thought 'I must be wrong'!
Load More Replies...I am glad to hear the comments regarding not being able to hear some of the speech. So I am not hard of hearing...