30 Signs That People Peaked In High School And Never Left That Mindset, Shared By Netizens
Sometimes you’ll come across a 30-something who looks, walks, and talks like a teenager. They only care about a couple of things - hookups, money, cars, clothes… The worst part of it is when they finally open their mouth and you can feel yourself transported right back to school, or even worse… a frat!
There are easy ways to tell these people apart, though. A lot of the time they’ll even do the legwork for you, by being a super loud and obnoxious person up front. We’ve got a whole bunch of these loud and obnoxious, but ultimately funny stories for you today!
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I was a three-time All-State swimmer in high school. I tell people about it all the time. So the answer is me, I scream that I peaked in high school.
Telling struggling young people, “These are the best years of your life. Enjoy them.”
Edit: Also, fighting with the same people you went to high school with over stupid s**t in your 30s.
I don't have time to fight with people I went to HS with, I hardly even see those people.
“I’m an alpha” coupled with “can I borrow 20 bucks?”
When my dad is angry at a decision made by an MLB baseball manager, he will say something like "this is never what we would have done when I played". Dad never played beyond early high school.
Wooden bats?! Never would have cut when I was on the diamond. SMH.
40 years old, drives a Chevy pickup truck with a "Don't tread on me" sticker on the back, backward hat, and sunglasses, along with a monster energy drink in the left hand and punching a hole in the wall with the right hand
Never leaving the town you grew up in, and the highlight of your week is the Friday night football game at your old HS where you tell everyone that will listen about your game winning TD that happened 20+ years ago.
It’s ok to never leave the town you grew up in…I stay because I need to take care of my parents one of which has leukemia
Putting "*school of hard knocks*" on your social media profile page.
Posting (& reposting) your cheerleading pictures on FB, in your 50s
Spam messaging people from HS in you're 30's to scam them with an MLM you bought into.
I remember a pep rally senior year when a kind of friend of mine blew up a condom as a balloon and started singing terribly into it. It was embarrassing and I was going to engage them to stop. Another friend of mine stopped me and said "let him. This is as good as it gets for him." And f**k he was right.
Todd "I went to 8 consecutive proms at the same high school."
He was so athletic that as a Freshman he dated a junior and went to prom. Same with Sophomore year. Junior and Senior years he dated underclass girls. After prom he became a custodian. For the next 4 years he Matthew McConaughey'd his way through students.
When he knocked one up, he celebrated with his friends on a golf course and attempted to drive from that drunk and got in a wreck. There is a memorial golf scholarship in his name.
Honestly, when Dazed and Confused came out Matthew McConaugheys character didn't seem so bad; today, so cringe and gross
"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."
Has nothing to do with peaking in high school directly, but damned if every girl who peaked in high school doesn't say that s**t.
Bragging about your HS hookups when you’re in your 30s.
Those adults that actively try to hang out with high schoolers and try to act cool with them. Could be pedophiles, could be highschool peakers. Or both, happens pretty often.
Gross. If you're young enough to be my kid then there is noway I'm hanging out with you. I'm sorry but it's just way too wierd unless it's a work thing. I'm almost 40 and really don't think I could hangout with anyone under 30.
Constantly reminding us how much opportunity you had in high school .. like dude can I just have my Arby’s and go?
“I could have made it to state”
"How much do you wanna I bet I could throw a football over those mountains?"
Going to the highschool football games in your 30s and still try and have conversations with staff or students thinking your words of wisdom will help the team.
I know someone who reposts their posts from highschool multiple times a year and has only a couple recent pictures
I actually probably repost old memories more than new ones now. Back in high school I took a bunch of pictures and posted, so they're great nostalgia. Now I tend to live in the moment and don't document every event. For me, not posting does not mean I'm not living a great life, it's quite the opposite.
Adding “leigh” to your kids names
"when I was in school, I was benching 300 too"
"....I'm 31."
Being obsessed with trying to throw a football overa mountain.
People bragging about their SAT scores in their 40s.
Jeez I don't even remember what it was except it was just barely above average and I'm certain today I would definitely get below average 😂
Never leaving your hometown, hanging out at the same bar with the same people you went to highschool with, still talking about stuff from high school, and still chasing after/crying over the same guys/girls.
Naked lady silhouette,/“mama bear”/Salt Life/ “keep honking I’m reloading” decal
MLM /“health coach”/“life coach” as profession. No, you sell s****y makeup and shakes.
Becoming a town police officer/firefighter and making it your entire personality.
uuughhh with the firefighters in my hometown, they are ALL guys I went to high school with (though not all from the same grade) and they still sit around drinking cheep beer and acting exactly like they did back in 2000 when they were teens. But hey at least they help people now in case of fire, so I guess that's a plus.
“I just tell it like it is and if you can’t handle that then too bad.”
I know others who tried to "live" this, until the tables were turned and suddenly they were butt-hurt.
Attending a high school reunion after the advent of social media. It seems it’s either to relive the glory days or to prove something, neither usually works out the way people want it to.
My 20th high school reunion was last year. The people in charge could not find me. (I found this out through the one friend I keep in touch with from my class.) No address, no email, no phone number, no presence whatsoever on social media. They eventually asked said friend if she knew how to get in touch with me. She told them she has no idea where I am. She's a great friend. :)
Wearing a graduation ring more than a year after graduating
I find nothing wrong with this. I spent $110 on a pretty and simple ring with my birthstone in it and I still wear it on occasion when I'm in a jewelry wearing mood. I spent the money so I'm gonna wear it and I don't care it's a school ring because it's still pretty (has a slight antique look). I graduated over 20 years ago
Hyped over attending reunions
Graduating to go straight into teaching and going right back to teaching high school. Bonus point if you teach at the school you just graduated from
Uhhhh... Maybe some people just want to become teachers? Might be true in some cases, but I'm a bit lost on this one. I taught physics for five years after getting my master's and I contend it had nothing to do with peaking, but a love for the subject and getting youth excited about it.
Having a child at 18 (speaking from experience)
Balancing out the US influence on this list with an observation about British public (that means private to us for some reason) schools. Dudes who went to Eton or Harrow or some such place will NEVER miss an opportunity to mention it. There are men in their 60's and 70's who talk about which house they went to or some other nonsense. Their greatest life achievement is that their parents could afford to send them to some expensive school. Well done. *Slow hand clap*. Sorry for the rant. Return to your normal business and thank you for your attention.
"Never left hometown" shouldn't be on the list, especially for my generation, which was hit pretty hard by the 2008 financial crisis (thanks, boomers!).
The "never left hometown" shouldn't be on this list. Travel is extremely costly depending where you live. Not everyone has the financial assets nor time to travel.
Balancing out the US influence on this list with an observation about British public (that means private to us for some reason) schools. Dudes who went to Eton or Harrow or some such place will NEVER miss an opportunity to mention it. There are men in their 60's and 70's who talk about which house they went to or some other nonsense. Their greatest life achievement is that their parents could afford to send them to some expensive school. Well done. *Slow hand clap*. Sorry for the rant. Return to your normal business and thank you for your attention.
"Never left hometown" shouldn't be on the list, especially for my generation, which was hit pretty hard by the 2008 financial crisis (thanks, boomers!).
The "never left hometown" shouldn't be on this list. Travel is extremely costly depending where you live. Not everyone has the financial assets nor time to travel.