Lichtenberg scars are unique and rare natural “tattoos” caused by electricity. While they possess a captivating pattern, obtaining these scars is a challenging and excruciating process. The danger involved makes it undesirable to have these scars. Nonetheless, the uncommon beauty they possess is undeniable.

Regarding beauty, a lightning strike scar isn’t worth the risk. So, if you are searching for your next unique tattoo, save your health and get one made from ink. While it might have a slight chance of looking “great,” you can also get a lightning burn scar. A fusion of skin that will hurt like hell and look even worse.

However, there is still so much to learn about the Lichtenberg scars. Did you know that lightning is just one way to create them? Well, find out more about it in the post below. We must warn you that some images are disturbing, so keep that in mind.

If you don’t believe our compiled photos, we have real-life survivors, too. Although we didn’t take the interview ourselves, the lightning strike scar he got stayed with him. Make sure to stick till the end (or rush there now, your choice) to find out what a lightning strike survivor has to say.


    How Do Lichtenberg Scars Work?

    Our bodies and the nature around us work together in mysterious ways. Sometimes, positively. When it comes to electricity and our bodies — usually negatively. According to a 2008 report, when a high enough electrical current flows through us (like from a lightning strike), smaller subcutaneous capillaries are harmed by heat. The result is blood-vessel-like patterns that commonly disappear after 24 hours.


    (h/t allthatisinterestingbusinessinsider)

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    How Painful is a Lightning Strike?

    Believe it or not, lightning strikes aren’t lethal 100% of the time. You can survive it. While the Lichtenberg scars from lightning might look painful now, it’s nothing compared to the before-effects. A lightning strike can reach the numbers of around 300 million Volts and 30,000 Amps. Now, imagine that many volts and amps are flowing through your body. While it happens only for a couple of milliseconds, the paint is still immense.

    In a 2019 report, two people were struck by an indirect lightning strike. After a few seconds, paralysis set in, and a lingering burning sensation stayed. A few moments later — the typical lightning strike on skin marks appeared. All of this was from an indirect lightning strike.

    More life-threatening problems can occur from a direct strike. Cardiac arrest and burn marks do appear. Sadly, these effects can be lethal in most cases.


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    What Do Lichtenberg Scars Look Like?

    The scars have a reddish and fractal style. Like blood veins, they are between red and pink colors instead of blue. They can appear several hours after a direct lightning strike or even later. However, there are some abnormal cases. Ones that break away from the typical style. In the case of these scars — they can appear in random places and even have different colors.

    According to the 2022 report, 45 year woman was struck by lightning. Five days later, during an autopsy, workers found Lichtenberg scars from lightning. The strange part? They were green. It was an atypical case. So, it’s easy to conclude that each case, each lightning strike, affects a person differently.

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    What Happens When Lightning Strikes?

    Since it’s rare, the first-hand experience of a lightning strike survivor is always engaging. They rival the most amazing medical stories ever. In 2011, Gear Diary got the chance to interview a lightning strike survivor. Ironically, the man was an electrician.

    “I went outside to save my pumpkins. After that, I was going back inside,” Winston Kemp, the lightning strike survivor, told Gear Diary. However, something unexpected happened. “I just know it struck in our neighbor’s backyard, and it was bright and loud. I didn’t feel anything.”

    “I just came back inside like nothing was wrong. Umm…my arm was sore. <…> [It was] maybe an hour before I saw the marks,” Kemp continued to say. “A few hours after it happened, it really started to bother me. The next day it was bad. The blisters started forming; they were really big.”


    The marks continued to grow for a week. And you can see the Lichtenberg Scars he developed below!

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    Image credits: geardiary

    Image credits: geardiary

    Can Fractal Burning Be Safe?

    Fractal burning, initially, is extremely dangerous. We are talking about volts and amps passing through a piece of wood (or any other non-living object) high enough to cause severe health problems. However, given enough time, when electricity and heat disperse, it is safe to touch the beautiful creation of electricity.


    Image credits: Kansas City Golf ‏

    Image credits: Anna Garcia ‏

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    Image credits: Anna Garcia ‏