Leaps in scientific progress are made practically every day. We’re constantly learning things about the way the world works, refining what we already know, debunking myths, and making new inventions. However, it takes some time before this new information reaches the general public. And even then, some people still won’t accept it, even if it’s been confirmed.
Trying to get to grips with this very question, user u/Ordinary_Piece_4374 asked their fellow redditors about the things that have been scientifically (dis)proven but are still denied or disliked by some people. Scroll down to see what facts the internet thinks everyone should definitely be up to date with.
Bored Panda wanted to learn more about the best way to present scientific information to the public and how to tackle people's concerns about how science 'always keeps changing,' so we reached out to Steven Wooding. He is a member of the Institute of Physics in the UK, part of the Omni Calculator project team, and the creator of the Weird Units Converter.
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That the earth is round. If it was flat, cats would have knocked everything off of it by now.
Fun fact, ancient cultures were able to prove the Earth was round with two sticks and the sun. In fact, no one thought Christopher Columbus would sail over the edge. They didn't want to fund his voyage because they thought he had grossly UNDER estimated the circumference.
Cats can understand an average of 50 words, and they don’t give a s**t about 49 of them
Jesus wasn't a Caucasian fellow
According to Wooding, from the Omni Calculator team, one of the main things to consider when communicating anything—whether science-related or not—is tailoring the message to the audience receiving it.
"The primary consideration is their scientific knowledge, but also their interests and concerns. So, refrain from using jargon or technical terms they might not understand. Try to explain concepts in a way that's easy to follow—creating a story around the research is a great idea," Wooding shared with Bored Panda.
"You also want to tell them what it might mean for them and why they should care about what could be relatively dry scientific facts. Images and infographics are also good tools for communicating complex information clearly and concisely."
Yelling at your kids can have long-term effect on the child's mental health. Abuse isn't just physical, and just cuz it's not physical doesn't mean it cant scar someone for life.
Especially when, you don´t know why you are being yelled at or know you are right and till get a slap. It´s taken me 40+ years
Evolution. No theory has EVER been proven more correct with so much freaking evidence but yet here we are
That Andrew Wakefield falsely linked the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine to autism in young children.
Meanwhile, Bored Panda wanted to get Wooding's thoughts on how researchers might tackle people who are always skeptical of any scientific developments because the facts seem to always be changing.
"One way is to explain the differences between scientific facts and theories; what might be reported as facts are actually theories," the Omni Calculator team member explained.
"A scientific fact has well-substantiated evidence and is widely accepted by the scientific community (e.g., the Earth is round). On the other hand, a scientific theory is an explanation of a phenomenon that includes facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. A scientific theory can change as new facts are discovered and experiments are carried out," he said.
We found out that the cholesterol in egg yolk is indeed very healthy and useful yet some people still demonize it
Dominance theory in dog training.
Your dog is not trying to take over the world. They know that you're in charge because you control what they eat, when they eat, where they eat, when they get to toilet, when they go out, where they go, and every other facet of their lives. You do not need to pin them to the ground or use collars that cause pain. You just need to reward the behaviour you want to see more of. Trainers who use aversive methods just don't have the skills to actually train dogs properly.
Don't tell me that your malinois or amstaff need you to be tougher because alligators and crocodiles can be trained to sit for blood draws without force or coercion. Your dog is not harder to train than one of the closest things we have to dinosaurs.
"A good example is gravity. First, we had Newton's theory of gravity, which tried to incorporate the observations scientists could carry out at the time. As experiments improved, inaccuracies became apparent, which were then resolved by Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity," Wooding told us.
"We can still use Newton's approach most of the time, but we use Einstein's where extreme accuracy is required."
Refusing to accept new information doesn’t just have to do with an individual’s stubbornness or narrowmindedness. Broadly speaking, people tend to cling to information that supports whatever worldview they have at the moment. Having to monumentally shift your understanding of how life and society function on Planet Earth is a huge task. As The New Yorker put it, impressions are very perseverent once they're formed.
Science is evolving, what's proven one day can be shown to be a mistake the next.
That's disliked by many people, because the brain structure that makes religion useful is also used by people who want science to go only one (their) way usually.
The carbon footprint was invented by BP. You know, they guys that inundated the Gulf of Mexico with crude oil a couple times.
It's among the first and best disinformation campaigns to this day. It pushed the responsibility of carbon emissions cleanly from corporations to the people.
First thing that came to mind after reading "BP" was that Bored Panda invented carbon footprint...
That homosexuality is not a disease and you born with it
The anecdotal and experiential evidence points to a strong genetic link. And yet, for many different people and cultures worldwide, sexual orientation is a spectrum rather an either/or over their lifetimes. Is there a genetic predisposition to Bi-Pan-A sexualities as well?
However, that’s why striving to be open-minded is such an important thing. No matter how much we think we know, there’s always something new to learn as technology advances and new research is conducted.
One study, published in 2023, found that attempts to debunk science-relevant misinformation were, on average, not successful. However, there is a silver lining. When misinformation has to do with negative topics other than health, and the corrections to the information are detailed, then people are more likely to change their beliefs.
What also helps make these corrections is when the misinformed have familiarized themselves with both sides of the issue and when the topic in question isn’t politically polarized.
Electric cars are not as green as Elon says. They still create pollution from mining & creating the electricity to charge unless from green sources
That your diet can indeed affect your hormones and mood.
MSG is a delicious and perfectly healthy addition to a number of dishes
The people that make me laugh are those that say they can't eat any Chinese food because of this but are perfectly fine making chicken stock from chicken bouillon. Guess what makes bouillon so tasty?
Yeah so many ignorant people out there with food. Then there’s food with naturally occurring MSG (cheese and soy extracts etc and more )
Load More Replies...THIS. So many people eat salty snacks and never complain about headaches even though many of them literally contain MSG. As well as the fact that "Western" Chinese food contains a lot of salt in addition to MSG, not including any soy sauce that is additionally added by the consumer.
Migraine triggers can be anything really, just like how one person can be allergic to something and the next person not.
It's funny how there are always people who argue against this with comments like "too much is bad for you" as if too much of anything, even literally water, is bad for you. If you get headaches, that doesn't mean MSG is bad for you. It may mean you have an allergy or sensitivity to it and not that it's unhealthy. Why people need to apply personal experiences for general statements will always be moronic to me. You having an allergy to something does not mean it's not perfectly healthy. Obviously nobody is talking about your specific issue with an item and doesn't make that item not 'perfectly healthy' as a general statement.
In fact, sometimes when I get the flu, I'll start craving MSG. Then I'll eat something with MSG in it and start feeling better, faster. Does this happen to anyone else?
MSG is not evil and makes everything delicious, it's just us who are allergic to it the ones that suffer. But just because I'm allergic, there's no reason for me to demonize it, on the contrary, I envy those that can eat and enjoy it. :(
Then please explain the hives and trouble breathing I get when I am unknowingly exposed to it.
So? That happens to my brother with milk, me with stone fruits, etc. It's an allergy or an intolerance and it can happen with any food. There's nothing especially dangerous about MSG.
I don't think people think MSG is dangerous per se but for the few who are allergic to it, it is and we need to avoid it. I must say, though, once MSG was identified as the culprit, the positive result was that I eat much cleaner now.
Yeah I remember that still being hardcore railed against when I was in primary school years ago.
Except if you are diabetic, it spikes insulin levels, but otherwise munch on ma peeps. Those dishes are delicious.
I wouldn't say "perfectly healthy". Like salt, too much is bad for you
Obvious and needless to say. Anything in unhealthy amounts is bad for you. Nobody is disputing that. Too much water, which is "perfectly healthy", can kill you if too much is consumed.
The FDA currently lists it as safe when used in moderation, but also warns of MSG symptoms complex which can cause rapid heart beat, chest pain, burning/numbness/swelling in the face and throat, headache, flushing, nausea....
It is also an excitagen that can stimulate neural synapses on end until they die from over-stimulation. In small amounts, the over-stimulation is minimal but taken in large amounts over long periods of time, it results in neural pathway death, thus limiting the wiring that controls what we think and do. In effect, you create your own brain disease and death.
It may not be unhealthy for your stomach but it is very unhealthy for your brain. I triggers the reward sensors in your mind and drives your cravings so you continue and continue to eat. There for you over eat and gain weight.
I have red articles for MSG that it makes the food addictive, also making you craving for more because you don't feel full. This is causing some metabolic issues and obesity. Maybe wrong, I don't know, but I avoid it in my kitchen. I'm not delusional, when we eat out (mostly chinese food) I know that MSG is probably part of the seasoning.
@Hans Georg Formula for MSG(monosodium glutamate) C5H8NO4Na, Formula for sodium: Na
That, in fact, does not mean salt. Try a google search instead of supposing. Nothing "fancy-schmanzy" about the name, Einstein.
Load More Replies...I don't claim to be anyone talking in anything other than plain English. So let's have Wiki explain, seeing as you all-wise ones can't think to: "MSG is used in cooking as a flavor enhancer with an umami taste that intensifies the meaty, savory flavor of food." .... Used in food, right.
C5H8NO4Na is MSG. Sodium is Na. I used to think Bio should be compulsory now I think all 3 sciences should be compulsory.
I've lost all interest now! Ah well well. Science seems to be like music. If you don't get the rhythm after the first ten seconds, you may lose some of the audience.
"Linked with" is meaningless in scientific papers. It literally just means "mentioned in the same sentence by someone".
Load More Replies...K... How about the proven fact that it is an excitotoxin whose se purpose for ingestion is to make otherwise meh or poor quality food taste good? Prove me wrong. I'll wait.
Also, it has been proven to be addictive, and I get the obesity and metabolic disorder link, because if you eat a lot of c**p food made to taste better on purpose so that you get addicted and eat more, well, you get fat and your metabolism goes to s**t.
I stubbed my toe leaving the Chinese restaurant so don't forget to add "stubbed toe" to that list of links.
As ‘Discover’ magazine points out, facts alone aren’t always enough to correct misinformation. Nor are they enough to change people’s minds. People’s understanding of the world is closely related to their sense of personal identity. Meanwhile, human beings as a whole aren’t the most rational even at the best of times.
Our biology, as remarkable as it is, isn’t all that helpful when it comes to changing people’s minds, too. Psychology professor Lisa Fazio, from Vanderbilt University, notes that our minds tend to create new memories alongside ones that already exist, instead of ‘overwriting’ information that’s not correct. So when you try to recall information that you’ve recently learned has changed, you might come up with ideas that are a collage of these competing facts.
On top of that, repetition tends to encode information into our minds, even if those facts are false. The more often we hear something, the more likely it is to get stuck in our minds. This phenomenon is known as the illusory truth effect.
Sugar is way worse than fat
That our current rapidly changing climate is caused by human activity and mainly from a few corporations.
You still get people who deny it
Then you get people who accept it but refuse to go after the main causes.
earth is a tiny insignificant sphere in space
No. Earth is a tiny, insignificant disc in space.
“There's an infinite universe of false things and a more narrow universe of true things, so most of the stuff that we hear multiple times is true,” Fazio told ‘Discover’ magazine. However, this can be particularly troublesome if someone is deliberately trying to spread false information.
Meanwhile, new and correct facts have to be presented in a way that’s approachable and palatable. If important discoveries are only ever publicized in ways that only other researchers would understand their significance, the general population might not understand why the new info matters so much.
On the flip side, it’s also essential not to dumb the information down too much or to over-exaggerate its significance. Otherwise, you might make people less willing to trust articles about scientific discoveries.
LGBTQIA+ people. Other animals engage in same gender behaviour and some can change theirs. There's a whole female only lizard species that can reproduce. Homophobia etc is the unnatural thing, not being gay, bi or trans etc.
Sex IS NOT THE SAME HAS Gender... One is biological (no, you are male or female, and no op will change this fact - males are bioloigically different from females) and the other a social context (you can CALL yourself whatever you want - man, woman, butterfly, a TV screen, whatever, but you're still either male or female)... Sorry to spoil your party.
Going out in the cold doesn't give you a cold. Cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis.
but going out in the cold can lower your immune system making you more likely to get sick.
Myers Briggs Test (INTJ, IFNJ) is flawed and not reliable as any decent personality assessment.
Myers Briggs is horoscopes for those who think they are too smart for horoscopes. That said, I always get the same result when I take a Myers Briggs :D
Large vehicles increase pedestrian fatalities. Any criticism of the prevalence of huge trucks and SUV's in my city these days brings the truck bros out of the woodwork like "why do you care what I do?! It doesn't affect you!!" Yes it does, and it might kill somebody.
Don’t get between a man baby and his beloved giant twuck. Vroom vroom.
That exercise actually helps you overcome a lot of s**t including mental health issues.
I envy the poeple who can bike, swim, walk, run their minds clean. I personally find exercising so mindnumbingly boring that instead, my mind starts treadmilling each and every problem of the past day, week or even something that happened 20 years ago.
Autism is hereditary
It CAN BE hereditary. It is not hereditary in ever instance. There are more than one ‘causes’ or catalysts to autism.
GMO food is indistinguishable to your body from non-GMO food
But many GMO foods are designed to be more resistant to herbicides, which means more herbicides are used in farming GMO crops. Our bodies may not be able to distinguish the GMO food from non-GMO food, but can it detect the extra herbicides? And how well do other animals (such as 'good' insects like bees and ladybirds) deal with these herbicides?
Mental health issues.
Climate change, unfortunately.
“All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder – and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people.” Sir David Attenborough
Weed is addictive and you can get withdrawals from it
Literally just had an argument with a friend over this
That’s because people assume that all addictions are physical, ignoring potential and very real psychological addictions. But that doesn’t change the fact that “weed” has spectacular medicinal advantages, but as with everything needs to be used responsibly and with respect.
The Portuguese Man-O-War, despite being called a jellyfish by many aquariums and people, is actually a siphonophore. I'm guessing this mix up comes from the Man-O-War's jellyfish-like appearance and the fact that siphonophores and jellyfish are both Hydrozoans, and the fact that siphonophores as a whole are usually lumped in with jellyfish.
Just because your uncle touched you when you were a kid doesn't mean you get to say whether my uncle Gertrude is my uncle or not.
Agree with 1 to 7, 10, 11, 8 to 9 seems likely. I disagree with 12 because the religion you follow is not hereditary. Etc. Oh dear, I forgot that the numbers change, so cancel that.
Wow, so no one mentioned the 2020 US Presidential election., or did it just get censored? Anyway, was the election stolen from Trump? No. Anyone who believes that is an idiot. Did the Democrats commit widespread voter fraud? Yup. They would have won without it anyway, but they were really just testing the waters for 2024.
That fact that calories in, calories out governs your weight is particularly disliked by Pandas.
There is much more to it. Hormones like insulin, the storage hormon is important. If you eat in a way , that avoids big bloodglucose spikes , you can litterally eat more calories and keep weight. The biochemist Jessie inshaup, or “glucosegoddess” in instagram, or many podcasts, talks about this in layman-terms, and has all the science to explain why. Check it and learn something, that blew my mind, honestly.
Load More Replies...Can we not use that word please? There are so many other ones to choose from.
Please report as hate speech. Until we treat that word the same as the N word, people will continue to think it is fun to insult people with it. I will even give up the proper uses of the word = Fire resistant. And I do not think the medical field uses the term any more at all.
Material that is fire resistant is a fire retardant. Not meant to be offensive, just a fact
No the word has been abandoned in the medical world for many years now.
If anyone is looking for a good alternative to all the words we're not allowed to use anymore, I have personally switched to "DF" as in "what the heck is wrong with these dumb DF's?!?" With DF being short for Dallas Fan, the worst insult I could think of.
Just because your uncle touched you when you were a kid doesn't mean you get to say whether my uncle Gertrude is my uncle or not.
Agree with 1 to 7, 10, 11, 8 to 9 seems likely. I disagree with 12 because the religion you follow is not hereditary. Etc. Oh dear, I forgot that the numbers change, so cancel that.
Wow, so no one mentioned the 2020 US Presidential election., or did it just get censored? Anyway, was the election stolen from Trump? No. Anyone who believes that is an idiot. Did the Democrats commit widespread voter fraud? Yup. They would have won without it anyway, but they were really just testing the waters for 2024.
That fact that calories in, calories out governs your weight is particularly disliked by Pandas.
There is much more to it. Hormones like insulin, the storage hormon is important. If you eat in a way , that avoids big bloodglucose spikes , you can litterally eat more calories and keep weight. The biochemist Jessie inshaup, or “glucosegoddess” in instagram, or many podcasts, talks about this in layman-terms, and has all the science to explain why. Check it and learn something, that blew my mind, honestly.
Load More Replies...Can we not use that word please? There are so many other ones to choose from.
Please report as hate speech. Until we treat that word the same as the N word, people will continue to think it is fun to insult people with it. I will even give up the proper uses of the word = Fire resistant. And I do not think the medical field uses the term any more at all.
Material that is fire resistant is a fire retardant. Not meant to be offensive, just a fact
No the word has been abandoned in the medical world for many years now.
If anyone is looking for a good alternative to all the words we're not allowed to use anymore, I have personally switched to "DF" as in "what the heck is wrong with these dumb DF's?!?" With DF being short for Dallas Fan, the worst insult I could think of.