Kids have absolutely no problem telling grown-ups what they think. When they're young, it's because they don’t know how to be anything but honest, and when they're older, it's because they believe they're never gonna turn into us.

So when Reddit user Sundriedsandles asked everyone on the platform, "What's the most savage thing you heard a child say to an adult?" the replies came pouring in. From insulting our appearance to questioning our life choices, here's what the little ones are capable of.


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Parent: you know you'll have to listen me for the rest of your life
Child: no, I have to listen to you for the rest of YOUR life

B_Mwangi , cottonbro Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread In a busy store, kid maybe 4 years old getting ignored.

"Dad. Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dad. Daddy. DADDY. DADDY. DAD. DADA! DADDY! DADDY! DADA! DAD! DAD!"

5 seconds later a great shout comes out this kid.


That got dad's attention, he jumped 3 inches.

goodworkingorder , Stephen Andrews Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread A group of adults were talking extremely loud about how stupid certain people were, and that includes young kids. One of the person's kid said
"At least I know I'm dumb."
I think of that kid to this day.

_MrUseless_ , August de Richelieu Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Little girl was dressed as a fast food worker for Halloween was being given s**t by her aunt for her "low choice" and that she needed to aim higher if she wanted to succeed, whole thing was really demeaning and weird. Girl fired back with: I'm only 12, what's your excuse for being poor then?

amalgamas , Dick Thomas Johnson Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Someone in the family was pregnant, and my nieces were putting together the facts related to baby making at the time. A light bulb went off and they noted 'oh, so that means so and so had s*x.' Then, another light bulb went off and they said to their mom "oh, so that means that you and dad have had s*x too!"

They seemed skeptical, and when further questioned, said "Dad just doesn't seem like the type of person that would have s*x."

AgoraiosBum , Eren Li Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread When I was 22 or so I was just out of college, living at home, and working as an aide at an elementary school. I was working with a first grader who asked me if I had kids. I said no. He asked if I had a wife. I said no. The kid looks a bit confused and says, "Then who do you live with?" I said that I live with my parents and brothers. Then the kid looks even more confused and goes, "Wait... I thought you were an adult." I know he didn't mean nothing by it, but damn.

verystonnobridge , Mikhail Nilov Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread I heard a little kid saying to his mum: i thought men can't get pregnant.

Ty little bastard you were talking so loud, i reduced my alcohol consume down to 10% of what i drank before (and now limited to weekends) and lost almost 15kg since then. Yes, was on my best way of becoming an alcoholic. And i had that fat "beer tummy" while else being pretty skinny.

123fass , Towfiqu barbhuiya Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My daughter is a genius and on the spectrum... this has led to some hilarious (in hindsight) encounters. My mother-in-law was spending time with the little one to get to know her better (she was an unplanned life happens adoption and will be our only child.) They were folding clothes in my MIL‘s Living room when the otherwise silent all day 3yr old turns to her and says: “My panties are too small to fold.“ she held up my MIL’s underwear she had been folding. “I can fold your panties many many times. It is because your butt is so big.” My MIL said she then held her underwear up in awe and whispered “One day I too will be gloriously fat.”

MrsBanhammer , Ron Lach Report

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careynoland avatar
Winter's Dream
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

For those questioning the validity, in the og post mom explains the child was intentionally starved in her previous foster home and became obsessed with food and being fat.

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My 11 year old sister to one of my friends:

“Hey, did you know that if you were to eat a bee, you would have more brains in your stomach than in your head.”

A conversation I overheard between my father and sister:

My father: “Can your little legs carry your big smart mouth?”

My sister: “can your legs carry your big stomach?”

sabsteve , Ketut Subiyanto Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Karen to her kid: "Stop acting like a child!"
Some random kid walking by: "He is a child, what's your excuse."

CrazeMase , Nathan Dumlao Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread “Uncle Eric? When is your baby due?”

Kid had just learned what a pregnancy looked like. Uncle Eric was not, in fact, pregnant.

Sethrial , Taylor and Kevin Report

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richardreese avatar
Richard Reese
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Some of these are obviously made up, but I think this one is rather common. I remember when my mom was pregnant with my younger brother and she was explaining it to me, I pointed at my dad's belly and asked if he was pregnant as well. Given the age difference between me and my brother, I would of been about 7.

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread I’m a high school teacher. Once a student came up to me and said “Ms. ____ has anyone told you that you look nice today?” I said “Aww. Thank you! They haven’t.” She then said “Good. I wanted to make sure no one was lying to you.” And walked away.

hjnatt , Karolina Grabowska Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread The other day my 6 year old daughter was sitting next to me and looked me right in the eye and said “why do you have a mustache?”

I’m a woman, by the way.

kay37892 , Tatiana Syrikova Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread I was at a public safety education event for grades 5/6 representing EMS. I was showing a kid some of the advanced things we do and her teacher asked "So, would you want to be a Paramedic?"

Her reply...."No, I'm going to study business, I want to be able to pay my bills".

Still kinda stings.

Zenmedic , Max Fischer Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread "Dad, I drew you with no hair, because you pretty much don't have any." My 5-year-old son

sanchower , holytimeland Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Halloween was coming soon, my sister was talking to one of my 5 yo cousins. "Hey honey! What do you think your mommy should dress like for halloween? A princess?". The kid smiled: "She's waaay too ugly for a princess! Mommy should be a witch!"

We kept quiet for the rest of the day. Mommy never knew.

ShinitaiMeiko , Monstera Report

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My ex was a heavy dude. He changed his shirt in front of his 4 year old nephew, who looked at his belly confused and genuinely asked him if his stomach was his butt.

Asak0pt3r Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread I was washing dishes in the kitchen and singing to myself and my 4yr old walked in with her face screwed up and said "mummy you cant sing, it's hurting my ears". She's not wrong though because I definitely can't sing. It's brutal honesty daily from her.

H3ll0KITTYBEC , cottonbro Report

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kmwoodard1189 avatar
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If it makes you feel better, Dwayne Johnson posted a video of himself singing his song from the movie Moana and his daughter said, “daddy, stop, you’re ruining the song.” And he’s like, “that is literally my voice, I voiced the character?”

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Last week my husband who works at a local grocery store overheard a mother pushing her two kids in a cart and complaining about how heavy they were. The older child, probably around 7 years old looks at her and says, "You're the one who decided to have two kids". Looks like someone spends a lot of time at his grandparent's house.

kickboxingastronaut , U.S. Army Corps of Enginee Report

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My friend when he was about 4 was in trouble so he had to be in the kitchen with his mom where she could see him. He was bored and wanted to play but she wouldn’t let him so he looked at her and said in his sweetest voice “mom if you’re here, who’s running hell?” Still the most savage burn I’ve seen in a while.

Taggy2087 , olia danilevich Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread Adult teaching child.

Child trying to re explain what the adult is saying.

The adult correcting the child.

The child, "What language do you speak?"

Adult, "Uh...English. Same as you."

Child, "If we both speak English, why don't you understand what I am saying??"

Brought to you by a 5 year old in kindergarten.

0010010017 , Mikhail Nilov Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread When speaking my second language, a six year old told me "You don't sound like you're foreign, you just sound like there's something wrong with your mouth."

CalmDream0 , Marcus Quigmire Report

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My three year old daughter walked up to a man in a wheelchair whilst we were in the supermarket, looked him straight in the face and said “You’re too old for a pram”

carywhiite , Rural Institute Report

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moniquereed avatar
Monique Reed
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is teaching moment. A) How to apologize to someone you have been accidentally rude to, and B) how some people have bodies that make them need to have help. A three year old can understand that grandma needs glasses to help her see; she is old enough to understand that the man needs a special chair to get around.

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread When I was around 4 or 5 we went to Canada to attend my grandfathers funeral. It was a long time coming so my grandmother had been handling it well. We stayed up there for about 2 weeks after since it was summer and we usually spent august up there anyways, but this time as we were pulling out of the driveway to head back south I leaned out the window and shouted "Bye Grandma! Love you! Don't die now!"

shroom2021 , Tim Mossholder Report

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tara_neves avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I remember asking my Gram for a Christmas ornament of hers, when she said it was her favorite, I asked her if I could have it when she dies. Merry Christmas!

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread was chilling at a wedding, the bridesmaids were sitting there with the 5 year old flower girl. one of the bridesmaids said she wished she would be the next to get married and the flower girl said "no becky you are too ugly to get married". i burst out laughing.

demonardvark , Quinn Dombrowski Report

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread In my younger 20s I had horrible acne. I was a cashier at CVS. A customer's young daughter asked me why I had so many bug bites on my face. It took all my strength to not cry in front of that customer.

pongo49 , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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tara_neves avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

AWwwwwww that's terrible. A lot of these stories are funny...until I imagine it being said to me.

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My sister looked at me and said, "you look like you're pregnant, but you're not"

LaunchesKayaks , Craig Adderley Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My little brother asked if he’d have a mustache like me when he grew up. I’m a girl.

_thebeees_kneees_ , Summer Report


30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread My 10 year old daughter told me, "it's okay mom - there are lots of people more chubby than you."

Odd_Cantaloupe_1626 , Liza Summer Report

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princesssuhaniprasad avatar
asexualotl (she/her)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

she's TEN??? too old. that was definitely intentionally mean (if OP was already insecure) and she's not a good person. downvote me all you want but i'm not too much older than OP's child and i can confirm that when my friends and i were that age, no one said anything like that.

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30 Times Honest Kids Slam-Dunked Adults With Savage Roasts, As Shared In This Online Thread When my brother was 3 or 4, I told him about Buerger Disease, so he would approach smoking strangers in the park and inform them that they will have to have their leg cut off...

ACrypticFish , Kaique Rocha Report

Note: this post originally had 99 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.

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