There’s a tangible duality of science - on one side, it appears to be pretty dull with all the formulas, calculations, and indecipherable scribblings only understood by white-cloaked people. On the other hand, science facts like these, for instance, from @WeeklySciFact’s Twitter, are nothing but fascinating and invigorating. So, maybe we should just leave the calculations to the pros and instead enjoy their delightful Eureka! moments distilled into short cool facts, shall we?
You know what the best part of this cool science facts collection is? Well, besides them being thoroughly entertaining, they also come from various science branches. Nope, it’s not only chemistry and physics that get to shine here, but also botany, zoology, astronomy, and so on and so forth. Basically, a cool science fact for absolutely anyone’s taste and interest. Oh, and there’s more - all of these bits of info are bona fide scientific facts. Meaning they are verified and true. So, if you’d like to impress someone with an unbelievable fact without them winning in Google research later on, you can be sure that these babies are the bee's knees.
So, ready to dive deep into the waters of fun science facts? If so, scroll on down below and check them all out! Rank the most interesting facts to the top of the list by giving them your vote, and share this article with your friends after you’re done with all of the above!
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So if i bleed 10 meters underwater my blood is green? That`s pretty cool
And the Koala species called the Drop Bear, waits in trees ready for an animal to walk underneath them, then drops on the targets head. Killing the animal and leaving a feast for the carnivorous Drop Bear. They have been know to target people, so keep your eyes out when walking about in Australia.
400 years that we know of.. did we have the ability to see it like that, and monitor it. before the 1600s?
Once again proving that Spider Man is in fact the best super hero ever.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the premise of the original Star Trek series? They weren't exploring new galaxies, just different solar systems in the milky way...
Another fact is that 3/4's of the Worlds population has no idea what it's like to die of starvation or disease or see your family die in front of you or so many other things, yet they still kick back against people trying to flee situations that the people trying to flee these scenarios. Shame on them, shame on their communities and more to the point shame on them if they have ever voted for a political party that thinks it's OK to stop vulnerable people entering their country to both be safe and aim for a better life for them and their family.
Soooo I should expect a huge class action lawsuit to get started soon for those of who had asbestos snow covered trees back in the day??
So that means we spend about 4.7 years of our lives with our eyes closed.
This doesn't sound right. If you remove every amount of energy, there could be no energy left.
They actually go into a sort of suspended animation where even their heart stops. This is an evolutionary tactic as the juveniles will have had a season to grow. When they thaw, they are ready to aggressively feed, rather than taking weeks to mature to a level where they can fend for themselves, allowing them first dibs on food sources as compared to other competitors in their ecosystem.
Also the sky inside a rainbow is brighter than the sky outside it.
Swallowing its own brain is thought to be the number one cause of Woodpecker related suicides, usually occuring if they fart mid-peck
And the reason that one leg of the V is longer than the other is because there's more birds on that side.
So my biology teacher was incorrect, when he said that humans and chimpanzees are the only animals that uses tools. I have known it for years but this about bats is news to me.
My Brown Isa's are awesome! Last winter was sooo cold and dark (more than usual for Melbourne), so we had an egg hiatus for 6 weeks. Good little girls. But they keep breaking into my lillies ....
The exact speed of a Nope. All situations apply, we've all done it..
This fact is mostly bogus. To begin with, the aerodynamics of the vehicle have a lot to do with it. A tractor-trailor and a sports car will have completely opposite aerodynamic properties. Also, gearing and engine powerbands have much more to do with fuel economy on a normal car. If you know your trans gearing compared to final drive ratio, you can easily compare speeds and see that it doesn't take any more RPM to travel at 45 or 60, depending on the gear.
Scientist 1: "Is it brighter than the sun?" Scientist 2: "Yes, 1 billion times brighter!" Scientist 1: "Woooohooo! Awesome man, we did it!" Scientist 2: "Now what?" Scientist 1: "Moving on, lets determine how often chimpanzees build new tree nests."
But if that is so, how do they change color to match their surroundings?
They give birth standing up, too. It can be a six foot drop to the ground when calves are born.
There's already enough jeans to give everyone two pairs. Stop making the darn things!
Maybe we just don't yet understand how insect physiology processes pain.
Surely you mean when exposed to air since it's not used with water
As a stargazer, all those satellite are like sky pollution. Last year alone they were interrupting my telescope views once a night on average
So many mistakes in this?! Had to stop reading, didn’t even make it half way through, my blood pressure couldn’t take it.. I am all for fun facts, but don’t call it science if you don’t even do basic fact checks! Grrr.. Don’t mind me, I’ll eat some sugar now…
This could have been such an interesting list if they had cited sources. I definitely don't know everything but I do know there were errors in this list and I gave up after like 20 of them. If I'm going to take the time to read some fun facts they sure as heck need to be verifiable fun facts.
I agree, too much of anything is bad. In NC we don't get those crazy amounts
So many mistakes in this?! Had to stop reading, didn’t even make it half way through, my blood pressure couldn’t take it.. I am all for fun facts, but don’t call it science if you don’t even do basic fact checks! Grrr.. Don’t mind me, I’ll eat some sugar now…
This could have been such an interesting list if they had cited sources. I definitely don't know everything but I do know there were errors in this list and I gave up after like 20 of them. If I'm going to take the time to read some fun facts they sure as heck need to be verifiable fun facts.
I agree, too much of anything is bad. In NC we don't get those crazy amounts