30 Behaviors That Scream “I Have No Life”, As Pointed Out In This Online Group
Feeling unfulfilled and not knowing your purpose in life leaves you trying to find it and some of people’s efforts to occupy their time are questionable. Because they tend to focus on other people rather than improving their inner lives, which just translates to them being annoying.
Redditors share those annoying behaviors that are obvious signs that the person doesn’t have anything meaningful going on in their lives when GroundbreakingAd6888 asks “What screams ‘I have no life?’”
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Having a loud vehicle. No one is impressed
And the idiots that think it’s cool to race around residential areas with their stupid noisy cars 😂😂
Being way too invested into the life of reality tv stars
Thinking other people have no lives because they want to live their life how they want to.
people who obsessively post their life/relationships on instagram
Couples who do this are in a much unhealthier relationship than they want it to appear. All of a sudden you don't hear anything for a while and then one of them comes back saying they've split up but "we're both cool and still friends".
spending almost every day bugging and harassing others for choices they made that's not hurting them or anyone else, like damn, do they not have places to be elsewhere?
Only ever talking badly about other people. Had some coworkers like this once and being around them 8 hours a day was f*****g DRAINING.
If they're talking bad about other people, they are definitely talking s**t about you to others.
Being emotionally invested in the British royal family
Maybe it's just because it's nice to know that their family is just as f****d up as yours...
Working tons of hours and bragging about it. People at my job do this and it’s pathetic.
"Wow, so you don't have any sort of life outside of work? Fascinating."
Constantly being on social media
I have no life... let me live vicariously through everyone else! Also, I'll talk s**t about their life and posts and family and pets and job and food and decor and looks and...
The guy in my office who monitors how long everyone has been away from their computer
Agreed! Especially when there are desktop apps that can do that for you!
Being an internet troll or cheating in video games.
Cheating at any game tells me a lot about you (I don't mean using exploits or glitches in video games but literally cheating). My family really enjoys playing all kinds of tabletop games, and I have one relative who cheats at every single game. I lost a lot of respect for him since seeing that
Cancel culture ppl digging s**t up
People who use the phrase "cancel culture" as a catch-all for legitimate concerns. "oH i'M bEiNg cAnCeLleD!". No, you're being held accountable. Important distinction.
‘Name 3 songs of that band on the shirt you’re wearing’
Some people like band shirts because they like the image, or it was given to them by someone. If it's kids it's likely the parents that bought/handed them the shirt. I was once given a Wheat Kings sweater by someone I knew who didn't want it anymore. It was a comfy sweater. Didn't know what the Wheat Kings were. Thought it must be a curling team or a brewery. No one asked me about it until I was at a bar and someone asked if I liked the Wheat Kings. Didn't even register that he was referring to my sweater LOL. I was a bit too honest, asked what that was. He chuckled and told me it's a hockey team in Brandon. Confused he asked why I wore the sweater and I just simply explained someone gave it to me. Seemed like he understood and left me alone about it after.
People who spend their days arguing with strangers on Facebook.
We can all admit we've had our moments. It's addicting and feels like if you don't defend yourself you'll be seen as "admitting your wrong and feeling shamed". Especially if you delete your comment because you just find the notifications have gotten annoying, and the argument is going in circles, or the insults are getting unnecessarily personal.
Worrying about what others are doing with their life
Why are co-workers the most nosiest people? One lady just quit this week and I'm elated. No longer am I asked where I went to on my lunch break.
As a parent with kids in school, definitely the Facebook Moms group
Or WhatsApp groups. *waking up to 147 new messages about the choice of a Christmas tree for the kids' classroom* (real story)
those mean girls who peaked in high school
They never "peaked", it's just that being mean, acting stupid and trying to form cliques as an adult makes them look lame now.
Trying to look tough on the internet
I have an Alpha keyboard and a lifetime subscription to Internet Tough Guy
me, I stay inside all day and don’t have friends.
social anxiety sucks 😀👍
I don't have anxiety I just believe that the quote " Hell is other people" was correct
You have literally nothing to talk about outside of your children or being a parent.
Yes! Parentjacking every topic, being nothing but mommy or daddy. Especially when the kids aren't babies or toddlers anymore. And yes, I have friends with kids, who have a life and hobbies beside that and find people fixated on their offspring as annoying as I do.
Tracking someone on their phone, real story, my husband was sick one day and both his sister and mom started tracking his phone, started texting early Monday morning wondering why he was still at home
Hired a young guy, had zero experience, and his qualifications didn't match, but he seemed keen, likable, and just wanting a change.
I could not get rid of him, always really early, always staying late. I reassured him that I didn't care for that as long as the work was done, he could just do the hours set.
First red flag was that he wasn't looking forward to time off. He made it seem that he just didn't want to stick around at home, and never had any money.
I tried to give him some ideas of cheap things to do, but it seemed like a burden to him.
His mood was often all over the place, found out he was having more issues at home, now that he was working closer and spending more time there.
It wasn't much longer that he quit, found some job far away.
Turns out he was giving all his salary to his mum, who drank it.
His life wasn't much of anything, sat at home dealing with her , or trying to give out with zero money then getting abuse when he returned.
This is really sad, it's not like the young guy really had NO life, but his chances at getting a life were taken away. I hope he's doing well now.
Scrolling on Reddit answering questions so I can get more karma points. I think that’s all the “I have no life” evidence you need.
I enjoy answering questions on Reddit, I'm not bothered by the karma points though. I actually have no life due to illness so Reddit is a way for me to have access to the outside world.
Reddit mod.
"Oh no, someone spends their time making sure this sub is a spam-free place where people follow the rules and post engaging content" /s
I’m level 389 on Warzone 2.
There's nothing wrong with that - it's a hobby. Hobbies come in all shapes and sizes. Nobody can judge if that's better or worse than building a ship in a bottle or collecting seashells.
All you talk about is your job
Edit: Damn this got relatively big sorry but I can’t read all the comments lol so I’ll just tell one of my stories, I’m currently in the military I never talk about my job because to me it is not a way of life. It is a job. There are so many people I am surrounded by who make this their entire personality and it’s cringe every single time I talk to somebody here all they can say is military related things that I have zero interest about I don’t even know half of these peoples favorite color or anything not concerning the job and you can tell without this they are just a shell of a person
I like that people can have whatever sort of life they want. Want to be obsessed with video games, your kids, work etc.? Go for it!! Why do I care if it makes you happy? Being "well rounded" is overrated. Enjoy what you enjoy regardless if anyone thinks it's a "real" life or not.
People proudly flying a "Trump Won" or "MAGA" flag. Get the hell over it.🙄
Same with the confederate flag. It's over. It's done. Move on.
Load More Replies...Making one thing your whole personality: your MLM, your religion, your kids. Folks, you're a human being. Humans are complicated beings. There are multiple facets to the puzzle that is you. It shouldn't be "I'm a Capricorn" or "I'm married with kids" or "I'm American". There is more than one thing that makes up your personality. Use all these things to make yourself a fully developed person. :)
I like that people can have whatever sort of life they want. Want to be obsessed with video games, your kids, work etc.? Go for it!! Why do I care if it makes you happy? Being "well rounded" is overrated. Enjoy what you enjoy regardless if anyone thinks it's a "real" life or not.
People proudly flying a "Trump Won" or "MAGA" flag. Get the hell over it.🙄
Same with the confederate flag. It's over. It's done. Move on.
Load More Replies...Making one thing your whole personality: your MLM, your religion, your kids. Folks, you're a human being. Humans are complicated beings. There are multiple facets to the puzzle that is you. It shouldn't be "I'm a Capricorn" or "I'm married with kids" or "I'm American". There is more than one thing that makes up your personality. Use all these things to make yourself a fully developed person. :)