I’ll put it bluntly—without science, life would be extremely boring. At least for me. There’s hardly anything that can compare to the rush of joy and the butterflies fluttering in your stomach when you stumble across a piece of news about some huge scientific advancements.

From new medicines that will greatly improve the quality of our lives to leaps in tech that are making regular space travel and the colonization of other planets merely questions of ‘when,’ not ‘if.’ And don’t even get me started on quantum physics which is so close to magic, I’m glancing out the window, waiting for my invitation to study at Hogwarts.

I’m not the only one in love with science, though! Frankly, I’m glad that’s the case because when it comes to science and learning—the more, the merrier. There are plenty of online communities that mix science with humor and one of them is the ‘Science Memes’ subreddit that’s dedicated to sharing and creating memes about science.

Check out the very best science memes that Bored Panda has collected from all over the web, including about r/sciencememes, and upvote the geekiest and funniest ones.


Science meme humorously illustrating the long process of scientific research versus online skepticism.

DrAdityaSai2 Report


Reddit post humorously questions intelligence and communication, with a witty comment about engineers, blending humor with knowledge.

Pheonix10101 Report

You don’t have to have a degree in biology, chemistry, physics, etc. to be a science geek. Similarly, just because you have a degree in science doesn’t automatically mean that this is it, there’s no turning back, you’ll have to work as a scientist until the end of your days.

Loving science is more about the curiosity inherent in human beings than choosing from a narrow list of undergraduate degrees. If you’ve got the spark to learn new things, test out your theories, and a willingness to be open-minded and proven wrong, then in my eyes, you’re a scientist. Degree or no degree!


Clever science meme humorously summarizing the history of physics, mentioning Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein.

tired__soul Report


Character with a double lightsaber illustrating radius vs diameter in clever science meme.

memelord_1_0 Report


Clever science meme featuring Marie Curie and a humorous dialogue about context between dollars and Nobel Prizes.

jigahan Report

Earlier, I actually had a chat about the wide gap between what people majored in and what career path they chose with voice actor André White, who has worked with the History Channel and The Smithsonian, among others.

According to him, we don’t have everything figured out by the time that we graduate from college. Instead, we should embrace that uncertainty and use our 20s to try new things and discover new passions.

“If you are 18 and you feel lost and not sure of what your next move should be, GOOD. No one should have it all figured out at that age. And the same goes for a 25-year-old or a 35-year-old. Don't feel like you HAVE to do what society tells you to,” André told Bored Panda in an earlier interview that we should learn to think and decide for ourselves. In short, we have to be bolder, more courageous.


Man in a suit with humorous science meme text overlay in a cosmic background.

mrriaa Report


Clever science meme highlighting the often-overlooked role of fungi with humorous text overlay on a cat and dog image.

Nemomagnum Report


Clever science meme with edited research paper title adding humor to scientific content.

marcwvg Report

“Go to a community college, go to an HBCU, start a business, find your passion because your passion is what's going to make those tough days a little less tough. What makes you smile ear to ear? Do that! Life is way too short to look back in 30 years and regret anything," André said.

“People feel like a college degree is how you get respect. College is still being pushed as a safety net when in reality going to a trade school, community college, or pursuing the path of an entrepreneur can be just as rewarding. I wish that we would teach our kids that there are so many other options and that if college is what they want to do, then fine but don't ever box yourself in."


Clever science meme comparing iPhone evolution to stages of mitosis.

Mandelbrotxx8 Report


Humorous science meme highlighting algae's oxygen production versus credited trees. Report


Clever science meme showing a humorous temperature conversion guide for Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin.


But whatever path you find yourself on, remember that a lot of us have one thing in common—our love of memes. So keep your inner scientist alive and fed with some educational memes, no matter what degree you have and what your current job is. 


Science meme with Mendeleev joke on periodic table memorization, featuring a man standing with hands on hips.



Branch resembling a chemical structure against a blue sky, blending humor with science knowledge.

ProfTydrim Report


Pie chart science meme about majoring in physics shows math difficulty and ruined action movies as reasons.

DR_MAD_MAN_ Report


Science meme humorously depicting a catalyst's role with reactants and products in a relationship scenario.

ashtoooon Report


Golden retriever labeled "Mutations in real life" beside a werewolf labeled "Mutations in Science Fiction," highlighting clever science memes.

DSBM00 Report


Science meme illustrating the humorous reality of research with a tweet about reading papers for minimal references.

sohamrockz Report


Man reacting to confusion between loving astronomy and zodiac signs; clever science meme humor.

andrevsilva98 Report


Clever science meme contrasting chemists, physicists, and geologists with a humorous boulder comment.

bobbasher08 Report


Science meme showing a textbook on thermodynamics and a stressed person sweating.

memelord_1_0 Report


Cartoon of Pythagoras walking diagonally across a grass field, while others watch in a line.

hemng Report


Clever science meme comparing modern power couples to Marie and Pierre Curie as the real power couple.

ghostclaw69 Report


Three birds labeled as electron, proton, and neutron, illustrating a clever science meme with humor and knowledge.

j4cks0nB Report


Clever science meme featuring a strong dandelion growing on concrete and a weak rose struggling with soil pH.

FunYeti Report


Science meme humor: Joby admits needing to look up the sphere volume equation despite holding a physics PhD and working at NASA.

MenCur_Emran Report


Penguin meme humorously illustrates science concept with electron behaving unpredictably under observation.

ZamblaJr Report


Woman facepalming, regretting a verbal slip in a science class, blending clever humor with knowledge.



A humorous science meme illustrating the electromagnetic spectrum with people in colorful outfits.

GymbagDarryl Report


Clever science meme showing a humorous take on filling voids with food, featuring blood vessels filled with macaroni.

GymbagDarryl Report


A clever science meme blending humor with knowledge, featuring a man outside with the text "I'm something of a scientist myself."

Upbeat_Surprise Report


Clever science meme comparing robust bacteria in nature to fragile bacteria in the lab with humor.

Fresh_Gain_1135 Report


Funny science meme featuring physics hiding behind a math mask, blending humor with knowledge.

sat03 Report


Cartoon brain battling a virus, humorously causing organs to panic over a fever, illustrating clever science memes.

SvenInFrames Report


Cartoon of "Saint Schrodinger" explaining a science meme about Jesus being alive and dead with a closed tomb.

g0ing-r0gu3 Report


Three Spider-Men pointing at each other with faces representing Mercury: the planet, element, and a famous singer.

Wikereczek2 Report


Clever science meme of a student wearing a plant in a helmet, humorously addressing Mars colonization.



Cartoon character humorously interacting with an atom, blending science and humor.

TheBestest2020 Report


Drake meme humorously explaining wormholes with equations and a simple drawing.

amber2023 Report


Clever science meme about the moon's diameter humorously conveys a mistake.

nalin420 Report


UNO reverse card meme humorously depicting Earth's magnetic field reversal in science.

21_nic Report


Clever science meme showing a brain keeping someone awake due to a calculator set to radian mode.

shoaibahsan Report


Two cats labeled as potential and kinetic energy humorously illustrate a science meme.

cpriemueller Report


Dog puzzled by toy magnets with clever science meme humor.

SLAlson Report

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Cat meme humorously comparing star size with "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" lyrics, blending science and comedy.

chamkadadman Report


A clever science meme about stars producing iron with a surprised-looking man.

Gardibro1112 Report


Clever science meme with a crowd clustered on one side of blue stadium seats, humorously captioned with electron configuration.

Lakshya0505 Report

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Whats The *matter* With That?

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No I Did Not Make This

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Approximating Be Like

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That's Very Annoying

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Not My Lunch, Have Mercy!

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-Finity- Report


Mr Bean

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It Really Do Be Like That

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Observer Effect

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Unfortunately A True Story

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Who Will Win?

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All Credit Goes To U/Theesmaarkhan. It Is His Meme

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T Pairs With A.

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How Studying For Exams In My First Semester Of Grad School Is Going

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Solves All Your Problems

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Well, It's A Complex Relationship

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Where Did It Bring You, Back To Me.

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Do Not Blink!

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Maybe I Am Inert Gas :(

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Nice One Schrödinger

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Could Throw In 1 Cm3 Too.

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Listen Here You Little Shit

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Titles Are Hard

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Graphite Is Dope

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Bad People Everywhere

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