If you ever went “oh, a man wrote this” (and I couldn’t count the number of times I have!) while reading a piece of prose, this subreddit community is just for you. “Men Writing Women” is a hugely popular subreddit founded by Meg Vondriska, an advertising social strategist on the East Coast of America, who’s had enough of male authors depicting female characters in an unrealistic, often very sexualized and gendered manner.
“The more I started to notice it in the books I was reading, the more I was frustrated and wanted to talk about it,” she told the press. Today, the subreddit is fully dedicated to sharing samples of “how men who create films, books, TV, and graphic novels characterize women,” and no longer buying into it.
Let’s see what examples the community has busted so far, and after you’re done, be sure to check out part 1 of the article right here.
More info: Twitter | Instagram | MegVondriska.com
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Who Knew Ladies Were Like Capri Suns!
There's also a wee label, much like the sign here sticker on a document. The man gets to keep this and wear it.
Oh How The Turn Tables
“110 Pounds Soaking Wet, With A Heavy Chest And An Ass That Would Get Any Man's Attention”
“Can you ask the waiter for our bill?” “Don’t worry, my ass will do it”
Previously, we spoke to the creator of the “Men Write Women” Twitter page, Meghan Vondriska, about her project that finally busts the sexist depictions of women by male authors. "Women just want to be written as human. That's it. There isn't some wild scientific equation to writing women, and it isn't difficult. Write them as human, with complex feelings, not as body parts that happen to be put together into a feminine form," she commented.
Meghan created this Twitter account in order “to craft a consistent narrative and to build a community that wasn’t hidden behind anonymity,” she said referring to the origins of her project.
Monster Hunter Memoirs: Grunge By Larry Correia And John Ringo. "Narrow Hips That Showed She Was A Virgin" Uh... Excuse Me? I Don't Think You D**k Is Special Enough To Widen Hips
Should Have Put This Up Sooner
A throbbing jazz cafe sounds like a busy place where you probably have to wait ages for your coffee whilst listening to someone doing terrible amateur scat.
I Am Losing My Mind At This Passage
Yeah, having breasts act like flaccid penises is hilarious.
Load More Replies...They aren't testicles they dont withdraw or whatnot when we get in a cold pool 🤦♀️
I wish I could have my boobs withdraw into themselves. Handy when jogging!
Sometimes I get the ol' Sad Boob Syndrome too. I have to coax them back out with chocolate and compliments
If anyone had bothered to tell me that my breast could withdraw themselves I would've bought many more button down shirts.
She should have those breasts checked. Retracted breasts might be a sign of breast cancer.
no wonder I don't have huge tits, they've withdrawn in on themselves because I'm depressed. duhh
So it isn't age, childbearing, or even a bit of gravity that makes them sag ladies...it is when they are depressed! LOL
Where would breasts withdraw into? Do women have a shell on their chest like a turtle?
I have heard that testicles will withdraw into the body for protection, guys.., chest'icals do not work in the same way!
Can I please have a pair that withdraw into themselves whenever emotionaly convenient?
I get what hes trying to write tho, he's trying to say that the person is in a low self esteem and that boob is still the same but feels different because of how the person is feeling. And I don't think women would feel bad enough that they have a warped perception of their boobs, I honestly think big boobed women might be in a very low self-esteem and still realize "At least these boobs are objectively great"
Breats withdraw into themselves?? So like do they just pop out like balloons on a good day then??
Most animals have this when it's not needed, but not humans and not so fast
Literally pulled my neck into a spasm trying not to laugh at this out loud while on my lunch break at my desk.
I wish I had this power anytime it's hot outside or I have to run anywhere. Just tuck these weather puppies away and then pull them out when I'm done.
Sweater not weather. Damn autocorrect and I can't edit it. Oh well..
Load More Replies...How does something like this get published? Doesn't anybody read this s**t before they put it out?
I don't think it means literally withdrew! Think it's trying to make sense of mental feelings by portraying them in a physical form
Sounds like this guy thinks boobs do what d***s do. . . um, nope! Imagine if you needed a smaller-size bra for cold weather?
He needs to un-learn everything he thinks is accurate or not so accurate!
I guess I haven't ever looked hard enough at my breasts to see this happen when crying lol
I have depression and my chest is pretty big (which I don't like, I wish I had a flat chest.)
Neither are morons who think boobs are just chest testes
Load More Replies...Having said that, Meghan believes that there are excellent male writers who can indeed write women. "Terry Pratchett is wonderful, and I've yet to see a submission from Michael Crichton." Meghan added that she’s a Pratchett fan.
"Pay attention to what you're reading, and who you're reading. You have to make sure your bookshelf isn't made up of just men. Add in some spice—some female authors, some nonbinary authors, authors of color. And lastly, just because you were assigned a book in high school, doesn't mean its good!"
Vintage Wonder Woman Is Something Else
Not A Description Per Se But I Feel Like It Definitely Has The Spirit Of This Sub
Is-... Is She A Gecko?
These Examples Of Bad Writing From The Latest New Yorker Issue Killed Me
“Occasional Vaginal Discharge” You Mean That Thing That Everyone With A Vagina Gets And Is Completely Natural All Of The Time?
"Oh noooo, not the thing keeping my vagina clean of infections and making sex enjoyable. How awful." *sarcasm ends*
Just Saw This And It Reminded Me Of This Sub
I love the mental image of a man lordly standing in front of the porcelain throne, conjuring thunderous splashings of pee while mine has to find its way through the maze of my innards. He gets to majestically drown the rubber ducks - I have to pray my liquids don't take an internal wrong turn and end up in the nose.
Vaginas Are Just Quick-Access Pockets. Santa Fe Edge By Stuart Woods
This Is How Women Cope With Loss According To Haruki Marukami (1q84, An International Best Seller)
Forget Alarm Clocks
As A Woman Who Totally Is Not Donald Trump Himself
Pants So Tight You Could Read The Expiration Date Of A Credit Card
A Man Describing His Dream Woman [“The Dark Forest”, Cixin Liu]
Book Is ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ By Ian Fleming
Keeping Your Emotions In Your Nipples Since 1980 (Number Of The Beast, Robert A. Heinlein)
Ew. Summer Knight By Jim Butcher
"Not How Sex Works" From "Ritual" By David Pinner, Plus Generic Nipples
[the Things They Carried By Tim O'brien] Reading A Book For English Class And Found These...
I’m Speechless??
Yes, Because I Really Need To Know That The Lost 9yr Old Doesn't Have Breasts. Thanks, Stephen King
Every Adjective I Could Come Up With To Describe How Reading Things Makes Me Feel Pales In Comparison To This Monstrosity Of A Paragraph
“Women” By Charles Bukowski. I Could Highlight The Whole Book
I've never understood why anyone would read the second sentence of anything Bukowski wrote.
Is She Really A Woman If Her Boobs Are Not Described?
Ah yes, another tragic loss in the age-old Battle of the Breasts, this time to those perfidious adversaries Age and Gravity. Will this world ever emerge victorious, with all women gloriously endowed with perfect figures? Or will men have to continue the nightmare existence of crying at the sight of a woman who is clearly having a Pretty Bad Day?
Oh My.. (Shane Dawson, I Hate Myselfie)
Not only is the description ridiculous, I would think for a musical casting director, voice should matter first and looks second.
I’m Just On Page 3 Of This Book, And This Is The Detective’s First Thoughts On The Mother Of A Kidnapped Child
These men don't even see women as persons, they see them as jumble of lips, boobs, butt and big eyes or whatever. According to them we have no personalities, no character, no values other than our bodies, or even just by body parts, and possibly virginity. It's so gross how they perceive one whole gender as just "walking desirable parts" and even think that we perceive ourselves in the same way. Gross!
100 percent agreed. Maybe authors should understand that women are people, before they try to write them. Also, that vaginas are not easily accessible pockets that we use for things.
Load More Replies...When I took a Women's Literature in college the teacher began by reading a paragraph by Norman Mailer (who I am surprised is not represented here). It literally said that only someone with testicles could be a good writer. I muttered to the woman next to me, "Maybe we should cut off Norman Mailer's balls and see if he can still write." Her loud laugh prompted the teacher to ask me what I'd said and when I repeated it she said, "You're going to do okay in this class."
Some of these should not have been allowed to be published. I‘m against censorship, and I don’t care about some idiot‘s opinion on women, but matters like paedophilia should not be portrayed as normal/acceptable.
It shouldn't be acceptable but, sadly, it's normal ("normal" here meaning things that exist and occurs with alarming regularity). And yes, it should be allowed to be published. Even in fiction we need to face the darker sides of humanity.
Load More Replies...Mostly perverts writing for other perverts. Who else would buy this rubbish?
They truly are a different species. It's a wonder we can procreate.
Load More Replies...Two years ago I had both my breasts removed because of cancer. Now I'm wondering how I did it all this time. I mean, I lost my moral barometer, my personal alarm clock and my pitbulls.
This really helps me feel like I can finish my book. Not a single sentence about sad or pouting breast
The saddest aspect is not the bizarre, worrying perception of women (both anatomically and psychologically), but that all of these writers think that they are being oh-so-clever and creative. Not just 'think' it, but almost certainly believe deeply in their writing prowess. If that wasn't the case, they would have thrown it out as unmitigated sh1te just ten seconds after first typing it!
Okay now I know there are in fact male authors out there who are actually awesome and write women in a great way and actually see us as people. But because of way too many examples of this, there's a reason almost any book I read, I tend to prefer female authors just so I can stay clear of crap like this.
Can you give me some examples for male authors who write women well? Because I honestly can only think of authors that very obviously don't and authors that are just about okay.
Load More Replies...There is literally no word to describe how disgusted, angry, and disappointed I am in all these writers.
Dear lawd, they were awful and I see a lot of these were written during (how can put this politely) a less 'enlightened' time... But to balance things up a little - "Fifty Shades Of Grey"
Fair point. Fifty Shades of Are You Effing Kidding me?! was my response to just the book description.
Load More Replies...Y'nkow, they have this crazy thing called "a writer's guide to anatomy". These writers might want to find it to get their heads out of their fundamental posterior orifices.
Basic sex ed in school would fix a lot of their misunderstandings
Load More Replies...I was wondering when this subreddit would show up in here. It's one of my favorites. Seriously, go join. You will not be disappointed
... and when her vagina started clapping, he knew he had performed extraordinarily well (partially autobiographically).
how is this not upvoted more? I almost fell of my chair laughing 🤣🤣🤣
Load More Replies...She was tall and athletic, all muscle a sinew. Her breasts were a little too small for her frame, but it suited her. She started toward me, hips swinging seductively, and...wait, are you forty? Jesus, I was almost attracted to you. And with that the ancient hag throat punched the author and went on her merry way.
It's not only sad that there are authors that think like that and write their thoughts down for the public to read! it's also extremely sad and infuriating that there are always editors that say "Yeah that's perfect let's publish it".
Yes, and presumably at least a few people who buy it :-(
Load More Replies...I'm in my 50s, but I still have yet to master how to purse, flex, or recess my breasts at will. Live and learn, I guess... /s
You have no idea how much worse web novels can do. I've read a book where a woman had put a gun into her ... "pocket" and casually brought it out to use it and put it back on. A f*****g GUN, a pistol, in her vagina! God, why? xD
Load More Replies...Or even Vines & Rees, Human Biology. Just chapters 22 and 23.
Load More Replies...All the examples were sh*t writing... there was nothing worth reading at all (this besides all the other problematic issues of pedophilia, rape, objectification etc. which should have led to none of these ever being published)
One of the things I find most disturbing about this gallery is that it almost certainly can't have been just the authors. I would imagine for most authors, there are editors, agents, proofreaders, spouses, friends, secretaries... any number of people who see a novel before publication. Did not one of them notice this crap? Did the editor(s) read this and say "hmmmm... nipples can be pursed? Never noticed that before..." Were they too afraid of the author to speak up? Maybe they were women, too busy worrying about their pursing, pointing, signaling nipples to be taken seriously.
Sometimes I worry that my character descriptions aren't so great, but at least I'm not gratuitously describing what everyone's tits look like.
I had an idea for a book, but the protagonist would have to be female. Although I'm not as clueless as these authors (I understand that a vagina is not a money purse), I know I'd get it completely wrong.
You can always ask people how to write, don't let missing knowledge stop you, you can still learn
Load More Replies...I'm surprised Robert Heinlein didn't make it into this list. His rampant sexism is really remarkable.
the buwoski one really surprised me. I mean I used to admire him but not anymore.
Meghan hasn't gotten a submissIon from Michael Crichton. Perhaps because he DIED in 2008.
But his books still exist. I don't think the authors submit their own writing to the "Isn't this writing terrible" sub-reddit.
Load More Replies...Yes, that's exactly it. You're very clever as you seem to have grasped perfectly what this articke is about.
Load More Replies...It's not about that - it's about these authors' lack of basic anatomical knowledge (we can't "purse" or "flex" our breasts, for example - they don't have muscles in them), and their tendency to objectify women as a collection of body parts. It would be equally valid to have a thread about women writers who were similarly ignorant - maybe you could create one?
Load More Replies...By all means post it then, bored panda lets its users post entries
Load More Replies...These men don't even see women as persons, they see them as jumble of lips, boobs, butt and big eyes or whatever. According to them we have no personalities, no character, no values other than our bodies, or even just by body parts, and possibly virginity. It's so gross how they perceive one whole gender as just "walking desirable parts" and even think that we perceive ourselves in the same way. Gross!
100 percent agreed. Maybe authors should understand that women are people, before they try to write them. Also, that vaginas are not easily accessible pockets that we use for things.
Load More Replies...When I took a Women's Literature in college the teacher began by reading a paragraph by Norman Mailer (who I am surprised is not represented here). It literally said that only someone with testicles could be a good writer. I muttered to the woman next to me, "Maybe we should cut off Norman Mailer's balls and see if he can still write." Her loud laugh prompted the teacher to ask me what I'd said and when I repeated it she said, "You're going to do okay in this class."
Some of these should not have been allowed to be published. I‘m against censorship, and I don’t care about some idiot‘s opinion on women, but matters like paedophilia should not be portrayed as normal/acceptable.
It shouldn't be acceptable but, sadly, it's normal ("normal" here meaning things that exist and occurs with alarming regularity). And yes, it should be allowed to be published. Even in fiction we need to face the darker sides of humanity.
Load More Replies...Mostly perverts writing for other perverts. Who else would buy this rubbish?
They truly are a different species. It's a wonder we can procreate.
Load More Replies...Two years ago I had both my breasts removed because of cancer. Now I'm wondering how I did it all this time. I mean, I lost my moral barometer, my personal alarm clock and my pitbulls.
This really helps me feel like I can finish my book. Not a single sentence about sad or pouting breast
The saddest aspect is not the bizarre, worrying perception of women (both anatomically and psychologically), but that all of these writers think that they are being oh-so-clever and creative. Not just 'think' it, but almost certainly believe deeply in their writing prowess. If that wasn't the case, they would have thrown it out as unmitigated sh1te just ten seconds after first typing it!
Okay now I know there are in fact male authors out there who are actually awesome and write women in a great way and actually see us as people. But because of way too many examples of this, there's a reason almost any book I read, I tend to prefer female authors just so I can stay clear of crap like this.
Can you give me some examples for male authors who write women well? Because I honestly can only think of authors that very obviously don't and authors that are just about okay.
Load More Replies...There is literally no word to describe how disgusted, angry, and disappointed I am in all these writers.
Dear lawd, they were awful and I see a lot of these were written during (how can put this politely) a less 'enlightened' time... But to balance things up a little - "Fifty Shades Of Grey"
Fair point. Fifty Shades of Are You Effing Kidding me?! was my response to just the book description.
Load More Replies...Y'nkow, they have this crazy thing called "a writer's guide to anatomy". These writers might want to find it to get their heads out of their fundamental posterior orifices.
Basic sex ed in school would fix a lot of their misunderstandings
Load More Replies...I was wondering when this subreddit would show up in here. It's one of my favorites. Seriously, go join. You will not be disappointed
... and when her vagina started clapping, he knew he had performed extraordinarily well (partially autobiographically).
how is this not upvoted more? I almost fell of my chair laughing 🤣🤣🤣
Load More Replies...She was tall and athletic, all muscle a sinew. Her breasts were a little too small for her frame, but it suited her. She started toward me, hips swinging seductively, and...wait, are you forty? Jesus, I was almost attracted to you. And with that the ancient hag throat punched the author and went on her merry way.
It's not only sad that there are authors that think like that and write their thoughts down for the public to read! it's also extremely sad and infuriating that there are always editors that say "Yeah that's perfect let's publish it".
Yes, and presumably at least a few people who buy it :-(
Load More Replies...I'm in my 50s, but I still have yet to master how to purse, flex, or recess my breasts at will. Live and learn, I guess... /s
You have no idea how much worse web novels can do. I've read a book where a woman had put a gun into her ... "pocket" and casually brought it out to use it and put it back on. A f*****g GUN, a pistol, in her vagina! God, why? xD
Load More Replies...Or even Vines & Rees, Human Biology. Just chapters 22 and 23.
Load More Replies...All the examples were sh*t writing... there was nothing worth reading at all (this besides all the other problematic issues of pedophilia, rape, objectification etc. which should have led to none of these ever being published)
One of the things I find most disturbing about this gallery is that it almost certainly can't have been just the authors. I would imagine for most authors, there are editors, agents, proofreaders, spouses, friends, secretaries... any number of people who see a novel before publication. Did not one of them notice this crap? Did the editor(s) read this and say "hmmmm... nipples can be pursed? Never noticed that before..." Were they too afraid of the author to speak up? Maybe they were women, too busy worrying about their pursing, pointing, signaling nipples to be taken seriously.
Sometimes I worry that my character descriptions aren't so great, but at least I'm not gratuitously describing what everyone's tits look like.
I had an idea for a book, but the protagonist would have to be female. Although I'm not as clueless as these authors (I understand that a vagina is not a money purse), I know I'd get it completely wrong.
You can always ask people how to write, don't let missing knowledge stop you, you can still learn
Load More Replies...I'm surprised Robert Heinlein didn't make it into this list. His rampant sexism is really remarkable.
the buwoski one really surprised me. I mean I used to admire him but not anymore.
Meghan hasn't gotten a submissIon from Michael Crichton. Perhaps because he DIED in 2008.
But his books still exist. I don't think the authors submit their own writing to the "Isn't this writing terrible" sub-reddit.
Load More Replies...Yes, that's exactly it. You're very clever as you seem to have grasped perfectly what this articke is about.
Load More Replies...It's not about that - it's about these authors' lack of basic anatomical knowledge (we can't "purse" or "flex" our breasts, for example - they don't have muscles in them), and their tendency to objectify women as a collection of body parts. It would be equally valid to have a thread about women writers who were similarly ignorant - maybe you could create one?
Load More Replies...By all means post it then, bored panda lets its users post entries
Load More Replies...