You may not believe it, but the last time someone went to prison as a result of the so-called Witchcraft Act was in 1944, and it was actually in the UK. Back then, a Scottish lady medium claimed to have contacted the spirit of a naval officer - and to make sure she didn't leak the plans for the Normandy landings, the "witch" went to jail.

Okay, six years later that law was repealed, and today there's nothing stopping us from dressing up as witches for Halloween, decorating our homes with cobwebs and bats, buying our kids Ouija boards, and cracking up at witty witchy jokes from various online pages. Like, well, this one on Instagram.

More info: Instagram


    Grinch talking to his dog Max, showcasing sarcasm as the ultimate witchcraft in a humorous scene.

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    Richard Iachetta
    Community Member
    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dogs are better companions than most people, they are great listeners and will never judge you. who wouldn't to be with dogs (or cats or any other pet) than humans

    The page we want to show you today is called 'Rebel Circus,' it has around 440K followers, and we have selected three dozen of the most caustic and cynical jokes that are completely saturated with sarcasm, from over 37K publications.

    These days, we live in a modern world that no longer punishes people for things like witchcraft—but we sometimes tear people down emotionally with sharp, relatable jokes and memes.


    Black and white meme using sarcasm to compare toxic relationships with witchcraft-like charm.

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    Community Member
    1 day ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ahhh… a perennial favorite. William Castle’s original “House on Haunted Hill.”


    It is widely believed that the very concept of "dark humor" was introduced into world culture by the French writer Joris Huysmans at the end of the 19th century, and in the first half of the next century it was already an established term. At the same time, literally the entire history of humanity - especially in the Middle Ages, is almost soaked with dark humor. Well, such is the age, such is the humor...


    Indeed, life in the Dark Ages was far from pleasant, even if you came from the richest strata of the population - and sarcasm and cynicism helped people survive in that world. It's quite enough to remember the carnival traditions, such as "dances of death" or "feasts during the plague."


    If you laugh at something bad, it will not seem so disgusting and scary, right? And there was actually a lot of bad around in those centuries.

    Today, no matter how gross the world around us may seem to us, we still live in very good times. At least we have gotten rid of many diseases that have been the scourge of humanity for centuries, we live much longer than our ancestors, and our standard of living has increased incredibly.


    And humor has also become sharper, more sarcastic and partly even more refined. Don't believe me? Then please scroll through this selection further.

    Perhaps you've already encountered some of the jokes and memes you will see here on the Internet before. But in any case, postmodernism is also a sign of art nowadays, so please treat everything ironically. Just watch and read on, scrolling the list to the end, smile and remember - this world is damn good as long as at least one person in it smiles. Or just giggles...

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    What platform do you enjoy the most for sarcastic content?



