Adolf Hitler is deemed the most feared man in history. So are Heinrich Himmler, Vlad the Impaler, Pol Pot, and many other historical figures who advocated crime to a level no civilian could fathom. However, these and many other scariest people in history are no longer around and don't pose a direct threat to anyone. Nevertheless, some of the scariest people in the world are still around. However, many have nothing (or little) to do with wars, genocides, riots, famines, and whatnot.

In the eyes of many, some of the scariest people are not serving time in jails but instead walking and living among us, with some sitting at high posts in society. A while back, a user of AskReddit asked, "What type of people are you scared of?" Instead of naming specific individuals, the thread invited users to reveal the traits and attributes that often characterize people to stay away from. And although some responses were more humorous, many shared qualities that, in the eyes of Redditors, were intrinsic to intimidating or scary people. Abusive individuals, people who drive dangerously, and true believers were just a few of the answers provided by Redditors. Although some responses are self-explanatory (e.g., individuals with guns), some were relatively deep and philosophical, as if there was something more than meets the eye. And there probably is.

Below, we've compiled some of the most interesting answers from the thread, revealing the types of people who ignite fear within others. Do you agree with the kind of people and the qualities that Redditors attributed to the most fearsome people? If so, give those entries an upvote. Also, tell us which qualities or personality traits you would allocate to people that frighten you the most.


QueenElsaArrendelle said:
"People who think atheists have no reason to behave morally. Dude, if fear of divine punishment is the only thing keeping you from hurting people..."

Mindless-Hedgehog460 replied:
"As a wise person once said, "If the fear of eternal pain is the only thing that keeps you from doing bad things, then you're not a good person"."

QueenElsaArrendelle Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you only do good deeds because your religion tells you, you are not a good person you're a sinner on a leash.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "Anybody that can laugh about an animal being in pain and/or dying."

    Mina_Nidaria Report

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    Scott T Brynildsen
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That doesn't scare me, it pisses me off. Those psychos need to be on a watchlist

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    "The ones who hang confederate flags off their trucks."

    WTFrickFrackCadillac Report

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    ShaZam Beaubien
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm from the South and I agree ... I'm not a fan of any, huge flag off of a truck ... it makes me think they want to be in a parade.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) TimeTraveler3056 said:
    "Those people who drive like maniacs on the highway."

    227743 replied:
    "Same. I'm planning on buying front and back-facing dash cams. I've had a few close calls with erratic/impatient drivers who think changing lanes every 5 seconds in heavy traffic will somehow get you to your destination faster."

    TimeTraveler3056 Report

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    Falcon on Dizzy
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you ever noticed how people going faster than you are always maniacs, but the people going slower than you are always idiots? -George Carlin

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) Silly-Goose-is-Loose said:
    "People who refuse to take responsibility for their mistakes."

    Lwyre replied:
    "When I was 18, a guy in my class was at a party and the guy there slipped a lot of ecstasies and MDMA in his drink, he got wasted, and was nonresponsive. They did not want to take responsibility for having drugs or slipping into his drink, even tho it was a «joke». They drove him home and dumped him in front of the front door and took off. The mother found him 6 hours later on the doorstep with an extremely low pulse, he ended up dying in the hospital after being on a ventilator for a week. The doctors said he would be completely fine if they dumped him in the ER or rang the doorbell before they left. To this day they have not been able to charge someone. Screw people like this, who would rather kill someone rather than own up to a mistake and get a fine slapped on them."

    Silly-Goose-is-Loose Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) buddychrist12 said:
    "Weak people in positions of power."

    bawzzz replied:
    "Yup. Our CISO/VP is a 36-year dude who climbed the ladder way too quickly. People describe him as a “kid with an ego”. He’s been letting people go who have 15-20 years experience at the company and is hiring people he personally knows."

    buddychrist12 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was in a position like this. The new hires knew their jobs were to support whatever the hirer's objectives were and to backup whatever he said. They were masters of insinuation and subtle ridicule. They were the hirer's flying monkeys, allowing the hirer to appear squeeky clean. I finally left after a few years.

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    menege1293 said:
    "People who are well-liked by everyone but you just have that gut feeling that something is off and you shouldn't trust this person."

    glfranco replied:
    "I see you've met my mother! Very abusive and narcissistic person, but to the outside world portrayed herself as a super-mom."

    menege1293 Report

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    Nay Wilson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was my mother. She died 3 years ago and so many people still say to me ‘she was so kind/ funny/ generous etc. You must miss her so much’. I don’t miss her at all. She was racist, homophobic and an all around awful person. But only when no one else was around

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "Parents who view their children as extensions of themselves and treat them that way."

    traumatransfixes Report


    GummyZerg said:
    "People who have nothing to lose."

    Noggin-a-Floggin replied:
    "It sounds like a movie cliche but these people are legit dangerous if you make them mad.

    They just don't care what happens to them, that's what makes them so dangerous."

    GummyZerg Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) Itchy_Independence44 said:
    "People that smile when they’re angry."

    ElementalPaladin replied:
    "It isn’t that hard. It is called a Customer Service face (Source: I was a cashier)."

    Itchy_Independence44 Report

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    Laura Lett
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm the opposite. If I'm angry , the last thing you will see, is me smile. Never. I will leave and not be or say anything to you. Leave me alone, and let me calm down.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "People who get mad at fast food cashiers. It's just so uncomfortable to be around them when they're attacking someone over a simple mistake or inconvenience."

    YodasChick-O-Stick Report

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    Laura Lett
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why I don't eat at certain places ( sonic). I speak clearly and slowly. Say exactly what I want. If it's wrong, I will take it back. Calmly tell the problem. Never ,yell. That's just rude and shows what an asshat you are.

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    "People who are manipulative liars. Who gets you to care about them and then play the victim just to watch you suffer."

    ExcellentSnake Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) EmmalouEsq said:
    "Thirteen-year-olds are the meanest people in the world. They terrify me to this day because 8th graders will make fun of you but in an accurate way. They will get to the thing that you don’t like about yourself. They don’t even have to look at you for long. They’ll just be like, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, hey, look at that high wasted man. He got feminine hips.’ And I’m like, ‘No! That’s the thing I’m sensitive about.’"

    Kidisnotavailable Report


    "People who are unwilling to accept the limits of their knowledge." Report

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    ShaZam Beaubien
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Those are the people you have to step away from ... it's a trait that is impossible to change.

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    Existent-Being42 said:
    "It's a bit hard to categorize, but for me, it's people who can't be reasoned with."

    User No 2 replied:
    "It reminds me of the cliche anecdote;

    "Don't argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

    You can explain the flaws in their logic, and will somehow come up with even more flawed logic to ignore it."

    Existent-Being42 Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "Serial killers and people who don’t return shopping carts."

    titanium_6 Report

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    Der Kommissar
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know what's the worst? serial killers who don't return shopping carts

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    User No 1 said:
    "There is an odd category of people who seem to be able to get away with anything they do. May it be with their looks, skills, wits, power, and everything in between. Them. I'm afraid of them."

    shlammyjohnson replied:
    "I know exactly what people you mean and it's extra weird because a lot of them are not very charismatic in general like there's this weird plot armor on them for everything they do." Report


    clean_burning_905 said:
    "Religious people with a lot of money, haha."

    Tastewell replied:
    "People that end their comments with "haha"."

    clean_burning_905 Report


    User No 1 said:
    "Those that not only lack empathy for the weak and less fortunate, but target and prey upon them. They're the kind of snakes who will gut you as soon as they believe they have the upper hand and can get away with it."

    Durieeee replied:
    "When you’re easy-going and give them the benefit of doubt, all they see are chances to skin you alive…" Report


    munificent said:
    "True believers.

    Bad people that know they're bad will at least feel some pressure to conform or limit the visibility of the harm they do. But someone who believes they are hurting others in the name of a higher cause knows no bounds.

    Dolores Umbridge is, by far, the scariest villain in Harry Potter because she doesn't believe she's a villain."

    "Harry Potter isn't real buddy."

    munificent Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    idk why the "harry potter isn't real buddy" was relevant. Like bro, let the guy analyze fictional villains.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) HighestTierMaslow said:
    "People that never seem to get upset or angry. When they do get angry they're frightening."

    Holly_galaxy replied:
    "Remind me of my English teacher. Most sarcastic, not serious humorous teacher ever, never scolded us. Once we were really agitated and the director was about to come in (we actually didn’t know before she told us when the director left) Two words: Shut Up. In the lowest voice most terrifying voice ever. Not screamed, almost murmured. We had literal shivers. Nobody even moved and was a class of 36 teenagers."

    HighestTierMaslow Report

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    ShaZam Beaubien
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm one of them. I try to hold it together but sometimes I can't ... it's not a great feeling for the person who does it either.

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    swxttie said:
    "Those obsessed with another person to an extreme point, be it a celebrity or an ordinary person."

    shadowcat304 replied:
    "Or extremely obsessed with a fictional character. Or even worse, obsessed with a serial killer. I will never understand that."

    swxttie Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm obsessed with fictional characters in a "I love them so much and I want no more harm to come to them and I want to give them a hug and give them the love they deserve"

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    Sea-Coconut-3833 said:
    "Who uses you for emotional support, drains the hell out of your attention, and then becomes a ghost when it's your turn."

    Sir_Meowsalot replied:
    "I think the term for these types of individuals is Emotional Vampires."

    Sea-Coconut-3833 Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "Angry people with guns."

    PineappleNo6064 Report

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    Annik Perrot
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or clumsy people with guns, enthusiastic people with guns... just people with guns, in fact.

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    KingZaneTheStrange said:
    "The dangerously stupid. Messing up and hurting others but come out unharmed to sheer luck."

    dawgthebountyhunter4 replied:
    "Oh like, my father-in-law who was torching weeds right by his shed that then caught fire and spread to an electrical box, deck, tree, and outdoor bar and then laughed about it cause “I did something just like this at our old house too”."

    KingZaneTheStrange Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "The drunk guys at bars always have that stare."

    sam_hallaway Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "People with a short temper."

    SuvenPan Report

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    Stardust she/her
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me. I have a very short temper and snap more than is necessary so most of the times I try bottling up my anger so that I don’t hurt people. I still don’t know why every emotion I feel and express is more intense than how other people feel them

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    LongjumpingUse5864 said:
    "The people who run the world. The ones you don't see."

    KenzoAtreides replied:
    "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"

    LongjumpingUse5864 Report

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    Tee Rat
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I knew the cookies were a scam. The Girl Scouts run the world.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "Cops and non-cops with cop attitudes. People who are so obsessed with fulfilling their role that they prioritize it over having basic human decency. They can be nice normal people at times, but the ability to turn off your human empathy and compassion is scary."

    KATEWM Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Criminals that believe that they have the right to steal, rob, mug or murder because you have something they want.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) ciahawkeye said:
    "'Friends' at work who are the first to go and tell everyone your personal business along with running their mouths to the bosses about everything behind your back. Act like best friends in person but really try and use the friendship to gain an upper hand at work."

    Logical_Tax replied:
    "I had a guy like that at my previous job. Worse still, he was my assigned trainer."

    ciahawkeye Report

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    Nikki Sevven
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    With respect to coworkers, if you haven't been to their home and met their family, and they haven't been to your home and met your family, you're not friends.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    StandardFront7922 said:
    "People with blank eyes."

    KillerNick6 replied:
    "Blank eyes coupled with bright smiles, icky."

    StandardFront7922 Report


    "People who laugh when you challenge them. There’s this manic twinge in their eyes when their monster is about to take over."

    BeautifulTimely4651 Report

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    Tee Rat
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some monsters just live for the argument until you prove them wrong.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) Outside-Flamingo-240 said:
    "Brainwashed people."

    FolkloreInMoonlight replied:
    "Or the one who is brainwashing them."

    Outside-Flamingo-240 replied:
    "At least that person is probably aware of what they are doing (on some level).

    The followers? There’s nothing going on in there except what their master stuffed in there."

    Outside-Flamingo-240 Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "I am deeply perturbed by those "me-first" attitude type people because the majority of them are allowed drive cars... I firmly believe the majority of people should never be allowed to drive."

    Cheetodude625 Report

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    Cosmologist wannabe
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    reminds me of a poem by shel silverstein "Ladies first!": Pamela Purse yelled, "Ladies first,"/ Pushing in front of the ice cream line./ Pamela Purse yelled, "Ladies first,"/ Grabbing the ketchup at dinnertime./ Climbing on the morning bus/ She'd shove right by all of us/ And there'd be a tiff or a fight or a fuss/ When Pamela Purse yelled, "Ladies first."/ Pamela Purse screamed, "Ladies first,"/ When we went off on our jungle trip./ Pamela Purse said her thirst was worse/ And guzzled our water, every sip./ And when we got grabbed by that wild savage band,/ Who tied us together and made us all stand/ In a long line in front of the King of the land-/ A cannibal known as Fry-'Em-Up Dan,/ Who sat on his throne in a bib so grand/ With a lick of his lips and a fork in his hand,/ As he tried to decide who'd be first in the pan-/ From back of the line, in that shrill voice of hers,/ Pamela Purse yelled, "Ladies first."

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    bestillalways said:
    "People who don’t respect your boundaries."

    IntriguinglyRandom replied:
    "At one point with a strained "friendship," I decided/realized I cannot and will not have a close relationship with someone if soft boundaries are not enough. If I have to draw a bunch of hard black-and-white lines to keep from getting f**ked over in a relationship, it's not a good relationship."

    bestillalways Report

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    crowspectre (he/they)
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm really bad at subtext so if you don't tell me exactly what is not okay I won't really be able to get it. I'm not trying to be s****y, I just don't know.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) EspressoBooksCats said:
    "People who feel justified in using violence every time get the least bit annoyed."

    KenzoAtreides replied:
    "Especially during clubbing. It's like some people go there to find the tiniest excuse just to start a fight."

    EspressoBooksCats Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) YouPeopleHaveNoSense said:
    "People who put on sock/shoe - sock/shoe instead of sock/sock - shoe/shoe."

    nugbert_nevins replied:
    "I sometimes do that if I’m changing in the gym or somewhere else with wet/dirty floors but if you do that in the privacy of your own home you are a certified psychopath."

    YouPeopleHaveNoSense Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or the ones who put on sock/sock/sock-shoe/shoe/shoe. Stupid aliens.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    "People need to create a human enemy when they are facing purely random circumstances like illness, or accidents." Report

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) User No 1 said:
    "People who can drink an entire glass of just straight-up milk and not feel nauseous."

    JScan24 replied:
    "I'll go through a gallon in 2 days. Come at me." Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "Fake nice people." Report

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    Laura Lett
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Im nice to you ,or I'm not . There is no fake. May the odds be ever in your favor.

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    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) User No 1 said:
    "People who text with their pointer fingers and people who sleep in jeans."

    Distaff_Pope replied:
    "Look, I have big, sausage fingers and my pointer is the only one that can semi-reliably hit the buttons on my phone. I know it's gauche, but please let me slowly type in peace." Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait, there are people who choose to sleep in jeans? WTF?

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) RogueVogueDino said:
    "People who can swallow pills without water."

    equality-_-7-2521 replied:
    "People who chew pills."

    RogueVogueDino Report


    User No 1 said:
    "Charming men with perfect nails. Run!"

    timesuck897 replied:
    "Men with uneven sharp fingernails are scarier." Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Men with sharp pointy nails, bloodshot eyes and razor sharp canines.

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    "Drama queens... They give me hives... so much wasted exerted energy for nothing... ugh."

    Moveyourbloominass Report


    Reddit user said:
    "People who think the world revolves around themselves."

    AskMeAboutMyTie replied:
    "Are you really afraid of them or is it just someone you roll your eyes at?

    BTW I’m a god." Report

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    Laura Lett
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A certain 'person' I could nam. Claims that there is a "witch hunt " to get rid of himself. This person has never had to take responsibility for anything he said or did in his life and things are finally catching up to him. I find it interesting that he still blames others or tries to deflect the issues into others.

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    I_likeIceSheets said:
    "People who never change."

    Glittering-Walk-3634 replied:
    "You know, people can change to being worst than they used to..."

    I_likeIceSheets Report


    Someone Asked, "What Type Of People Are You Scared Of?", Here's What People Had To Say (48 Responses) "People who dunk their bread in water and then eat it all wet and sloppy, almost falling apart and becoming soup."

    roblox1999 Report