People Are Sharing Photos Of Themselves Weighing The Same But Looking Completely Different, And It’s Inspirational (40 Pics)
A pound isn’t equal to every other pound and a kilogram isn’t the same as every other kilogram. Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? Not quite. People that are the same weight might not be the same size. Composition matters. There’s a huge difference between your body if it’s made up of lots of fat and few muscles and one that’s well-toned, fit, and has less fat.
It’s the story behind the numbers that’s important, not just the numbers themselves. Bored Panda has collected some of the most inspirational and motivational transformations where people post photos of themselves where they weigh the exact same amount, but their bodies look very different. Now if you’ll excuse us, while you’re busy scrolling down and upvoting your fave pics, we’ll be doing squats and lunges because we’re all fired up and need to redistribute our extra quarantine weight, stat! You’ll find our earlier posts about how it’s your lifestyle, not just how much you weigh that matters right here and over here.
Bored Panda wanted to learn more about body composition, weight, fitness, and learning to love our bodies, so we reached out to Paulius Lipskis, a certified personal trainer and physiotherapist, as well as the founder of the 'Mes Geresni' ('We're Better') Facebook page that promotes living a healthy lifestyle. Read on for his insights, dear Pandas!
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There Is Only A 3 Lbs Difference Between These 2 Pics. I've Pretty Much Always Stayed Around 140 Lbs But Have Dropped 7 Pant Sizes Because I Changed My Body Composition
I did it by losing fat and gaining muscle.
These Pics Are 7 Years Apart And I Weigh The Exact Same (140 Lbs) In Both. Isn’t That Crazy? My Body Looks Completely Different But The Scale Reads Them As The Same
Just remember that the scale weighs your fat, muscle, water, blood, organs, everything! My body fat is WAY less on the right and has much more muscle, but the scale doesn’t care.
I Only Lost 2 Lbs. 2 Lbs Total. How Much Weight Of Fat Did I Lose And How Much Weight Of Muscle Did I Gain? I Can Only Guess
Relying on the scale is a dangerous game, likely to leave you hurt. Instead, find other ways to celebrate you and the transformations you go through!
Wow also the look on her face, it looks like it just changes their happiness :D you go girl!
Personal trainer and healthy living expert Paulius told Bored Panda that even though weight is an important factor in our health, it's not the entire story. The focus should be on overcoming harmful diet and movement-related habits and learning to find what types of movement we enjoy, all the while allowing our bodies to adapt. We shouldn't force ourselves to do something we're not comfortable with. "Our bodies can deal with everything by themselves under the right conditions. However, if you want a point of reference, you can get a body composition analysis done which is a cheap option (though it can have some issues with accuracy)."
According to Paulius, learning to love ourselves walks hand-in-hand with noticing what kind of flaws in our thinking dominate our lives. "I can tell you from my professional experience that one of the most common problems is having an 'all-or-nothing' mindset. These people tend to either exercise a lot without taking any breaks or they don't exercise at all," he told Bored Panda.
"This kind of mindset paves the way to letting yourself down and burning out because we think, 'What do you mean I couldn't do it?! Why could others? I obviously need to try harder.' Once you get rid of this point of view, your confidence in our abilities will slowly but surely grow, you'll feel less stress, and that will automatically lead to you loving your own body more."
Same Weight, Different Bodies. 125 Lbs In All Of These Pics. So It's Not Always About The Scale
2 Year Difference And The Same Weight In Both. That’s Right I’ve Gained Weight. But Baby That Smile And Confidence I Got Now Is Something I Dreamed Of Two Years Ago
145 Lbs In Both Pictures
The idea that not all pounds/kilograms are equal follows the same logic as nutrition: not all calories are made equal. After all, the nutrition you gain from eating lean meat, freshly caught fish, and an assortment of colorful veggies will be vastly different than if you munch on M&Ms while chugging soda and cups of syrupy coffee for breakfast. (Not judging anyone, by the way, a lot of us have been there.)
And with the Covid-19 lockdowns still tying us up mostly at home, taking care of our physical and mental health really should be a priority. Easier said than done? Of course! But when it comes to our fitness, every challenge is an opportunity to lead a better, more energetic life and to get more in touch with what our bodies need and want.
Same Weight, Different Body Composition
I'm At The Same Weight I Was Last December
The Same Person, The Same Weight, But The Two Bodies Are Different. Age 34 To Age 36, Both At 63 Kg
How much you weigh isn’t the only thing that’s important when it comes to your health, as these photos have probably already convinced you. The context—the lifestyle that you lead, your body composition, how much you move, and what you eat—is vital if you want to make accurate assumptions about whether or not a person is as healthy as they can be or if they need some help in that area of their life.
There’s no shame in admitting that we’re not as active as we could be or that we might need a helping hand to lose some pounds if we’re currently overweight. (Even if it’s our lifestyle that’s important, there is a limit to how much big you can get without being considered overweight or obese. Even if you aren’t obese, if you’re a 150kg strongman or strongwoman, your joints won’t thank you.) The CDC is very clear on this point: obesity worsens the outcomes from Covid-19.
Proof You Can Weigh The Same And Look Completely Different. 200 Lbs 4 Years Ago And 200 Lbs Today
This women is ripped. I would not mess with her. Like 200lb and a slim bod is pure💪
Why More People Should Focus On The Weight They Lift, More Than The Weight They Lose. Left - 2014, 53 Kg, Right - 2021, 54 Kg
Don't Think You've Changed Much Because Not Much Weight Is Coming Off? Pull Up An Old Pic And Compare It To The Same Shirt Today
The CDC explains that obesity increases the risk of severe illness from Covid-19, triples the risk of hospitalization due to a novel coronavirus infection, and impairs the function of the immune system.
What’s more, obesity decreases lung capacity and makes ventilation more difficult. The CDC also points out that as one’s BMI increases, their risk of death from Covid also rises. Studies have also indicated that obesity may be linked to lower vaccine responses for diseases like influenza, tetanus, and Hepatitis B.
So what can we do to live in a healthy way that lets us enjoy life to the fullest? Well, as former US Paralympian Josh Sundquist, who lost his leg when he was a child, previously told Bored Panda in an interview, the best workout routine that you can do is one that you can do every single day. Consistency is what you should aim for.
For Some Reason My Scale Showed I Gained 5 Lbs Overnight, Instead Of Freaking Out I Took Progress Photos To Show Myself My Progress Has Not Been Lost
I Took The Picture On The Right Today And Compared It To A Picture When I Was The Same Weight. Left And Right Are At 185 Lbs
I’ve been stuck lately. Stuck between 180 - 185 lbs. My lowest has been 175 lbs. I have toned and gained so much strength since the picture on the left. Just when I thought I wasn’t making progress I’m actually killin it!
A Year Difference In The Same Sports Bra, Same Underwear, Same Weight
Changed some of my eating habits. Hitting the gym 2-3 times a week. I have weighed myself almost everyday for the past YEAR & my weight NEVER fluctuated. Stop looking at the number on the scale & look for the differences in the way your body looks & feels. You’d be amazed. I never realized how much my body has changed until the picture on the left came up on my Timehop the other day. No matter how many times you fall off the wagon, get back on & keep pushing!
“Personally, my favorite thing is going on long walks. So that's what works for me. But for someone else, it might be swimming or competitive sports or tai chi. Whatever gets you moving," Sundquist told us.
Going on long walks sounds lovely, doesn’t it? While we might think about how much the pace at which we walk is the most important thing, it’s not the only factor that we should focus on. Where we go for walks is just as essential.
140 Lbs To 140 Lbs. On The Left I Was Binge Eating, Drinking Way Too Much And Had The Worst Mindset When It Came To Food And My Body
In Case You Didn’t Know... The Scale Is A Liar! There Is Exactly A One Pound Difference Between These Two Pictures. One Pound
This, my friends, is precisely why you shouldn’t measure your progress by the scale. Go by pictures and the way your clothes fit.
Five Years At Least Between These Two Photos And I’m Probably About The Same Weight In Each
In a recent article, The Wall Street Journal highlighted the importance of breathing in fresh air out in nature, out in the woods, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Being in nature has a therapeutic effect that many have known about for a long time (what the Japanese call ‘forest bathing’), but it’s only recently that more and more scientists are delving into the field.
In All These Pics I Am The Same Weight (116 Lbs)! Only Difference In The Pics On The Right I Was Eating Clean And Lifting Heavy Weights
Also, I was nursing my son at the time. should explain some of the obvious differences
I’m 140 Lbs In Both Pics Again. I Went From 140 Lbs And A Size 9/10 To 140 Lbs And A Size 2/4. Something Like That Can Happen By Changing Your Body Composition
Would You Believe Me If I Told You I Was About The Same Weight In Both Pics? Body Composition Is Everything
Research has indicated that spending time in forests reduces inflammation, helps fight chronic diseases, and ramps up our bodies’ production of anti-cancer proteins. “People are deciding whether or not this type of coffee bean or that type is better for you, when there is such an obvious health tool at your disposal. You literally just walk outside. People don’t know,” Jared Hanley, co-founder and CEO of NatureQuant, told the WSJ.
2 Years Ago Vs. Now
Feb 1st 2019 - Apr 12th 2019. Happy With The Changes I’m Seeing Weighing Exactly The Same 22 Stone
She Weighs About The Same In Both Pictures! This Is A Prime Example Of Why The Scale Cannot Be The Only Way You Measure Progress
One 2019 study that looked at 20k participants found that spending at least two hours in nature each week leads to better overall health and well-being. The positive effects peak in the 200 to 300 minute per week range. However, being in nature for less than two hours doesn’t appear to have many positive effects.
The Difference Between These 2 Pictures Is 5 Lbs. No, I Didn’t Lose 5 Lbs I Actually Gained Them
This Is Your Friendly Reminder That The Number On The Scale Is Not Important. Picture On The Left: 73.9kg, On The Right: 73.4kg
2 Years And Only 5 Lbs Difference But The Body On The Right Has Been Totally Transformed From The Inside Out
My whole life I have battled with the scale, I have had 100% reliance on it as a reflection of my self-worth but I'm slowly moving beyond that unhealthy relationship! Left Aug 2014 - 128 lbs vs. right Saturday - 123 lbs.
So, dear Pandas, here’s what you should be taking away from this article. Get moving, eat well, consistently do the exercises that you enjoy immensely, and try to spend as much time in nature (tree-lined streets don’t count) as you can. The exact numbers on the scale don’t matter as much as how you honestly feel being inside your own body every day. Love yourselves as you are, but strive to be better every day.
130 Lbs In Both. The Number Isn’t What Always Matters
We put so much emphasis on being a certain weight, a certain pants size, a certain BMI... But ultimately it how you FEEL in your own skin!
That Number On The Scale Is Only A Number. I'm The Same Weight In Both Of These Photos
If I were to let the scale determine my progress I'd just give up already
Progress Photo 5 Months Apart... Same Weight - 140 Lbs
What do you do to stay fit during the quarantine, dear Readers? Do you think that your physical health has improved during the endless lockdowns or the opposite? What's your definition of a healthy and fit person? Share your thoughts and feelings in the comment section below.
Same Weight, Not Same Body. 74 Kg In Both
Would You Believe Me If I Said I Weighed The Exact Same In Both Of These Pictures?
Listen, the scale only measures your relationship with gravity. Here’s what it doesn’t measure: lean muscle mass, body fat, your energy level, your stress, how well you sleep, how you feel about yourself.
Same Weight, Different Fit. You Can't Increase Your Natural Pelvis Size, But You Can Compensate For The Shortcomings With Exercise To Create The Body You Want
I don't think the natural shape of one's body should be called "shortcomings"? And unless you're bodybuilding--so for the average person--exercise will create a difference in the whole body, not targeted spots.
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16 Months Apart, Difference Of 5 Pounds On The Scale, 7 % Decrease In Body Fat. I Lost 5 Pounds Of Fat And Exchanged 11 More Pounds Of Fat For Muscle
Decided To Take The Leap To Prove A Point - The Scale Lies. 2014 - 97 Lbs vs. 2016 - 97 Lbs
Never thought I'd ever share the first picture with anyone! I barely recognize myself! In the first picture, I had been training for a marathon. In fact, it was taken in Santorini just after finishing the Athens Marathon with my hubby (amazing race, btw). Because this was basically our second honeymoon, I'd agreed to let my husband pick out a bathing suit for me, naturally, it was the tiniest one he could find. I was less than comfortable in letting anyone see it - even him! You can imagine what that lack of self-confidence was doing to our marriage. While I was proud that I had gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I still wasn't excited to wear a bathing suit (skinny-fat girl to the T) and I had been fighting hard to look good for this trip! Lol! Clearly, I was doing it all wrong.
I’ve Been Keeping Track Of My Progress Since I’m Officially In Wedding Countdown Mode. Compared These Two Photos Took One Month Apart. 0 Lbs Lost
Don’t get discouraged over the number on the scale. Take that progress photo and clap for yourself for working towards your health.
Same Weight But 2 Years Apart
I've been discouraged lately because my weight loss has been much slower than I expected but after making this observation, I've realized that I've just been too focused with the numbers on the scale.
This one is totally true. Your butt and boobs shrink when you lose weight! Or fat I should say.
Same Weight In Both Pics. This Is Why We Don’t Get Emosh Over Scale Weight. Glutes & Waist Though
Is it just me, or does she seem to be sucking in her stomach in the second photo, and not in the first?
Proof That The Number On The Scale Does Not Always Reflect Progress. There Is A 2.5-Year Difference Here, But The Number On The Scale Is The Same - 130 Lbs
Wow! That's so incredible and inspiring. Almost makes me wanna take my lazy a$$ to the gym :D
Fun fact: Only 8 out of the 80 posts are men's pictures! That's just 10%! Why is a woman's weight so much more of an issue than men's weight?
Because their value isn’t measured with their looks. Women are only validated if they are conventionally attractive.
Load More Replies...Wow! That's so incredible and inspiring. Almost makes me wanna take my lazy a$$ to the gym :D
Fun fact: Only 8 out of the 80 posts are men's pictures! That's just 10%! Why is a woman's weight so much more of an issue than men's weight?
Because their value isn’t measured with their looks. Women are only validated if they are conventionally attractive.
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