More and more people these days are becoming childfree by choice, in turn celebrating time, freedom, and opportunities they have reserved for themselves. Meanwhile, economists have pointed to the fact that the fertility rate has fallen every year since 2007, as the Great Recession made millennials put off child-rearing for years.
But in order to get a glimpse of what childfree life is really like, you have to look at what people who opt out of having babies have to say about it. So we looked at the corner of Reddit “Childfree,” which is a place for discussion of the childfree lifestyle.
With a whopping 1.4M members, it surely has a lot to say on this matter, so let’s see some arguments on living with no kids right below. Also, after you’re done, be sure to check out part 1 of the post right here.
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What Could Be More Important Than Creating Life?
Family Is What You Make
I Love Steve Hofstetter. Walter Is His Dog
This has nothing to do with having kids or not, everything with education. I always remind my children to be careful in the presence of any kind of animals, never scare them, be respectful.
To find out what people who choose not to have kids have to say about the childfree lifestyle, Bored Panda reached out to Amy Blackstone, professor of sociology at the University of Maine and the author of “Childlfree by Choice: The Movement Redefining Family & Creating a New Age of Independence.”
When asked if such a lifestyle is getting more popular nowadays, which it certainly feels like it, Amy said that it’s certainly more popular “in the sense that more people are aware of it as an option than ever before.”
According to the professor and book author, “That is largely thanks to the willingness of childfree people to speak out about their choice and of course to the decades-long work of reproductive justice advocates. Whether more people than in the past will ultimately remain childfree for their lifetimes remains to be seen.”
Been Waiting 20 Years For A Comeback Like This
I Can’t Believe This Is Still Even A Thing
Pug Slide (Found On Facebook)
“Certainly more millennials are currently childfree than were previous generations at their age, but there hasn't been a dramatic increase in lifetime childlessness,” she said and added that only “time will tell whether today's millennials are opting out of parenthood altogether or simply delaying it.”
There's a common misconception that parenthood defines us unlike anything else. Amy said that there are “good reasons that this misconception is so common. Almost from the moment we are born, we are taught that becoming a parent is one of the most important milestones of adulthood. For this reason, it makes sense that folks might think that parenthood is the be all, end all experience.”
Since They're Trying To Ban Abortion...
I guess according to the pious in the US, the foetus is an important member of society who needs to be protected and cherished. Until they are born. Beyond that point, they're on their own and on their way to contributing into the coffers of the top 1%.
Child Fees Should Be A Thing And Dogs Should Be Free
For The Childfree Motorist
However, “we know from all kinds of social science research that having kids is not required for living a complete, happy, and fulfilling life,” the professor explained and recommended everyone looking for the answers to read her illuminating book “Childfree By Choice.”
Just A Nice Quote I Read And Felt Like Sharing
Letter From An 85 Year Widow: My Childfree Experience And A Few Humble Opinions
I Swear
It’s hard to say whether opting not to have kids will stay popular with future generations. According to Amy, “it depends on what we mean by 'popular' but if what you're referring to is whether the idea that having—or not having—children is a choice, I'd say that yes, our awareness of that reality will continue to grow.”
It’s just that more and more people are speaking out about their choice not to have kids. “And thanks to their bravery in speaking out, we now know that parenthood is simply one of many paths available to us,” she concluded.
Think I Pissed Off My Obgyn
It's ridiculous how women are denied agency over THEIR OWN DAMNED BODY and men can just do whatever they want. I mean, men can even walk away from their wife and child, not file for (joint) custody, and most people are like 'ah, divorce, too bad'. When a woman walks away from her husband and child and doesn't want custody, all hell breaks lose and she's painted like an evil villain.
I Wish More People Realized Just How Much A Bad Parent Can Mess Up Their Children
Welp. There It Is
Top Notch Product Review
Imagine That. Maybe One Day
Just One Simple Trick To Save Money
Saw This Meme And Thought You Guys Would Enjoy It, Too
Actress Jameela Jamil Celebrates Her Successful Cf Life, Shrugs Off Haters
CowboyHank, we understand and value your opinions. BUT! Abortion isn't murder. If it was, you could sue for it. If you believe abortion = bad, don't have one! simple as that! What you don't do is ruin a completely good post with your pro life bullshit. It's the same with others, don't ruin a good post with your pro- abortion bullshit. I am done with my angry Bored Panda rant!
The Double Standards Are Wild
I Think Someone Working In This Store Is Childfree
GF Wanted A Dog, I Didn’t. What Happens? We Got A Dog. Then GF Wants Kids, I Don’t
GREAT CHOICE! I'm happy to see a man who doesn't fall for the babytrap. Also happy he kept the dog, he's obviously the better choice.
Don't Do That
Louder For The People In The Back!
"Without Kids, Your Christmas Must Have Been So Boring"- My Sil
Is this isnt my Christmas with my significant other I dont want it
Truth Hurts
When Being Child Free Gets You Extra 40 Hours/Week Of Work
I don't get the 'you're salaried, so no compensation'. I'm salaried too (almost everyone is here), for 32 hours a week. If I need to work more than 32 hours, I get compensated for those extra hours. I mean, in what world does being salaried mean 'you are compensated for 40-168 hours a week'??
Wise Words
Is Anyone Else Thrilled To Not Have Kids Whenever They See/Hear One?
Wife Of 7 Years Left Because I Didn't Want Kids
He is definetly not the bad guy, his point of view was clear all the time
I Think We Can All Agree On This Post I Saw Today
I Got Pregnant After My Tubal Ligation And Doctors Are Treating It Like A Happy Miracle As I Sit Here Horrified
My Friend Sent This To Me [humor]
Happy Birthday
Everyone: 'Have A Baby!' Me:
This. Is. Imporant
yes! a lot of cultures (like mine) are under the impression that getting married when you're 18 is normal....and for some reason, a 20 year old getting divorced is also considered quite normal
They Got Me - Had To Slow Down For This One
Okay, but hear me out. I hit that kid because he hit my dog he had it coming. /s
I Have A Lot Of Reasons For Not Wanting Kids, And The World Being On Fire Is Definitely Among Them
I Will Never Ever Ever Get Tired Of Silence
I'm Going To Print Out A Stack Of These And Hand Them Out To People Who Bingo Me
I am pushing 43. Have known my husband for almost 20 years. Never had kids because we dont want to. People still tell me I might change my mind and it is not too late. You cant win. Our families and closest friends have always supported our decision though.
"What Could Be Better Than Having Kids Then?"
"Being A Young Woman Without Kids Is A Privilege." No, It's An Active Decision
Posted By A Friend With A Few Kids On Facebook
My Bloodline Ends With Me
I'm 53. My Wife Is 60. We've Always Been Staunchly Childfree. Can I Tell You... It Only Gets Better
Life Is Gooooood
Great View From Here
I'm so happy to see that being childfree is finally becoming more normal and less of a taboo. Seeing more and more childfree stories on social media, news, sites like this and heard from famous people. It's good. People need to know there are choices. You don't have to have kids just because people act like it's normal.
Exactly. If you reeeeally want kids (and can afford them) then by all means, have them. But no one should be shamed for not wanting or having them.
Just imagine how far people would get in life if they had the ability to keep their projections in check and just let people live however they see fit. Why does it matter so much if people choose to remain single and child-free? Let people breathe and let them live, shesh
The reason why child free postings tend to be so passive aggressive is because these people are FED UP with being asked why the heck they don't want kids
Load More Replies...Not wanting kids is cool. Don't have any, never will. I still celebrate mothers, though. And fathers. Tough, tough job
I'm so happy to see that being childfree is finally becoming more normal and less of a taboo. Seeing more and more childfree stories on social media, news, sites like this and heard from famous people. It's good. People need to know there are choices. You don't have to have kids just because people act like it's normal.
Exactly. If you reeeeally want kids (and can afford them) then by all means, have them. But no one should be shamed for not wanting or having them.
Just imagine how far people would get in life if they had the ability to keep their projections in check and just let people live however they see fit. Why does it matter so much if people choose to remain single and child-free? Let people breathe and let them live, shesh
The reason why child free postings tend to be so passive aggressive is because these people are FED UP with being asked why the heck they don't want kids
Load More Replies...Not wanting kids is cool. Don't have any, never will. I still celebrate mothers, though. And fathers. Tough, tough job