26 Of The Funniest Comebacks That Have Graced X’s Community Notes
Have you ever met a "know-it-all"? That one person who has an opinion about everything, regardless of their actual expertise. They're the ones who'll suddenly drop historical tidbits that seem to come from a parallel universe where facts take a backseat.
They’re the ones who’ll correct your pronunciation of quinoa at every party, followed by a lecture on its nutritional values. But you know what’s more fun than listening to them interject every conversation with an air of authority?
Witnessing someone humble them. Especially when it’s done in a savage manner. Just like these posts where people are roasting individuals for their ignorant opinions.
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To be fair, this is comparing student debt to a personal loan... not the same in the USA.
WTF is "green sky" about. Is this a giggle-worthy conspiracy that I can rank with the flat-earthers and lizard people? I must know!
No. I'm vegan. My cat is an *OBLIGATE* CARNIVORE. You can debate veganism for people, whatever, but cats...nope. it's animal abuse to make them vegan.