Nerdism - that's a condition that affects many and I was fortunately one of the many to be inflicted by this mania early in my life. Ever since my school days I used to dig science topics, chemistry being my favourite and maths the least. Growing up with memes on science I always used to get weird ideas on how those memes can be made funnier. I clearly sucked in drawing so creating comics initially was kind of an awkward idea. But once I started it, it became more natural and fluid. Ideas were there, and now I could draw. So yay! From that combination Pearls Of Raw Nerdism was born.
Some of my initial comics got a lot of attention from some science blogs and pages and that provided a kick-start to growing my fan base. I want my comics to tickle that funny nerdy bone, not too much,but just a light tickle - just enough that even those who aren't really deep into science get the humour. If someone who doesn't know about a particular topic in science sees my comic on that topic, finds it interesting and wants to know more about that topic, I think my job is done.
That is exactly what I want my comics to do - get more people to connect with Science. And it doesn't have to be through formulas and equations. Sometimes a light comic gets the job done.
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