Most adventurers would tell you that traveling to and exploring places you’re unfamiliar with can be very exciting. Though it can be scary, too, especially when you’re not ready for what awaits you there.

Members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community have recently shared their stories about being frightened to death in different parts of the world. They did this after one user asked them about the scariest cities they’ve ever been to, and while some answers proved to be more common than others, people have seemingly experienced spine-chilling things in places all over the world. Scroll down to find their stories below, but be aware that some of them might be rather disturbing.

Below, you will also find Bored Panda’s interview with Dr. Frédéric Dimanche, Director of Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Toronto Metropolitan University, who was kind enough to share his insights regarding how to keep yourself safe while traveling in different cities.


Person examining a map in a rural area, searching for cities known to be the scariest. I have traveled lots of places in this world. The most scared I have ever been was lost in downtown Baltimore at night on a weekend. I had made a series of mistakes trying to go around the city, and had accidentally taken a spur that put me right into the downtown. I have no clue what area of town I drove through, but the only human beings that I saw out and about at 3:00 in the morning looked like zombies. It's really hard to describe, but the way that they moved, the way that they looked at me as I drove by, it was very scary.

Out of desperation (this was way before cell phones did anything more than phone calls and basic texts, I was still using a paper atlas) I stopped at a 7-Eleven. I was waiting in line to ask directions, and a guy went out of his way to ask me what I was doing there. That's how much I stood out. I told him that I was trying to get directions to get back onto the highway, and he told me that he was an undercover cop, things were about to go down right there, and I needed to leave. I told him that's what I was trying to do. He thought about it for a second, told me to get in my car follow him and try to keep up. He would get me to an on-ramp and then go back to the store.

He drove like a bat out of hell, and did get me to the freeway and then busted a u-turn and flew away.

I have no clue how bad my night would have continued to be if he hadn't been there and guided me out of there.

BeardsuptheWazoo , freepik Report

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Linda Riebel
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My plane was late and public works had shut down some exits to do work at midnight. So I took the indicated exit and followed the detour signs..... until there were no more signs. Alone, midnight, somewhere in Oakland.....

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    Yellow ambulance with red cross in one of the scariest cities. Bagdad or Baltimore at night. Shot at in both places at least in Bagdad I was also armed.

    Big_Coastie50 , freepik Report


    Masked person attempting to break into a car in one of the scariest cities. Johannesburg. When you stop at a red light you have to be ready to punch the gas as there are broad daylight carjackings at intersections.

    sneakysister , freepik Report

    Unfortunately, nobody is immune to danger or bad luck, be it in a foreign country or their own home. But in both cases, the likelihood of something unfavorable happening can be minimized to some extent, at least.

    When it comes to avoiding bad things happening abroad—whether in a moderately or very scary city—the first step should be doing your research.

    “It is essential to do your research before traveling to your destinations,” said Dr. Frédéric Dimanche, Director of Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Toronto Metropolitan University. According to him, before the trip, you should learn, at minimum, the cultural norms and customs. “On-site, you need to learn about the local regulations that govern a site, be it a beach or a cultural attraction,” he added.


    Military armored vehicles on a street in one of the scariest cities, with green trees in the background. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. At the height of the Iraq war it was still listed as more dangerous. The gangs ran the city, driving around in technicals with mounted machine guns. Hotels had 6 foot thick concrete walled fences with razor wire, and armed guards. For an added cost they offered “r**e cages”, a cage that would drop down over your bed when a sensor was triggered to protect you from being r**ed if people broke in.

    Okaynowwatt , PoppyPix / freepik Report


    Cityscape view with mixed buildings, highlighting one of the scariest cities with a cloudy sky in the background. Juarez, Mexico....I'm an Irish/Mexican. Red head. Went with cousins to see my Aunt and Uncle. My family members were in a cartel. There was a cartel war going on. Had armed men all around at all times. For all the money, and cars, and opulence at their home, it was like being in prison. The tension in the air was thick. I was treated like a king, but that whole week, I was terrified inside. Different world. Was told, no matter what happens, do not call police. They worked for the other guys. I was told that if s**t kicked off, and anyone made it through the gates, to grab a gun and shoot myself. That would be the best possible outcome. I haven't been back.

    ElGrandeRojo67 , Alejandro Rosales / Wikipedia Report


    The expert continued to point out that risk management is essential before and during a trip to avoid disappointment and crises. “Ask for advice from travel counselors,” he suggested. “We now think that with the Internet we can do everything on our own: It's true, but we still lack the expertise of a travel specialist who knows the destination. A counselor may be a travel agent before you leave, but also a representative of the local tourist office or a concierge in your hotel. Ask for advice!”


    30 Of The Scariest Cities People Have Stepped Foot In Cairo in Egypt. As a white non-Muslim female, the amount of sexual harassment I experienced was unprecedented. It’s interesting because I didn’t necessarily worry about someone attacking me or stealing from me, but I worried about other things happening.

    The entire country is impoverished and corrupt. At one point, I saw a police officer hold a child (like 7yrs old maybe) at gun point because the child was acting out and he thought it was funny. At another point, a person got hit by a car and a couple bystanders were doing everything they could while most kept on walking as if nothing was even happening. I was at a restaurant near there and it took over 30min for an ambulance to get there…I’m unsure if he made it. I can’t even tell you how many homeless children I saw begging for food/money with no parents anywhere to be found (I’ve been to other countries where this is a common “scam tactic” but this was totally different).

    The reality is that when a country is that corrupt, public safety goes out the window. That is actually what scared me most about it.

    elementalbee , wirestock / freepik Report

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    Feathered Dinosaur
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've been to many countries, but none where as bad as Egypt concerning sexual harassment and molestation. 0/10, will never ever go there again

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    30 Of The Scariest Cities People Have Stepped Foot In East st Louis

    I, a white guy with my gf in the car, stopped there for gas and a cop pulled up behind me asking what I thought I was doing there.

    I replied getting gas and he tells me that I'm not safe and told me he'd escort me to the highway and also not to stop at any red lights until we get to the exit.

    Like, I could tell that was a sketchy gas station to stop at when I pulled in but didn't realize it was that bad.

    TexanInExile , freepik Report

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    Cpt. Christan "Panda Bombero"
    Community Member
    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wonder if this was this the same guy, who got lost in Baltimore? And the same cop? I was raised in Baltimore, in the 70's & 80's. And, in 2021-2022, I took trips to; NYC, Chicago, Nashville, Memphis, Albuquerque, and St. Louis. Never had a problem in any of these places. Well, except for issues with traffic.

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    Police car lights in a city at night, representing scariest cities ambiance with blurred bokeh in the background. Juarez around 2007. They told me that the cartel had some heads hanging from a bridge for everyone to see and they didn't get taken down until several hours later.

    Beginning_Cry_5531 , travelarium / freepik Report

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    Der Kommissar
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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Juarez has had some of the highest murder rates in the world, peaking in 2010 at 3,600

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    Discussing the safety measures that are important to take before setting off on a trip, Dr. Dimanche noted that the kind and extent of such measures are always related to one's willingness to assess and accept risk.


    “All travelers should get involved in some form of risk evaluation procedure and determine: a) what bad things can happen? b) what is the probability of a bad thing happening? and c) what am I willing to lose? (Or, in other words, what are the consequences of something bad happening during my trip?),” the expert said.

    “When we answer those questions, we should be able to make decisions about trip planning—where to go? How to travel? How long to travel? Do I want to travel alone or in a group? What activities to engage in?—and assess what safety measures are necessary: how much money to take; to carry a credit card to face emergencies; to contract insurance (health, liability, cancellation, and even repatriation); to note contact numbers in the destination (consulate; bank; insurance company); choose how to dress (for weather, but also for foreign culture); have necessary supply of your needed medicine if applicable; make sure to have (electronic) copies of your passport, plane tickets, bank and insurance information, and so on.”


    A sparse prison cell with bunk beds and a metal chair, representing one of the scariest cities. I once accidentally crossed the wrong boarder from Thailand, travelling to Laos. I ended up in a place called the Special Economic Zone of The Golden Triangle. No data, couldn't speak the language, nothing. I ended up in some weird hotel that looked like a jail cell. I managed to book a 36 hour bus journey out of there for the next day. That evening, I went for a walk around. I was offered child [escorts] and when I realised how extremely dangerous this place was. I went back to my room and went to sleep. The next morning, police raided my room with guns pointed to my head. I later learned, the only real reason any westerner would ever travel there is because they haul mass amounts of [illegal substances] out of there, so I was a suspected d**g dealer. Also, I accidentally pissed some guy off why I assume was a gangster. So I don't know if that had some part to play. Terrifying. Now, I sometimes get questioned at airports because of my travel history.

    MustardKingCustard , RDNE Stock project / pexels Report

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    Cpt. Christan "Panda Bombero"
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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For more information about the GTSEZ;

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    Woman with long hair on a phone, city lights in the background, illustrating a scene in one of the scariest cities. Overtown and Liberty City neighborhoods of Miami.

    I lived not too far from there 20some years ago. Drove a coworker home one night because she missed the last bus. She called some guy on her phone to tell him to let people know not to mess with the blue Focus about to come down the street.

    I felt like I had a hall pass from danger.

    Shirtwink , andrewminsk123 / freepik Report

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    DeoManus Argentem
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Overtown has gotten way better, but it's right next to the cruise ship terminals, which was quite a contrast when I ended up there about 10 years ago to pick up my parents from a cruise, but was way early so just started driving around. It was in the morning, and I was driving a Charger (standard police car in Florida) so maybe that helped? Was weird seeing such a dumpy neighborhood next to the cruise terminal and arena, though.

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    Arid, rugged desert landscape with colorful mountains, highlighting the eeriness of the scariest cities on earth. Furnace Creek, Death Valley. Beautiful, lovely, calm- but if you wander away during the day you will die every which way, including the meat of your feet cooking like chicken breast until you keel over, unable to walk or survive.

    Miss-Indie-Cisive , Abby Kihano / freepik Report

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    Mike Macron
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yet people go here all the time from Vegas just so they can take a selfie next to a digital thermometer that shows 130○. People scare me.

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    Discussing the most common risks or trouble people find themselves in while traveling, Dr. Dimanche noted that there’s an entire array to assess, depending on the destination and the activities you plan to take part in.


    “For outdoor activities, you need to rely on a competent and qualified outfitter (for example, a scuba diving or hiking outfitter or guide). Failure to do so can lead to accidents,” the expert said.

    He continued to emphasize that it’s important to know where you’re going, too. “You need to do some homework to avoid cultural or legal errors (for example, you can't drink a beer on the beach in Dubai; it's not recommended to go topless in Muslim countries, such as Indonesia or Malaysia). Also, pay attention to the neighborhoods of the cities you frequent (for instance, there are neighborhoods that hoteliers will advise you to avoid in their cities), so ask for local advice and expertise.

    “People have a tendency to behave on vacations in ways that they would never dare to behave at home (for example, getting drunk or high in public areas, disrespecting residents, and so on),” Dr. Dimanche added, suggesting that, too, can lead to a risky situation.


    Bullet holes in a metal surface, depicting the atmosphere of some of the scariest cities. Was in St. Louis with my cousin and we crossed that bridge.

    East St. Louis has gotta be the most dangerous feeling place I've ever been. Streetlights busted out at night, everything run down/abandoned, bullet holes in the stop signs, etc. We pulled up GPS and got the f**k out of there real quick lol.

    Forward_Grand_7260 , mr_tigga / freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same thing happened to me. Middle of the night I took the wrong exit into East Saint Louis.

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    A person experiencing homelessness sleeping on the street in one of the scariest cities. Tijuana.

    I saw a dead body on my way to the bus terminal, just laying on the sidewalk. There were people standing around him, smoking, drinking, and just having a good ol time while dude is just dead, like dead af, stiff, purple, and blue.

    Wildest s**t I've ever seen. No one gave a single s**t.

    lostinthecapes , katy_81 / freepik Report


    Two people in urban setting wearing black jackets, embodying a vibe of the scariest cities atmosphere. Bahnhofsviertel in Frankfurt Germany. I’ve lived and worked in some of the roughest places in the US (Baltimore, Detroit, etc). That section of Frankfurt is the only place that has legit scared me since moving to Europe 15 years ago. Open air d**g market, [illegal adult services], addicts, scammers, pickpockets. Wild place.

    Honorable mention to the cab driver in Belgrade who sussed out I was American and took the scenic route to my hotel to show me all the buildings that were blown up by American bombs like it was my fault.

    thenewmain , anatoliy_cherkas / freepik Report

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    Joseph Miller
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    idk. I might have to switch the honorable mention to the top spot. Probably could just avoid the "Open air..." part?

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    “Pay attention to what you eat. If your stomach is not used to a different cuisine or street food, it may be best to be very careful to avoid stomach infections. Also, there are countries where you should be careful not to drink tap water,” Dr. Dimanche continued, discussing the kinds of risks one might face while traveling.

    “Tourists are often easy targets for pickpockets and other criminals. Protect your belongings and watch your behaviour not to attract too much attention,” he said, adding that accidents are also common, so it’s important to be aware when renting a motorbike, moped, or car.


    Barbed wire atop a concrete wall under a cloudy sky, invoking themes of scariest cities and urban danger. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

    Every property surrounded by solid fences topped with razor wire, and if you can afford it, patrolled by armed guards and guard dogs. As a visitor, you should never use a local taxi, or walk outside your hotel compound at night.

    primeribfanoz , Mateus Andre / freepik Report


    Tall spiked fence against a clear sky, representing urban danger in the scariest cities. Port Moresby, New Guinea.

    Ex pats live in compounds with massive walls topped with broken bottles.

    Even my mother, who was a missionary who has lived in a variety of countries throughout SE Asia and the Pacific, couldn't live there for more than 3 weeks.

    I had warned her not to go, having been there twice myself.

    DifferentDebt2197 , Victor Moragriega / pexels Report

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    Dragon mama
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is currently number 15 on the list and the third time I have seen this specific location. Which is wild.

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    A scorched building engulfed in thick smoke, illustrating one of the scariest cities. Kingston, Jamaica

    I switched hotels to one more secure. Early on my last morning, I was going to the airport and my original hotel was on fire.

    pc9401 , azerbaijan_stockers / freepik Report

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    “It is essential to do your homework about local rules and regulations. An increasing number of tourists are getting arrested because they violate sacred sites, walk in heritage sites' restricted areas, or even bathe in public fountains. Many cities and tourist sites are increasingly suffering from ‘overtourism’ and local authorities are taking action to limit visitors and disruptive behaviors,” Dr. Dimanche noted during the interview.

    “Also many travelers go without buying insurance and regret it when they get in trouble,” he added. “Again, travelers need to assess the probability of getting in trouble and the consequence of a bad event happening... Insurance is peace of mind.”


    30 Of The Scariest Cities People Have Stepped Foot In Delhi the capital of India, you can't trust anyone, it's horrible. Filled with goons, unsafe for women, high level of pollution, crazy traffic congestion and everyone trying to swindle everyone else. Scam call centers operate from this place. R**es statistics is crazy

    xerxes_dandy , EyeEm / freepik Report

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    Uncle Schmickle
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hmm, glad I went there in '91. Yes the pollution was dreadful and people did try to rip me off, but to see the Red Fort and the Great Mosque was incredible.

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    "Pile of fresh fish on ice at a seafood market, emphasizing freshness and variety." Rizhao, China. Not scary so much like the others - China is insanely safe - but extremely creepy. I felt like I was on a movie set. 

    First off, it's a city of 500,000 but it's built for a population of 10 million. But it's not like those ghost cities out west where there never was anyone. It seemed like it was actually a big city, but everyone just left suddenly. The beaches were well maintained and empty. The buses ran frequently and were empty. The streets were lined with all the usual Chinese stuff and were empty. 

    We went into a breakfast restaurant, and the food was great but we were the only custom and the staff seemed surprised to see us. We asked for directions to the famous fish market. No one there could tell us where it was. It turned out to be about 750 meters away. It was massive and filled with vendors selling huge quantities of incredibly fresh fish. It was mostly empty. 

    Also, almost everything was open until the wee hours of the morning, if not 24 hours. This is unusual even in the biggest Chinese cities, let alone this abandoned town.

    It was just an unsettling experience all around. 

    dongbeinanren , mali maeder / pexels Report

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    Lee Gilliland
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Were you guys spec in some way? I remember going to Egypt in 2002, which was just after 9/11 the attacks on Dayr al-Baḥrī and were treated with kings, so it might be your timing.

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    Pilots in a cockpit at night, adjusting controls amid illuminated dials, flying over one of the scariest cities. Johannesburg. It's the only place I've been where the pilot tells you before landing where to go and not to go. What to do and not to do if you don't want to get robbed, mugged or [end up dead]

    64-matthew , DC Studio / freepik Report


    A masked person in a dark street, highlighting the atmosphere of the scariest cities. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Almost got robbed literally 100 feet outside the airport walking to a cab. Luckily I saw police and my instincts made me shout hard which made the police aware and the thieves fled the scene. Almost lost my brand new Nikon back in the time.

    Zoe_dream22 , freepik Report

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    Nelson Álvarez Sáez
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Almost lost my brand new Nikon." That might explain why thieves were so interested in you. Your precious brand new Nikon might get stolen anywhere if you show it off in the street. I have been to rio, took the bus, took a taxi, went to the beach, everyone was incredibly nice. Maybe because I didn't have a brand new Nikon.


    Desolate cityscape with small houses and barren land, highlighting one of the scariest cities. I ended up driving through this tiny town in the middle of Nevada that I assume used to be a mining town. It looked like a steady paycheck hadn’t been seen in this town for 20 years, the houses were all dilapidated, and the locals looked just as worn out. Bullet holes and burn marks could be seen on pretty much every building. The only reason I drove through the town instead of just sticking to the main road was to top up on gas, but I couldn’t find anything, not even a small convenience store. It must’ve been hell for those folks considering the closest town with an actual store and gas was around 70 miles away.

    Edit: I took a look via Google Earth at some of the towns people mentioned and I found it! Gabbs, NV. Definitely not a place I’d want to go back to.

    BeatriceLily , wirestock / freepik Report


    A military truck on a deserted landscape under ominous skies, evoking one of the scariest cities atmosphere. Juba, South Sudan. I saw a military transport with child soldiers, a firefight with artillery across the White Nile from where I stood, and someone tried to rob me at the actual airport.

    Long-Draft-9668 , Agustin / freepik Report

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    2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, who the hell would visit any of the two Sudans voluntarily? Those are active war zones for a few years by now


    Nighttime view of a dimly lit gas station in one of the scariest cities people have visited. Nuevo Loredo Mexico

    Not all, but whatever part of San Bernardino I got off the freeway at night to stop at a gas station to call my sister for directions. When I told her my cross streets she said “get back on the freeway RIGHT NOW”. I looked up and the crackheads were circling my car and tapping on my window.

    Wildlynatural , EyeEm / freepik Report

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    SAF saf
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    haha....I'm thinking somewhere near Orange show road exit. Yeah SB is sketchy at night.

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    "Shattered glass window in one of the scariest cities, reflecting urban decay and danger." New Orleans, I loved it. But right outside the touristy areas gets a little sketchy. Including the guy on d***s that broke into our hotel. Also cut himself crawling through the glass window and bled all over the hotel trying to kick peoples doors in. Food was good though.

    frizzlefraggle , EyeEm / freepik Report

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    Lew k
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wierd enough San Francisco was like this. Most of it is super touristy but three different cars at our hotel were broken into. We saw people literally shooting up on the curb and we ignored google map taking us on a long detour on a walk back to the hotel and ended up in the tenderloin district at dusk. I grew up in bad neighborhoods but this was something else, just instant feeling of menace.

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    30 Of The Scariest Cities People Have Stepped Foot In Albuquerque, NM. I dropped off a Uhaul there and got an Uber to a sketchy hotel, chosen for it's proximity to the airport. Not having my own transportation had me very anxious. At the hotel the line of people (methheads I assumed) in front of me couldn't provide a credit card for a room so the line got short real quick. The small, weird elevator had bloodstains nearby so I took the stairs. I'd given my Uber driver ten bucks to let me stop and get food so I wouldn't have to leave until it was time to go to the airport. I went to the room with my bags and food and locked everything and wished for more locks. The food was great. I lived in the South side of Atlanta for four years and never felt this sketched out. Though I did get my carry permit in ATL.

    Nothing like East St. Louis apparently but that's my story.

    Ok-Caterpillar1611 , freepik Report

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    Police car with flashing lights behind "STOP" tape in a dark, eerie city street, evoking images of the scariest cities. Port Au Prince...saw a newly shot woman on the sidewalk and the next day, a human finger in a trash heap.

    AllBlowedUp , cottonbro studio / pexels Report

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    Joanne Earle
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll probably get down voted for this but I refer to that city as Port Au Potty.

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    A person in a red hoodie attempts to break into a parked car, highlighting urban safety concerns in scary cities. St. Louis

    It was weird for a few reasons but the scariest was when I was leaving the hotel myself, my mom, and my 2 large dogs were staying at, we saw a man messing with my car, like hood was propped! As I started raising my voice and approaching with my large barking dogs, he ran. I made sure to push the hood down so it would latch, or so I thought. We loaded the car up and drove away as fast as possible. As soon as we got on the freeway, the hood blew up and almost hit the windshield (i honestly have no idea how it didn't, maybe a safety feature?) So I had to pull over and re-secure it. M**o obviously messed something up on purpose because he pulled up behind us! I got back in the car, my digs and mom losing their s**t, drove slowish, put my hazards on and my mom called 911. He sped off after taking pics. Weirdest experience of my life. The hotel was so sketchy and my intuition was telling me to leave the entire time. I honestly think the man was in on something with the hotel staff or was hotel staff himself. My two dogs were extremely on edge and they're generally easy going. Plate numbers were stolen and police couldn't/wouldn't doing anything.

    justhere888888 , MrDm / freepik Report

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    30 Of The Scariest Cities People Have Stepped Foot In I'm a sucker for scary places. I went to visit Centralia, Pennsylvania when I was in my 20's. Place was creepy as f**k. Smoke coming up out of the ground all over the place. The whole time we were there, I just got this dreadful feeling like we didn't belong there.

    For my 35th birthday, my best friend and I went to take a tour of Pripyat and Chernobyl. Without a doubt, the scariest place I have ever been.

    PermanentNirvana , James St. John / flickr Report


    30 Of The Scariest Cities People Have Stepped Foot In Kandahar - a bit. Baghdad - a bit. Phnom Penh - a bit scary too. But hey - not all travel is about having a safe armchair experience. America in general is a bit scary. I guess a big difference is in the 3 cities I mentioned up top, a person can get shot for a reason. In US cities, a person can get shot for no reason.

    renb8 , nastyaaf / freepik Report

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    The Darkest Timeline
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This canard again? Your bias is showing. It is exceedingly rare for a regular person, minding their own business in a typical neighborhood or area, to get shot in an American city. America has its problems with guns and violence but saying that it’s more dangerous in, say, Dallas, than it is in Kandahar is just plain false and dumb. And the notion that someone would kill you in Baghdad for a reason but in Indianapolis for no reason is laughable.

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    Los Angeles, more specifically Skid Row. Grew up with a single mom, ended up homeless and living on the streets for a bit of time in the 90s before we were able to get back on our feet.

    Oddly enough, 10 year old me was too naive to understand what was going on with d**g dealers and gang bangers in those streets but looking back now as a full grown adult, I wondered how we survived?

    Zestyclose_25 Report

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    Belfast Northern Ireland in the 90s. In the non tourist parts. I’ll never forget the “you’re one of them” stares.

    FriarTuck66 Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was generally safe as long as you didn't wander anywhere where the curbs were painted. Even then, it wasn't that bad.

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    Tijuana. I lived there for two years as a runaway teen. This was over 30 years ago but I’m fairly certain it hasn’t gotten better.

    Sharp-Decision1578 Report


    Shreveport and Baton Rouge are doing the world no favors besides inspiring more seasons of True Detective.

    Fearless-Spread1498 Report

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    Yellow taxi sign on top of a car in urban setting, reflecting city atmosphere. Baltimore.

    Had a convention there a few years ago, I was told to not stray more than a block from the hotel that was in the nicest area downtown.

    Later in the day, while riding in a taxi, I asked the driver if this was good advice and he agreed. He immediately turned and pointed to the street corner while we were stopped at a red light, and said a man was shot in the back of the head in the middle of the day in front of the nicest mall in town.

    NoMap749 , wirestock / freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there's no malls in down town Baltimore,mondawmin is on the Westside but it's miles from downtown and it used to have a bad rep but not so much anymore I've been there in the 90's and other than being looked at for being white in a predominantly black mall there were no issues. Baltimore's biggest issues are juveniles and guns

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    A woman in a parking garage looks worried with a hooded figure approaching, depicting fear in scariest cities. Garberville in Humbolt county CA in the 90's. This was waaay before pot was legal and as an outsider you were absolutely looked at like you were a fed. Scariest damn town I've ever stopped in.

    big_shins_bob , The Yuri Arcurs Collection / freepik Report

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    Mother of Dragons
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I call it Garbageville. It used to be not so bad in the '90s and early 2000s. I used to stop there for fuel and snacks on my way through at any time and never felt unease until the last 6 years. Now it's just plain f*****g creepy with literal zombies slumped on the sidewalks or randomly wandering. I don't even stop there anymore, unless I absolutely have to. It doesn't scary it's just f*****g weird and creepy now.

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    I'm laughing at all the American cities listed here. Canadian cities get straight-up guffaws. It was Guatemala City for me, but that's just because the driving was terrifying (the busses were awesome though). My travel companion, who has worked all over the world as an army ranger and DoD employee, would not allow us to leave the hotel after dark. That said, visiting Tikal was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Highly recommended! Wonderful people and incredibly affordable!

    I have a friend from Honduras and the stories he has shared are nightmare fuel. He would sit in the hospital while his dad was dying of cancer and regularly see MS-13 members coming in missing arms from machete attacks.

    napscatsandcheese Report


    Man refueling car at gas station in one of the scariest cities, wearing a brown jacket and looking at the pump. Shreveport Louisiana. Felt like I was going to get shot while getting gas. Whole place felt like a s**thole

    kingoflint282 , freepik Report

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    East Berlin before the wall came down. I went as part of a tour, but I was hyper aware of my active duty status and scared the whole time that I'd be frog marched into a van and whisked away. The whole place (that we were allowed to see) was grey and gritty and depressing af. The people looked wary or depressed. It was just kind of tragic.

    QuokkaNerd Report

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    Robert Trebor
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got to Berlin for a day in 1978 and saw the wall. At Potsdammer Platz, they told us not to take pictures of the Vopos in their guard towers, as some of them were trigger-happy. They had free postcards of the view over the wall.

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    I'm not sure this counts, but I drove through Gary Indiana recently. It was f*****g weird. I have never seen many abandoned homes/buildings and homes. The neighborhoods were decrepit and deserted. I didn't see anything shady happen. But it was f*****g weird. I was diverted there by my GPS when returning to Chicago from Michigan while driving on 90. I got stopped at a train crossing when the train came to complete stop. I said NOPE, and drove back to the highway. I'd rather sit in bumper to bumper traffic through purgatory than to have to drive through Gaty again.

    3eyesopenwide Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Lumberton, NC. Never had a visit where something weird didn’t happen

    haydenchrist11 Report


    Person in a car looking out the window at night in a potentially scary city environment. Parents getting lost in Chicago circa 93-94 (me in the back seat) and them stopping to figure it out. I look out the window and realize we're sitting right across from Cabrini-Green (featured in OG Candyman). I tell them to lock the doors, put the windows up and keep driving.

    SithDraven , freepik Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ended up there when we went the wrong way, after a play, trying to get to rush and division back in the day (Before cell phones and I was showing off my "Downtown knowledge"). Dressed to the 9's, Decent car, New wife by my side. Got about 2 stop signs in when a cop pulls up and says WTF are you doing here?? Do a u-turn and do not come back. He followed us out and pointed to the right street...

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    Aerial view of Hollywood sign overlooking one of the scariest cities at dusk. Hollywood. Not scary in a physically dangerous sense, just eerie and unsettling. After seeing the walk of fame and the Hollywood sign, it just had this weird vibe overall. I wish I could articulate it better, but it felt strange for sure.

    Rude-Sherbert145 , EyeEm / freepik Report

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    The Darkest Timeline
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s definitely a lot more dilapidated than most people realize before going there

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    New Orleans, but I haven't done much travelling so I don't have many comparisons to go off of. It's an amazing city, but crossing the street was terrifying and I got catcalled constantly.

    skoomahound Report

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    I'm not sure but I've heard alot about Detroit Michigan and although I was only there for a few hours waiting to catch a bus that never showed up. I was shown nothing but love and respect from the locals. Very friendly people.

    Scariest place I've been too is where I currently live. Springfield Ohio known for gun violence and d***s.

    Vegetable_Box_3364 Report

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    R Dennis
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Detroit isn't as bad as its reputation. I was more scared on New York Avenue NW in Washington DC, Gary (Indiana), and Whitechapel (London).

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    Belize City. The airport is located there, I reserved a hotel room at Golden Bay, planning on taking shuttle boats to nearby islands. The hotel was nothing like the pictures presented on line. It was under massive construction. I requested a waterfront room, my view was nothing but scaffolding, pipes, drywall... and SO noisy. The rooftop restaurant was closed. Ok, so I decided to walk around and explore. Not recommended... buildings half torn down in total disarray. Street gangs, graffiti, busted up sidewalks. Just really the pitts. I needed to go to the post office the next day, I didn't feel safe walking 4 blocks so I took a taxi.

    Eiffel-Tower777 Report

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    Baton Rouge: drove there with my Dad on the way to NOLA. My Dad wanted to see the LSU stadium in Death Valley

    Surprising super scetch city: Denver. Some super aggressive homeless dudes downtown. Real Escape From New York vibe

    NOLA is fine as long as you know what neighborhoods to stay out of although one night walking back to FQ from Frenchman St at 2AM I definitely had some uncomfortable moments.

    StrangewaysHereWeCme Report

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    The Darkest Timeline
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Almost every place in America is fine so long as you stay out of the “wrong” neighborhoods but there are definitely places where the entire vibe is downtrodden and dangerous

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    Probably São Paulo, I wouldn’t say it was scary but it was the first city I’ve been to where I felt like I had to constantly be on alert. Went to more dangerous cities later like Salvador but knew what to expect so was more relaxed.

    polargus Report

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    North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada.

    It was the crime capital of Canada for many years

    Warm_Hospital_1931 Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would only stay in Dog River if I had to visit that province, since there's not a lot going on there

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    Aerial view of a cityscape with tall buildings and illuminated streets at dusk, symbolizing one of the scariest cities. Boston. I don’t believe in ghosts but Boston is either haunted or haunting. Yet, it’s a very hip place with lots of beautiful people. I’ll never again drive from the airport to hotel. Those streets were made for horses not cars.

    Ed_Ward_Z , TravelScape / freepik Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Istanbul for me. Not particularly scary but i never had that level of anxiety in my life. People following me around trying to sell me things. Im a bit taller and bigger, basically its written on my forehead that im a tourist. Istanbul is beautiful but im not going back sorry.

    zipzare Report

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    Wang Zhuang
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can confirm about people always trying to sell you stuff, but I never felt unsafe during my trip there.

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