The Valencia-based, freelance illustrator known as Jotaká created a collection of sea-worthy prints with NeonMob, a platform for digital artists and collectors. As a whole, the collection profiles the crew aboard an fictitious pirate ship as narrated in the first person by the never-featured character, Indigo.

Describes Indigo: “Hello everyone! Oh, ahem, I mean, argh, mateys! Beware my sword or I’ll steal all your booty . . . I’m sorry. You know we don’t all talk like that. Pirates, I mean. I’ve been a pirate for six years and I haven’t heard anyone say “argh matey” even once. Oh, well. My name is Indigo, and I’m a crew member of the Sea Scourge, one of the most feared pirate ships in the seven seas! My Captain has asked me to write a profile on our ship and its crew. He asked me because I’m young, and because I’m one of two literate pirates in the entire world, the other being old Carlisle. Maybe after you read about my crewmates and me, you’ll think of pirates a little differently.”

Below is a small representation Jotaká’s collection. Who knew pirates could be so human?

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    Sam holds the record for most Castaways. He’s been a pirate ever since the age of five, and he’s lived through ten, yes TEN, shipwrecks!




    Before I tell you about Arcade, I want to make it clear that he is no friend of mine…We were bunkmates for three months, and he is the most inconsiderate bunkmate you’ll ever meet. Yes, I know, he’s a pirate, but so am I, and I need my sleep if I’m gonna drink rum and steal booty. He never stops bragging about how he lost his hand, and hopes someday to reinvigorate the legacy of Captain Hook.



    Callipso began her career as a Cutpurse, a type of thief that cuts purses. She’s always been good with money, and after only one week aboard the Sea Scourge, Captain Cardenio recruited her to the Ship Treasurer, which is a treacherous position for a pirate (no pun intended).




    Jericho is the best swordsman on the Sea Scourge, no questions asked. In Europe he is known as the Burning Dutchman because of his tendency to light his swords on fire. He is half Dutch and half English, but because of the multiple tragic fires that London has recently endured, he wisely decided against calling himself the “Burning Englishman.”

    The Kraken


    I don’t want to brag or anything, but most boys my age haven’t seen the Kraken. I’ve seen it TWICE, if you can believe it, once only a year after I joined this crew, when the Sea Scourge was caught in a mighty gale. A slimy pink tentacle as long and as thick as a tree trunk shot out of the deep, and was about to grab the hull, when a massive wave pushed us aside.