If you are the type of person who enjoyed volcano eruptions and potato battery experiments in high school, chances are you still love science even if you aren't working in the field.
But whether you read the magazine Scientific American or watch the YouTube channel Veritasium, we at Bored Panda have something else you'll probably enjoy. The “Science Memes” Facebook group.
Brought to the internet and managed by a collective known online as LabRule, this community unites 936K members who constantly share the best science memes they find.
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The Best Word
Flat Earthers
Interestingly, science memes can be just what the world needs right now. According to wildlife biologist Michael Barnes, much of science has lost its curiosity.
As a result, Barnes thinks that the scientific community has created an exclusive club where your entry into it is a publication, and to stay in it, you must continue to do so at the expense of integrity, new and exciting knowledge, and trust from the public.
This exclusivity, he believes, has created a rift.
He Had A Pen
Let Me Hear
That's Right Tho
“By being overly technical, esoteric, and pedantic, the scientific community has made it virtually impossible for the layperson to understand the information being presented to them, resulting in animosity and divisiveness that has led us to this current anti-science movement,” Barnes writes.
“We look down on and condescend those who don't understand the process and then act surprised when people reject the knowledge gained from hard, credible science. For example, the current environment of climate change denial is one of the larger issues of our time.”
Poor Referee
True Af
My Blanket At 3 Am
About to go suffer this, wish me luck EDIT: thank you for wishing me luck, it helped some!
Science Lab In A Movie
Therefore, Barnes thinks that it's time for a change, and that includes funny science memes. “It's not enough to throw complicated jargon at the public. There needs to be better and more meaningful communication,” he says.
“We've come to the apex of an 'us vs. them' dichotomy where it doesn't matter what is said. 'We' are right and 'they' are wrong, and that's final. Communication needs to be more open and transparent. Both for the sake of those conducting research and those it's being communicated to, i.e., the public.”
Big Sad
6 Fries Per Serving
Guardian Of The Galaxy
While Barnes believes that researchers need to be more precise and transparent in their research, I'll try to argue that science memes can actually facilitate all sorts of dialogues about the sciences.
After all, as writer Helen Brown pointed out, they aren't just entertainment but also have a serious side. According to researchers looking at modern forms of communication, these funniest science memes are a language in themselves, with a capacity to transcend cultures and construct collective identities between people. Not to mention that memes can also be powerful tools for self-expression, connection, social influence, and even political subversion.
Trying To Prank
They Misunderstood
Venn Diagrams
Why is there a cat with only one ear and only roughly 2/3 of its head? A bit abnormal but 10/10 would still give pets and pspspspspspspspspss
Paolo Gerbaudo, a reader in digital politics and director of the Centre for Digital Culture at King's College London, describes funny science memes as a “sort of a ready-made language with many kinds of stereotypes, symbols, situations. A palette that people can use, much like emojis, in a way, to convey content.”
Interior Designer
Very Angry
Please Help
Soup Too Salty
Researchers at Facebook, for example, showed in a 2014 study just how widely science memes posted on the social media site can spread and evolve. In one example, they found 121,605 different variants of one particular meme posted across 1.14 million status updates.
Accurate Af
What Dream?
I wish you could like… see your brain’s search history but with dreams
You Pick The Name
Holographic Meatloaf
Memes tap into our collective consciousness and have been referred to as digital folklore – or “Netlore.” “We can see not just the new ways people do things or the new ways people express themselves in public but also some of the themes, some of the anxieties or desires people have. All of these complex issues are reflected in things like memes,” says Gerbaudo.
So if the scientific community really is stagnant in the way it communicates, isn't an intuitive and quick-spreading format of science memes exactly what could remedy the problem?
If you agree with us, continue checking out the awesome “Science Memes” Facebook group finds we still have on this list!
He Is Cheating On Potassium
When You're A Teacher
Blowing My Mind
Uranus In Front Of A New Generation
If people would just pronounce it correctly it wouldn't be a problem! Say it with me, Yur-a-nus.
When You Got A Geography Test
I’m neurodivergent (according to the recent literature and evaluations) and I have a weird thing of being able to recreate entire maps, geospatial areas, and the globe in my imagination. But the freaky (deaky) bit is that I can follow entire historical narratives across the maps like I’m watching a film. And then focus on specific groups of people or individuals to follow them. It’s interesting but extremely intense. Sometimes I have to try to turn it off when it gets too much. Especially as I’m a war historian. Unfortunately, my condition includes being ultra-empathetic which means I have the tendency to take on others’ pain. Not great in my profession.
He Has Been Waiting
Thank U
Just 50 Years
Getting Into Science
Cats Are Liquid
Cats are jello! They’re solids that also take the shape of whatever container they’re in! Cats are jello!
We Do It At 7am
Biochemist And Gym Bro
It Was By Us In Another Paper
Writing In Heartbeats
Run As Administrator
We Walk Today
Talk Dirty
The Enjoyment Of Childhood Humor
Detect Photoshop
NASA is always upfront about the colorizing it does, so I'm guessing this is a "moon landing was faked" conspiracy theory reference?
So Basically I Just Passed A Science Scholarship Exam And I'm Still Single So
Maybe I'm Quantum Physics
Find GF
My son is a university student in America, and having grown up in Japan, he sometimes has trouble with some of the academic language. He sent me a scientific paper last years that totally blew my mind and changed the way I see a particular thing. You're never too old to learn science.
My son is a university student in America, and having grown up in Japan, he sometimes has trouble with some of the academic language. He sent me a scientific paper last years that totally blew my mind and changed the way I see a particular thing. You're never too old to learn science.